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Rathuum feedback by D20 : a chore.


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47 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

this is where there is a problem. if you cant run the event with any frame choice its broken. this event acts much like some of the previous events showing a glaring problem with needing invincibility wether it be ash or wukong or valkyr take any caster and the deth drones one shot you take any frame with low armor and the deth drones or the sniper or drakgoon guy one shots you. its high armor/invicibility or die alot. that is not a choice. oh and please try not to validate bullet sponges they are a terrible way to define challenge in all video games.

100% agreed, the event is terribly designed not even taking into account the absurdly broken deth drones. But I want my napalm ogris and thus I (and many other players) are simply choosing the path of least resistance.

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6 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Good points and I agree: the mode isn't bad, per SE. I think it will get old fast, but it's not bad.

But the cheap, one shot deaths; the bullet sponges; invulnerable phases on non bosses; teleporting, invisible enemies, and those drones.

All that utterly ruins it.

you forget to put fast countdown on Orbital bombardment... it so annoying.. -_-

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I agree with you alot D20, but here are my own thoughts below:

The Enemies:

Rollers: The Armored Rollers & Normal Rollers, need to be removed from the event, or the hole game itself, they are a unfun and annoying enemy type, nerf them to the ground or change them into something else.

Roller-Turrets: The new type of Roller-Turrets are super cool, one caught me by srupise, and didn't kown what they where, they remind me alot of the star-wars roller drones, that unpack into turrets. This shuold be a permanent enemy, and replace all kinds of Rollers.

Sniper & Shotgun: D20, pretty much sums it up, what shuold change.

Kavat & Dog Spawners: how fast they can spawn their pets, needs to be nerfed, no qeastion about it.


The Event: The even was very enjoyable and I wish it was a perm thing, where we can stay in a endless mission and fight, its like PvE-Mixed PvP, however the Boss needs to be nerfed, with the Rollers removed & the Air-strike damage nerfed or removed.


All, my thoughts on this so far


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yeah just one pellet touches you and poof dead.. I wonder just out of curiosity if DE tested these with the lowest armor/ shields/heath frames before releasing... oh well I think we all know the answer to that.

as for losing your life on the first fight with kela that's just a frustrating thing to endure for what it is.

Edited by ranks21
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10 minutes ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

As far as this event, I know there is a lot of discussion about the types of frames/weapons that are necessary to complete the maps, the grind, the rewards, etc.  But when all that is over, what's left is the game play, and that was very fun (in the first two stages, at any rate). 

Agreed that it was fun for the first two stages. I honestly had a lot of fun during the first couple rounds that I played. The enemies were unique and seemed to have AI that was different then the standard "Tenno, shoot" logic. Problem is that it is the third stage that it becomes a grind. For the first two stages, you only needed to repeat the stage 2-3 times to get to the next level but to go from stage 3 to the boss fight, you need to beat the third stage 9 times. This grind becomes even worse when you aren't using a cheese method as the third stage is quite hard and the random detriment can make it almost impossible. For example, the enemy scaling detriment makes the already strong enemies even stronger by the end (my 25th kill was an enemy level 108). While this isn't bad with proper equipment, going in to a mission with what was supposed to be only level 60 enemies and fighting enemies almost twice that is annoying at best. Added to that, receiving only 10 points from completing that challenge makes it worse. 

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I am not a fan of enemies that are bullet or melee spounges (pretty sure If I slide attack a high level grineer with a Boltace with Viral and Radiation damage, it should do enough damage to either kill it twice over or greviously injure it, instead, they barely even register it)

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I appreciate DE's attempt to diversify with this event - there exists a dire need for greater depth of content in all of the game modes and this can only be a step in the right direction.

However, I have to agree there is something getting lost in translation somewhere between what the player base wants and enjoys, and what ends up being the end product. In this case I'm referring to the 50point penalty occurring after every Kela kill. 

It's tolerable for me because I enjoy killing Grinners, but I can easily see how people find this to be a step too far. It needs to go a little bit back to basics, and what people actually find fun in games. Let people repeat round 3 (x5) if they want to, perhaps for specific rewards that don't drop at any other part of the event - but don't enforce it on them every single time they want to fight the boss.

If I didn't enjoy the game I wouldn't play it, so my opinions certainly don't come anywhere close to 'Dev-bashing'. However there comes a point when tolerating significant aspects of the game shouldn't really be standard - even if you take into account that you can't please everyone all of the time.

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I dont have any problem with the difficulty, you must stay mobile and be aware of your surroundings, probably a lot of players are used to play passively in PvE, the guy with the drakgoon does a significant damage even at long range so i suppose that could use some changes.

There was also a post from Rebecca not too much ago about rathuum, including more points per mission and other changes, so it will get less repetitive eventually.


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3 minutes ago, Rhaenxys said:

I dont have any problem with the difficulty, you must stay mobile and be aware of your surroundings, probably a lot of players are used to play passively in PvE, the guy with the drakgoon does a significant damage even at long range so i suppose that could use some changes.

There was also a post from Rebecca not too much ago about rathuum, including more points per mission and other changes, so it will get less repetitive eventually.


there is no way to play PVE passively it is always played aggressively. do not excuse being one shot by chopping it up to needing to move around ive never been in a match where people just stood around doing nothing. deth drone pass by you its an insta unless you are invincible or extremely tanky and thats a fact.

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1 minute ago, EinheriarJudith said:

there is no way to play PVE passively it is always played aggressively. do not excuse being one shot by chopping it up to needing to move around ive never been in a match where people just stood around doing nothing. deth drone pass by you its an insta unless you are invincible or extremely tanky and thats a fact.

By "passively" i mean with little effort, in regular PvE there is a lot of CC effects and more tools to use, also most enemies there are a minor threat so is pretty much just aim and shot.

Except for those guys with drakgoons? im not getting any one shot with most average frames, remaining in the air is a good tactic to avoid those deth drones, i was using mirage and mesa just fine with no problems, that is in tier 3 rathuum, endless is a completely new history.

CC powers have 0 effect and most frames focused on CC have bad defensive stats and are dependant on their CC to survive, thats why rathuum is so focused on survivability or very high damage frames.

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13 minutes ago, Rhaenxys said:

I dont have any problem with the difficulty, you must stay mobile and be aware of your surroundings, probably a lot of players are used to play passively in PvE, the guy with the drakgoon does a significant damage even at long range so i suppose that could use some changes.

There was also a post from Rebecca not too much ago about rathuum, including more points per mission and other changes, so it will get less repetitive eventually.


Problem is that being aware and mobile can still get you one shotted. I've been playing as Zephyr and the one match I was moving and had Turbulence up and still was insta-killed by the sniper executioner. 

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16 minutes ago, Rhaenxys said:

By "passively" i mean with little effort, in regular PvE there is a lot of CC effects and more tools to use, also most enemies there are a minor threat so is pretty much just aim and shot.

Except for those guys with drakgoons? im not getting any one shot with most average frames, remaining in the air is a good tactic to avoid those deth drones, i was using mirage and mesa just fine with no problems, that is in tier 3 rathuum, endless is a completely new history.

CC powers have 0 effect and most frames focused on CC have bad defensive stats and are dependant on their CC to survive, thats why rathuum is so focused on survivability or very high damage frames.

the enemies that are minor threat are grunts which are supposed to be minor threats anyway. using CC doesnt make the play passive it makes playing in certain situations possible where it wouldnt be. there is never a bad time to use CC. CC duration is a whole different story which has nothing to do with this anyway since CC is disabled. high damage is incorrect. mesa is a high damage frame and i still have to use high damage weapons like tonkor or penta to even get through the armor if no one is using CP which in most cases if people are using survival frames like wu kong and valkyr or excal that is out of the question some of the other high damage frames still get wrecked. 

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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2 hours ago, Zoracraft said:

The "I wish they had been upfront" part is what bothers me. They hyped this event up so much, and in the end it's basically pvp trash. There is so little difference that the f-ing conclave symbol is on the end of mission screen. This event was dishonest and, quite frankly, disheartening.

Wow, I didn't even realize they left that on there. It's pretty pathetic, imo.

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1 hour ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

PvP, during which i was cannon fodder for the vastly more experienced players who were using me for XP points.  PvP in WF was NOT fun.  This event was. 

Instead of being cannon fodder for players, I'm cannon fodder for the one-shot-kill, bullet-sponge NPCs. Pretty much the same experience for me. Neither PvP nor this event are fun for me.

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8 minutes ago, AntoineFlemming said:

Instead of being cannon fodder for players, I'm cannon fodder for the one-shot-kill, bullet-sponge NPCs. Pretty much the same experience for me. Neither PvP nor this event are fun for me.

level 3 was pretty irritating, but if you cheesed weapons or frames it worked.  i unloaded a full mag of V Hek rounds into a bot and it grinned at me and then killed me.  

after that match, i loaded up with cheese, knocked them down with sonicor and stepped on them with tonkor.  the only players who were getting kills in level 3 were running tonkor, SS or S Tigris. One match there were three tonkor, one SS and four sonicors, along with an ash, a mirage, a val and a rhino (me)

Edited by DeadlyPeanutt
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