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Coming Soon: Devstream #74!


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14 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

That is because Vauban parts are from alerts, which some people also disapprove of.
Vauban is not impossible to obtain, it can be obtain through alerts for those who played for a long time. And it can be brought from the market with Plat(for those with lot of Plat).
If Vauban parts were to be changed to be obtainable from other means(for example, dropped from Vor), would you still disagree and why?

Lore reasons. The Prime Warframes are precursors to the normal Warframes that were created by the Orokin. The Orokin did not have the "default" Warframes, so by your logic, they could not have created the Prime Warframes. And if your argument is that we lost the knowledge to make the Prime items, so we are using the non-prime variant as a base, the Prime Warframes have BLUEPRINTS, which outline how to build them, thus, the base Warframes aren't necessary.

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No questions for the team. Only wanted to say Thank you for doing and keeping up such awesome work. And I'd also like to comment that I sincerly hope that the fae themed warframe will end up being named Titania, for the simple reason that it'd be so awesome to have the first Worframe couple/pair, and let's face it the King needs His Queen.

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1, when the nvidia pascal launch, is there any chance warframe can support the nvidia ansel ?

2. can we get more fix for UI on display with 21:9 ratio screen ?

some of stretched UI  that i found for now..










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Exo-Arms, everybody forgot about this, it was shown during Pax. Any news on that?

Is there a cap to Volt's passive build up damage?
If the damage is released whenever Volt deals damage. Can it be used on a Dive kick?
then... Will Volt become Kamen Rider Volt?

Augment Suggestion: Hud Shield
When looking through the shield, enemies will display their weak spots and be visible if behind walls.

Edited by Duduminador
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Any word or estimate on Excalibur Umbra's release date?

Is there a chance of fighting the Non-Shadow Stalker after Second Dream?

Will we be finding out what the Infestation is from in our ship sooner rather than later?

How will "replaying Quest" work?

Any chance that the "un-released" mods from the transmute bug will be actually released?

Any news of the Twin Queens showing up in game?

When could we be getting the New Star Chart?

that is all i can think of right now.

Edited by (PS4)DarkHarmonixer
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  1. Given the size of the excavation maps and the fact that we are often running back and forth between the same excavator spawning points, would the devs consider implementing something like the dojo teleporter as a craftable gear item into the main game?
  2. Can we please have a way of hiding/marking mods that we have on our sentinel weapon. With an ABC loadout on both a primary weapon and sentinel weapon i often find myself getting the error message that they're both using the same mod. (Can be really annoying when remodding after applying forma).
  3. Several dev streams ago Steve talked about rewarding players more for each mastery level achieved (possibly even with slots). Any further developments/ideas on this?
  4. Are we going to be able at some point to upgrade or modify any of the other liset systems like we could with the incubator upgrade segment? I think i remember in one stream the devs were talking about being able to upgrade the foundry to reduce crafting times or to be able to craft multiples of items.
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1 hour ago, Duduminador said:

Exo-Arms, everybody forgot about this, it was shown during Pax. Any news on that?

Is there a cap to Volt's passive build up damage?
If the damage is released whenever Volt deals damage. Can it be used on a Dive kick?
then... Will Volt become Kamen Rider Volt?

Augment Suggestion: Hud Shield
When looking through the shield, enemies will display their weak spots and be visible if behind walls.

Waaaait, don't you think that's too op? Invulnerability with the shield+wallhacks?

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1 hour ago, Mich4e1 said:
  1. Given the size of the excavation maps and the fact that we are often running back and forth between the same excavator spawning points, would the devs consider implementing something like the dojo teleporter as a craftable gear item into the main game?


Edited by GarnetSan
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7 hours ago, Jeahanne said:

I think he means the relays that we had before they were destroyed in the first Fomorian Attack. There was an event for it, I forget the name of it now. I think he means will we ever get the chance to rebuild those relays.

I'd say a huge comunity effort to rebuild would be awesome. And a panel in the end with the people who contributed resources

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21 minutes ago, GarnetSan said:


Speaking of gear, I once had 3 ideas for gear.

1. Something along the lines of an air support charge available to all landing crafts, which would deploy your Archwing for you to use. You could use the Archwing for a short amount of time, but it would end prematurely if the Archwing was destroyed.

2. For people who played way too many F.P.S. games. The gear item can not be consumed, and would change the camera to a 1st person view if it was equipped. Taking the gear item off would revert back to the normal 3rd person mode.

3. A Sentinel Reconstructor that would take about 20s to rebuild your Sentinel. I was considering having you defend the Reconstructor until the reconstruction is finished, and if the Reconstructor was destroyed, you would have to consume another one if you still wanted your Sentinel back. Not sure wether or not it would be placed where you were standing or where your Sentinel was destroyed though.

Edited by ElectronX_Core
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In a past Devstream , the devs were asked about potentially changing the sentinels in such a way that would balance out the number of players that use different sentinels (due to the overwhelming majority of players that use Carrier and Carrier Prime over any other sentinel). During that Devstream, the discussion didn’t really go anywhere because the only 2 options seemed to be either to buff the other, less-used sentinels to make them as useful as Carrier or to give all of the sentinels the Vacuum precept. Neither of these ideas went over very well and the reason the devs did not like giving every sentinel the Vacuum precept is because that is what makes Carrier “Carrier”.

Multiple threads have popped up discussing this as it is still a huge problem. There has been one idea thrown around that many players seem to really like and I would like to know if the devs would give it any consideration:

  1. Give every sentinel the passive ability to Vacuum loot just as Carrier does now.

  2. Alongside Carrier’s now passive Vacuum ability, Carrier would store excess items you pick up and then efficiently give them to you when you need them. If you have full energy, using an ability will cause Carrier to drop an energy orb on you. If you take enough damage, Carrier will drop the equivalent health orbs on you. If you reload, Carrier will give you that much ammo back.

The devs didn’t like taking away Carrier’s uniqueness and giving it to all other sentinels. This new idea actually fits Carrier better because it would now “carry” excess items for you.

Many players have complained that they don’t use Carrier because they don’t like being forced to waste resources they don’t need when Carrier brings it to them. This would solve that problem as well and give Carrier a new identity as a resource efficient storage sentinel.

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What bout weapons that have low MR req but a ridiculously op and those who have high/ moderate MR req and are underwhelming ?


mentioned and hotly discussed " mandatory mod reworks" that will came with Weapon re-balance and " evolution " with Enemy scaling reworks - are plans for implementing those are advanced or are still on paper ?

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  1. Is operator able to walk at all and when we will see him/her wakling/running/jumping? (And i want to be able to do it outside of LUNARO)
  2. With 18.11.0 Ash, Banshee and Oberon got 4th ability augment. When are others frames going to get 4th Ability Augment?
  3. Are other weapons going to get Syndicate Augments?
  4. Melee Syndcate Weapons. When?

EDIT: I forgot something. Last devstream you showed us new gunblade. When will I be able to use it? Also MORE GUNBLADES PLS

Edited by HawkBlade94
Forgot to include question about gunblades
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release timelines !!! the most interesting point for me because i like real expiriences for new content instead of watching stories ^^))))))))

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when will tennogen items be available to buy with outside of steam ? preferable in game via platinum 

as per

We are keeping the content to Steam right now - once we are confident the program is a success, we are exploring other platforms with the content creators. Contracts outside of Steam take time, and we will approach this as quickly as we can once we get a sense of participation in the program.

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We got Moon Spy.(one mission, Pavlov). Does that cancel the opportunity to get tier I to IV Orokin Spy missions?

Stealth in this game needs to be more rewarding as an alternate playstyle in order to have different & viable types of gameplay (some people absolutely hate to Draco/spam powers in endless missions & would like interesting ersatz for it), so it'd be a great chance to solve that issue.

Edited by unknow99
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When I first started playing warframe the invasions actually meant something happened on the star chart. When the grineer invaded a corpus node and won that node was theirs. They could then expand outwards from that node. Will this ever make a return now that the beacons for vay'hek are no longer a thing? As that stopped when the special grineer gaurdsman came out.

Also, is there any news on the changes to Ash?

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