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Coming Soon: Devstream #74!


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22 minutes ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

will you guys look at reworking some of the lesser focus school passives and abilites to bring them p to par with Zenurik and Naramon?

Zenurik is amazing. Combine it with Ivara's Artemis bow and you're pretty much unstoppable 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)zenoe1562 said:

Zenurik is amazing. Combine it with Ivara's Artemis bow and you're pretty much unstoppable 



however, i would love to see Unairu, and the other less use schools, be brought up to par. that is the school i started with because i liked how it sounded and i like the petrify aspect of it, but it fails (hard in comparison to Zen and Nar.

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The Decisive Judgement nikana stance is one of the only stances which change the idle animations of the weapon it is attached to. Would you consider doing something similar when making stances in the future? For instance a reverse grip hold for one handed blades & daggers, or a one handed grip for axes and hammers.

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Passive:  can stack "spell" for cast one free.

He won one stack per spell all 10/15/25/40 s time is for each spell like number order.


-Other fact,  tesla need more damage and less energy to use it a lot.

Change: more active spell you have, more powerfull they are (on %).


Simple exemple but i think is a good way.

Edited by PervertionTotal
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  First question:

  After waiting more than six months for their implementation, Bursas have been terribly underwhelming, and their addition seems marred by a lack of thought or effort overall. They've tried to force variety by splitting into three variants with an overwhelming degree of powers, made worse by a high spawn rate. Their color schemes look rushed at best. Their invulnerable shields were supposed to be countered by slow movement, allowing Tenno to get behind them and take them out. But due to poor planning, their fast movement and animation speed counter their only weakness. All of this is made even worse when compared to additions like the Juggernaut, who's been built with real intention and purpose. Can we count on Bursas getting some love, soon?

  Second question:

  The Kubrow AI fixes in Update 18.5 haven't done enough to cement a Kubrow's place at a veteran's side. Nothing's been done to fix their ludicrously aggressive AI. They ruin stealth runs by going wild after a Tenno gets a stealth kill. Breeds like the Sunika and Raksa's powers are underwhelming, and don't make a significant impact on the battlefield. Incoming Kavats make me worry that Kubrows will be forgotten in favor of new companions. Is Kubrow AI and functionality going to get looked at in the near future?

  Third question:

  Warframe's ambition seems to be getting out of hand. Archwing is unfinished, and we've gotten Focus. Kubrows need a lot of work, and yet Kavats are on the way. New skins and cosmetics come steadily, yet most of the game's visuals haven't gotten a PBR update. New weapons are added before old ones are buffed, and new Warframes come faster than reworks. New content comes pouring in, yet the game's older foundation goes untended too often. What can we expect in the way of old content being finished?

  Fourth question:

  Movement 2.0 still has a few kinks in the system. Wall latching and bullet-jumping don't have a noticeable effect on projectile accuracy, and wall latch's camera placement right behind a Warframe's back is awkward at best. Will Movement 2.0 be getting a tune-up?

  Fifth question:

  Conclave is one of the most comprehensively awful, boring, unfair, and not-fun PVP modes I've ever played. Weapon balance is awful; automatic weapons can seriously outpace bows, which struggle to make a mark due to bad damage, unrestricted movement, arrow drop, and flight speed. Warframe balance is bad too; a skilled Tenno completely dominating their opponent can get cheesed with an auto-aiming ability, like Shuriken or Spectral Scream. Lastly, movement in Conclave is awful; if a Tenno is getting outplayed, they can just Bullet Jump to the other side of the map in seconds, dragging a single fight out forever.

  Sixth, and final question:

  Will Volt's Speed ability be changed so it affects Movement 2.0 moves? An electric boost to speed and distance on Bullet Jump would be great. (So would removing the awful FOV distortion.)

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just askin will there ever be a bigger sqaud 2 join like lor cuz the prob  many off my friends  will join me 2 play  but its a 4 sqaud i hope there will be ever 8 players or 6 will be fine and kubrow comands  would be awesume its a awesume game warframe  i have so many ideas but the 1 i hope 4 is more companions more different enemies  and more new tiles   more challenges more things in dojo  i help alloted people on console ps4 so im a busy man but i like it as a mastery 21 player ill always helpin new players progressing   much respect and greeetings awesume warframe DE  does every update a good job keep going  much love and respect lentino

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Were the stats of the Stradavar a preemptive measure for the upcoming damage/enemy scaling changes/rework? Will the damage rework help make the Stradavar stronger, and more worth the Mastery Rank requirement of 8? (Question also applies to other weapons that are fairly underwhelming for their MR requirement.)

As a related side question, how are the damage/enemy scaling changes so far? Does it look promising or are there major tweaks still being discussed and developed? Any sort of news would be great!

Keep up the good work, DE!


EDIT: Added little side note in the parenthesis

Edited by Maxx1220
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Question: Steve posted a archwing prototype movement system on twitter (vine) that showed 6 degrees of freedom. If this is to go live, would the map be able to keep up? or would switching to a navball type "map" be a possibility?

(like a semi-sphere with dots for enemies in front and open circles for enemies behind and such)

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I know you have your hands full already and I'm waiting for U19 to play the game again, but will the game be compatible with NVidia Ansel in the future ?

Will there be a rework about the one-shot fest of few overpowered enemies out there ? (Nullifiers/Corpus Techs/Comba/Sapping osprays/ballistas at the top) Because of them, endgame requires invulnerable frames to be playable. It's ragingly painful to see my Nova Prime getting instagib by a random ballista I can't even see almost every time I open a door.

I take you're about to delete Mag's corpus wipe nuke, which basically is a nerf, while Rhino still stands a one frame team with tankyness, shield, CC shield, team damage buff, nuke, mobility and CC AoE. When is Rhino's deserved nerf coming ?

Oh and about Mag and frames reworks, here's a very interesting thing : You are currently mixing up "Abilities can be combined" and "Abilities must be combined". For exemple, Excalibur's rework is awesome because you can combine his abilities for something cool. You don't need to, but if you do, you get bonuses and cool interactions. But for Saryn, you MUST combine them, and this is big BIG deal for that means you have to make sacrifices in modding, and about whatever you want to do costs a huge lot of energy, her energy gain on spores is overly complicated for not so much. I see that coming with Mag, when we will have to combine two or three abilities to actually do some damage, and it makes me cringe. Excalibur rework is awesome because we don't have to combine things to be useful, but combining them is rewarding, and this is how it should work.

For I believe the time of saryn being the most played frame is over because of this rework. I might be wrong, but I see no saryns around me anymore.


Sorties... Focus requires plats now for us to be equipped with lenses, because it'll take about a year to build 1, maybe 2, greater lenses of a school we want (I don't know what got into you when you made lenses a one-time-loot-per-season thing), and me and my friends (and I bet a lot of people too) are unable to get the weapon. We only have 1 part out of playing sorties almost every day until we got all nezah again and a s***load of cores. So what happens to us, MR21 players, when the only endgame-ish game mode basically says "frakk you" to us ? Well, we stop playing. My whole clan stopped playing and we're all waiting for the new prime to force ourselves to play (void grind being tiring remember ?) a bit again. And it is bad. It's another one of the "what were they thinking !?" (Picture James Rolfe saying it in your minds) Kind of stuff that makes today's Warframe really unfun, unrewarding, and disappointing. When we see Sorties like "Defense / Excavation / Survival", it's simply a NO GO.

Things like how you put prime stuff in T3Capture 3 times in a row while it's one the hardest key to get, or how everything new requires very farmy/boringy stuff to do (Fighting Kela costs 2 missions (And after rework because the community expressed how 5 missions was one of the worse call ever) when you never loot the mod you want because event mods are now RNG based, who thought this would be a good idea ? My entire clan was "crap that, I'll play another game" (especially when you timed the event to go toe to toe against the Overwatch free beta) for there are whole lot of games more player friendly out there)(Or things like : before fighting the fomorian, you need to farm stuff / coordinates for Alad V Mutalist / stuff that has to be done/crafted prior to access interesting parts of the game and quests like you guys don't want us to play it (Who does Alad V Mutalist after getting Mesa ?))(Or simply how things can only be made once a day. Formas used to be one thing, But sorties once a day is as if they made Greater Rifts playable only once a day in Diablo III. It's that idiotic. Sorties are the only interesting thing we get to do at our level (that either ends with *sigh* or "Frakk ! Nezah again !") and once it is done, we simply close the game).

Do you guys know that tedious and annoying are not the same as difficult and challenging ? Think those nullifier bubbles are challenging ? It's NOT, it's 100% annoying, one hundred percent. It's insanely annoying. Not only that, but it breaks the game too ! Long ago, I had a hard time playing Valkyr (my favorite frame) against corpus, but when nullifiers arrived, I couldn't play her anymore (Yeah, I can't play my favorite frame, nor against corpus, nor in the void, thanks). Who designed this !? Why does it have to annhilate basic gameplay ? What's the point of picking some frames if can't play them ? I know you want Warframe to be like no other games, but you honestly believe enemies that can prevent some characters and weapons to be played is a good design !? Couldn't they place a simple projectile shield instead of ripping the gameplay apart ? (And the lore, because those things can be worn as a backpack. Why don't every corpus have one is beyond me. And it goes through walls, so place some in the walls and you whole ship is protected, those same ships that doesn't feature reinforced glass nor automatic breach security (hey look, the window is broken ! You need to login and answer a security question before closing the panels). What a load of... ).

Damnation, I got carried away... So many things need to be fixed, but I guess degenerated space cats go first, right ?


Anyway, back to sorties, here's my question : You mentioned a very interesting token feature for sortie rewards, a long time ago... Is it still a thing ? Or is it an abandonned good idea that you put on a shelf right next to "kill the void trader" ?

Now, While I understand the void trader is here to ensure plat value (I bought a full Ember Prime set 25p and a Latron Prime Set 15p back in the days, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to understand the reason behind the void trader existence, and it's fair imo), but I don't see what it would cost you to make the Snipetron Vandal available to all player who grinded enough dozens of sorties to get it. It feels like you don't want me or my friends to access contents of the game. What kind of game does that ?


*Sigh* I can't like the game as it is now... I want to because I used to love it so much... I hope one day you'll realize how wonky everything is and, for instance, how much we'd like you to work and fix things like Archwing and Focus instead of PvP. (Honestly, placing a team to work on PvP in a coop based game is like placing a team to work on a character creator in an F1 racing game : it's a waste of ressources, especially when the core gameplay is not finished/not polished/not fixed).


Let's ask one last question then, from the sad Tenno that I became as the game deteriorated : Can you make me love Warframe again ?


A loving Tenno.

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You guys ruined excavation missions.  Was this part of your plans?  Will you ever fix excavation missions?  Will the void have excavation missions?  Will new missions come soon with a high difficulty that gives out good rewards?

Will there be an option to start endless void missions at around 20 or higher, when things get actually begin to feel interesting and challenging?

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With the upcoming changes to the star map, will primes in the prime vault be released? As I understand it they get vaulted to make sure the drop tables dont become too bloated, but if void missions become available all over the place surely this problem disappears?

With the proposed changes to the MR system, surely this caps the max rank at 30 (As then you'd get weapons at max rank by default) and surely this also means that the higher rank you are, the faster you can level e.g. at MR 0 you have to level a weapon up from 0 to 30, which takes a while, compared to MR 15 where you have to level a weapon from 15 to 30, surely this eventually leads to a point where you can build all of the weapons and harvest all of their affinity in an afternoon, allowing you to reach the max mastery rank in only a few days.

The new system for claiming extractors is pretty rad, but could a button be added that redeploys them where they were? That would be great.

Also, the whole "radial blasts from syndicate weapons" is still super irritating in stealth missions, and doesnt really fit with some of them, like the rakta cernos.

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I have two broad areas of concern, neither of which admittedly are officially on topic for this stream. I do hope that perhaps we can get a word on them?


1. Operators

Last Devstream's display of more Operator cosmetics was amazing, thanks so much! It's great to see them receiving more love and developer attention, and I'm really looking forward to trying some of them out on little BornWithTeeth.

That said, I'm really hoping to see even more involvement for/with them in future. There are two major items on my wishlist there, and those are mobile, regenerated Operators moving around the Orbiter, and the ability to have some choice or input into Operator transmissions/dialogues. If there was the option to choose not just the voice but from several voice packs, with different tones, moods, and themes, I'd be over the moon. I am really not kidding. I would put up hard Platinum for a Space Samurai voice pack, from the same voice actors and all.

I, um, am also still having the Operator face switching bug, where an Operator's first transmission in a session will be fine while the second and any others will default to a different face. Any word on fixing that?



2. Conditional Mods

I love the conditional mods which have dropped from the last couple of events, mods which have a powerful benefit which kicks in when the player meets a requirement like making a headshot, making a kill, maintaining combo meter, etc.


Is this a sign of things to come with Damage 3.0, where straight Damage percentage mods may be changed or removed, and variety of builds for modding a weapon will be more about playstyle than adding up to the biggest numbers which you can?


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Given the order of primes being vaulted is (so far) tied to the prime access packs, does that mean that primes released outside of those pack (braton, paris, (ak)bronco, lex, orthos, fang) are not going to be vaulted?

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