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Fair to say that all of banshees augments are great

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

I hate when people talk trash about banshee. Shes so underrated & under appreciated 

Resonance; Wow, much damage 

Savage silence; Undercover radiant finish 

Sonic Fracture; Number 1 armor removal augment

Resonating Quake: Draco Lockdown 

Ha! Draco Lockdown! 

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It's not that she's bad - She's really amazing, but consider this; Even while she's great, someone else does either ability of hers slightly better, and that's way more than enough to make her sub-par in a world of facerolling through PVE content.

No one cares to aim for Resonance except the Banshee player, because it's pointless, our weapons kill them in one hit anyway, also because it's rather hard with all the color vomit going on in your screen to realize. Edit: Forgot to mention while that said, it seems that this is the skill 99% of Banshee players build towards this anyway, because it's seemingly the only worthwhile ability she has.

Finisher damage is great, but Ivara beats Silence quite easily when it comes to that, and even Ember(!) beats her in the CC aspect of it.

Sonic Fracture would be really good in end-game void and grineer, but it seems mostly lackluster to build towards it - If you wanted to go for that, you'd run corrosive projection and still save one slot to up your build, and it would be more than enough.


14 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Resonating Quake: Draco Lockdown 



Edited by -CM-Tiffany
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1 minute ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Shame she has at least two horrendously underwhelming abilities and a very out-of-place kit.

Her kit revolves around crits, and keeping the enemy off balance to make your hits count.

The kit doesn't seem out of place, and the augments boost her into Trial-worthy usefulness

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Resonating Quake: Draco Lockdown 

going for max range and efficiency gives you 50m range and 3 energy per second. With this you are already locking down the whole draco map. Your teammates just need to walk from door to door and kill them inside (thinking about this, this kinda sounds brutal lol). equip a syndicate weapon with energy regain and you can hold for ever.

Resonating Quake is completely useless for this job. Extra range is unnecessary because 50m is enough, extra dmg is pointless because your teammates have to do something anyways and the increasing energy drain gets out of hand REALLY fast. after 10 seconds you already spent 75 energy instead of 30 which is a huge deal.
id probably use the augment without the energy drain, but with it... absolutely not

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31 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

until banshee is moveable with all her abilities she will forever be subpar in a game where agility and movement rules

gotta agree with this guy banshee as well as mesa suffer from an issue where their ults lock them in place, which considering the nature of the game is pretty well bad, this is a game where you don't stop moving like ever, the devs have made it clear many times they want warframe to be a fast pace shooter yet they turn around and make abilities like peacemaker and sound quake

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16 minutes ago, ensignvidiot said:

Her kit revolves around crits, and keeping the enemy off balance to make your hits count.

The kit doesn't seem out of place, and the augments boost her into Trial-worthy usefulness

Her kit has two abilities that are actually worth using and one that carries her into lategame. The kit has no synergy and the abilities feel barely related in any way. She is clunky and outdated. No amount of Banshee fanboys saying "you just don't know how to play her" will change that fact.

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Banshee actually needs nerfs.


At this point she is just a bit too strong to be reworked, given that DE's reworks mostly seem to be massive buffs.

Her kit is old and lacks interaction both with itself and with enemies, plus all of her new augments just cover over her issues without fixing them. She also suffers from wanting every aspect on every ability along with wanting to run at least 2 augments on any given build.

It saddens me to see her in this sort of state.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

I hate when people talk trash about banshee. Shes so underrated & under appreciated 

Resonance; Wow, much damage 

Savage silence; Undercover radiant finish 

Sonic Fracture; Number 1 armor removal augment

Resonating Quake: Draco Lockdown 

The fact that she needs augments to be considered relevant Imo is the saddest thing I've seen and proves even further why she needs QOL changes to her base kit. Not augments.

Edited by izzatuw
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Resonating Quacke is one of the worst augents in the game. In a lot of threads it was mentioned how terrible Sound Quacke's damge output is, and I tried to explain those kids, that this ability is not for damage, but CC. It is sad to see that developers themselves believe Sound Quacke can be used for this purpose, but it can't. The initial damge is pitiful, damage type is undesirable. All of this weakpoints are fortified in addition to the enormous Energy drain.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Resonating Quake: Draco Lockdown 

You already could do that with a max range build. Even without the augment, her range is more than enough to lockdown whole maps, and without this unreasonable Energy drain.

12 minutes ago, Melos-mevim said:

gotta agree with this guy banshee as well as mesa suffer from an issue where their ults lock them in place, which considering the nature of the game is pretty well bad, this is a game where you don't stop moving like ever, the devs have made it clear many times they want warframe to be a fast pace shooter yet they turn around and make abilities like peacemaker and sound quake

You seem not to understand how her abilities should be used. You either mod for her #1 - 3 and use #4 only in situations to permalockdown small ares (when your teammates need to revive a member under heavy fire). Or you build for her #4 and ignore the rest of the kit, so that you can CC maps with it. At this point you don't need your other abilities as noone can touch you and teammates have easy time dealing with enemies. All in all, this is a fair tradeoff.

I am not saying Sound Quacke is a good ability in its design, because it is not. I also would like to see another ability insdead of it, because Sound Quacke is too strong. But simply saying Banshee sucks because one of her abilities restricts her movements is just wrong.

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19 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Her kit has two abilities that are actually worth using and one that carries her into lategame. The kit has no synergy and the abilities feel barely related in any way. She is clunky and outdated. No amount of Banshee fanboys saying "you just don't know how to play her" will change that fact.

She has 4 abitlities that carries her into lategame. Sorry to disaapoint you but, "git gud".

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1 hour ago, -CM-Tiffany said:

Finisher damage is great, but Ivara beats Silence quite easily when it comes to that, and even Ember(!) beats her in the CC aspect of it

Personally I use Savage Silence to buff Ash Blade Storm. In small maps like void defense you can make Ash just one hit everything (during Blade Storm) for first 40 waves, even without four Corrosive Projections. It kind of reminds me of Mesa before rework. If I would take Trinity for energy and four CPs 60 waves would most likely go as easily. Personally I'd love to see Ember try that.

Edit: By taking Trinity for energy, I mean going full Power Strength with both Ash and Banshee.

Edited by groznez
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1 hour ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Her kit has two abilities that are actually worth using and one that carries her into lategame. The kit has no synergy and the abilities feel barely related in any way. She is clunky and outdated. No amount of Banshee fanboys saying "you just don't know how to play her" will change that fact.

I'm a Loki/Mesa player. I just know what works well in the Trials I run and what doesnt.


I see 3 abilities get used all the time, Silence, Sound quake, and Sonar. Leave silence on, pop sonar on every fresh spawn, use sound quake when too many things are living and standing.


It's a simple game winning formula imo.


I know nothing of how to player banshee outside of this method.

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Resonating quake's damage is actually not that underwhelming. You cannot min-max it in the way normal damage frame do, because that energy drain will drive the best trinity crazy. I've experimented a balanced build (without overextended, only one strength mod) with EV trinity, buffer rhino and buffer equinox and she was boosted to 1150 kills on round 1. Pretty much the same level of RJ excaliber meta, with far less button smashing for everyone. The resonating quake easily locks down all spawn points on the map and one-shot most of the mobs and the energy pool can support her doing that for almost 2 minutes. Since she cannot get any energy while channeling the ability, there's no point for trinity to spam EV during that. 

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1 hour ago, ShortCat said:

You seem not to understand how her abilities should be used. You either mod for her #1 - 3 and use #4 only in situations to permalockdown small ares (when your teammates need to revive a member under heavy fire). Or you build for her #4 and ignore the rest of the kit, so that you can CC maps with it. At this point you don't need your other abilities as noone can touch you and teammates have easy time dealing with enemies. All in all, this is a fair tradeoff.

I am not saying Sound Quacke is a good ability in its design, because it is not. I also would like to see another ability insdead of it, because Sound Quacke is too strong. But simply saying Banshee sucks because one of her abilities restricts her movements is just wrong.


I didn't say that banshee sucked I did however say she has a bad ult (same goes for mesa) I know 1-3 on both of them is amazing as they should be but for a game all about fast paced movement and running and parkour it is a bad game design move to make the 4th ability on a frame lock them in one spot.


you can say all you want it is great only under certain circumstances or when you mod for it and only if you sabotage the rest of the kit then I say its a bad ability. 

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3 hours ago, YANJIUDING said:

Resonating quake's damage is actually not that underwhelming. You cannot min-max it in the way normal damage frame do, because that energy drain will drive the best trinity crazy. I've experimented a balanced build (without overextended, only one strength mod) with EV trinity, buffer rhino and buffer equinox and she was boosted to 1150 kills on round 1. Pretty much the same level of RJ excaliber meta, with far less button smashing for everyone. The resonating quake easily locks down all spawn points on the map and one-shot most of the mobs and the energy pool can support her doing that for almost 2 minutes. Since she cannot get any energy while channeling the ability, there's no point for trinity to spam EV during that. 

Its pretty easy to build for Resonating Quake Banshee.  The augments damage, range, and power draw all scale with mods.  Build Banshee just like you would a Peaceful Provocation Equinox.  I like to run 67% duration, 190% efficiency, 145% range, 200% power for small maps which stills leaves room for Vitality and Primed Flow.  Max efficiency and primed flows lets you channel for 86 seconds before you run out.  And it only takes 3 EV from a usual trin to be back to max.

Yeah, Banshee is slightly better than Excal for the Draco meta.  She can hit every spawn point in the map and with 4xCP and a buff she 1-ticks even heavies.  My best single wave run with Banshee is 1400 kills right now.  I mean the ability isn't exactly weak, it might be blast damage, but its still 2200blast dmg before mods.  Ferrite only has -25% dmg from it.  So that is still 1650 dmg a sec before armor, and with a 4xCP squad that doesn't matter.  It also pairs really well with Energy Conversion due to being channeled.

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5 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Her kit has two abilities that are actually worth using and one that carries her into lategame. The kit has no synergy and the abilities feel barely related in any way. She is clunky and outdated. No amount of Banshee fanboys saying "you just don't know how to play her" will change that fact.

Her kits actually caters different uses for different situation you are facing. I can find times to use all of them, perhaps (much) less for sound quake.


Yes it is easy to go down to use banshee due to carelessness, she has one of the older models for her abilities but that doesn't mean she can't perform.


You sound like offended by what you called the "Banshee fanboys" and that blinded your judgement and expressing hate rather than support on this matter. 

IMO there are so many frames now in the game and you don't have to like and use well everyone of them. If there are an enough amount of players that like the way a frame is and can use it well, there is no need to drastically change it so that "everyone likes every frame" in this game. If one frame does not suits one's style, you simply don't use it. But NEVER force your thoughts on a frame that you were originally not interested in to ruin the other's fun. Because that's evil, mean and completely opposite of what we are looking for to play a game.

If they drastically change a frame to suits some's opinion, and eliminate those who already enjoying that frame, would it be better they just create a new frame for those players who "want a complete change on certain frame"? 

Stop this already.

Banshee might need tweaks, but not a complete rework. If you are looking for a complete rework, why don't just make a new frame.

Eg. Look at Excalibur, many said he is much better back in time just right after the rework, but more and more now feel like he is derailed, in a way.


To Op I also like her augments, and for the new one, I'm still experimenting.

I just found out that enemies originally outside of the quake range will be pushed away rather than just standing there staggered as it expands. It could be used to push them toward a place for an area of damage to clear them out all, or just gives some breathing room. But the actual effectiveness still needs to be tested I guess, coz it is obviously hard to put all the augments in a single build.

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11 hours ago, ShortCat said:


Resonating Quacke is one of the worst augents in the game. In a lot of threads it was mentioned how terrible Sound Quacke's damge output is, and I tried to explain those kids, that this ability is not for damage, but CC. It is sad to see that developers themselves believe Sound Quacke can be used for this purpose, but it can't. The initial damge is pitiful, damage type is undesirable. All of this weakpoints are fortified in addition to the enormous Energy drain.


Erm, I can verify that the augment makes her a damage monster in T4Ds up to 40/40 at least.  I've gotten top damage and mobs killed in every one I've done so far.  Biggest was 71%, over a thousand mobs (the guy with the Tonkor got 18%).  I'm consistently getting around 50% with better teams (recently beating both Ashes in a team).  Build focusses on efficiency (175%), with 100-odd Duration and Prime Flow (with QT), and just Stretch as "starter" range, with 145% as "starter" damage.  Once the counter ramps up to 20 and if you can keep it there for a good while, SQ with the augment obliterates.

Oh, and the pod is safe as houses :)

The only downside is that the drops are all over the map, so you have to really scamper around to collect 'em in the downtime.

On the general Banshee thing, I think she's actually very near perfect, with or without augs.  I would hate to see a rework messing around with her too much.  She has 3 or 4 quite distinct builds and playstyles, all of them (now including SQ-focussed) very powerful.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Yea that resonating quake is so awesome to use. Just turn on sonar>turn on sound quake>watch the numbers :]

Also it's always funny to kill everything and just have the whole team crowd around staring at your awesomeness lol.

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