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Who is your favorite Warframe?


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8 hours ago, shadrad said:

-- and we Zephyr mains definitely notice and appreciate the others we run into out there in the wilds of the solar system. Birbs unite!

This couldn't be rung any more true! lol.

As a Zephyr main myself, I always have to give nods to other fellow birbs when I'm running any ol' mission. I always mention how surprised/excited to see one since it's quite rare to see a Zephyr in a party, let alone 2 if I'm running her as well haha xD

and it definitely makes me a happy camper to see them doing the Tailwind+spacebar mechanic, since typically non-seasoned Birbframe players wouldn't know about it necessarily x)

#bestgril #objectively #ohI'mwrong? #fiteme

#demcalvesdoe #umph♡

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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my #1, will always be Trinity. My second day of playing some 2 and a half months ago, I ditched mag and bought trinity for full price in the market and her helmet. NO REGRETS. I eventually learned of the primes and even got her primed. I love her so so so so much!

Best fashion, best powers, so cool!


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I'm actually going through a phase where I'm making it my responsibility to play frames I don't usually pick up. There's no reason for me to do so they than I feel kind of weird with all these cool toys that unjust let collect dust.  In that time ice really come to love Mesa out of the others I've been trying to get better aquatinted with. Mainly bar cause her abilities make sense if you mod appropriately for her second and third ability, her first ability is great in a pinch with an exilus bombard and her ultimate for a few moments against a misstep into a crowd. Her second and third abilities are good for a general support in a mobile group and survival.  She's not a tank but played with finesse she's incredibly fun. 

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This is really hard to chose only one, but my playstyle is really "in your face" melee, so I'd say Inaros. That being said, I always gravitate around frames with good damage mitigation or healing, because when going melee, you're bound to take some hits. Close second is Nezha. A Rhino that can heal itself? OMG! For the looks? Ash Prime.

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My top four favorite Warframe's would have to be Limbo, Atlas, Ivara and Chroma.

Atlas with nothing besides Duration, Power Strength and Tankiness is the best example of the "One-Two Punch" mechanic from Bioshock. Petrify everything with his 3, mow it down in two punches or less. Bring some gigantic Rumblers with you and go ham. In all honesty, Atlas is just pure fun for me, and incredibly versatile when you get his 2's augment.

Limbo is my "Screw Heavy Units" Warframe's, and I love blasting everything under the sun away in one shot or less from my Tonkor and my Sancti Tigris. Need to help a teammate? Flip off the entire enemy squadron and waltz right up to your buddy in Rift Walk, laughing all the way. Protect a Defense Pod better than Frost ever could and nuke anything inside of it from a distance while laughing maniacally. Limbo's our Space Magician, and he wants your head on a silver platter.

Ivara offers a unique play style to the game that I feel is utterly amazing. She gives players even more of a reason to use bows, and aids the team by silently taking out everyone in sight or by giving teammates invisible love arrows stuck to your rump.

Finally, Chroma. Not much to say besides me feeling like the ultimate definition of a Berzerker when using him.

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He looks amazing, his gameplay fits his theme perfectly, he's an active tank (which is a playstyle I love) he's a badass solo frame and thanks to his #1 he's not too shabby in groups either. His #2 is also hilarious for pop-up instant group feeding frenzies. "SNACK TIME EVERYONE!". Om nom nom.

There's something immensely cathartic about shouting POCKET SAND and nonchalantly stabbing a group of enemies in the face, one by one. I imagine he whistles the harlem globetrotters theme while he does it.

 Also, he's the only frame I have where I can bring my trusty Kubrow to a fight and not spend half my gametime hauling it back from the brink of death whenever a Bombard glances sideways at it. Heck, it can tank better than I can.

Here's hoping his augment mods are awesome.

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17 hours ago, Dr3adWalk3r said:

Warframe has been through a lot. Whether it be a change or adding a character it is quite exhilarating to go through it with the community. So, with all these different styles of gameplay, all characters can be used for different things. So, Who is you favorite Warframe and what do you mainly use them as? There intended use (a.k.a Using Rhino as a Tank) or something different? (Nyx as a Stealth) 

Mine is Excalibur.

Why you may ask?

Because he's the most balanced of them all.


"balanced" ...

My fave would have to be probably Hydroid, out of ALL warframes he has NO downside and I have nothing to nit pick about him

after that Volt "was" my fave before they ruined him 2 and a half years ago nerfing ALL of his stats and making him a party buff frame :/

and then id hafta say Banshee who has NOT aged well with the game

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19 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

ash because Ezio Auditore Da Firenze ;)

ezio for president 2016

Also, Frost.He is slow af, but he is a tank if you build him right. Alternatively, his bubble can be his main point if you build him right. Maybe Frost for prez. I think that'd be pretty... chill ;)

Edited by (XB1)xKevo745x
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Obe-Ron Kenobi,

Good Ol' Stag Fairy King man,



Whatever you call him, this sexy Jack of All Trades is my main frame and the only thing I've put a forma on so far


He has a decent balance between offensive and supportive roles, so he's good at anything you want him to be good at (results may vary) , and he looks awesome, and truth be told, I only picked him up because he was one of the less popular frames, so I wanted to be that odd one out, but I actually came to adore the guy, now he's my main man

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My first er... "love" was Frost, but then one fine, feathered lady caught my eye and I've never really looked back.

Sure, she doesn't bring a whole lot to a team, but she is a whole lot of fun to play, faceplants into walls and doors, and tailwinds & divebombs into pits included. (Wouldn't say no to a few tweaks or a merging of her 1 and 2 with a new 2 added, but as is she's still really fun. :P )

My favorite frame is Zephyr, if you couldn't tell. :P

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Rhino. I love other frames, but I'm an avid Tank in a lot of games, and charging headlong into groups and sending them flying is just too much fun. plus he can help the team with damage buffs and CC. oh, and his Palatine Skin is BADASS! mine is all gold and White, like an Orokin Juggernaut!

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3 hours ago, KoboldRock said:

My first er... "love" was Frost, but then one fine, feathered lady caught my eye and I've never really looked back.

Sure, she doesn't bring a whole lot to a team, but she is a whole lot of fun to play, faceplants into walls and doors, and tailwinds & divebombs into pits included. (Wouldn't say no to a few tweaks or a merging of her 1 and 2 with a new 2 added, but as is she's still really fun. :P )

My favorite frame is Zephyr, if you couldn't tell. :P

I disagree that she doesn't bring a lot to the team-- she's got crowd control, AOE stun, and the 3rd power I've used extensively in defense/MD missions to soak up projectiles if/when we didn't have a designated 'shield' person. Polarized for Energy Siphon and Corrosive Projection auras by default, she's a solid addition to any team. Team play isn't just on who buffs who-- it's about balance and effectiveness. Having high mobility, CC, and in skilled hands a very high survivability makes her versatile, meaning she fits well into nearly any team build you're going to end up with on public matches :)

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29 minutes ago, shadrad said:

I disagree that she doesn't bring a lot to the team-- she's got crowd control, AOE stun, and the 3rd power I've used extensively in defense/MD missions to soak up projectiles if/when we didn't have a designated 'shield' person. Polarized for Energy Siphon and Corrosive Projection auras by default, she's a solid addition to any team. Team play isn't just on who buffs who-- it's about balance and effectiveness. Having high mobility, CC, and in skilled hands a very high survivability makes her versatile, meaning she fits well into nearly any team build you're going to end up with on public matches :)

I thought Zephyr was polarized for Rejuvenation by default. 

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On Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 10:24 AM, shadowfire380 said:

I use nova prime a lot because her MP makes pretty much any mission a cakewalk.

Same here...she's squishy so don't let a bombard get you in his sights...but molecular prime coupled with anti-matter drop....room clearance 101....and she can even cheese spy mission lasers with wormhole...if I had to keep a single frame it would be Nova P... (on another plus note, I think she looks like Tali from Mass Effect...)

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