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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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4 minutes ago, BigBlackCook said:

yea, this video shows it nicely


I thought you said magnetize and not polarize ( i'mtired xD)But you are right polarize barely tickles high level enemies.

*sigh* That video is wrong in so many ways,while its true polarize is in a bad place right now,there are 3 other abilities that she has that are quite good. He mentioned none of the synergies her abilities have, and it annoys me to know end that just because you cant nuke the whole map anymore, some people think she's trash, when in reality she really isn't.

Also an FYI: Fracturing Crush is now affected by power strength.

Edited by SourTaco
Added FYI and mini-rant.
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As hilariously wrong as that video is through and through, it did give me a thought.

So, Polarise takes a massive amount of casts to strip armour of higher levelled mobs. I can't really think of any way to prove it inarguably, but perhaps the reason for this is that the armour shred 'damage' is being reduced by the armour?


If true, it would explain the 1, 2, 12, 365 casts-to-shred pattern as levels increase; not only is the armour value scaling up, but the armour shredded is actually also scaling down.

Remember that most other sources are percentile, and the only other value source I can think of is that one Melee mod that works on base armour, not level-scaled, for some reason. Both of those would bypass any possible precedence issue with flat-damage-to-current-armour.

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7 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:

As hilariously wrong as that video is through and through, it did give me a thought.

So, Polarise takes a massive amount of casts to strip armour of higher levelled mobs. I can't really think of any way to prove it inarguably, but perhaps the reason for this is that the armour shred 'damage' is being reduced by the armour?


If true, it would explain the 1, 2, 12, 365 casts-to-shred pattern as levels increase; not only is the armour value scaling up, but the armour shredded is actually also scaling down.

Remember that most other sources are percentile, and the only other value source I can think of is that one Melee mod that works on base armour, not level-scaled, for some reason. Both of those would bypass any possible precedence issue with flat-damage-to-current-armour.

I've tested Mag extensively, and I can say that you are not correct. The increasing amount of polarizes required to fully strip an enemy's armor scales solely based on armor scaling-- which is exponential. A 100% p strength polarize removes 400 armor from any enemy, regardless of level.

Still, since that fracturing crush is a thing, that hardly matters. I'm able to fully strip a level 130 c heavy gunner armor with 2 f. Crushes and one polarize, and Polarize's damage is very inderrated-- specially when coupled with Magnetize. Overall, I think the ability is ok as it stands.

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10 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

I've tested Mag extensively, and I can say that you are not correct. The increasing amount of polarizes required to fully strip an enemy's armor scales solely based on armor scaling-- which is exponential. A 100% p strength polarize removes 400 armor from any enemy, regardless of level.

Still, since that fracturing crush is a thing, that hardly matters. I'm able to fully strip a level 130 c heavy gunner armor with 2 f. Crushes and one polarize, and Polarize's damage is very inderrated-- specially when coupled with Magnetize. Overall, I think the ability is ok as it stands.

Well, that's a shame. It would've come much more on the 'bugfix' end of the spectrum than 'buff', and would've been some nice middleground to making Mag strong but not totally cheap against most opponents.


Really, from an outside perspective, the question is why Magnetic damage and Mag as a whole were and are less effective on armoured targets. It's not like, you know, ferromagnetism should be mostly effective on ferrite and its alloys...

Hands up who remembers that Pull was armour bypassing for possibly-related-reasons to begin with?

Edited by EDYinnit
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5 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:

Well, that's a shame. It would've come much more on the 'bugfix' end of the spectrum than 'buff', and would've been some nice middleground to making Mag strong against everything.


Really, from an outside perspective, the question is why Magnetic damage and Mag as a whole were and are less effective on armoured targets. It's not like, you know, ferromagnetism should be mostly effective on ferrite and its alloys...

well... "mechanics" I suppose. You can't have both corrosive and magnetic do bonus damage to armor, do you?


[edit]: I gotta add: I truly think she is strong against all factions. Lets be honest: Armor cripples everyone, not only Mag. And she, as is, both possesses the only ability capable of permanent armor reduction and a very high damage scaling ability. She is, in my eyes, quite balanced. Maybe its because I run fracturing crush all,the time, but she is a complete grineer destroyer in my hands.

Edited by tnccs215
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10 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

well... "mechanics" I suppose. You can't have both corrosive and magnetic do bonus damage to armor, do you?

Just abstracting here, but I could imagine Corrosive (minor benefit) / Magnetic (major benefit) vs. Ferrite, and vice-versa for Alloy; Magnetic weakened by the lessened ferrite proportion in the Alloy armours that still corrode off all the same.

You could argue that building either of the two working against both armour types is an issue, but Corrosive currently works against both when status procs happen, so... not entirely invalid?

Radiation being powerful versus shields instead makes some arbitrary sense to me by some logic of 'interference'.

Yes, I am aware electromagnetic radiation is generally the primary culprit in reality, but that's what happens when 'magnetic' and 'radiation' are two distinct yet umbrella terms you put in the game.

Edited by EDYinnit
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33 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:

Just abstracting here, but I could imagine Corrosive (minor benefit) / Magnetic (major benefit) vs. Ferrite, and vice-versa for Alloy; Magnetic weakened by the lessened ferrite proportion in the Alloy armours that still corrode off all the same.

You could argue that building either of the two working against both armour types is an issue, but Corrosive currently works against both when status procs happen, so... not entirely invalid?

Radiation being powerful versus shields instead makes some arbitrary sense to me by some logic of 'interference'.

Yes, I am aware electromagnetic radiation is generally the primary culprit in reality, but that's what happens when 'magnetic' and 'radiation' are two distinct yet umbrella terms you put in the game.

quite honestly, I think that radiation dealing bonus damage versus shielding makes more sense than versus armor. I guess.

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5 hours ago, SourTaco said:

I thought you said magnetize and not polarize ( i'mtired xD)But you are right polarize barely tickles high level enemies.

*sigh* That video is wrong in so many ways,while its true polarize is in a bad place right now,there are 3 other abilities that she has that are quite good. He mentioned none of the synergies her abilities have, and it annoys me to know end that just because you cant nuke the whole map anymore, some people think she's trash, when in reality she really isn't.

Also an FYI: Fracturing Crush is now affected by power strength.

Well if i can't kill anything what's the use of the warframe? its useless if you can't do any damage with damage abilities. sure, pull and crush is okay at best but like it said in the vid, her 2 is very situational to do damage and very weapon based.. in other words, anti-newbies.

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4 minutes ago, BigBlackCook said:

Well if i can't kill anything what's the use of the warframe? its useless if you can't do any damage with damage abilities. sure, pull and crush is okay at best but like it said in the vid, her 2 is very situational to do damage and very weapon based.. in other words, anti-newbies.

Magnetise is very situational to do damage against max-level Simulacrum enemies (and even then, situational at worst, given no use of Continual weapons) which are by definition anti-newbies already.

It's got the anti-priority-target function of original Bullet Attractor with a huge helping of extra protection and damage depending on what you're using. And the utility of gravitating enemies together in the area.


"If I can't kill anything, what's the use of the warframe?" - Loki says hi. To a lesser extent, so do a host of other utility/control based frames such as Limbo, Vauban and whatnot who similarly don't scale up to too much in the damage department.

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3 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

Magnetise is very situational to do damage against max-level Simulacrum enemies (and even then, situational at worst, given no use of Continual weapons) which are by definition anti-newbies already.

It's got the anti-priority-target function of original Bullet Attractor with a huge helping of extra protection and damage depending on what you're using. And the utility of gravitating enemies together in the area.


"If I can't kill anything, what's the use of the warframe?" - Loki says hi. To a lesser extent, so do a host of other utility/control based frames such as Limbo, Vauban and whatnot who similarly don't scale up to too much in the damage department.

" Well if i can't kill anything what's the use of the warframe? its useless if you can't do any damage with damage abilities ", please dont take my words out of context.

i am not too sure what you meant by "and even then, situational at worst, given no use of Continual weapons"

First of all, magnetize has 4 meters of range according to the wiki, i dont think that will suk a whole lot of enemies and bullets in and it certainly won't do you much gud if you're surrounded and enemies are more then 4 meters apart, keep in mind, new players have little to no gud/maxed mods,so they can't always use crush. Plus, the animation for crush is so slow that enemies that are outta the range of crush can easily kill you.

pull is okay but again, it doesn't do a lot of damage and it only pulls things in front of you with limited range, about the energy suking thing upon death by pull, it is unreliable and again, pull is not the hardest hitting ability so more than likely that relying on that ability to restore energy is close to impassible to new players.


Mag is a squishy frame with okay defenses but compare to banshee, nova, trin, excal and even volt(at least he can stun and has a very nice shield), mag has nothing to bring to the table that will give her an edge over the other's, keep in mind, warframes are not rank locked and if players buy plat, they can gain access to every frame that are not primes.after you grab your rhino, there are about ZERO reasons to use mag, and to some degree volt.  because rhino actually got a nice rework. So far, excal still have an edge over volt and mag no matter how you look at it.

Edited by BigBlackCook
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6 hours ago, BigBlackCook said:

" Well if i can't kill anything what's the use of the warframe? its useless if you can't do any damage with damage abilities ", please dont take my words out of context.

Vauban's Teslas are a damage ability that falls off quickly. You're unlikely to kill much with Limbo's Cataclysm once you get to the end of and exceed the starchart.

6 hours ago, BigBlackCook said:

i am not too sure what you meant by "and even then, situational at worst, given no use of Continual weapons"

Continual weapons contribute so much damage (especially non-crit-based ones) that it's still extremely usable against max-tier enemies; especially unarmoured ones. Besides those and besides things that don't work properly, there's plenty of middle ground where it's situationally useful but not terribly powerful since you aren't making the most out of it.

6 hours ago, BigBlackCook said:

First of all, magnetize has 4 meters of range according to the wiki, i dont think that will suk a whole lot of enemies and bullets in and it certainly won't do you much gud if you're surrounded and enemies are more then 4 meters apart, keep in mind, new players have little to no gud/maxed mods,so they can't always use crush. Plus, the animation for crush is so slow that enemies that are outta the range of crush can easily kill you.

pull is okay but again, it doesn't do a lot of damage and it only pulls things in front of you with limited range, about the energy suking thing upon death by pull, it is unreliable and again, pull is not the hardest hitting ability so more than likely that relying on that ability to restore energy is close to impassible to new players.

That's a 4m radius, which means a 50m2 total area covered at the base of the dome you get for tagging anything stood on a flat surface.

Surrounded? Magnetise a target, pull in that same direction and pass through the bubble. You now have (most) enemies on the opposite side of a bullet sponging bubble.


Oh, and old Mag was good for Shield Polarise and not much else, which funnily enough, also depended on having a bunch of ranked mods. Gotta get all that range, gotta use those corrupted mods, including a corrupted Power Strength mod to compensate for getting the Overextended range at the cost of strength. New players wouldn't generally have those either, so...?


6 hours ago, BigBlackCook said:

Mag is a squishy frame with okay defenses but compare to banshee, nova, trin, excal and even volt(at least he can stun and has a very nice shield), mag has nothing to bring to the table that will give her an edge over the other's, keep in mind, warframes are not rank locked and if players buy plat, they can gain access to every frame that are not primes.

Mag shares some facets of these other warframes, but taking some things present in several other ability sets doesn't make the result invalid; Equinox has a heal and so does Trinity, but Equinox has a bunch of things Trinity doesn't, so the less-accessible heal doesn't immediately invalidate Equinox as an option.


Unless you can show me where Nova, Excalibur and Trinity store their pseudo-snowglobes and enemy depositioning skills, or where Banshee has her shield restoration hidden.


I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement (god knows I've said it before in the thread but obviously it bears repeating) but the tools Mag has do give her a unique set of options.


I wouldn't be disappointed if I started anew and picked Mag (again, as I did the first time).

Edited by EDYinnit
removed a redundancy
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Digging the new Mag, but I have one minor gripe: it seems that Mag's passive only pulls in items for the base range of bullet jump, so if you're running a Mod that extends bullet jump's range (Mobilize or Patagium), items often fall in a pile behind you. This is not a huge issue since I can just turn around and grab them, but a fix would be nice if this effect is unintentional.

I tend to run Mobilize on my full-positive Mag setup, since she benefits huge from quick repositioning around her Magnetize spheres.


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9 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

Unless you can show me where Nova, Excalibur and Trinity store their pseudo-snowglobes and enemy depositioning skills, or where Banshee has her shield restoration hidden.

Magnetize is NOT a snowglobe. Unless they change it so that it can be cast on terrain (here's an augment idea right here - turn Magnetize into a "cast on terrain" type spell that redirects incoming projectiles back where they came from), it's not going to be a viable defensive tool outside of Simulacrum.

Because in real life scenarios, enemies tend to come in from well, everywhere and are often not nice enough to wait for you to cover every direction with magnetize bubbles, especially when a single Bombard rocket can redecorate the area using your teammates as wall paint. So far, the only use for it is to stick it on bosses that are not immune (hello, Lt. Lech Krill!) and make it work as a damage booster. 

And Banshee doesn't need to restore shields to the team - she is much, much better at debuffing/stunlocking enemies, since that's something she's good at. 

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Would be nice if polarize was better than it is now. With magnetize working the way it is now, Mag does an awesome job taking grineers out (far as I tested)

but corpus.... Yeah.... I don't feel she is as efficient to kill them. Maybe getting polarize to actually explode a percentage of the shield again? Not as it was before, but still based of a percentage of the shield so it can scale to high level stuff.

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13 hours ago, SourTaco said:

*sigh* That video is wrong in so many ways,while its true polarize is in a bad place right now,there are 3 other abilities that she has that are quite good. He mentioned none of the synergies her abilities have, and it annoys me to know end that just because you cant nuke the whole map anymore, some people think she's trash, when in reality she really isn't.

Also not mentioning the fact that the devs redesigned her to be an involved combatant, and the guy just stood there spamming. I think he was expecting her to work like the old Mag (his original build was made to sit and spam the old 2). Polarize has multiple benefits: debuff, damage (fully one quarter of her ult's damage), adding future damage as shrapnel to Magnetize, and the good ol' team shield restore. And it's all area-of-effect. Considering that it does so many things, keeping its one-shot effortless nuke is unappealing  and counterproductive for involved play.

The biggest gripe I'm seeing about Polarize is its flat damage to armor. For the record, there are three abilities and one augment in the game that reduce enemy armor. The augment is Mag's. The other two powers (Avalanche and Terrify) reduce armor by a percentage, but only for a set duration. Mag's Polarize is unique among abilities in that it reduces enemy armor permanently. I believe this is why it deals flat damage. If Polarize dealt percent damage to armor, many players would keep playing Mag as a one-button pony, just pressing 3 a few times to strip all enemy armor with no thought or effort. I mean, you can still do this, but it'll take much more time and energy, which are best spent doing other things. In terms of enemy debuff, Polarize seems meant to weaken enemy defenses, not remove them entirely.

1 hour ago, Reifnir said:

Because in real life scenarios, enemies tend to come in from well, everywhere and are often not nice enough to wait for you to cover every direction with magnetize bubbles, especially when a single Bombard rocket can redecorate the area using your teammates as wall paint. So far, the only use for it is to stick it on bosses that are not immune (hello, Lt. Lech Krill!) and make it work as a damage booster.

If you're down to try a fresh tactic, I play with her Magnetize to make a sort of offense/defense minigame for myself within the mission. I target a high-priority enemy to root and neutralize it. (Super handy for dealing with Eximus, since my squad so often neglects to prioritize them.) Given the x2 damage multiplier on the sphere (before mods), the enemy is very dead very quickly, but I still get all this time with the bubble. I use this time as needed for offense and/or defense:

  • If I can go full offense, I work on zoning enemies into the sphere since it traps them and deals damage over time (plus me shooting them), scaling with the amount of fire that's been absorbed (the very centre becomes basically an insta-kill spot). I try real hard to have enemies inside it when its countdown hits zero and the thing explodes for more scaling damage.
  • If I need to go full defense, I stand in the bubble and Pull enemies into it with me for DoT and easy finishers. It's useful to be in the bubble because it nullifies enemy fire, but it's even more useful if the enemy is in the bubble because its fire is neutralized and it gets redirected to damage the enemy.
  • If I can play it by ear, I position the bubble between myself and danger and still work on getting enemies into it.

Multiple bubbles give you more zones to do this with, but with a little radar (Animal Instinct is fine) I rarely need more than one to have a good time. If you're having trouble with being blindsided, I would recommend paying more careful attention to cover and using Magnetize on narrow choke-points in the tile, like halls and doorways. Enemies will be forced to walk through your zones, which will up your damage. Mag is super-good at point control. I know you can't place Magnetize anywhere you want (you're right, that would be a cool augment), but this just makes enemy awareness that much more crucial if you're playing Mag at high levels.


Edited by SenorClipClop
Spelling mistakes
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6 hours ago, Reifnir said:

Magnetize is NOT a snowglobe. Unless they change it so that it can be cast on terrain (here's an augment idea right here - turn Magnetize into a "cast on terrain" type spell that redirects incoming projectiles back where they came from), it's not going to be a viable defensive tool outside of Simulacrum.

Because in real life scenarios, enemies tend to come in from well, everywhere and are often not nice enough to wait for you to cover every direction with magnetize bubbles, especially when a single Bombard rocket can redecorate the area using your teammates as wall paint. So far, the only use for it is to stick it on bosses that are not immune (hello, Lt. Lech Krill!) and make it work as a damage booster. 

And Banshee doesn't need to restore shields to the team - she is much, much better at debuffing/stunlocking enemies, since that's something she's good at. 

It borrows part functionality without being carbon copy. It's still more impersonal bulletsponging than is accessible to any others (arguably Frost as well, it's like having the old immortal duration-based globes around) with the exception of Volt, who gets to shoot through his in return for a smaller effective area and monodirectional protection for a given shield.

Let's not forget that Snowglobes are penetrable by certain things.. like that Bombard rocket. Being careless, straying too close to the edge and you get it in the face there, too.


Also, when I was doing Sortie Lech Kril and put my Magnetise on his face.. he shot me anyway, so YMMV with that one. There are a few bugs we could use fixing to solidify its use.


Lephantis' second phase is absolutely unaffected by it since it places it on the body and not the head you point at, which make it the first Sortie boss I found that I might still need assistance with while Magging it up.

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mag has simply gone from 1 form of "press 2 to win " to another form of press 2 to win. polarize was way too strong how it was and im glad that the % damage is gone. it was over powed and Lazy !. that being said her new "magnitize" is just as bad , kill everything in an area without aiming , using 1 shot of a Lanka or constant shots of staticor. killing lvl 135 enemys with 125% power stength. when is there going to be a version of mag that isnt rediculess at high end content ? , i would like to walk into a mission and have fun not have all my shots sucked up into mags ability for her to kill, nor was it fun to have all enemys die simply because they had shilds ( natural or forced with a shild drone) mag before this change was broken , and after this change is STILL broken. 

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21 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

Vauban's Teslas are a damage ability that falls off quickly. You're unlikely to kill much with Limbo's Cataclysm once you get to the end of and exceed the starchart.

Continual weapons contribute so much damage (especially non-crit-based ones) that it's still extremely usable against max-tier enemies; especially unarmoured ones. Besides those and besides things that don't work properly, there's plenty of middle ground where it's situationally useful but not terribly powerful since you aren't making the most out of it.

That's a 4m radius, which means a 50m2 total area covered at the base of the dome you get for tagging anything stood on a flat surface.

Surrounded? Magnetise a target, pull in that same direction and pass through the bubble. You now have (most) enemies on the opposite side of a bullet sponging bubble.


Oh, and old Mag was good for Shield Polarise and not much else, which funnily enough, also depended on having a bunch of ranked mods. Gotta get all that range, gotta use those corrupted mods, including a corrupted Power Strength mod to compensate for getting the Overextended range at the cost of strength. New players wouldn't generally have those either, so...?


Mag shares some facets of these other warframes, but taking some things present in several other ability sets doesn't make the result invalid; Equinox has a heal and so does Trinity, but Equinox has a bunch of things Trinity doesn't, so the less-accessible heal doesn't immediately invalidate Equinox as an option.


Unless you can show me where Nova, Excalibur and Trinity store their pseudo-snowglobes and enemy depositioning skills, or where Banshee has her shield restoration hidden.


I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement (god knows I've said it before in the thread but obviously it bears repeating) but the tools Mag has do give her a unique set of options.


I wouldn't be disappointed if I started anew and picked Mag (again, as I did the first time).

yes, tho vau's 1 fall off and limbo's 4 falls off as well, vau can still hang a bunch of enemies up with his 3 and suck things in with his 4, also his 2 can do wonders as well. limbo's 4 can be used to protect cry pots, tho dangerous, not impossible to do so, mag.. i dont see any abilities of her's that scales in damage or do much crowed control. yeah, her 1 and 4 can knock foes on their feet but i've already point out the flaws with her 1 and 4, plus they can get right up after ~3 seconds or so and shoot you.  yeah, the radius of 4 meters is about 50m squared but does it make the range of which magnetize sucks in larger? no, if enemies are 5 meters from your magnetized target they will not be effected.


yeah, mag can restore shields and do a bit of crowd control for a very limited time but excalibur can straight out kill everything up to a decent lvl(lvl 100s) with his 4 and kill anything with a blind and convert dagger combo, while in his 1, excal can't die and will help to get to a safe area where you hold the advantage. sure his 3 does not bring a lot to the table but it does give a puncture proc which still helps..


Nova's 4 can slow everything down for a very long time and deal double damage with her weapons. her 3 can get her out of sticky situations and reach safety/advantage point. her 2 can deal a nice chunk of damage in an AoE and her 1 is.. just sad.


shee can deal damage and crowd control with her 4's augment. she can also multiply weapon damage by a lot with sonar and push enemies back and strip armor

with her 1 if you're using the augment. sure, silence is unreliable but well.. atleast the augment is gud.


Mag brings nothing to the table, sure she can restore shields but why do that when you can get a trin to heal you full and give 75% damage reduction? her damage is sad compare to excal and her crowd control is sad as well compare to nova.. really, what is mag even used for? sure, she can do a little bit of damage, a little bit of healing and a little bit of crowd control but she does it all badly.


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4 minutes ago, BigBlackCook said:

yes, tho vau's 1 fall off and limbo's 4 falls off as well, vau can still hang a bunch of enemies up with his 3 and suck things in with his 4, also his 2 can do wonders as well. limbo's 4 can be used to protect cry pots, tho dangerous, not impossible to do so, mag.. i dont see any abilities of her's that scales in damage or do much crowed control. yeah, her 1 and 4 can knock foes on their feet but i've already point out the flaws with her 1 and 4, plus they can get right up after ~3 seconds or so and shoot you.  yeah, the radius of 4 meters is about 50m squared but does it make the range of which magnetize sucks in larger? no, if enemies are 5 meters from your magnetized target they will not be effected.


yeah, mag can restore shields and do a bit of crowd control for a very limited time but excalibur can straight out kill everything up to a decent lvl(lvl 100s) with his 4 and kill anything with a blind and convert dagger combo, while in his 1, excal can't die and will help to get to a safe area where you hold the advantage. sure his 3 does not bring a lot to the table but it does give a puncture proc which still helps..


Nova's 4 can slow everything down for a very long time and deal double damage with her weapons. her 3 can get her out of sticky situations and reach safety/advantage point. her 2 can deal a nice chunk of damage in an AoE and her 1 is.. just sad.


shee can deal damage and crowd control with her 4's augment. she can also multiply weapon damage by a lot with sonar and push enemies back and strip armor

with her 1 if you're using the augment. sure, silence is unreliable but well.. atleast the augment is gud.


Mag brings nothing to the table, sure she can restore shields but why do that when you can get a trin to heal you full and give 75% damage reduction? her damage is sad compare to excal and her crowd control is sad as well compare to nova.. really, what is mag even used for? sure, she can do a little bit of damage, a little bit of healing and a little bit of crowd control but she does it all badly.


Mag brings nothing to the table, for you.  For people that enjoy her, she brings a lot to the table.  Her value to a team is subjective and arbitrary, no one in the game or in the forums is going to be able to convince you that she's something you don't see her as. 

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10 minutes ago, BigBlackCook said:

Mag brings nothing to the table, sure she can restore shields but why do that when you can get a trin to heal you full and give 75% damage reduction? her damage is sad compare to excal and her crowd control is sad as well compare to nova.. really, what is mag even used for? sure, she can do a little bit of damage, a little bit of healing and a little bit of crowd control but she does it all badly.


She can lock down choke points and spawn points. She can provide cover and close-in defense. She can dish out massive amounts of sustained damage to many, many, many enemies with a number of weapons (not just the Lanka). Mag is currently one of the strongest frames in the game. Polarize needs a re-rework, and Crush needs a pretty substantial buff, but overall Mag wrecks face.

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14 minutes ago, BigBlackCook said:

Mag brings nothing to the table,

She's the only frame capable of permanently reduce high enemy armor to 0

She is one of the few capable of turning enemy fire agaisnt themselves, and use that as a strategic defense.

She is capable, with spacial awareness, to thrive through knowledge in the battlefield.

And she restores shields. Honeslty, she brings a lot to the table.

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