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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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1 hour ago, Cytobel said:

I'm still totally against floor-locking Volt.  It's half about the Discharge animation that lifts you into the air and 974% about the game having no idea whether I'm standing on a floor due to wonkey geometry.  Fix that last bit COMPLETELY and there won't be much of a problem left.

Discharge DOES MISS THINGS.  I've seen this frequently enough, but it's FAR worse if you're below 145% Range.  That's now something of a requirement for Volt to use his 4.  This means the Discharge probably needs it's base range upped.

Similar problem with Mirage IMO. Floor-locking gives enemies the opportunity to kill you before you unleash it, especially Infested. With Blind, LoS gives enemies the opportunity to shoot you before you release the ability. In Mirage's case shields aren't high. But with both the ability speed is relatively slow. I mean I appreciate the new mechanic for the CC and all, but there are too many limits in place.

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19 hours ago, -CM-Emptiness said:

My impressions with the current Volt.


Still in an ever-growing hole.... Making it recast-able certainly helps, but when objectives diverge or are split i.e. Sabotage 2,0, Spy, Raids the issue remains.

Delay with casting is perhaps the most irritable. Even with mass lag I always obtained instantaneous speed with the old one; now, I might as well say that I'm 'lagging' in every mission. For a speed-oriented frame this is pretty counter-intuitive.


Back to radial buff. Implement an opt-out mechanic assigned to a hotkey. No issues with rolling or back-flips, quick and easy to apply. Think of it has an options setting but in-mission. If still too OP, remove reload-speed buff. Since the idea was to create a mid-ground Volt for speed-lovers and speed-haters, I see no reason to even apply reload-speed buffs unless it was an excuse to call Speed OP and rework it as it is now.

Electric Shield:

Like-wise, a big mess. Number one issue is the pick-up option. I tend to put down multiple shields to revive teammates. Now, I find myself constantly letting them die whilst I unknowingly keep picking up and dropping my 'black' shields.

Shield Cap isn't necessary. It has duration unlike Globe. This means Volt has two caps to the number of shields he can place i.e. Duration of each shield, and Energy available. Not to mention, shield-size is unaffected by mods, and is not spherical defense. Too many limits in comparison.

Portability is also of great concern. Currently, Electric Shield faces:

1. High energy movement cost

2. Severely reduced shield size - frontal only

3. Limited weapon selection

4. Reduced movement speed


Allocate pick-up option to hold-key. Or different key.

Remove one or two of portability issues.

Remove shield cap / reduce duration / shield size affected by range mod. If still too OP, remove AOE negation. Volt should not even have this given how small his shield is and how close he is to the shield - damage would still bypass. It would be more sensible to allocate it to Frost's Globe. 



or allow players in a squad to make a choice a the start of a mission if they want to have the speed buff applied to them if volt is in a party.

19 hours ago, FitzSimmons said:

Suggestion : 

for Electric Shield + Shock combo.....make Volt can increase electric damage on Electric Shield bonus damage by cast Shock to Electric Shield if Volt is using Shock Trooper augment mod. default electric shield bonus damage is doubles critical damage + 50% electric damage.....with Shock Trooper now Volt can take the advantage of his augment mod by cast Shock Trooper to Electric Shield. the bonus damage added to Electric Shield is same as bonus damage to ally. without power strength mod Electric Shield + Shock Trooper will boost electrict damage by 150% because Shock Trooper boost 100% electric damage. 

that is a very good idea. makes me want to use the mod more often outside of Draco runs.

13 hours ago, ZeroLiger said:

Lol well that certainly is a nice way too luck at it. I agree the brainbusting it takes to mod for him is a sign of balance. But when you look at him then every other frame who doesn't have this predicament. You wonder if it is him who is the unbalanced one.

that is very true. is volt overbalenced?

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7 hours ago, Brasten said:

It's the "Insert other media" option just above the "Submit Reply".

If you can use your PS4 recording function to get some clips or images of the conditions under which this happens, and either link it here or in the Bug Report section for the PS4 that would go a long way to helping DE find, replicate, and crush that bug faster.

It would also be something we all could look at and see if we could replicate on the same platform or on different platforms.

A side note, as ElectronX_Core points out, Discharge "flows" through the floor geometry. I don't know what would be preventing it from affecting enemies on the same level, but this would be again a case of needing to see what's happening to you.

From personal testing, I get mixed results from casting Discharge while Wall Latched (yes it's cast-able from there). Sometimes it will "flow" to the ground, other times it does nothing.

yeah, there's a problem - i have no PC nor was i ever into PC, nor did i ever wanted to. i also never uploaded anything with the PS4, i'm not into it - i'm not even certain the PS4's sub-standard mobile browser can use that "insert other media" feature. so i guess i should upload something to that YouTube channel thing i believe every PS4 user had to create for being able to use the "share" feature at all and post a link instead?


but how can i edit such a vid with just the PS4 browser or my Android phone to not have an azz-long vid there, but a quick row up of the important parts? i don't even know if i can manually start a recording with the PS4 or if it only relies on that auto-cap feature? you see - i'd be as new to that whole thing as it gets, i'm certain it can work decent enough with the tech i have - however, only if one knows what they do, right? 


and i don't get any kind of eagerness from disappointment - the eagerness to invest so much time and effort to get into the whole recording/ uploading/ editing thing enough out of nothing to try to maybe help DE, out of the disappointment that one out of the many fully tricked-out Prime Warframes i play got completely destroyed. it surly will get fixed without me doing too much for it like always - and until then i'm simply not playing him anymore - might the more interactive users do their whole upload stuff thing as always. i know this might not necessarily help me with bugs that might not be commonly experienced - and i know this all sounds way less enthusiastic than one may like it - but that's just how i accept things in gaming for myself since ever, sorry. 

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I agree with Cytobel on not finding the ground spread nature of Discharge very good. It is super wonky, especially when you consider we got the new Parkour (2.0) system partly to handle free-running on all the irregular goof geometry Warframe has. Although the animation for Volt doesn't actually take the "hit box" of Volt off the ground at any point.

I personally take less issue with Volt having to be on the ground to cast. Then again on casters like Frost, I've gotten very used to sliding while casting, to keep movement going instead of being a sitting target. Then again, I'm slightly unorthodox and used to 'copter' with heavy swords and hammers. Bonus: You can start charging back up the passive as you're sliding (which is why I know from the games POV that Volt isn't actually leaving the ground during the cast).

An interesting alternative would be for Volt to shoot a bolt of lighting (FX already exists and is used on Volt Prime's shock) directly down to the "ground" and have the effect spread from there. That way Volt can "air cast" but still have a visual reason why Discharge spreads from the ground point. Assuming DE can get that spread working better. Volt actually has one of the better animations that actually looks okay while air casting, unlike like say Ember (who kneels on and punches the air). 

6 hours ago, (PS4)HELLHOUND_ROCKO said:

but how can i edit such a vid with just the PS4 browser or my Android phone to not have an azz-long vid there, but a quick row up of the important parts? i don't even know if i can manually start a recording with the PS4 or if it only relies on that auto-cap feature? you see - i'd be as new to that whole thing as it gets, i'm certain it can work decent enough with the tech i have - however, only if one knows what they do, right?

There are good times to learn what your hardware/software can do. http://www.tomsguide.com/us/record-edit-video-ps4,news-17900.html

The PS4 should support moving clips to a USB drive so you don't even have to upload them http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps4/share/videoclip.html

From the USB drive you can likely work on it from your phone, which should work just as well as any "web surfing PC". There are plenty of video editors, PowerDirector, Adobe Premiere Clip, Magisto, etc. Services like Imgur (which have their own Apps for easy uploading) can use existing email account verification (if you ever want to just upload still images). Outside of larger super high power programs, I almost don't see a reason the majority of people need a full PC these days. Just a decent working knowledge of their fully mobile computer they keep in their pocket, purse, or (80s 90s throwback) fanny pack.

You can always just paste an image or video URL directly into the chat box here.

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12 hours ago, Cytobel said:

I'm still totally against floor-locking Volt.  It's half about the Discharge animation that lifts you into the air and 974% about the game having no idea whether I'm standing on a floor due to wonkey geometry.  Fix that last bit COMPLETELY and there won't be much of a problem left.

Discharge DOES MISS THINGS.  I've seen this frequently enough, but it's FAR worse if you're below 145% Range.  That's now something of a requirement for Volt to use his 4.  This means the Discharge probably needs it's base range upped.

Yeah the base range should be increased I suppose. As in the effect range of how far an enemy needs to be to get shocked by Coiled enemies. I find that to be the issue.

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45 minutes ago, Brasten said:

Volt actually has one of the better animations that actually looks okay while air casting, unlike like say Ember (who kneels on and punches the air). 

Hahaha! That.. thanks for reminding me about Ember's mid-air WoF animation.

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Bullet jumping and Parkor has been implemented into the game. What I don't understand is why was Volts Overload changed to work only on the ground. Why the FOV was taken away from speed? Why is there a slight delay after triggering speed before he takes off running. I am failing to understand the logic here. If it was completely fine, why was it changed? Did the devs get bored of being able to have it so that overload was able to be triggered while in mid air? "You know what staff... Let's make it so DISCHARGE can only be activated on the ground." "Gee that's a swell idea, that will make the community more satisfied with Volt's rework." Like wtf? Is this what you all do when deciding on changes? The only way to activate Overload in a "get out of dodge" situation is to slide. Why? Please help me to understand why you would change something that was completely fine for over 3 years now or however long it has been since Volts release? Even before the rework, if you activated Overload in mid air, the electricity was dispersed and the animation was finished on the ground. But at least I had the Joy of speeding across the map bullet jumping mid air and finishing my whole parkor move with an activation of Overload mid flight. That was fun. Keyword here..... FUN. We play video games to have FUN. What is fun about only being able to activate a skill on the ground? Now his skill set forces you to play on the ground along with the extra damage boost when traveling a certain distance. Not only this, but If I am standing on an object that is a few meters above the ground and I activate the new skill called DISCHARGE, enemies on the ground do not get the affect? Why? If I wall latched right above 20 infested enemies and then activate DISCHARGE they do not get affected. Why? Why why why?

This is killing me. 3k hours played, a Die hard volt player and you all had to make unnecessary changes to the way he functions. While I will agree that Overload needed some serious help, why give us something and take something away? Why can't we get the full package? This is why this game will forever be a beta. 

1 last thing. Why was it changed from Overload (a beast of a name) to Discharge. Really? Discharge. Could you imagine what would show up if someone tried to google the ability but forgot to put Warframe in the search. Discharge. lmao, another wtf.

Edited by (PS4)dA_BLoK_iS_hOt
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On 5/27/2016 at 5:57 PM, Satinpuppies said:

This seriously sucks so much.... the range is AWFUL.... The damage is okay with duration... but not what it used to be

I could cast my ult before have everything cc'd and taking TONS of constant damage from the lights it always looked so cool.... Whilst spamming my shock... now it's just.... Wow DE I loved Volt so much I went Prime access for him. There was nothing like running through with all the electricity zapping crap going room to room at high speed buffing the whole team in a great range.... He can't even do that anymore... Volt is TRASH now.

He's horrible.... I wish I could say I was overreacting.

I'm so upset right now... Please just give me back the old volt.... Keep the shield, bring back the range and bring back the lights turnining into a constant damage source because he's far worse than before.

I feel your pain. After the rework I was afraid to test him out. He is far worse that I expected. Things that worked so beautifully with him, they took it away. I was more attached to volt that any other frame. I had builds that I could use on him in any game mode. Except maybe spy. He was beautiful. Now they messed him up bad. I know people say this a lot, but I may take a break and this is coming from someone who put 3k hours in and started at breeding grounds. All these nerfs is just depressing. 

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So, to flash back a bit, we were totally against seeing a change to Shock.  That was back when we thought that Shock would only ever get nerf'd, because it worked.

Today we want more from it.  Ahhh, how the wheels turn...

I don't feel like I can avoid saying I want a "hold-1" cast Ball Lightning, the thing is that I really just want the knock-down addition to the cast and a ball lightning visual thing.  That's me though.


Basically, we have a vague dissatisfaction with Shock, but not because the move is bad.  We just want something more from a move that's (appearantly) not supposed to be about damage.

Speed needs to have a higher base buff with less effect from power strength.  We could then focus away from 269% Strength builds and still feel like the move is VIABLE.  I'd also point out that Volt's base speed is lacking.  A buff to a 1.15 sprint speed and a stronger base effect on Speed could seriously help, without limiting choices.

I've been thinking about what Shock could do in conjunction with Speed, and all I come up with is an AoE stun pulse when you cast Shock while you're moving with speed.  There NEEDS to be an interaction here, I'm just not sure what.

Electric Shield is... well, pretty good.  The dissatisfaction here is totally with the silly degree of restrictions to Riot Shield and the asinine drain it has.  I'd also need an electric proc on enemies touching a Shock charged shield.  QoL, but needed I think.

Discharge.  We harp on about this, but I'm really thinking that we woud feel significantly better with a "low-altitude" restriction, rather than a ground lock.  The idea is that you need to be within a meter (or so) of a surface to pop your ult.  This might be easier to code than working on all the floor textures in game.  While we're at it, why not also update that animation?  There is no reason not to, and you could streamline it.  A faster cast animation would really help take the sting out of the "low-altitude" restriction.

Mechanically, if you dangle "percentile health damage" in front of us and then replace this at the last minute with a hard damage cap and set damage number, you CAN'T expect us to feel happy with what we've had dumped on us.  When you get half a chance DE, PLEASE follow through here.

Volt's stats are another issue.  As mentioned repeatedly, his base sprint speed is a bit low and non-Prime has NOTHING like the needed energy pool.  Please address this at some point, even if it's just to say "NO!".  Well, as long as there's a touch of explained thought process too.

Finally, lets think about that passive please.  "Tactical" it ain't.  Perhaps a percentile damage buff, storable until you melee an enemy or cast an ability?  Set damage numbers don't go far or feel great, and this actually could drop the damage output without making us feel like it was worse.  I'd hard cap a percentile damage buff at 500% though.  Any more and it's a nuke, too much less and it wouldn't do much at all.


TL;DR: Animation changes to Discharge, a few points of rework to other skills and a different direction with that passive...  Volt is closer than you think to being workable.  Now read the post because there are a few other points there about base stats and such.

EDIT:  This is directed more towards Devs than other players.

Edited by Cytobel
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3 hours ago, (PS4)dA_BLoK_iS_hOt said:

I feel your pain. After the rework I was afraid to test him out. He is far worse that I expected. Things that worked so beautifully with him, they took it away. I was more attached to volt that any other frame. I had builds that I could use on him in any game mode. Except maybe spy. He was beautiful. Now they messed him up bad. I know people say this a lot, but I may take a break and this is coming from someone who put 3k hours in and started at breeding grounds. All these nerfs is just depressing. 

All the talk about balance just means another frame does any given thing better.

Volt's defining characteristic is SPEED.  I've said this before but I'll plead here with my speed synergy idea to tie all abilities together.

1.  With ACTIVE SPEED, Volt needs to be able to cast all his other abilities while moving.  Keep timing the same for casts, but LET VOLT KEEP MOVING.  FAST.

He is not meant to be a "stop-go-stop" frame.  He is a tactical STRAFE frame.

Casting Overload/Discharge as a point-to-contact Lightning bolt is a promising idea.

Imagine Volt sprinting past a squadmate who is struggling to defend an Intercept point and dropping a shield to help...He sprints into the next room and"carpet bombs" the grand hall with 3 Discharge/Overloads as he runs.

2.  Make this "speed fast cast" his passive if you want (People have likened it to casting Vex Armor)

But that is the answer to making Volt transcend the mechanics he is currently mired in.  

Low and behold, an alternative to Gunplay emerges.

Currently he is a really fast car that you need to slam the  breaks on to do anything, and then bury the pedal to get going again.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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16 hours ago, Aquasurge said:

or allow players in a squad to make a choice a the start of a mission if they want to have the speed buff applied to them if volt is in a party.

that is a very good idea. makes me want to use the mod more often outside of Draco runs.

that is very true. is volt overbalenced?

"Balanced" here is code for versatile but not necessarily effective.

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On 6/12/2016 at 10:56 AM, EineSohn said:

Just got a Volt to test the rework(still lvl 14, so can't sat much besides how Volt P looks fabulous o.o), I can agree with how "50% more damage" wouldn't help, cc does scale much better. However what I've seen people comment, is how his Discharge isn't lasting as it should. How would is the cap affecting this, are people putting too much strength, and if so, why is it being punished..? I mean, if I put strength, the damage done isn't high, and that also reduces the CC...

Removing the cap to a flat duration, or maybe changing the CC to power duration, these could solve the problems people talk about.

But alas, I gotta try him to see how it is going.

I understand how that would make volt "better". The problem with making it so that his CC last with power duration and ignoring caps is that it basically is a step in the wrong direction. They just got done nerfing mirage because she could lock down an entire room indefinitely. Changing volt so he could do the same would only replace that OP build with another one. I think all these reworks are coming because DE recognizes that some frames are utterly useless, and some frames completely remove the need of any kind of skill at all.

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14 minutes ago, Rythiman said:

I understand how that would make volt "better". The problem with making it so that his CC last with power duration and ignoring caps is that it basically is a step in the wrong direction. They just got done nerfing mirage because she could lock down an entire room indefinitely. Changing volt so he could do the same would only replace that OP build with another one. I think all these reworks are coming because DE recognizes that some frames are utterly useless, and some frames completely remove the need of any kind of skill at all.

That's fine, but capping with scaling is just disastrous for established Volt players who want end-game viability with his 4.

The problem is that this simple concept:

CC duration <-----V----->damage

Is totally compromised by tying the efficacy of one to the other by making them interrelated rather than proportionally balanced and compounding with a low-ceiling damage cap with armor being a wierd variable rationalized by conductivity I'm guessing?

The end result is Mirage-blind ridiculousness at mid-game that becomes useless damage and CC that is less effective as target numbers increase and use it up

Start with a split that is a set number of seconds for CC and a base amount of damage with a scaling % of damage to target hit points initially (similar to viral reduction) like so:

5 second stun; damage = (250 + [.50x HP]).

This way you have a degree of scalable damage into late game.

I know it's simplistic, but you get the idea.

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6 hours ago, Cytobel said:

So, to flash back a bit, we were totally against seeing a change to Shock.  That was back when we thought that Shock would only ever get nerf'd, because it worked.

Today we want more from it.  Ahhh, how the wheels turn...

I don't feel like I can avoid saying I want a "hold-1" cast Ball Lightning, the thing is that I really just want the knock-down addition to the cast and a ball lightning visual thing.  That's me though.


so umm like tracing spark grenades?

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

All the talk about balance just means another frame does any given thing better.

Volt's defining characteristic is SPEED.  I've said this before but I'll plead here with my speed synergy idea to tie all abilities together.

1.  With ACTIVE SPEED, Volt needs to be able to cast all his other abilities while moving.  Keep timing the same for casts, but LET VOLT KEEP MOVING.  FAST.

He is not meant to be a "stop-go-stop" frame.  He is a tactical STRAFE frame.

Casting Overload/Discharge as a point-to-contact Lightning bolt is a promising idea.

Imagine Volt sprinting past a squadmate who is struggling to defend an Intercept point and dropping a shield to help...He sprints into the next room and"carpet bombs" the grand hall with 3 Discharge/Overloads as he runs.

2.  Make this "speed fast cast" his passive if you want (People have likened it to casting Vex Armor)

But that is the answer to making Volt transcend the mechanics he is currently mired in.  

Low and behold, an alternative to Gunplay emerges.

Currently he is a really fast car that you need to slam the  breaks on to do anything, and then bury the pedal to get going again.

I do like to concept, and I ALWAYS build Volt with only Speed in mind, but this is somewhat old...

As things stand now, specially with a recastable Speed, we don't need duration as we did before... At least not with this build. So we can have a little more range (Narrow Minded).

Although that's all fine and dandy per se, if you look at how to build Volt on his current skillset you might get extremely frustrated...:

Shock: no moddable duration for the stun, Electricity sucks, and as a first skill it has low damage potential. Comparing Shock to Inaros' Fist, for instance, shock sucks even more. I know enabling finishers on Firsts is alarming, as many other Frames have this, but not even granting a moddable stun time is simply leaving Shock in a unusable position. My concern is, that if DE does apply duration mods on Shock's math, you might throw Discharge altogether on the garbage, as it would be mainly the same thing...

Speed: Loved the recast. Thanks a lot DE, was a bit late, but still, thanks a lot!! It might look like we're asking too much, but would it be possible to be able to cast Speed mid actions?! Also, some love for the duration innate duration?

ES: still not using. As it is being constantly said, the Riot version is prohibitive (suggestion here would be to halve the duration, but keep sprint speed untouched, without the energy drain), and the stationary version doesn't fit Speed Volts.

Discharge: I like the name. I like the concept, but I loathe the execution. It misses targets that are in range (major issue here); it was advertised as a % of health damage, but delivered with a low cap; Range is low; Cast time is eternal; and no mid-air execution. Needs a rework.....

Passive: takes too much distance to build the charge, offers no synergy with in game mechanics, extremely low scalability.

Sprint Speed: Will start to address this issue separately, as it is a general consensus that it needs a buff. Volt has low armor, low sprint speed and ES, the skill that was supposed to add to his survivability, is extremely prohibitive on its riot version. It doesn't add up. You're making a REALLY squishy frame, that was supposed to have some sort of mechanic to stay alive, cower behind his shield in his stationary version.


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10 minutes ago, Toramaru said:


Sprint Speed: Will start to address this issue separately, as it is a general consensus that it needs a buff. Volt has low armor, low sprint speed and ES, the skill that was supposed to add to his survivability, is extremely prohibitive on its riot version. It doesn't add up. You're making a REALLY squishy frame, that was supposed to have some sort of mechanic to stay alive, cower behind his shield in his stationary version.


this. pretty much every volt rework thread has some mention of this small, but significant QoL change. must have speed, must not stop for anything.

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The new ult name fits the current ult's effect more, therefore Discharge. Discharging lots of watts into many enemies.

Overload was named then because it overloaded electronic devices to attack enemies.

I'm just neutral on this ability now. It's awesome but feels like it needs more range and its dmg cap, removed.

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Okay. Having tested out several builds and seen all this feedback, I have a new suggestion that should make everybody happy: His passive.

Speed needs something changed about how it's given to allies but that's a universal agreement.

My suggestion is that his passive, rather than applying a burst to his next damage period, should have different interactions with his abilities. It has zero interaction with his guns, builds stacks with melee attacks and movement (so that frequent melee comboing doesn't basically lose the effectiveness of it), and applies a radial electricity burst on ground slam (similar to heat swords). Stacks apply small percent-of-enemy-health damage to shock, scaling slowly but regularly, and stun duration, scaling logarithmically (Very fast with early stacks, very slow with later stacks). Stacks apply a small amount of duration to speed, scaling logarithmically, and further buildup of stacks (holding them, not using them) increases the strength of the speed buff, scaling regularly. Electric shield gains a small size buff, scaling regularly, but slowly (Not sure about this one). Discharge scales differently depending on its effects, starting off slow so that those early stacks don't make much difference all the way up until 3/4 capacity, but those last few stacks make all the difference. The damage cap scales upwards quickly, damage scales up slowly, and arc range scales up even more slowly. Initial pulse range and the CC Duration  remain unaffected. 

To balance this out, I would say increase the capacity of stacks to 5,000, and have it so that only Disharge can actually consume all 5,000 of those stacks, whereas the basic abilities consume up to 1,000, and the melee slam can consume up to 500. Effectiveness per stack is affected by power strength, capped at 125%, but stack buildup speed is affected by power efficiency, capped at 150%.

The result of this is that Discharge sees minor bonuses with the first roughly 3,00-4,00 stacks, but when those last 1,000 stacks are acquired, it really becomes a fireworks show.

This way people can't go trigger happy with Volt's abilities and annihilate everything, Volt can achieve the speed that he's worthy of, the passive becomes useful, and he can scale in such a way so that any form of min/maxing as well as not having any dump stats are each rewarding for different situations. Plus, it rewards players for not hyper spamming abilities via energy restore.

Obviously this isn't perfect, as players might just try and do nothing until 5,000 stacks and abuse speed+efficiency, so obvious number tweaking would be necessary around all powers in regards to duration, energy costs, etc. and possibly other numbers. As always, open to suggestions.


Edited by SylvenStar
Typos, added explanations
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19 hours ago, Aquasurge said:

so umm like tracing spark grenades?

Ya know, yeah.  Something similar to that, but with serious emphasis on the "boom".  I'd even run radial damage from the detonation point, just to make it more about CC than the damage.

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On June 14, 2016 at 1:21 PM, LunarEdge7 said:

Yeah the base range should be increased I suppose. As in the effect range of how far an enemy needs to be to get shocked by Coiled enemies. I find that to be the issue.

So correct me if I'm wrong, but I threw stretch on and it hit a larger number of targets in Draco but the CC was extraordinarily truncated.

Almost like if I were Nyx and hit a mob with chaos, the more I hit the less duration it would have.

If true, this along with floor locking, inconsistent enemy recognition, and slow casting time simply break Discharge's intent.

The more I play the more I care about the CC and the less I care about damage in any fashion; I only care about the damage cap as pertains to CC.

Im almost inclined to ask for Discharge to have some kind of debuffing/anti-eximus aura effect because weapons perform "damage" functions so much better.

It works ok in small mobs if I can fast-cast (or make his passive an ability to cast while running), and the best use so far has been on boss KDT in Rathuum to extended stun-lock her, throw up a shield, and crit blast her with my V Hek.

A final note:. Base Speed increase would be an extraordinary QoL improvement, DE.  It would free up the almost obligatory use of Rush and Armored Agility to make Volt a bit more versatile and powerful.  Please remove the new cast delay on speed.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Tested Volt's electric shield and this thing has way too many negatives, you should either get rid of the energy drain when it's picked up/moving or remove the duration timer when it's picked up. Range doesn't seem to affect it when picked up and it doesn't protect against explosions, it's like they go right through the shield. I don't understand why you can't use primaries because Volt isn't holding it, it just floats in front.

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41 minutes ago, (XB1)Beck117 said:

Tested Volt's electric shield and this thing has way too many negatives, you should either get rid of the energy drain when it's picked up/moving or remove the duration timer when it's picked up. Range doesn't seem to affect it when picked up and it doesn't protect against explosions, it's like they go right through the shield. I don't understand why you can't use primaries because Volt isn't holding it, it just floats in front.

that explosions thing - that's probably a bug on xbox. the new sheild blocks explosions from bombards.

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