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Update 18.13 Passives Feedback


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4 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

Now I have 200gb worth of Ash soloing survival, great.

Oh boy, how wrong I was! Now after I soloed 100 minutes of T4S with Ash, popping Naramon after 30 minutes in (I died on 22 minutes for the first time) my opinion has become pretty much opposite!

Well, honestly, what did you expect? I get, that you are struggling on Infestation Sortie. Maybe less, but I still get, that you are struggling on it with Ash, which is kinda stupid, but I can understand that - some people are genuinely bad at video games - I bet you have something else working for you. What I don't get is why do you argue with someone who clearly has much more experience about so-called "end game", what works there, what doesn't, and how is that all related to Ash's passive?

It was exactly as I said - Ash can do a bit over 100 minutes of T4S/T3S by only using Naramon, proper melee and his passive. For a reference, other frames who don't have that passive will have their damage fall-off around 60~70 minutes in. That passive allows Ash to kill level 200 enemies at the same speed he would've dealt with enemies of level 100. Think about it a bit, and tell me, how's it "nothing special"?

For a further reference:

It's a gimmick. It won't make your frame any stronger. It has no purpose other than having fun, as you can stay on a wall indefinitely even without that passive. However, I have nothing against such passives, as gimmicks are fun.

For instance, Valkyr's passive is pretty similar in a sense, that you can always simply slide on a heavy landing, but having that little gimmick is nice.

Three literal centimeters - that's how much of a "buff" she received. I would've understood if she became able to revive stuff from across the map - that could've been fun, but right now her passive is worthless.

Just so you know, Excalibur's passive provides him with a whopping 5% DPS increase at best, as his passive is additive, not multiplicative. You literally can't feel or see the difference this passive provides, unless you were to write down the numbers and count the frames (I ain't even sure about that one).


And now let me state what you seem to understand yourself:

And now let's remember what his passive does. What was that?

Ah yeah, that. So, not only "Majority of Blade Storm's damage" just received a straight buff amounting to direct 25% DPS increase, overall damage have increased even more, given Ash quite easily makes use of extra duration on bleed. And it doesn't affects only Blade Storm, which was definitely an underwhelming ability and surely required a buff, no - it also affects all weapons, some of which can be fully built around bleed proc. Coincidentally, these weapons are among some of the most effective ones during the end-game content.


You might be surprised, but if you take Ash's passive and give it to, say, Excalibur - it will have stronger effect than his current one by a substantial amount, and that's given Excalibur's EBlade has 10% status chance and the frame itself has no special means of landing a bleed proc.


I don't actually care about Ash himself that much, I don't even play him. What bothers me, however, is that his "plain" passive is arguably one of the strongest in the game, if not the strongest, and it makes vast majority of other frame's passives look like useless garbage. And the frame that received that passive by no means needed a buff.

I honestly don't want that passive to be nerfed, however I sure want for other passives not to look like a complete trash in comparison - boy those 3cm for Trin, that was so generous of you, DE!


With that, I have written and explained literally everything about what's not right with the passive Ash has received. Any further replies in the genre of "it isn't that good" would be treated like cases of genuine idiocy and ignored.


>ignorant statements


Lets be honest with ourselves here, Naramon was your crutch here, not Ash or his passive. Bring any frame with Naramon and a decent crit weapon, and they are bound to do well in Survival solo. 

You dying 22 minutes in a T4 survival  further proves my point, we can draw two conclusions from here:

A). Under your logic you are terrible at this game seeing as how you were killed at just 22 mins without Naramon on a frame that you claimed to be some sort of late game god that can faceroll with his passive and ult.

B). Ash and his passive isn't as powerful as you ignorantly made it out to be.

Take your pick.

Let's also not forget, in a group setting, Ash's finisher damage is rendered redundant and useless with 4x cp completely stripping armor off and the whole team is running with viral+slash weapons that have a massive boost in damage due to the now flesh only target, while bleed procs and finishers fall behind.

Edited by Dragazer
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3 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

Just so you know, Excalibur's passive provides him with a whopping 5% DPS increase at best, as his passive is additive, not multiplicative. You literally can't feel or see the difference this passive provides, unless you were to write down the numbers and count the frames (I ain't even sure about that one).

Excal's passive is a bit underrated.  The 10% damage still still amounts to something on most weapons since it gets multiplied by elements, crit, etc (and power strength on EB) despite "not being multiplicative," but the real treasure is the 10% attack speed, which is something that's relatively scarce on mods and contributes noticeably to both melee DPS and flexibility.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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Just give Ember a 50-100% damage boost on heat procs as a passive, they don't stack like Ash's bleed procs or poison procs so it's not like it's going to get out of hand.

I'd be ok with 50% myself as it's at least something. It makes decent status chance fire weapon builds worth considering.

This way you don't need gimmicky reactivation of WoF from some str increase passive to make use of the passive.

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Limbo's  Speed holster is pretty lack luster. The amount of time it takes him to shift in an out he can easily reload. If weapons in general had long reload times it might have had some useful purpose. It seems his passives sole purpose is for cataclysm with shotguns. 

Would be nice if Limbo's passive was he has a 50% chance of sending fatal damage into the void, which only procs once every 30 seconds. 


Oberons passive is extremely situation as Corpus still do not have any wild life and infested are not considered wild life. 


Hydroid - I tried for about 2 hours to see how effective a single tentacle is - long story short - its best used as a phallic joke punch line.  One option is anytime he casts his 1 or 3 -he can get wet ( innuendo required ) - which gives him temporary lowered friction on sliding. 


Ember really needs a huge fire resistance buffer naturally. Since taking high level fire damage can instantly kill her making her passive pointless in high level missions.

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My thoughts on the new passives:

Ash - Great, it synergizes with his Shuriken and Bladestorm, it makes sense and it's always useful.

Banshee - Also makes sense for her abilities and makes her less reliant on Silence for stealth. If you're going for stealth, it's always useful.


Ember - How many enemies inflict Heat procs? What are the odds their Heat-inflicting attacks will land on the Ember player and what are the status chances if they do? What if you have a Nezha or Oberon in the party and they cleanse the proc? Because of all of those factors, it's highly unlikely that Ember players will ever be in a situation in which the buff they receive from the passive is actually advantageous.

My suggestion for a different Ember passive: You could always give her the same passive as Ash only for Heat procs, that would be much better than her current passive, but I have a better idea. Heat damage from Ember always triggers a Heat proc. This applies to both Ember's abilities and her weapons. First, this is always active rather than reactive, so the player can incorporate it into their playstyle. Second, because the Heat proc causes enemies to panic, it suits Ember's CC-oriented gameplay. Third, it gives the player something to consider when modding their gear: they might want to bring Heat, which is not often present on weapons, for the extra damage and CC. Fourth, it's just a more fun passive than her existing one; who doesn't want more fire if they're playing the fire frame?


Hydroid - Haven't played Hydroid since the patch, not sure what to say about this one.

Limbo - Reserving jugment on this one since there's a Limbo rework coming.

Loki - Not much to say about this, really. The stealth frame gets a stealth passive. I can see people doing some insane things combining this with Decoy and Switch Teleport.

Mag - Yeah, this one's great. Always useful even if you have Carrier, good synergy.

Nekros - I love the thematic synergy, it's a great idea, but it's very weak. Any chance this could be buffed?

Nova - No thematic or ability synergy, but I like this as it's very helpful for a frame as squishy as Nova. Get knocked down? Vengeance! Run away while your enemies are getting up! Perfect.


Nyx - Nyx's entire gameplay revolves around turning your enemy's strength against them, this clashes with that by potentially making enemies Nyx affects weaker. And as I'm sure many players have mentioned, if I wanted to mindcontrol enemies and disarm them I'd just bring Loki with Irradiating Disarm.

My suggestion for a different Nyx passive: Mind Control has a chance to spread to nearby unaffected enemies, or to enemies Nyx hits with Psychic Bolts. To clarify: Any non-controlled enemies near the controlled target or hit by Psychic Bolts have a chance to be controlled. When Mind Control ends for the original target, it ends for any enemies it spread to as well.

While this passive can potentially do nothing since it's RNG-based, that balances out the positive end of what it can potentially do (armies of Mind Controlled enemies). It's always useful but impossible to abuse, it makes an already superb frame even stronger without making her overpowered or giving her abilities free extra duration, and it makes Psychic Bolts useful whether Nyx has the augment for it or not.


Oberon - I'm sure many players pointed out how bad this passive is. Most tilesets don't and likely never will have animals. Even when this comes into effect, since it only lasts for 20 seconds it can be potentially confusing to other players when suddenly a bunch of hostile Kubrow "spawned" in the middle of the group.

My suggestion for a different Oberon passive: Nearby allies are healed over time. Basically this gives Oberon a free Rejuvenation Aura that stacks with the actual Rejuvenation Aura and/or Renewal. This is always useful and synergizes with both Oberon's theme and gameplay.


Trinity - Excellent passive. Suits her gameplay and theme, always useful.

Vauban - I haven't played Vauban since the passive update so I'm acting on the assumption that this only increases his base armour and it doesn't fully scale with Steel Fiber and the like. Vauban's armour goes from 50 to 62.5 or from 100 to 125 when other players are nearby. Not only does this basically do nothing for Vauban (the armour increase is too low to matter and why does a frame that can completely shut down groups of enemies care about this?), I don't see how it suits his tactical support gameplay. What if it was the other way around, with Vauban increasing his allies' armour?

Volt - I know some people will point out that post-Parkour 2.0 Warframe has a lot of aerial movement, but I think this one is just fine solely because Volt is more likely to run on the ground due to Speed. It's a nice bit of bonus damage with excellent thematic synergy.

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Nyx - Nyx's entire gameplay revolves around turning your enemy's strength against them, this clashes with that by potentially making enemies Nyx affects weaker. And as I'm sure many players have mentioned, if I wanted to mindcontrol enemies and disarm them I'd just bring Loki with Irradiating Disarm.

I completely agree. 

Since Nyx is all about mind control, why not let her passive be that enemies affected by any of her abilities have a chance of getting confused (like when switch teleported) for a moment when the effect ends (or when it hits for psychic bolt, I suppose). Think of it as after effects of heavy mental strain or something, caused by her powerful presence.

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Ok this is mainly for the nekros passive; Loving how you implemented it, deaths around nekros should always make him stronger, but a 10 meter range means I have to nearly be dry humping the leg of the enemy....10 meters? Needs to be at least 30. I mean it's a piddly 5 health after all. You can lose more than 5 health from a single shot of a level 15 grineer.... Need at least to get some range on it so you get some real benefit. now I'm not saying make it too far, otherwise it promotes lazy spam play, but it sure needs to be bigger than it is now please. 

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Just now, RealPandemonium said:

When is it put to any better use on powers, aside from that one interaction with Shield?

Good point x)


But the damage doesn't scale at all. At some point 1000 damage is completely usless

Therefore I suggest that the damage Volt can accumulate increases propirtionnaly to the maximum enemy level. We need some scaling

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Just now, Deidaku said:

Good point x)


But the damage doesn't scale at all. At some point 1000 damage is completely usless

Therefore I suggest that the damage Volt can accumulate increases propirtionnaly to the maximum enemy level. We need some scaling

Wait for DE to cap enemy levels at a reasonable place instead of level 100 BS in regular missions.  

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Please change/tweak Oberon passive. Nice idea but the amount of energy drain that happens when you convert an animal is a liability and a inconvenience. The energy lost could have been better put to use with oberon's 4, confusing enemies in a large radius that DOESN'T drain energy. The fact that you suffer a -4 energy per second degen for those horrible pointless 20seconds is not a passive anyone would want at all.

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After laying Equinox quite a bit more I've come to realize how completely awful her passive is.. Since this is a passive discussion, I'm willing to say pretty much anything would be better. It's thematic, however honestly to make it useful it'd have to function at the full power of an equilibrium, and really the concept is just so far off from an engaging and enjoyable addition to the frame that it really needs to just be redone. I'll likely talk with people and see about making a short list of possible alternatives.



On 10/06/2016 at 11:57 AM, FeatherSigil said:

My thoughts on the new passives:

Loki - Not much to say about this, really. The stealth frame gets a stealth passive. I can see people doing some insane things combining this with Decoy and Switch Teleport.

Nova - No thematic or ability synergy, but I like this as it's very helpful for a frame as squishy as Nova. Get knocked down? Vengeance! Run away while your enemies are getting up! Perfect.

I feel like a lot of your feedback was very good, however I'm concerned you haven't played these two frame recently.

Nova's current passive currently has no affect on, Heavy gunners, Bombards (their animation makes them immune), Scorpions, Ancients of all kinds (they knock you down from so far away that they're unaffected.) and corpus explosives (which are not enemies). No other enemies really come to mind off the top of my head, maybe bombards who are also long ranged? or perhaps laser gates which also aren't enemies? In short there's no real application for this ability. It's to short range, to inefficient.

Loki, short of not really being "the stealth frame" of the game, he really doesn't gain anything from this ability. His invisibility is time based unlike Ivara, and as such you're more likely going to be on the move as opposed to clinging to walls. I really feel like instead of duration, It should of been something like "When Loki clings to a wall for 3 seconds a decoy is created" or some sort of actually useful affect.

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2 hours ago, KittyDarkling said:

Nova's current passive currently has no affect on, Heavy gunners, Bombards (their animation makes them immune), Scorpions, Ancients of all kinds (they knock you down from so far away that they're unaffected.) and corpus explosives (which are not enemies). No other enemies really come to mind off the top of my head, maybe bombards who are also long ranged? or perhaps laser gates which also aren't enemies? In short there's no real application for this ability. It's to short range, to inefficient.

Loki, short of not really being "the stealth frame" of the game, he really doesn't gain anything from this ability. His invisibility is time based unlike Ivara, and as such you're more likely going to be on the move as opposed to clinging to walls. I really feel like instead of duration, It should of been something like "When Loki clings to a wall for 3 seconds a decoy is created" or some sort of actually useful affect.

Ah, I see. And you're right, I haven't had a chance to play Nova or Loki since the patch. That being said...

To me the obvious solution for Nova's passive would be that in addition to the point-blank knockdown whatever knocked her down suffers its own knockdown effect, solving the range issue. But then how often will she get knocked down anyway if the entire battlefield is primed? Perhaps this would be a better idea:


Nova receives # bonus damage to her melee attacks if she has not been hit in the past 5 seconds.


This suits Nova's role as a glass cannon frame and synergizes with Molecular Prime while also presenting a risk-reward scenario for the player: get up close with a squishy frame, keep the battlefield primed constantly, play flawlessly and reap the benefits.


As for Loki, I still feel that his current passive has potential synergy with Switch Teleport for creative level traversal.

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For me, Loki's new passive is one of the reasons I use him now occasionally in some defense/survival missions as opposed to Nekros.  Its kinda a 'sniper-perch anywhere' power. At least for me.

Only issues with it is how hard it is sometimes to wall perch on walls that you should be able to perch on and the tendency to get a biiigole screen of loki butt in your cameras view instead of the sweet little poppers down below. 

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I can't describe my frustration with DE with them listening to some feedback on the Warframe abilities they changed, but they have yet to show any work of them possibly listening to our feedback on passives. All I want is to hear from them that there WILL be a change to the passives that many of us dislike, believe are useless, hurtful, etc. It's extremely frustrating when I'm sitting there with Nyx, not even knowing if I want to play her right now because her passive makes it so infuriating to play her such as when I cast Mind Control on a Heavy unit and I planned to Mind Control that enemy again, but oh wait, I can't because now it's disarmed!

I love Nyx with a passion, she was the first Warframe I crafted back when I played on Xbox (I created a new account, this one, after getting a PC) and she still remains my favorite today, but I'm not even sure if I want to play her because I'm on the forums half the time now hoping for word on if they will be changing her passive and some others! Plus, I'm sitting there explaining why Nyx's passive is so hurtful to her and her players, which I have explained earlier in this thread. DE, I love you guys, you have made a great game, but please stay true to your word on how you listen to player feedback and please show us that with another Developer Workshop on you guys changing those passives, I can't keep waiting to play my favorite Warframe again.

Thank you.

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Actually, there's quite a few of us following this thread, I'd like to open Equinox's passive for discussion. I've started playing her a lot, and I've never gotten any use out of her passive. That being said the best Idea I've had for a new passive was to buff her ability to use a weapon in each hand. (duel secondaries, duel daggers, ect)

Or actually bonus fire damage in day form and bonus cold damage at night might be good too

I don't know, either way I'd really like some input from you guys on her since she's such a neglected Warframe, with such a useless passive.

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16 minutes ago, OzoneSlayer said:

Volts passive cap needs to be drastically raised to even matter and needs to accumulate faster than it does currently

Problem with doing this is it would be super broken early game. I Think Passives need to be affected by mods in some cases. Power strength for charge rate and duration for capacity would be a good way to buff t without ruining the early game I think. Other Passives might be able to gain something from mod influence as well.

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Well I do like Nyx passive... its rng based, its a powerful effect ... for me its a nice plus that comes better than becoming friends of the animals or vacumm jump if you ask me... its a good plus (its a disarm), and who said it should be Loki's exclusivity?...after all Loki is already into Nyx territory with that augment, so the reverse is forbidden?

Btw, if it ever gets changed... i swear it won't be as useful as the current one... and you will get again into complaining... and the cicle will repeat----

Am i lying?...

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On 5/31/2016 at 8:38 AM, Orthelius said:

Heya, just to say, please rework Oberon's (and Ember's) passives, or at least consider tweaking them.

I have done some extensive testing the past couple of days, slapping 4 forma onto Oberon using Spy missions on Ceres, bringing me into contact with Hyekkas and Grineer Kubrows. I have found Oberon's new passive to be more annoying than not, as it seems highly inconsistent, adds virtually nothing to combat and either works as soon as I see the 'Wildlife' which sometimes spoils my ninja runs, or instead only works when I'm sitting on top of them.

I believe the proposed 'Photosynthesis' passive was much more appropriate, although, since he is an excellent healer, I believe it should instead restore energy while in light, which would make more sense since Photosynthesis does produce energy sources.

I must also make a plea for Ember, since her passive is also rather pointless and more dangerous than useful. The enemies that may fireproc you are also the type who will kill you after you notice them. Ember is rather a squishy frame so it makes no sense to reward her taking damage. Instead giving enemies she incinerates an increased chance of dropping energy would be much more valuable, both for a team and for herself.

i agree with the above post i love oberon yes hes not really viable but he is one of my favourite frames ive also tested his passive out and i agree with the above statement 


with ember ive been playing since beta on ps4 and ember is nowhere near a tank frame the damage out put of enemies who deal fire damage to proc this passive will instantly kill ember at lvl 80 plus thus making her useless for endurance runs her damage actually falls off way too fast and for how squishy she is firequake has no significance  as that means by 50 mins in youve pretty much got no chance of survival i would suggest some sort of inceneration aspect to her passive as such i mean taking damage has a chance to proc a fire proc dealing damage based on a percentage of health of which is barely significant 

idk thats just me but honestly to have the most fun you need a tank frame which sucks for me i love endurance runs and all the frames i use means i can only use 1 a bility to survive endurance runs 

i think the bulk of the passives are stunning their amazing but some are just well underwhelming ty for listening 

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On 12/06/2016 at 11:26 PM, FeatherSigil said:

As for Loki, I still feel that his current passive has potential synergy with Switch Teleport for creative level traversal.


12 hours ago, MacabreHaze said:

For me, Loki's new passive is one of the reasons I use him now occasionally in some defense/survival missions as opposed to Nekros.  Its kinda a 'sniper-perch anywhere' power. At least for me.

Only issues with it is how hard it is sometimes to wall perch on walls that you should be able to perch on and the tendency to get a biiigole screen of loki butt in your cameras view instead of the sweet little poppers down below. 

I guess after giving it a bit more of a chance it's not so bad. I still feel like wall clinging needs to be fleshed out a bit more. Maybe have some more mods that synergies with wall clinging.  Also other frames should likely have twice as much cling, mind you Loki's should probably be upgraded to the in-game description of "indefinite" wall clinging, but yeah. I was probably a bit to quick to judge.

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Good passives:


Zephyr - ish  (it needs more, how about a lesser chance of being hit when in the air as an addition?)
Mirrage - ish (same as above, a bit more mobile but not all that useful so yeah)
- ish (very situational, would be better if the "heavy impact" could also be triggered by melee slam attack for added damage (and control for the player))

Equinox - ish (It just does not give enough on either side, a boost there would be nice aka more health when picking up energy orb and vice versa, it would also be nice if it was always counted and not related to orbs aka Oberons healing ability would also for Equinox add some energy)
Hydroid - ish (same as with Rhino, it needs to trigger more often and be less dependent on that one thing, I would like it if Hydroids tentacle could be spawned with every melee hit (and then ofcourse for balance the spawn chance would be a bit lower)


Bad passives:


(I love the idea, I really do, but in practice its nigh meaningless, tenno do damage, enemies have tons of health, enemies fighting enemies does not do anything, thats why Nekros his ultimate got a boost earlier, soooo there needs to be extra function because Drahks fighting other Grineer does not help much at all and in the void there is no use for this passive at all. 
So, here is my idea, let Oberon take advantage of Allied Companions (with his own cooldowns etc so as to not ermm leech of the ally) so for example of the ally has a Raksa Kubrow, the Raksa (when close enough to Oberon) will try to restore Oberons shields as well, and with Medi-ray it will heal Oberon as well etc etc, I know tis not perfect but it would make it a whole heck of a lot more useful)


(The very existence of the mod "body count" shows what is wrong with Wukongs passive.
A whooping 60% longer melee combo duration :O....over 4 seconds....making it 6 seconds....yay.
Its just not even close to being enough to make proper use of it, the mod mentioned earlier makes it maxed out 12 seconds, double the time, waaay more useful.
Effectively you are telling Wukong players, dont bother with the 4th, just use your normal melee weapon and that cannot be the aim.
So it needs work:
Either make the timer much longer so its more usable.
Or (and this has my preference) make it so that instead of it just being gone if you dont hit an enemy in the given time, it starts building down, not instantly be gone.
Example: you melee like mad, you get your combo meter all the way to 2.5x, now no enemy is insight, not within the 6 seconds window atleast, instead of it dropping all the way to 0x again, it first drops to 2.0x, after another 6 seconds it drops to 1.5x etc etc.
Let it build up and build down for Wukong.

Also ideally it would be a bit of a mix of both, both building down and a slight increase in time, like instead of 6 he gets 9 seconds, that could mean a lot.

Or, it needs to be something completely different, a suggestion would be "Monkey Business, Wukong always has a chance to block incoming damage using his melee weapon")


Ok I dont want to dev bash  or anything but this is just so uninspired.
Extra armor when standing within 12 meters of allies... its just so generic and apart from that it means nothing, Vauban is squishy and will still be squishy when standing close to allies with this armor boost.
So here is the idea, I would add to this passive with some extras.
1. give Vauban higher shield restore speed, a weaker form of shield deflection as an added passive.
2. being an engineer frame, how about he has to ability to (slowly) fix objects by standing close to them, so pods that need protecting during defense, or extractors during Excavation, or hijacked items during...well Hijack. (again, slowly so he does not completely ruin the difficulty setting obviously)


Trinities is....I guess ok and make sense but its rendered useless by the Vazarin focus, now I know not everyone uses Vazarin with Trinity sure but still.
The biggest issue I have with her passive is the claim that she can heal from a greater distance.
I mean yeah... but like 1 meter...which is obviously completely nothing.
So here is the idea, it often happens a teammate goes down, you rush to help them, you see them but you JUST dont get there in time.
I would like trinity to be able to start ermm the healing process by aiming at the downed player, what I mean is, she would actually heal them but she will keep them from dying for as long as this actively aimed link (aka trinity player aiming at the downed player and holding the heal button) and then when she is close enough actually heal them.
That would make it a lot more useful.


Wall latching....it might be just that I never use it....but yeah because of that partly this seems just eh at best. I also would not know what to change it to really, but something totally different, dont have a suggestion right now.


Same as with Vauban, completely uninspired and generic, not related to the frame at all (and also based on abilities like with Nyx which makes it not a passive)
I had an idea for Limbo a long time ago and its still the best as far as I am concerned.
The idea is that because Limbo is a being of different dimensions he is never fully in one dimension, he is sorta drifting in and out. Because of that feature Limbo always has a (small) chance of not receiving any damage.


I love the elemental change based on colour but that can hardly count as a passive, It changes the warframe before you go into a match, no different then modding them, but in a match its well not a thing.
The changing ability of Equinox for example does not count as a passive so why should this?
My suggestion is simple, based on whatever element you chose, you are not slightly less vulnerable to that element, choose fire chroma and fire will hurt you less, choose poison chroma and poison will hurt you less etc etc.


This passive is as another astute player pointed out, not a passive at all.
its completely linked to Nyx her abilities so its a feature of the ability.
the way it is now is like saying its a passive of Ember that enemies catch fire when hit with a fireball.
apart from that it can totally backfire and work against you, if you face a group of enemies and you think that that big strong bombard could be a useful ally, you use your first ability on him and....darn it he loses his weapon, now he is a big guy with a stick, that does not help you at all.
So yeah this passive is fundamentally flawed and needs to be completely changed.

Edited by ZoneDymo
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