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We need to bring back the old Physx and the dark atmosphere :´(


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I really miss those particle effects and that fantastic atmosphere, hope in the future they release an update with a setting that allows the users to increase the particle limit and maybe a thing that allows you to get that darkest atmosphere xc (6:10). sry, my english is not the best. Watch that video really depressed me :(


Edited by mirx
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I have to agree, I really liked it back when the game had a darker environmental feel to it.  Also the particle effect really do need to come back. 


Also I miss the enemies having banter between each other and the intercom announcements, though that will likely never come back now that they speak their own languages. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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I've got to admit that i miss this way too much.

Of course the overall quality is better but i really miss the darker atmosphere, everything has a very clear canvas quality to it now and whilst that makes for a really great show of performance and aesthetic it completely misses the tone.
This old feel had a charm that really put the Ninja in the space ninja simulator. I enjoyed that feeling of being part of some covert rebellion of mysterious origin and a large part of me thinks that should've been preserved before we were given this notion of us being these god-beings.

Sadly, once a veil like that is lifted, it's not so easily forgotten. The story beats that are currently present in the game are stellar and deserve to continue the way they are going, but this style feels like it should've been Act One in our story before moving into a story arc about the origins of tenno, the revival of old foes, the secret of leaders...

We really need to find a way to reincorporate this aspect of the game.

I miss it.

Edited by -CM-Phantom
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If you want darker, play the darker tiles. There are a few out there. I'm glad all tiles are not lit by moonlight anymore. Real strain on the eyes. The edginess of old infested tiles was a novelty. But really, after fighting them a few times, turning around to a Charger in your face becomes an annoyance rather than a surprise real quick.

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9 minutes ago, Vaxillian said:

I miss the old physX effects too but they took them out for for optimization issues.

I wish they would listen to the community on all the possible workarounds for this.

It always makes me angry when changes are made for the sake of weaker systems. The player can't just turn the options off themselves if they want to run smoother? I miss the old Mirage effects, Vauban, and physics in general. So many changes to help toasters. 

Edited by (PS4)Romulus93
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Closest we will get for now is just turning down ingame brightness and increasing contrast. Fiddle around with those for a bit and you can sort of recreate it. Right now my cave/tunnels on phobos are actually really dark, infested missions look slightly more like abandoned ships and corpus anything isn't an LED light in my eyes.

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I've said it before, but unless you somehow manage to wipe your memory of ever playing Warframe and come back to it, you'll never get that "dark atmosphere" ever again. That feeling you described is very likely because, at the time, we didn't know as much as we do now. The game was still unfamiliar, and we could still be surprised by the average enemy or encounter. We didn't have as much lore as we did before. These things can contribute to the atmosphere of something, often in more ways than visuals can.

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2 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

I've said it before, but unless you somehow manage to wipe your memory of ever playing Warframe and come back to it, you'll never get that "dark atmosphere" ever again. That feeling you described is very likely because, at the time, we didn't know as much as we do now. The game was still unfamiliar, and we could still be surprised by the average enemy or encounter. We didn't have as much lore as we did before. These things can contribute to the atmosphere of something, often in more ways than visuals can.

Thats true but like you can see in the video and from your memories the game was darker in the past.

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The darker atmosphere did give Warframe a more sinister vibe, but since it's a high intensity action shooter... being able to see what I'm shooting is kind of a necessity.  The darkness worked with infested because our flashlight was always active and well, they were always more of the horror faction (though now more like an annoying joke.)

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oh wow that video is a nostalgia trip.

oh my god! the old solar system hologram overview, with little planets orbiting the sun and your warframe presiding over it all! i miss the old starchart style layout (which is returning so hooray) that showed your progression across the nodes, with multiple paths branching out through the solar system, this and the solar system overview gave a real feeling that the solar system was an actual place that you went on adventures through and explored. everything joined together into one big map that would reveal itself bit by bit. the full map compiled together by a user in all its glory
immediately apparent in this video is the grim, dark setting. marred a little bit by the easter event bunny ears on all the grineer, but hey, they're adorable. the darkness in THIS tileset is a little understandable as there is no natural light flooding in, its all just the dim electronic lights in the latest version eveything is lit up like a christmas tree unless you ramp up the contrast to about 65-70%
the bloom was very intense in the old warframe too, but not in the way that it bled all over the screen. it just did its job really well when it came to visualizing the HEAT of certain objects. in the video you will see the white-hot tracers, sparks, fire ect and they look... intense. all those elements are still present in the newer version but that intensity is gone.
The sound is something that has changed dramatically too, in the new version it is all very clean, very high quality. in the video you will notice that the lotus transmissions and the grineer voices sound like their coming out of some old crackly walkie talkie. although i do understand that this is the super-future and technology would have definitely progressed to the point that this would no longer occur, the grungy, low-fi grunts of the grineer just made them feel... industrious. they felt less "alien soldiers" and more "faceless war machine".
On the topic of their voices: death screams. you can hear it in the video, when the player is cutting them to pieces they scream, shout and positively GURGLE their way to the afterlife. and well, if you got cut diagonally in half you would probably struggle to make a noise that wasn't full of blood. I jumped on to double check that this had definitely change and upon slicing a guy into three separate pieces i was greeted with an "ugh!". It sounded like he'd just stubbed his toe for crying out loud!
the drop in violence is not just auditory either, in the old version you start wailing on a guy with your skana and blood would spatter everywhere, by the time he died there would be blood all over the floor and walls. now, not so much. that being said, from what i can tell this appears to be because of a bug, lots of blood is painting onto surfaces, but only VERY specific surfaces leaving a majority of it suspiciously clean (i will report this)

now, i absolutely will not say that the current game is worse as a whole, there are a lot of aspects that have definitely improved (the awkward "parkour 1.0" is a shining example. although there is now very little reason to wallrun with the new bullet/double jumping mechanics bridging most gaps, i think everyone can agree that the canned "vertical or horizontal only" wall running is without a doubt worse), what i will say though is that the old warframe was essentially a completely different game. a game i will always remember and sadly miss, but not better or worse than the current iteration, just different.

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Indeed, there was absolutely no reason why they have to tone down the PhysX effects. It was an option. It was something that you can turn on and off anytime you want, so people that have heavy rigs can have their eye-melting particles while us toaster users can still enjoy the game at a reasonable FPS.

I don't get the logic behind removing options. 

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They toned down the PhsyX for consoles and the mass of Laptop users (instead of just giving us control for some reason and killing it for the console users)

The darkness though, not missing it it was hard to spot guys and really... Why would they have pitch black ships and bases?

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An admin told me, the actual particle system was implemented by the performance problems with the old physx, but with the future implementation of DirectX 12, the old physx may return someday, actually the dialog was in spanish, but I can leave you the conversation, so use the google translator c:

Message from :


Hola mirx, 
Gracias por mensaje. 

Con relación a las partículas... se han bajado un poco por cuestiones de rendimiento. Nuestra meta es que nuestros jugadores tengan la mejor experiencia posible cuando jueguen a Warframe. Si tenemos que bajarle un poco a la cantidad de partículas en el juego lo haremos para que nuestros jugadores tengan una mejor experiencia y no tengan problemas de rendimiento o bloqueos de juego. 

Por favor ten en cuenta que Warframe seguirá avanzando y seguiremos mejorando nuestro juego. Le bajamos un poco a las partículas pero eso no significa que nunca retornaran. El equipo de desarrollo siempre está buscando diferentes maneras de hacer que nuestro juego tenga los últimos efectos visuales de gráficas. Con la introducción de DirectX12 de parte de Microsoft pueda que vengan varias cosas hermosas a nuestro juego. ;) 

Sobre el ambiente misterioso...

Todavía hay muchas cosas que no han sido contestadas. Y esperamos que con nuestra nueva actualización de The War Within(La guerra interior) los misterios y los temas de nuestro juego sean contestados. Si estabas hablando de los niveles en si que aparecían mucho más oscuros... pues eso ya es cuestión de gusto, creo. El nuevo sistema implementado en la actualización 18.5 ha mejorado muchísimo nuestro sistema rendir brillo/luces/oscuridad. 

Espero que esto haya contestado todas tus preguntas. 

Y espero que sigas disfrutando de Warframe. 


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Im an AMD user so I never had physx and IMO its 99% gimmick and I havent seen a single implementation that doesnt look fake and over the top, kinda defeating the point of the idea of realistic physics simulation but i get why you want it. The darkness though can stay gone, I dont miss having to jack up the brightness to see a damn thing, it didnt help with anything but making it hard to see. Infested can be dark, but just because youre in space doesnt mean lighting doesnt exist and you live in a dark hole of a ship.

Edited by Echoa
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