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I ask to return Bless 99 % Immunity


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Good Afternoon DE Team, please carefully consider users who play intense waves in T4 DEF. T4 Surv and Trial Law of Retribution as Jordas Veredict, that all know that 99% immunity Bless Trinity, has been useful in these months and years, but at the same time this had a limitation with enemies of lvl 300 a, except that some of us use the arcane Aegis and Barrier, which made that trinity give us 100% immunity , now believe that this reduction of 75% not us will make city the high-ranking difficult missions, because we know that it only has resistance with soldiers from lvl 70-100, which they killed minor carelessness, and which makes us lose hope to continue with an intense and glorious waves that very few are given the luxury of having , so with all due respect, thousands of users of support ask carefully properties of 99% of the immunity to return him to Trinity. 

Edited by Letter13
Title edited for clarity
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You are asking the devs for immunity. That's like asking Shigeru Miyamoto for infinite star mode on Mario. It is not going to happen. 

The game is designed as a lethal dose test. The dosage increases over time until everyone is dead. That is by design. I do not agree with this design. Mobs should never be able to kill you, through shields and health, in one shot, with perfect aim, from across the battle field. There are ways to mitigate the risk, but those become increasingly limited as time goes on. The game needs to be reviewed for overall balance, not just heavy handed nerfs on anything found to be too useful. 

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13 minutes ago, xtrike45 said:

all know that 99% immunity Bless that you don't give trinity

I'd rather it remain as 75%, have her 1st ability redone (and 2nd for that matter), and have enemy scaling (damage and armor) reduced to a more controllable level.

I'd rather not have to depend on Trinity to survive 300+ level enemies, I'd rather find other ways to do so with frames I enjoy playing as much as if not more than Trinity.

In conclusion, No.

9 minutes ago, Prime said:

also, was this gtranslated? seems a lot like that...

Yes, probably English is a 2nd language for OP.

The only thing I'd request is for the infini-range heal back. That's it.

Also unlikely to ever happen, I won't say never because things can always change.  But there needs to be a balance in abilities.  Blessing was too strong, the DR and the range.  

Oberon gets unlimited range but at a slower pace (could be faster though), that's balance.  If Trinity got her unlimited range back expect to have something else about Bless changed too, something you would probably like less.

Edited by Xekrin
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4 minutes ago, Pyus said:

You are asking the devs for immunity. That's like asking Shigeru Miyamoto for infinite star mode on Mario. It is not going to happen. 

The game is designed as a lethal dose test. The dosage increases over time until everyone is dead. That is by design. I do not agree with this design. Mobs should never be able to kill you, through shields and health, in one shot, with perfect aim, from across the battle field. There are ways to mitigate the risk, but those become increasingly limited as time goes on. The game needs to be reviewed for overall balance, not just heavy handed nerfs on anything found to be too useful. 

You're talking about end game content with level 300 enemies. Rare exception bud. This game has plenty of content where you don't "get killed through shields and health (you forgot armor) with one shot from across the map" stop putting your expectations on everyone else lol. Would you have DE completely redesign the game? Would you rather enemies didn't scale with time? I assure you that the alternative is much worse for this game.

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7 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Also unlikely to ever happen, I won't say never because things can always change.  But there needs to be a balance in abilities.  Blessing was too strong, the DR and the range.  

Oberon gets unlimited range but at a slower pace (could be faster though), that's balance.  If Trinity got her unlimited range back expect to have something else about Bless changed too, something you would probably like less.

I wouldn't mind if the damage reduction was simply tossed, either, as compensation. Point is, if you're doing something excessively, and without thought, you'll many times end up dead even with 3 other Trinities on the team.

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The game isn't balanced around level 300 enemies. Besides on an endless game mode you're supposed to stop at some point.

You're not supposed to have 100% resistance against everything forever in any game ever. Games that do have invincibility implements it in the form or a terribly limited, short-duration ability that you only use on emergencies. That or skillfully using i-frames on animations like Dark Souls or Monster Hunter. No sane developer out there would allow hours of invincibility without it being a sandbox game/console commands, and I'm glad DE's trying to change that. ( Although I still question whether adding range on Bless is the right thing to do... )

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Just now, TotallyLagging said:

The game isn't balanced around level 300 enemies. Besides on an endless game mode you're supposed to stop at some point.

You're not supposed to have 100% resistance against everything forever in any game ever. Games that do have invincibility implements it in the form or a terribly limited, short-duration ability that you only use on emergencies. That or skillfully using i-frames on animations like Dark Souls or Monster Hunter. No sane developer out there would allow hours of invincibility without it being a sandbox game/console commands, and I'm glad DE's trying to change that. ( Although I still question whether adding range on Bless is the right thing to do... )


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We can agree with the scope of the cure, but suddenly or are a user of common that only comply and meets with complete survival of an hour missions. Remember this, The Proffesional Gamers need immunity to 99%, which repeat and read is not absolute, since you need the arcane Barrier and Aegis to the maximum level, so it is different the meaning of balance with respect to a support warframe ;)

Edited by xtrike45
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1 minute ago, xtrike45 said:

We can agree with the scope of the cure, but suddenly or are a user of common that only comply and meets with complete survival of an hour missions. Remember this, The Proffesional Gamers need immunity to 99%, which repeat and read is not absolute, since you need the arcane Barrier and Aegis to the maximum level, so it is different the meaning of balance with respect to a support warframe ;)

English please....

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I understand the point that is trying to be stated, xtrike45, but I feel that the majority of the player base rather prefers to not do only exceedingly high level play. Especially with very specific arcanes that many folks may not have. Personally, I run with Arcane Pulses, and hopefully Arcane Energizes too, in the future.

Edited by AandOE
Forgot the word 'only'.
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1 minute ago, (PS4)thinkfasthippie2 said:

You're talking about end game content with level 300 enemies. Rare exception bud. This game has plenty of content where you don't "get killed through shields and health (you forgot armor) with one shot from across the map" stop putting your expectations on everyone else lol. Would you have DE completely redesign the game? Would you rather enemies didn't scale with time? I assure you that the alternative is much worse for this game.

Not saying I approve, but imagine if mobs did not scale with time. T4 started at level 100 and stayed there. You play for an hour and extract. How is that any different than mobs starting at level 20 and gradually getting up to level 100 over the course of an hour? Either way, time played is an hour. If things get hard, I extract and come back in. How is that MUCH worse for the game? 

Right now the game is either extremely easy or you are dead. 

Would I have DE completely redesign the game? No, because that is a task much larger than fixing mob scaling and adjusting risk vs. reward. 

Currently there is no benefit from killing a level 5 corrupted heavy gunner or a level 30000 corrupted heavy gunner, besides a slight bonus in exp, which really is not the goal of staying in a map for over an hour. 

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I should clarify that a professional player looking for exciting games which can pass the 2 to 5 hrs in survival 4 or more than 200-300 waves in T4 DEF, and in our case even with the trinity bless 99% have had the risk of losing the game at any time.

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