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I ask to return Bless 99 % Immunity


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Just now, hukurokuju5 said:

if they fix stupid enemy damage scaling, then this thread wouldnt be here

I feel like a lot of the recent changes are directed towards a future with a different scaling. Well, many different kinds of scalings. Since they're working on integrating the base damage mods into the weapons, it's entirely feasible that the enemies will be similarly affected. Enough that, over the course of slowly changing everything, absurd damage reduction will become to be regarded in the same light as all forms of complete damage mitigation.

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11 minutes ago, Pyus said:

Not saying I approve, but imagine if mobs did not scale with time. T4 started at level 100 and stayed there. You play for an hour and extract. How is that any different than mobs starting at level 20 and gradually getting up to level 100 over the course of an hour? Either way, time played is an hour. If things get hard, I extract and come back in. How is that MUCH worse for the game? 

Right now the game is either extremely easy or you are dead. 

Would I have DE completely redesign the game? No, because that is a task much larger than fixing mob scaling and adjusting risk vs. reward. 

Currently there is no benefit from killing a level 5 corrupted heavy gunner or a level 30000 corrupted heavy gunner, besides a slight bonus in exp, which really is not the goal of staying in a map for over an hour. 

I can imagine..

The majority of the player base would be killed before the first 5 minutes, and in turn would make getting rotation c or wave 20 etc etc. equipment on any T4's nearly impossible to get for new players. Do I really need to tell you why this is MUCH worse for the game? Mob Scaling IS what keeps risk vs. reward in check. Potentially if enemies didn't scale you could stay in a mission indefinitely, at which point DE might as well give back 99 bless (which even with 1% damage can be taken to the point of getting one hit).

There is a benefit to killing a level 30000 enemy over a level 5.

1. Bragging rights

2. However long it took to scale enemies to that level required a ridiculous amount of time, which results in a ridiculous amount of loot.

Edited by (PS4)thinkfasthippie2
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"Dear DE,

I want to faceblock anything ever and I am too lazy to avoid enemy bullets. Also my live in Warframe depends wholly on one ability of one frame, I don't get whats wrong with that.

How can 99% DR be broken, if in 2h Survival runs enemies still can oneshot me?


Elite Johnny"

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4 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

...so Rebecca lied on the devstream when she said you could still pull off the 99 thing, or did I misunderstand something?

Didn't she only say, that she completed a Nightmare LoR without 99% Trin?

Also DR is now caped at 75% max.

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1 hour ago, xtrike45 said:

I should clarify that a professional player looking for exciting games which can pass the 2 to 5 hrs in survival 4 or more than 200-300 waves in T4 DEF, and in our case even with the trinity bless 99% have had the risk of losing the game at any time.


1 hour ago, xtrike45 said:

professional player

My sides. Please, I can only laugh so much.

I think you might be in the wrong game for "professional players".


In any case, the game is balanced (for now) around level 100-120 at max; it's supposed to be a challenge, and going past that is when the game tries to actively kill you.

Five hours of survival? 300 waves of T4D? Why in the Origin System would anyone want to do that? It's not even a game at that point, it's just cheesy simulator.

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53 minutes ago, bubbabenali said:

Didn't she only say, that she completed a Nightmare LoR without 99% Trin?

Also DR is now caped at 75% max.


I'm talking about when she explained the changes.  At that time she expressed that she tested Trinity.  I really don't care about the changes because I can still play Trinity regardless.  Just trying to understand the situation.  I have not been on the game in a month now.  Also I don't care to watch that devstream over again, so I don't remember all the details.

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31 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:


I'm talking about when she explained the changes.  At that time she expressed that she tested Trinity.  I really don't care about the changes because I can still play Trinity regardless.  Just trying to understand the situation.  I have not been on the game in a month now.  Also I don't care to watch that devstream over again, so I don't remember all the details.

Oh, ok. Well it was technical possible to reach 99% after the 1st change, but to affect everyone in the team, everyone needed to be heavily damaged.

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6 hours ago, Tymerc said:

No thanks. Even 75% is still way too high, in my opinion. 


Did you know that Trinity with 75% Damage resistance, Provides less EHP on a high health Frame such as Ash Prime that is using a Maxed Vitality mod compared with the base value Frost's Snow Globe have, and it does not provide a 4 second invulnerability that adds all the damage done to the bubble into the equation, so blessing provides less protection for twice the energy.


Did you know that Trinity dispel her own Blessing ~1.5 seconds before the new one is gained whenever you cast it, Giving foes a window where no one is protected?

Did you know that Trinity dispelling her own Blessing is a map wide effect, making it impossible to run between two points and keep people in a different area buffed?


But hey who am i that ask for a frame that is portrayed as a dedicated defensive frame to provide better protection than another frame that provides More damage, more Hard Crowd Control, more Soft Crowd control, more Buffs by stripping armor and now provides not only 4 seconds of invulnerability, but also a higher EHP protection when no mods are equipped and they can be stacked to increase the EHP, while the dedicated one provide less per cast for twice the cost and no invulnerability period.


Silly right?


Trinity maybe should not have provided the 99.9% that she was capable of when you "exploited", but compared to the other protections there are out there Trinity is now worthless. This whole "protection" rework Trinity received should not have occurred as it did. It should have involved every protection frames in the game and hostile damage at the same time. Instead we are now left with Trinity being worthless as a protection frame and only good for Energy Vampire builds. Such diversity, much fun, wow.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)thinkfasthippie2 said:

You're talking about end game content with level 300 enemies. Rare exception bud. This game has plenty of content where you don't "get killed through shields and health (you forgot armor) with one shot from across the map" stop putting your expectations on everyone else lol. Would you have DE completely redesign the game? Would you rather enemies didn't scale with time? I assure you that the alternative is much worse for this game.

What about Raids? NM raids? Sorties? Are they content that should be ignored? Should our expectations, as players who play this end-game content, be ignored? Do you realize what you are saying here? You're telling players not to do X content even though it exists within the game because it's too hard?

It would be like telling me I can't do Torment V in D3 because it's "not balanced" to starting gear.

I would have DE make an enemy level cap, or at least lessen the curve of enemy difficulty in higher levels, because after a certain point it skyrockets.

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On 6/3/2016 at 7:26 PM, YasaiTsume said:

I love how people see Warframe as having Godmode and Invul as a casual thing to ask for.

In other games, this sort of mechanic is only achievable through cheating. 


I just don't understand what it is about this game that people are asking to make a fairly easy game even easier. Complaining about a warframe with a 50 meter 75% damage reduction? That's not already potentially cheese-worthy? It's bad because it's not unlimited range and 99% Damage reduction? It's so true that if it were any other game it would be assumed they were cheating/hacking to get those kinds of abilities.

Complaining about Valkyr having an invincibility godmode ability costing a bit more energy? Seriously? A warframe with the highest armor in the game is given an ability that completely trivializes almost all content in the game wasn't expected to get nerfed? Many would argue the nerf didn't go far enough.

This game wasn't balanced around lvl 300+ enemies. At those levels it was assumed players would have long before decided to extract from their endless missions. The whole point of damage/armor scaling was to force players to LEAVE. I don't understand the concept people are trying to put forward with complaining about damage/armor scaling. Do they want survival missions to be a static difficulty allowing you to farm it for 5 hours on 1 key? Part of the fun of it is to see how far you can handle it and leave once you've had enough.

This game is already stupid easy. Nova's 4 slowing everything and multiplying your damage by 200%, Trinity reducing damage by 75% and offers infinite energy for free, Frost creating a bubble with hilariously high health that's impenetrable from projectiles, etc. All these types of abilities and many many more makes it extremely difficult for DE to create any content such as bosses or raids without people finding those few abilities to trivialize the mechanics people want as challenges only to later call the game boring. 

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On 6/4/2016 at 8:44 AM, Noteybook said:

What about Raids? NM raids? Sorties? Are they content that should be ignored? Should our expectations, as players who play this end-game content, be ignored? Do you realize what you are saying here? You're telling players not to do X content even though it exists within the game because it's too hard?

It would be like telling me I can't do Torment V in D3 because it's "not balanced" to starting gear.

I would have DE make an enemy level cap, or at least lessen the curve of enemy difficulty in higher levels, because after a certain point it skyrockets.

I've been completing both LoRs with pubs without Blessing Trin & room-full-of-CC fairly regularly and even JV, which we really thought would give us some trouble without infinite range heal. But nope, people knew how to munch Antiserum every now and then, and some people actually knew how to Archwing and survive while playing soccer outside. Imagine that!

If you need what is essentially an invincibility cheat code to clear a content, maybe you're just not ready for it yet?

However, I do agree lacking infinite range heal in JV makes it almost aggressively hostile to first timers, and no having to quit the raid in the middle so you can wait 24 hours to craft an Injector is an embarrassing barrel-scraping of "raid" design and utter dumbf*ckery that I will not let any other player suffer through. I really think the damage after armor integrity reaches 0% should be reduced or just do what it says it'll do and reduce armor to 0 without health damage.

EDIT: To stay on original topic, it's not going to happen OP. Blessing used to have literal invincibility upon cast way back when, and when that was "nerfed" to the 99% reduction based on health restored there were equally nonsensical and childish threads demanding to have invincibility back (when will people learn?). As you can see, that never happened, and your demand for invincibility shall too be ignored for good reasons. 

Edited by traybong111
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