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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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Lunaro is fast a frenetic which can make it difficult to play as a team sport.  The speed of play inhibits player ability to use team tactics.  Here are some, likely non-trivial, changes I'd like to see come to Lunaro:

  1. Make the play field 3 times larger than it is now (without increasing the passing distance of the lunaro).  It seems not too difficult currently to pass the lunaro from one end of the field to the next.  A larger field (3x the length of the current field from goal to goal, more oval in shape and 2x the current width, but keep the goal areas the same size as they are now)  will spread out the action and force players to use more strategy and team play to move the ball up the field.  It should also make it feasible for 4 on 4 team play.  Part of what makes Lunaro so hectic now is that you're basically always running around in your goal area or your opponents goal area.  Spread it out and that should ease the pace a bit.
  2. Slow it down.  Running speed should be slower.  All types of movement should be a bit slower.  This will also help to reduce the frantic pace and allow players more time to seek opportunities for teamwork.
  3. Bring back Stamina for Lunaro.  Sprinting could drain stamina steadily over time.  Bullet jump could drain stamina in a large chunk.  Rolls and slides could drain a smaller amount of stamina.  Body checking an opponent could drain ALL stamina (to help reduce people spamming it).
  4. Change the Goal.  Instead of a single large circle, there could be a smaller central circle inside a larger square.  The score circle would be a ring that floats in the open square goal area.  Getting the Lunaro through the circle could be worth 4 points and called a "Goal."  Hitting the circle or getting the Lunaro through the square score area could be worth 1 point and called a "Try."  When a Try is scored, the opposing team must clear the defenders zone and then the Lunaro drops into the defenders score zone (as it does now).  When a Goal is scored, both teams must clear all defense zones and the Lunaro drops in the Middle of the field.  Also, allow the defending team to score on itself, called a "Rush."  A Rush is only worth 1 point regardless of which score zone it enters.  After a Rush, the same thing happens as with a Try (this is a strategic decision for the defending team to concede a point to clear out their goal zone and take control of the Lunaro).
    1. [ o ]  <--- that's the idea for the new goal zones.
  5. Make passing critical to team success.  The current marker over a teammate to indicate you can pass to them is far too difficult to spot (right up there with realizing that you even have the Lunaro).  Instead, a player should be able to press a button to initiate a pass action with another teammate who has the Lunaro.
    1. Player A presses "Pass to me" button
    2. Player B (on the same team) is shown a large HUD overlay indicating that a teammate is open, what direction they are in, and shows a button prompt to initiate the pass within a limited time.
    3. Player B can keep the Lunaro and play on or...
    4. Player B can accept the Pass action by pressing the same "Pass to me" button.  This causes Player A and Player B camera's to face each other (like the camera tracks melee target option) and the Lunaro is automatically passed to Player A.  The opposing team can still intercept the Lunaro while in transit, but they cannot use the Attract Lunaro feature to do so.
    5. Player A must time his "catch" of the Lunaro well.  Pressing the button that attracts the Lunaro at the right time catches the ball cleanly and you play on.  Press it too soon and the Lunar is caught but immediately dropped (bouncing in the direction of the receiving players movement at the time of the drop) so it's easy for them to take it again, or for another player to grab it (Attracting the Lunaro would work here).
  6. Make the Lunaro prefer the player that has had the attract button held down for the shorter period of time.  Again, to encourage strategy over spamming a particular key press.
  7. Keep the limit on how long you can hold the Lunaro.  This contributes to encouraging team play, we just need other mechanisms to empower players to be team players.
  8. With these changes, I'm not sure it would still be fun to have the "angry" Lunaro mechanic.  That seems to make sense with the current frantic pace in cramped spaces.  I would then remove this feature of the Lunaro.  It is just one more source of stun which is itself a mechanic that isn't terribly popular.
  9. Add Tackles; easiest way is when Player A checks and stuns player B, both players are knocked down and have to get back up.  The Lunaro is also dropped on stun and cannot be picked up again by either player until it has traveled at least 1 meter away from them first.  This gives players a role as a defender for another player advancing with the Lunaro.
  10. Add Knock Back; Checking another Warframe shouldn't cause stun all the time (only a small chance like critical hit percent chance on weapons, which could be tweaked per Warframe).  Knock Back would force the target to move away from the checking Warframe 2 meters (affected by the warframes coefficient of friction).  This also gives players a role to help a teammate advance with the Lunaro.
  11. Give Warframes a role in Lunaro;  Light and fast Warframes are easier to stun or knock back but their sprinting stamina drain is slower.  Heavy slow frames (Rhino) actually walk, run, and sprint slower than other but it is harder to stun or knock back these warframes.  Warframes that are good at Checking don't throw as far or even with as much accuracy.  Much like any physical sport, there is a need for a balance of different types of players.  This would be another way to encourage players to use Warframes they don't often use or even have.

Many of these ideas are born from watching the fantastically fun sport of Australian Rules Football.  Check it out on YouTube and I think you'll see where it could be a good sport to draw from for the future of Lunaro.

Lastly, thank you for the fantastic game and your amazing commitment to the community!

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Is anyone else having trouble with matchmaking? I haven't been able to find a group all day. I only got to play one match from an invite. I ended up having to play 2 people by myself but did okay. I loss 11-9, but i would really like to be able to play through match making...


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Well first of all I'd like to say I've been playing this game nonstop for a couple weeks now and I can't seem to get enough of it, and with the new Lunaro Update, I didn't even know what it was gonna give me until I saw the game mode. That being said I noticed a couple things that miiiiiiiiiight need to be ironed out with this game mode.


First, goal scoring. Not the scoring itself, but immediately after. There should be a harsh penalty on players who refuse to leave the zone in time, or make it so the ball is untouchable until the opposing team is in their own zone. This would prevent what I've noticed is pretty much a bunch of zone hogs, which are players that stick around the outside of the opponents' zone and wait to tackle them down or to hijack the serving throw.

Second, leaving. There is no real good way to resolve it, but leaving a game completely ruins the game itself, as it quickly becomes one sided and as noted in the first point, zone hogs take full advantage by just overrunning the only player on the team. Not to mention the whole fact that it really kills the fun.

Finally, it'd be really entertaining to find a way to have a couple ability for Lunaro only. I mean it's not important but god wouldn't it be fun to have a little ability that lets you do some really crazy fun stuff?


All that aside.... this@(*()&#036;gameissomuchfundontgetridofit

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Lunaro is a nice little diversion; it ended up being the only thing I played last evening. Unfortunately I lack the skills to ever be truly competitive. People quitting at half time when they are down a couple points was a big problem, and I also joined many matches with un-even teams (usually 2 vs 1...but there was even a 3 vs 1).

I saw very little passing, the easy checking discourages doing anything other than clearing the zone and chasing after the ball. Most times I managed to catch the lunaro I was checked within nanoseconds, all you really have time for is a throw in the general direction of the other goal. I do think something needs to change with regards to checking, I don't know what further changes/if any have already been made for the PC version...

There's a nice set of conclave rewards that might incentivize players to play more often, but it appears that the only way to earn any appreciable amount of standing is to do all the weekly missions, which seems to require also playing the other conclave modes (I don't know for sure, this is all new to me)? It might be nice if there were separate lunaro missions or partial credit could be earned.

I found the couple 1 vs 1 matches I had the most enjoyable...would be nice if 1 vs 1 was an option...

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Going to leave mine short, overall experience was mostly boring yet oddly fun sometimes. The flow just feels slow imo and left me bored of it within the first 10-20 matches. I usually find myself sprinting from one half to the other and with the speed reduction it's dreary.

5/10 Call me when there's lore content, I'll be on break

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we just got this on PS4 and after 3 days of attempting to play this BROKEN game mode iv had these problems.

when obtaining the ball ( many times ) iv had the ball removed from me ( without being hit , heck without players around me ! without bullet jumping ) and simply go to another player. what this tells me is , that player got it before hand and this messed up system thought it was in my hand and removed it from me when it caught the glitch.

aim and the host ( ridicules problem ) having perfect aim is useless if u host it seems , at first i thought simply i was doing bad ( as i was new) but then i let my friend host who has become a Beast at Lunaro and suddenly his aim was falling off repeatedly and mine improved massively, leading me to believe that other players connecting to the host causes lag for them

the ball sucker and its EXTREMELY LOW range, was this function supposed to help in any way? i use it in front of the goal and it lets the thing right past me to the goal , iv attempted several methods of stopping it but either due to lag , or an in-effective function, it was to no success repeatedly , only after having to adjust myself even farther away from the goal,was i able to even stop the ball.taking away from my "epic feeling" possible in this game, losing my ability to stop the enemy Right before they make the goal, taking away my spare of the moment game play. it still caused issues once and a while with going Right under me or Right over me without this feature being of ANY change help or even effect, is this working as intended? and if your answer is yes then Please reconsider. for as a player i find it pathetic.

Glitching unresponsive ball. me and 2 other players that i play with have seen ( repeatedly ) the ball get rolled over , touched , sucked in and still not attach to the player at all. this has caused rage and players not coming back on (PSN not just warframe) for the rest of the day.witch would be fine if it wernt for the fact that im losin people to play with lowering my ability to enjoy your product.

LAG!. this game is not even playable during any form of lag , 1 player lags and suddenly u throw the ball 3 sec after holding the button to do so. this has caused some funky reactions with the balls ( giggidy ) making them throw and then get "hit" out the air if an enemy hits u while throwing it. making the ball fly around uncontrollably for a few seconds causing it to be hard to obtain and wasting time that could have been used in making scores- passing- intercepting- playing another game mode, anything other then waiting for a response from the game

Half time Stupidity. can i ask u ( DE ) something Directly , what are Quarters or half times in a sport used for? if you answered "because the players needed a rest " you may be right as that was my First thought. so then ....... why do warframes need a halftime? we don't need rest , we don't sleep , we don't eat or need, we simply are and are feared for such. and so what is this halftime for? so we have a chance to lose players half way though the game?? or so that u lose your focus and your " in the game feel" just for a small screen with a timer and some re-positions.

Goals being made instantly after a "score cam". as the title of this problem implies. players are waiting on the outside line of the enemy team , after the "score cam " goes, before players have a chance to do much the enemy rolls in , grabs the ball from the other side and score a goal instantly without the enemy having a reaction time. making a match extremely boring and even undesirable to look at

my Final opinion on this game mode after only 3 days of trying it is, this is broken and cant be dealt with without experiencing rage , either as a player or dealing with other players in a rage, this game mode had potential to be fun but has simply become an annoyance that i wish to delete from my conclave list. i don't like saying it like this but it was bad enough that there was a game mode made for players too weak to fight each other. but to do so with such a form of broken game play would have turned me as a new player away ( good thing im not a new player anymore ). ill keep trying this mode as updates come to see if its fixed but till then i wont be playing it

possible fixes include but are not limited to. Dedicated Lunaro Servers!!, a Bigger range for ball pickup and sucker pick up area, larger map, making the ball "unobtainable" when spawned on 1 side until a member of that sides team obtains it ( such as if it spawns in sun field, then no moon member will be able to obtain it until a sun member does )

as always Thank You for taking your time to read this , im sorry if any of this seems offensive but at least u got my honest thoughts and words


Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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Controls changed for me. Am I the only one? I play on controller, PC platform, and check is now B and not RB (or was it LB?). I'm having some hard times getting used to it. I wish I could configure my controls for Lunaro. Did it change on console as well?

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2 hours ago, matto said:

Controls changed for me. Am I the only one? I play on controller, PC platform, and check is now B and not RB (or was it LB?). I'm having some hard times getting used to it. I wish I could configure my controls for Lunaro. Did it change on console as well?

Something broke with the update. I used to have check bound to Mouse 4, as is my quick and normal melee. After the update the keybindings for melee work fine but Lunaro check reverted to E, even though nothing is bound to E in controls. Can't actually play like this, gotten too used to using my additional mouse buttons.

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14 hours ago, Tzirael said:

Something broke with the update. I used to have check bound to Mouse 4, as is my quick and normal melee. After the update the keybindings for melee work fine but Lunaro check reverted to E, even though nothing is bound to E in controls. Can't actually play like this, gotten too used to using my additional mouse buttons.

So it's not just me. I feel like it was changed for consoles, but need a confirmation from console players. Because, you know, when you play a soccer game on console, the sliding tackle is usually on B, just like it is now for checks in Lunaro. But we're talking about games with multiple keybindings, for various tackles, various shots etc. Lunaro have just a few commands.

Anyway, I just saw you have only one post. May your contribution here be as good as your Lunaro skills ;)

Hope to see you again on the field. Once they fixed the awful matchmaking we got for 2-3 days now.


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Lunaro's still pretty new to PS4 and I've got to say that a lot of the players will leave if they are losing by two or more points.
From personal experience, I've been in many games where the opposing team only had one player against 3. It's really sad, and honestly there needs to be consequences for leaving games constantly. I'm pretty sure I've seen the same people join and leave Lunaro matches.

Maybe there should be a rule placed that if you're in more than 3 minutes of the first half, leaving is disabled?
Something among those lines. I just feel really guilty that some poor guy is stuck on the other team, and the game ends at 29-3

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idk if any one else is annoyed by this but .....why..... why when im playing do i hear "LU-NAR-O" LU-NAR-O". when u go watch the basketball, and one team is owning another do u hear "BAS-KET-BALL" BAS-KET-BALL". better cheering please. possibly have them cheer tenno or SUN/MOON team.

im not asking for too much , if i was id ask for a team of cheer leading novas with pompoms wearing banshee delux skin skirt *-* every warframers dream.

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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Something that I feel would help Lunaro, from my experience, would be a few simple changes.

-Melee will only affect players who are carrying the lunaro

-Players are immune to melee affect for 2 seconds after acquiring the lunaro

-The small semi circle in front of the goal has an EMP field that nullifies the vortex ability, this will make goalies have to actually make contact with the lunaro to catch it. 

I feel these changes would bring more of a controlled sport feel to a currently chaotic game mode which is plagued by melee spammers and goalies. While I have nothing against goalies, matter of fact I am a goalie in ice hockey. I just feel it needs to be harder to play goal. The reduction of the 3m vortex would help make playing goalie an actually challenging thing. The reduced melee spamability would most likely result in higher scoring games, but it would also reduce frustration in some players that were looking for an actual reprieve from combat. 


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Lunaro, the game where if you have a bad connection, you will always win.

Ok, so I've been playing Lunaro and it's fun, I really like it. Problem is when I get bad connectivity with someone and they see me just standing still and I see them bouncing around with the Lunaro from one side of the field to the other. Here's one example of what I mean http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/PacificJR/video/19529155 I'm just putting it out there. Any chance DE could fix matchmaking so that our games don't turn into a total fuster cluck?

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Team Moon always has an unfair advantage. How do i put this... if i am in the same position, as my enemy (i'm in team sun) and the ball is directly between us, totally even distance too, moon auto-gets the ball. And it happened to me once, i said, okay, maybe just a little bug. So a played and played over and over, just to see that i'm wrong. I'm not. One more interesting fact. I have started twelve games of lunaro already. I have never been to team moon, not a single time.

By the way, I've been following DE's work since the BETA launch, so I can state that I know them pretty well to say I would certently NOT be surprised, if team moon was stronger only because rebeca liked moon better. (sry for my english, I'm angry, and not from the great state of america, which will get even more hate on me)

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Since the specters of the rail patch i can't use my custom controls in lunaro. 

I'm playing with mouse/keyborad and i can't do the melee attacks (and charges) if i do not use the default configuration now ("E" key for fast and normal melee attacks), which i could use before this. I prefer use the right mouse button to fast melee attacks when i use a fire weapon and left mouse button to normal melee attacks when i have unsheltered the melee weapon (in other words, change the fire button by melee strike button) and let apart the canalization in other button, which is less used for my.

I tried differents key combinations but none worked, if i do not restore the default configuration, i cannot use the melee attacks here.

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i tried repeatedly to use this game mode and i have to say after days of trying iv found even more problems

i wanted to have fun with this game mode and tried my hardest but im afraid that there are small problems that i cant seem to get around such as

contact with the ball ( or Lunaro what ever you want to call it ) doesn't always trigger picking it up ( or the location of players, the ball , yourself are distorted due to lag)

1v1 is not viable and should be impossible without an invite only match, i want a team or no game play, id rather wait then deal with who ever gets first score wins

dribbling is not easily accomplished as a host due to no latency. while every 1 else has no problem.

3 point shots are hardy possible as host but are Easily done as a client.

dunking makes defending in any way impossible and due to lag stopping the player by hitting the ball is often hard to accomplish

while attempting to be a peaceful game mode you added players Bashing each other with the arkata and ignoring the game , attacking goalies ( not just when needed but literally all game long)

melee fk fests due to all the players on the field attempting to get the Ball all at once. causing an annoying tidbit of the game waiting for someone to FINALLY get it and throw it or smack it so another melee fk fest can begin.

lag is so bad that iv had the ball teleport out of my hand into others , been hit by what seems to be nothing staggered and lose the ball, iv taken the ball openly before people and they end up with it anyway , the ball bounced out of my hand into the goal after i caught it !, players skipping across the screen. and many many many many many many many more lag related problems.

my final opinion on this game mode is that there is no form of this game mode without rage right now. i wish i could delete it from my conclave list so i don't have to see it anymore. without dedicated servers this game mode is without true results and is nothing more then a jk. it can not be experienced (while understanding whats happening) without Anger Rage and Hatred. im at 27 wins to 11 losses atm so its not like i lost a bunch then came and complained. even with these issues i am able to get around and go better but i shouldn't have to put my self to this lvl of try hard just to beat the lag.

fixes include but are not limited to , Dedicated servers!   , the small ring around the goalie area should not be enter-able by enemies.

when the ball spawns on 1 teams side it should not be able to be picked up by the enemy team until gotten by team 1.

when obtaining the ball there should be at least 1 sec of invulnerability after getting the ball in hand.as stated by another comment

only the player with the ball , and the last to have had the ball should be able to be hit with attacks. as stated by another comment

without some kind of change is made, im just gonna go back to normal conclave

in its current state Lunaro is not fun and is Over challenging as a "competitive friendly sport" not due to other players skill but the being screwed over by lag

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So the first thing I noticed. Lag affects this mode way, way too much. Get a Laggy host and the game is just miserable. 

The second thing I noticed is the completely uneeded, ugly to watch goal replays that interrupt the flow of gameplay and just slow down the game itself. And because of this and the zone clear on top of it the game feels unorganic and doesn't actually feel like a sport at all.  


Thirdly movement is too limited and the map itself doesn't take advantage of warframes parkour movements. Bullet jump is disabled for the holder, wall jump and wall running abilities are completely unused, the map plays out on a 2d field, the field needs to be 3d aka vertical surfaces with a goal more towards the center height wise. Because of the limited movement and that you have a attack+stun at close range with no real way to counter or dodge passing goes completed unused and the game just becomes a close range brawl with 90% of the map unused.


Fourth. I jumped into a match and was instantly greeted by, "we are only playing to complete dailies" this pretty much goes to show on top of not being able to even find a full match that pretty much no one is playing lunaro. 

Fifth. Starting lunaro will sometimes skip matchmaking and instantly put you into a room by yourself. 

Sixth. TIme up or half time should not cause a ball mid flight to disappear. 

Seventh. I have watched the ball go into the goal, bounce around and out without getting a goal. 

Now that I think about this, an archwing lunaro would make way, way more sense and probably be way more fun. Archwing has more movement control, and more movement range and speed that would be a much better fit for this. 

Edited by GSGregory
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(ps4) I have noticed people using nezha consistently in lunaro probably because he somehow seems faster than the other warframes. I know its supposed to be balanced but DE said that if anything looks off we should report it. I have a hard time catching up to only nezha characters who are supposed to be slower with the ball and the same speed as everyone else without. ty

Edited by (PS4)DelapsusNosfera
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I got some issues with the game mode :
First , Why does "Host advantage" exist 
Second : The matchmaking is not fair for new player of the game mode , I played only 10 games and I get matched with players that played over 1000 matches already
Third : Passing between teammates is almost impossible 

That's all I have to say 

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