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List of Recent Unreleased Stances for PVP


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Hello, so you know since Lunaro update, we got some unreleased Stances that came from Conclave's missions rewards OR Transmutation
IT seems that ALL these stances are for PVP only (due to the description they have for the moment), it could change at their release.

Megan said on Lunaro 3 that they won't remove them maybe (they may alter their plan about)
So that means we could keep these unreleased mods and that would be nice to get a list of these mods.

Edited by Letter13
Removed datamined/leaked info
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34 minutes ago, cob_metallica said:

i saw nobody claimed to got this mod from Transmutation, only from Conclave Rewards

Notice they both say "Fighting form derived for Conclave".  Though I doubt this is the final description, it suggests they are conclave only stances, which would be pretty odd since no other current stance is conclave only.  Of course, they could say that just to throw us off or something.

Its nice to see new stances in the works but I wouldn't read too much into them or the mined data for now.

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2 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Notice they both say "Fighting form derived for Conclave".  Though I doubt this is the final description, it suggests they are conclave only stances, which would be pretty odd since no other current stance is conclave only.  Of course, they could say that just to throw us off or something.

Its nice to see new stances in the works but I wouldn't read too much into them or the mined data for now.

Indeed it is a bit earlier to make specultations about but all i want is to share and also get some information from each other about these stances, they are coming soon after all i guess 

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)joe03827 said:

are they usable stances ? or  like just mods for showing

we don't know a lot about these, its incoming stances for only PVP , it is not usefull at the moment (it occurs crash on PC when you try to use the stance), it is only for listing these mods, i'd like to have an idea of what is incoming. It looks like these mods are coming soon so why not try to get some info about and share them together?

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35 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

PvP only stances? Seems a bit wasteful to make animations for a stance and restrict it to a gamemode that a large part of the community doesn't bother with. Maybe it won't be so on release. I certainly hope it won't be.

You know DE can reuse the animations on PvE stances or allow the PvP stances to be used in PvE (which seems unlikely). The PvP stances were developed because the PvE stances are mostly garbage in Conclave or too overpowered. The solution was to either rework the whole melee system or make Conclave stances focused on efficient and powerful moves instead of flashy and impractical ones, DE chose the easiest path, which sped up the development of other areas.

Edited by Nazrethim
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I seriously hope these new stances aren't only for/only earned through PVP, especially since players have been asking for a new stance for Machetes for quite some time now.

32 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

PvP only stances? Seems a bit wasteful to make animations for a stance and restrict it to a gamemode that a large part of the community doesn't bother with. Maybe it won't be so on release. I certainly hope it won't be.

I completely agree with you. For a game that's primarily PVE with a tumor of PVP that only a small, dedicated amount of players enjoy, making stances like these PVP only would be one Hell of a stupid move. I do remember [DE]Rebecca saying she agreed it made no sense that we just pick up stances from killing enemies and that the team was looking into making a more logical way to earn stances, but I'll be extremely disappointed if this new logical way is "force everyone to play PVP for their stances". Let's just hope what we're seeing is a glitch in the naming since these stances were leaked after Lunaro was launched.

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49 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

PvP only stances? Seems a bit wasteful to make animations for a stance and restrict it to a gamemode that a large part of the community doesn't bother with. Maybe it won't be so on release. I certainly hope it won't be.

i'm agree with you, saddly we can only wait until these stances are released.

Edited by cob_metallica
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19 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

You know DE can reuse the animations on PvE stances or allow the PvP stances to be used in PvE (which seems unlikely). The PvP stances were developed because the PvE stances are mostly garbage in Conclave or too overpowered. The solution was to either rework the whole melee system or make Conclave stances focused on efficient and powerful moves instead of flashy and impractical ones, DE chose the easiest path, which sped up the development of other areas.

Yes, because DE totally hasn't let PVP mods worm their way into PVE before. Most of those mods can either be earned from Conclave standing, bought from PVP players, or farmed from the current Sentient enemies, with Spring Loaded Broadhead supposedly being the only PVP mod usable in PVE only able to be earned through Conclave or PVP players (which shouldn't be allowed when something from one mode can be used in both, especially since both modes were supposed to be completely separate to begin with).

I don't know if there have been many requests for more Sword or Scythe stances, but I have seen many players ask for a new Machete stance (as well as an overall Machete buff), so what makes Conclave so special that only those players have the right to use something a majority of the community has been asking for? If DE doesn't want more flame walls to ignite, they'd better do the right thing and make these stances available through standing in Conclave AND farming in PVE.

Edited by Fukushu
Capitalized a word that didn't need capitalization
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Added a pic with the combos for Scarlet Hurricane.  I wonder if Whirling Flush goes clockwise or counterclockwise? :-)


Ruby Current, Whirling Flush, and Bloody Fall all crash the game after the first swing.

Edited by N64Gamefreak
combo testing
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4 hours ago, N64Gamefreak said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Added a pic with the combos for Scarlet Hurricane.  I wonder if Whirling Flush goes clockwise or counterclockwise? :-)


Ruby Current, Whirling Flush, and Bloody Fall all crash the game after the first swing.

Thanks a lot for these information, it is edited.

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3 hours ago, Zandermanith222 said:

I will note that there are 22 Melee weapon types, so if the dataminers are to be believed, the unreleased stances probably consist of 22 PvP stances for each of the weapon types, and one brand new one!

I didnt think about, thanks for noticing this. Then we can maybe speculate a new melee kind soon (if the data miner was right)

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16 hours ago, Fukushu said:

If DE doesn't want more flame walls to ignite, they'd better do the right thing and make these stances available through standing in Conclave AND farming in PVE.

You don't need to fight in the Conclave if you don't want to do it, you have Lunaro. If you still don't feel like facing an actual challenge that can't be cheesed by spamming and ability or tonkor while standing on a crate then you have trade.

So far the only PvP mods available in PvE are '+Holster Rate' and  '-Recoil and -Spread while sliding" which are known for not being used at all in PvE because they don't give straight damage. Daikyu mod wasn't usable in PvE, it was PvE players who requested it and DE agreed, so you know who to blame for a pvp mod usable in pve. Also, these new stances will also probably be transmutable and tradable, so there's that.

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12 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

You don't need to fight in the Conclave if you don't want to do it, you have Lunaro. If you still don't feel like facing an actual challenge that can't be cheesed by spamming and ability or tonkor while standing on a crate then you have trade.

So far the only PvP mods available in PvE are '+Holster Rate' and  '-Recoil and -Spread while sliding" which are known for not being used at all in PvE because they don't give straight damage. Daikyu mod wasn't usable in PvE, it was PvE players who requested it and DE agreed, so you know who to blame for a pvp mod usable in pve. Also, these new stances will also probably be transmutable and tradable, so there's that.

Until Lunaro's check spamming and infinite knock down are fixed, there is no "challenging" way to earn these mods, only the hopes of being put into a game with full teams that know it's supposed to be a fun sport instead of a toxic "make it impossible for them to win" scenario, which is just as much "cheese" as players trying to get past the horrendous RNG in the main PVE side of the game as fast as possible. Players have wanted new stances for weapons for quite a while now, and it'd be unfair to those players if DE came out and said "Yep, we've got new stances for everyone who wanted them, but you have to play Conclave or purchase them from other players if you only play our game for its main PVE content!"

If what you say is true about DE adding those PVP mods to PVE due to players asking for them, then it looks like people are just going to ask for these stances to be earned through PVE as well, making them Conclave exclusive pointless to begin with.

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54 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

If what you say is true about DE adding those PVP mods to PVE due to players asking for them, then it looks like people are just going to ask for these stances to be earned through PVE as well, making them Conclave exclusive pointless to begin with.

Spring Loaded is only obtained trough Conclave standing. The other mods drop from Sentients and almost nobody uses them. People will want these Conclave stances to be earned trough PvE because they don't want to do Conclave. I haven't built a Braton Prime yet despite being an old as dirt weapon and the reason is that I dislike Defense missions and avoid them like the plague, does that mean DE needs to add braton parts to the whole dam void? or that I have to swallow my pride and do defense or trade for it?

Again, these stances weren't precisely designed for PvE, they are Conclave stances because most PvE stances are cr*p in Conclave. Don't mix pve with pvp, okay?

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9 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

Spring Loaded is only obtained trough Conclave standing. The other mods drop from Sentients and almost nobody uses them. People will want these Conclave stances to be earned trough PvE because they don't want to do Conclave. I haven't built a Braton Prime yet despite being an old as dirt weapon and the reason is that I dislike Defense missions and avoid them like the plague, does that mean DE needs to add braton parts to the whole dam void? or that I have to swallow my pride and do defense or trade for it?

Again, these stances weren't precisely designed for PvE, they are Conclave stances because most PvE stances are cr*p in Conclave. Don't mix pve with pvp, okay?

DE is completely reworking the way we earn Void rewards in the Specters of the Rails update, which should hopefully make earning weapon/Warframe parts easier, and why are they doing this? Because of the multiple threads talking about players getting burned out from running the same Void mission over and over again for that slim chance of getting what they want behind junk and keys. Will there still be RNG behind it? Yes. Will people still be able to trade for it? Yes. Will the new method of getting these parts be more interesting? Hopefully yes.

In short, players got tired of the burn out from the Void, so DE is making getting rewards a little easier and decreasing the amount of burn out running the same Survival, Defense, or Interception causes. Sorry to say it, but your Braton part dropping from Defense analogy doesn't really work any more unless DE comes out and says they're dropping... Whatever the new idea was called.

Now personally, I don't know why you feel so threatened about PVE payers wanting something they've been asking for for a long time to be earned through PVE after these leaks showed the new stances as Conclave stances, but if you don't want people complaining that some weapons with absolute junk stances have their good moves locked behind a mode only a small portion of the player base plays, DE can fix this by making the Conclave mods even worse than the ones we have in PVE. Does that sound fair to you? If I was a blind PVP fanatic, I'd be pretty annoyed at that idea myself, so why piss off the large player base by only giving the smaller player base something players from both sides want? Let the new stances be used and earned in both PVP and PVE, otherwise it's just a waste of time and resources.

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I dont know if you guys watched carrefully the only few gif / videos we have about , but it seems that these stances are just PVP reworked stance from NOWADAYS stance which are not efficient on PVP ([placeholer]PVPSword stance looks like Iron Phoenix on some points and others stances also have some links from which stances we are playing on PVE nowadays),
if DE made these leaked stances with this idea in mind, that means we surely won't get these on PVE, well maybe not and thats what i'm hoping also. but anyway it is really too earlier to make speculations about. we can just wait and see what will be release soon.

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