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Primed Fury Should be Untradeable


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2 hours ago, XEPHALONE_REI said:

I think yeah, those Primed Mods from Daily Tribute are should not be tradeable. Because it's a Tribute for us who play Warframe, login into the game, for like, 200 days (and 300 days for Primed Vigor if I'm not mistaken) just for the mod itself. It's a reward for ourself that are dedicated to play Warframe that long just because of mod.


Tbh, people you spend over $50 to get one mod do more for the Devs lol. If u have primed fury then what's the big deal with other people trading it for plat? It most certainly does not affect you.

Edited by Sweaty_Pleb
Only my opinion, don't mean to sound like a jerk
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3 hours ago, -CM-Voltage said:

It also shows u can bypass anything in warframe with cash. Sad but true. These need to be untradeable because i feel as someone who HAS logged in 199 days is getting a finger from Little Jimmy with his moms credit card and buys a 4300p bundle and just buys the mod. WTF thats literally a finger to devoted players.

Going by that logic prime access is also "giving the finger" to all the player that farm the prime parts instead of buying, and weapons in the market are offending player that craft their weapons.

My point is, what do you care what other people do?

All of use are going to (eventually, if you don't quit the game before) get primed fury, you just have to wait


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3 hours ago, PikeOrShield said:

I'd be more concerned about people farming alt accounts for these login rewards a la he who must not be named.  Someone could make thousands of plat by logging into alt, getting the mods, and selling them.

and then they can enjoy their ban when their IP is caught trading between their alt accounts...

3 hours ago, XEPHALONE_REI said:

I think yeah, those Primed Mods from Daily Tribute are should not be tradeable. Because it's a Tribute for us who play Warframe, login into the game, for like, 200 days (and 300 days for Primed Vigor if I'm not mistaken) just for the mod itself. It's a reward for ourself that are dedicated to play Warframe that long just because of mod.

if a player earned said mod the way its meant too be earned whos too say what he/she should do with it?

so if th player decides they dont care for the mod and knows they will never use it, then why should they not be able to benefit from their dedication by other means?? its their dedication, so its their choice! why does the gen public love too reduce their own choices?? i never understood that... (police state is incoming)

and lastly the ppl that say P Chamber is worthless are oh so wrong!!! ide punch an orphan baby in the face too get 100% extra damage on snipers without the cost of a negative affect... *cough* heavy cal *cough*

would i pay 50k plat not a chance but one day ill get my chance too own one.. all in due time

Edited by (XB1)Listed mia 510
added 'on snipers'
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3 hours ago, -CM-Voltage said:

Primed Fury is worthless, We have Berserker, Quickening, Arcane Strike, Volt, Valkyr, Vanilla Fury. You need to be stupid to even consider this mod unless you are going for S#&$s and giggles with exalted Blade. Primed Vigor will be nice, but this is trash.

Quickening is worthless, because it only works when channelling and will destroy your energy reserves. Arcane Strike tops out at a positively earth-shattering twenty percent (normal fury + strike < primed fury). Volt and Valkyr only apply if you're using Volt or Valkyr, for obvious reasons. And primed fury is a direct upgrade to fury - is primed vigor trash because normal vigor exists?

Edited by DoomFruit
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I logged in the night of the U18 launch legitimately, and have been logging in every day since. For anyone confused that is exactly as of now 200 days.

If I choose to sell my copy of a +55% attack speed mod that mathematically is outshined by multiple other mods for 2200 plat that is my choice. BTW, still looking for a buyer.
And my highest offer was 1800, not 1900.

There are people in this game walking around with 30,000 or more platinum. Do you know how much primed chamber was sold for recently? About $418 worth of platinum even with 75% discount across the board. Now if you would please, stop being judgmental towards my customers. The act of making this thread is essentially calling out everyone who has tried to buy it from me so far. Not very respectful or kind.

This is no different than when I sold buzzkill for 700+ to then get it from baro a week later. (Buzzkill mind you, a mod that usually gets outshined by other mods as well.)

My my.. didn't know I would be causing such a mess trying to sell off a mod.

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7 hours ago, PikeOrShield said:

I'd be more concerned about people farming alt accounts for these login rewards a la he who must not be named.  Someone could make thousands of plat by logging into alt, getting the mods, and selling them.

What you are referring to is called Account Boosting and it is actually against the EULA and rules... The minute these players would trade the mod back to their main account, they will get a permanent IP ban therefor losing everything in the process! It happened to a lot of players that were using alt accounts in order to get more chances at a 75% off discount on plats, which buying them for the alt account isn't against the rules... but as soon as they traded the said plats back to their main account : Permanent IP Ban! 

I'm pretty sure that DE is aware of that practice and keeping an eye opened to slam the Jat Kittag of justice on players stupid enough to attempt such a thing! Otherwise it wouldn't be against the rules doing so...

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1 hour ago, Horoutama said:

I logged in the night of the U18 launch legitimately, and have been logging in every day since. For anyone confused that is exactly as of now 200 days.

If I choose to sell my copy of a +55% attack speed mod that mathematically is outshined by multiple other mods for 2200 plat that is my choice. BTW, still looking for a buyer.
And my highest offer was 1800, not 1900.

There are people in this game walking around with 30,000 or more platinum. Do you know how much primed chamber was sold for recently? About $418 worth of platinum even with 75% discount across the board. Now if you would please, stop being judgmental towards my customers. The act of making this thread is essentially calling out everyone who has tried to buy it from me so far. Not very respectful or kind.

This is no different than when I sold buzzkill for 700+ to then get it from baro a week later. (Buzzkill mind you, a mod that usually gets outshined by other mods as well.)

My my.. didn't know I would be causing such a mess trying to sell off a mod.

Quit acting like you're superior.

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If someone here worked for DE and had people using multiple accounts to double their rewards. How would ya handle it?. If ya wanted your numbers to stay up in warframe by offering these rewards, how also would ya handle this? DE has a reason ya might consider while looking at ya own opinions. Might also consider what motivates your own ideas. Is it Greed, fair play, or what. Was there another way to obtain the azima weapon? Don't think so. Besides everyone has the same chance to get this mod. I haven't sold it cause I got enough common sense to know it might not come for another 200 days, if that's even possible. DE has not said it wont come again. Only said its no longer tradeable to discourage alt accounts. And what said of people having 30k plat. Who gives a S#&amp;&#036;. I have a little over 16k cause I been selling little stuff since we got a trade system. Glad I didn't buy the EMP aura lol. Don't even want a primed chamber since its not very usable anyway. If someone wants to spend that kind of money (or time) their choice, but it ain't accomplishing much in daily life. If ya have 10 primed chambers, no one will be impressed by a computer game, sorry. Disagree is up to you. IDC. I'll probably be in the real world doing something and wont be back to read this anyway. Keep it fun but don't live at a computer. Miss out on to much.

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IMO, D.E should have made Primed Fury untradable from the very start.


There are people who sold off their only copy of Primed Fury, people who didn't abuse alternate accounts.


I don't think they were being that greedy, they were just willing to make a sacrifice.


Plat for losing out on a mod for a period of time? Sounds reasonable enough to me.


...And, now they have no foreseeable method to obtain that mod again.


Man, am I glad not to be one of them.




I know that making Primed Fury untradable might have been necessary to prevent alternate account abusing.


However, it really would have been nice if D.E made Primed Fury untradable from the very start.

Edited by NativeKiller
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16 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

IMO, D.E should have made Primed Fury untradable from the very start.


There are people who sold off their only copy of Primed Fury, people who didn't abuse alternate accounts.


I don't think they were being greedy, they were just willing to make a sacrifice.


Plat for losing out on a mod for a period of time? Sounds reasonable enough to me.


...And, now they have no foreseeable method to obtain that mod again.


Man, am I glad not to be one of them.




I know that making Primed Fury untradable might have been necessary to prevent alternate account abusing.


However, it really would have been nice if D.E made Primed Fury untradable from the very start.

yes, but that's the risk of exploiting. The purpose of making it a login reward was for a time wall. DE forgot to make it untradeable and thus the economy was broken, and players were making 12 dollars in plat (75% discount) from a mod. It is sad that DE didn't do it from the start but those people should have known better like myself. I could have sold mine for 1500-2000 plat but I knew DE would make it untradeable due to exploiting accounts. They had it coming 

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34 minutes ago, -CM-Voltage said:

yes, but that's the risk of exploiting. The purpose of making it a login reward was for a time wall. DE forgot to make it untradeable and thus the economy was broken, and players were making 12 dollars in plat (75% discount) from a mod. It is sad that DE didn't do it from the start but those people should have known better like myself. I could have sold mine for 1500-2000 plat but I knew DE would make it untradeable due to exploiting accounts. They had it coming 

Yeah, I agree.


I wouldn't have traded Primed Fury if I were in their shoes, since it was a dodgy move if you ask me.


But yeah, it is really sad that D.E didn't make Primed Fury untradable from the very start.

Edited by NativeKiller
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On 19-6-2016 at 5:55 AM, PikeOrShield said:

I'd be more concerned about people farming alt accounts for these login rewards a la he who must not be named.  Someone could make thousands of plat by logging into alt, getting the mods, and selling them.


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in the end it is the player's own choice when it comes to trading a specific mod off or keeping it

we all know it can and will be exploited and people who do that should be banned

although it is a one time mod at this point in time does not mean baro will not have it in a year from now in a visit, just look some of the event mods and weapons they were very limited in appearance but look who brings them frequently now, baro does


trading it off for no interest now can work in your favor if baro comes with it at a much later date but if he doesn't and we get a super powerful status melee weapon that has like a 5% crit chance primed fury would be fantastic if you keep it


so in the end just like event mods it is a gamble to trade them off not knowing when they will be useful or when they will be obtainable again

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Previously I'm write in support, and they tell me that they dont solve problems like this. They say I should write on forum and DE see this, well, let's see...

On 23.06.2016 at 3:18 PM, NativeKiller said:

However, it really would have been nice if D.E made Primed Fury untradable from the very start.

But they didn't and this became a very big problem for some of us. Im honest player. I have no additional accounts, so I haven't extra event-mods, event-weapons and other. Some tenno, I know, create second and third accounts when it became known that there will be unique mods for 200 and 300 logg-in's, so it's was pretty predictible situation, but im not like them. 

And there is my problem. I buy 2 Primed Fury, 1 for my Helious and 1 for sale it latter. As you can understand, now I CAN'T sell it. Why DE let this happen, let me waste my 1000 platinum and 1 000 000 credits just for nothing, becouse they're short views, just not thinking about it previously.

I think that way: OR it should be untreadeable all the time, OR it should be tradeable all the time. What to do now us, thouse who stuck between the cogwheels of unpredicteble changes of trading views of DE?

For thouse who say that this mod should be antradeable, becouse its useless, becouse everyone can have it. You dont need it? You dont want it? You dont see how you can use it? Overpriced? It's easy! You dont buy it!!! That all, pretty simple, huh? Middle finger from schoolboy? That's call "donate in game", main rule, or you have a lot of money, or you should work hard for that.

Let's tell thanks DE, that so many thing in game we can have without spending real money, and donate not give players such big advance, they just gets all a little quicker and easyer, but its only make as stronger, we get a real skill =).

So, DE, I hope someone from you hear me and help me solve my problem. Dont tell you that you must do Primed Fury tradeable, at least it's your decision, may be there is other way's to satisfy me and others who thinks like me (as a variation make it treadeable if player have it more than 1 mod). If choose do not doing anything like that, just write it please, so I can understand that you hear and understand me (sorry for my english, btw, hope its all clear to you), but THIS IS your will.

With all do respect to creators of Game that I devote already near 3 years of my life.

Edited by 0UT51D3R
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If you buy something that you weren't willing to keep in the first place that's your own fault. I have more sympathy for the people who maybe won't be able to get Primed Fury ever again than for someone who has multiple and complains about not being able to make some quick bucks by selling one.

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3 hours ago, 0UT51D3R said:


And there is my problem. I buy 2 Primed Fury, 1 for my Helious and 1 for sale it latter. As you can understand, now I CAN'T sell it. Why DE let this happen, let me waste my 1000 platinum and 1 000 000 credits just for nothing, becouse they're short views, just not thinking about it previously.

And now for the extra chuckle for a potential audience: Fury mods don't affect Deconstructor.

This seems to have been fixed somewhere down the line!

Edited by Sold0ut
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20 minutes ago, Sold0ut said:

And now for the extra chuckle for a potential audience: Fury mods don't affect Deconstructor.

This surprised me so much that I immediately went to the simulacrum to test it.

And...........nope. You are incorrect. Fury clearly increases the rate of fire, and spoiled strike decreases it.

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On 6/23/2016 at 2:07 AM, NativeKiller said:

But yeah, it is really sad that D.E didn't make Primed Fury untradable from the very start.

Yes, this is an example of a mistake on DE's part. They should have realized that this would be a problem. In fact, they should have announced that it would be untradeable a long time ago. It would have cut down on the number of alt accounts being created to farm it.

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4 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:
26 minutes ago, Sold0ut said:

And now for the extra chuckle for a potential audience: Fury mods don't affect Deconstructor.

This surprised me so much that I immediately went to the simulacrum to test it.

And...........nope. You are incorrect. Fury clearly increases the rate of fire, and spoiled strike decreases it.

Thx, good man, all my gray hair almost leave my head. 1 waste Primed Fury - bad, 2 unnecessary Primed Fury - a disaster

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