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Excalibur got overnerfed


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20 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

If I remember correctly, noone used Slide-blind like this. At least I have not met such people ingame. But saying Slide-blind is very powerfull, thus slap energy costs on it seems unreasonable to me. When you play lower levels, you don't need to blind enemies, becasuse they are too weak. When you go higher enemies are already blinded by Radial Blind. First, I would jump in a room and blind everyone there, not use this inefficient move to disable nearby enemies, while their friends 10 meter away still shoot at me.

At this point I am even fine if they remove this perk entirely, I just would like to have my mobility back.

People have used slide blind in the way that they could infinitely CC enemies within their range at no cost - this is a game breaking mechanic whether or not you knew people who did it or not.
You're right that at higher levels you would use radial blind strategically and hence the reason why this would be used rather than slide blind - this is something I clearly stated already.
I did state that the game and it's mechanics, frame abilities etc are still in the process of being changed/tweaked/reworked so I do agree they should make changes (mobility as you pointed out). However slide blind should not get its "spam" capabilities back. I was simply stating facts to defuse the previous arguments which were triggered by a lack of understanding from your initial post which have now been quelled.

Slide blind should just be removed as many have already stated - it adds no value to Excalibur's exalted blade.
The alternative is putting the slide blind effects (not the slide attacks themselves) on a timer to only trigger every "x" amount of seconds. That way the blind effects can't be spammed and therefore no need for energy to be consumed.

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excalibur was broken OP, he deserved his nerf and i as someone who usually main excal or rhino will happily say it was a good and fair nerf... don't like how it plays now? then play a different frame as currently excal is pretty fairly balanced, more so than most frames in this game .... 

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12 minutes ago, Dextral said:

excalibur was broken OP, he deserved his nerf and i as someone who usually main excal or rhino will happily say it was a good and fair nerf... don't like how it plays now? then play a different frame as currently excal is pretty fairly balanced, more so than most frames in this game .... 

Says the guy with a Valkyr avatar kek

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2 minutes ago, Hayzemet said:

Says the guy with a Valkyr avatar kek

I like the picture, hate the frame... 

if you don't believe that excal is broken before the nerf i imagine you most likely disagree with trinity nerf...which is clearly a broken skill.... or maybe you don't because you dont use that picture... 


Edited by Dextral
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1 minute ago, Dextral said:

I like the picture, hate the frame... 

if you don't believe that excal is broken before the nerf i imagine you most likely disagree with trinity nerf... or maybe you don't because you dont use that picture... 


Nice try guy but no, I'd like a trinity full rework, and to remove blessing, also Excalibur was only boring. I did like the change but I'd like further changes .

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Tbh the nerf is fine its not that bad or anything, just the nerf should atleast have made the skill a bit more energy efficient.

The best way to really use the skill since its pretty much purely melee, is to have this weird energy/tank focused build.

And yeah like some have posted before, maybe over-nerfed now, but it's not the end result, maybe the end result with come when they add syndicate melee weapons or finally add an augment mod for his EB. since...lets be honest, his current augment mods are all pretty useless right now.

Maybe its just me, but I main excal 99% of the time, and the nerf was kinda needed, but at the very least should have made the energy cost to using the skill a bit less to make up for the cost to slide blind and the weaker attack overall.

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On a somewhat related yet totally offtopic note.  Why does Excal have Radial Javelin?  A swordsman that throws spears?  Why?  He can't be a melee only frame?  I just find it odd.  Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled rants.

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9 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

On a somewhat related yet totally offtopic note.  Why does Excal have Radial Javelin?  A swordsman that throws spears?  Why?  He can't be a melee only frame?  I just find it odd.  Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled rants.

Radial Javelin used to be Excalibur's ult. What he throws aren't actually javelins anyway. they're swords.

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These are good changes to Excal to reduce the extra cheesey EB that he had. I would rather them pull the slide RB off of EB all together that way I can still maintain quick movement. The 2nd ability is far better than its previously free counterpart in both range and duration I never bothered to use it anyway.

Maybe they made the change so player would now be more likely to activate and deactive EB more in order to preserve energy and maintain effectiveness. In all honesty, the fact that you can build Excal to press 4 and stay in the state for the duration of the mission is the main part that needed fixing...and the projectile cheese 

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I would actually like to see the mini blind mechanic changed to only activate when channeling on a spin attack. As it stands right now, I find myself not using the spin attack when in EB mode not only because it draws from my energy pool, but also because I dont necessarily want to blind everything either.

But because of this, I feel like im fighting with one hand behind my back. If we moved the added blind attack to only when channeling, then we can justify and control the energy use.

I also think there needs to be a charge attack added to it that will release one sweeping giant wave, that reaches maybe 10m for high slash damage or something.

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5 hours ago, TheGoodDarius said:

Alternately, it is a bonus for slide attacks. Not only you close the gap between the enemies, you also blind those around you. It cost energy, sure, but it isn't an enormous cost. It has yet to give me trouble, and with Rage equipped and a close combat strategy, I can hardly find myself completely without energy because of that. Besides, you really want to get close to the enemies? Use Slash Dash. The only reason you want to specifically use a slide attack while EB is activated is to deal with multiple enemies and EB slide attack still does that


My slide attack blinds only the enemy that im close enough to touch him.1,7 m , less than half range as radial blind . Also duration is far from half but it costs half. Its a horde based game and not a tactical option to use it. Excalibur's weak def  needs the slide attack for movement and evasion .Facing 3 or more rocket launcher is slide or die.In the case of the last nerf its also slide and die. Moded for exalted blade reduce the range so you need to get realy close.Slide attack 3-4 times costs half of the max energy. This is easily death.Excalibur can not spare energy,if 3 energy balls lay there he take all 3 even if 1 was enough for max cause its an energy peer second ability. Make it hard to spare some. Every other frame,no matter the ability or what ever can slide attack without extra cost. Exalted blade was nerfd to force him more close combat, the slideblind cost prevents excalibur player from engaging. Its counterproductive and results in using excalibur more like a turret,just what they try to prevent. Also non excalibur player schould not try to argue here,that sounds just like haters.I build excalibur full on dmg, lv80 ancient infested took some time and is realy dangerous without slide attacks. I can oneshot lv 150 enemys with some guns. So excalibur was not overpowered and now is far from endgame. Besides,do not ask,im rank 21 (Max for ps4) maxed everything possible ,3000 hours,most of them excalibur , every rare,primed and eventmods maxed . 

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22 hours ago, shyguyk said:

Does the blind really add damage when you should already have stealth multiplier from naramon? I think its the combo counter + corrosive procs adding damage

Naramon doesn't add consistent full-scale stealth damage multiplier.

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Who cares about naramon? No matter how good some trees are,to nerf a frame schould have nothing to do with that.It can not be that new content added to the game is responsible for a nerf. If so , i would say keep that stuff and leave my favorite frame! Also every frame can use naramon so why not nerf all frames?Cause it has nothing to do with naramon .

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From the beginning I always advocated taking the blind off the slide attack and putting it on the slam attack.  Unlike the slide attack, which is an integral part of approaching and dispatching enemies that many players use constantly, slam attacks are more deliberate in nature since they are slow and open you up to enemy fire while also being used to trigger a knockdown instead of just to close a gap or get bonus damage.  Blinding on slam attacks also makes more thematic sense; instead of just arbitrarily brandishing the sword before each slide attack, the blind could come from the slam itself or from when Excal pulls up the sword to slam it down.  

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1 hour ago, RealPandemonium said:

From the beginning I always advocated taking the blind off the slide attack and putting it on the slam attack.  Unlike the slide attack, which is an integral part of approaching and dispatching enemies that many players use constantly, slam attacks are more deliberate in nature since they are slow and open you up to enemy fire while also being used to trigger a knockdown instead of just to close a gap or get bonus damage.  Blinding on slam attacks also makes more thematic sense; instead of just arbitrarily brandishing the sword before each slide attack, the blind could come from the slam itself or from when Excal pulls up the sword to slam it down.  

Best idea so far.

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On 6/23/2016 at 6:03 AM, ShortCat said:

In recent news upcoming changes to Volt's Speed have been introduced. This indicates that tweaks to changes made in U18.13 are not finishes yet. Thus, I created this topic with the intent to beg you, DE, to revert some Excalibur changes. 

I am not talking about damage reduction on Exalted Blade. This change was necessary to reduce cheese and make Excalibur a swordsman again. I am talking about energy costs on slideattacks in Exalted state. Here are several reasons, why this is not a good addition to the game.

  • Energy costs compared to benefits of this perk are not in proportion. Duration is too short, range is too small and low energypool do not support repeated use of it.
  • Due to damage reduction of waves, Excalibur is best played if he is up close and personal. Most efficient way to close the gap between you and an enemy is a slideattack: you see a potential target, slide to it, if it is not dead normal attacks will finish the job, you see a new potential target...and so on. Slideattacks are good gapclosers, because they are fast, provide some good damage and lower the chance of being hit. I would consider this a basic movement pattern. Exalted Blade does not support this playstile of fast paced melee, due to additional costs, while at the same time asking the player to get closer to the enemy to achieve best possible results.

If the intent of this addition was to increase energy consumption in EB state, it worked well. However, at the same time Excalibur has to rely more on Radial Blind in later stages of the game, bacause his damage potatntial is lowerd in ranged combat. This introduced an additional energy sink.

Please, reconsider this mechanic and let us spin tax-free again.

Great Observation OP!

You calculated every little detail and nailed it on POINT!

I do love Spin Attacks PERIOD! They feel like a Free Slash Dash every time 

On 6/23/2016 at 8:05 AM, ShiraHagane said:

or, or, OR, and don't hate me for this, we just remove the slide blind.

I mean, one exalted weapon with a ridiculous slide attack is enough, right? *cough*hysteria 3 million damage slide attack*cough*

No I wouldn't like that!

I love the Spin Blind, remember its quicker to cast and gets you in Close!



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3 hours ago, AKKILLA said:

Great Observation OP!

You calculated every little detail and nailed it on POINT!

I do love Spin Attacks PERIOD! They feel like a Free Slash Dash every time 

No I wouldn't like that!

I love the Spin Blind, remember its quicker to cast and gets you in Close!

Sooo, what you're saying is that the slide blind is super powerful, and a very useful tool, and should have absolutely no consequence for spamming

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Slide attacks are powerfull.Compared to normal attacks ALL Slide attacks are far more powerfull and cost only for Excalibur extra energy.Prevents from engaging , more turret like before .. Bla bla. We've been trough this many times in this and other topics.Slide attack extra cost for EB goes to far and needs to be removed.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Faustx19 said:

Slide attacks are powerfull.Compared to normal attacks ALL Slide attacks are far more powerfull and cost only for Excalibur extra energy.Prevents from engaging , more turret like before .. Bla bla. We've been trough this many times in this and other topics.Slide attack extra cost for EB goes to far and needs to be removed.

yes, exactly, slide attacks are powerful, they're essentially a second ability, so why shouldn't they cost energy?

either the energy cost stays, or the blind leaves.

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49 minutes ago, ShiraHagane said:

yes, exactly, slide attacks are powerful, they're essentially a second ability, so why shouldn't they cost energy?

either the energy cost stays, or the blind leaves.

So how you say , every slide attack schould cost energy not only excalibur. Makes no sense.

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Changing the slide attack to a nikana style slide attack with beefed damage would be fun. Maybe it could ragdoll whoever it hits? Hilarity/CC ensues.

As someone above me said, synergy between skills (especially Radial Javelin) should be improved, to encourage ability use besides 2, 4 and sometimes 1.

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On 6/23/2016 at 11:39 AM, TheGoodDarius said:

It doesn't open to finishers but still increase the damage, which is definitely a good thing. It stops them to shoot to you which is a bad thing that as a close range fighter you want to avoid. It is definitely not useless. 

Spin blind is absolutely useless, because regular blind is actually cheaper. Each second of blinding for the full 50-energy Radial Blind costs 3.33 energy. That same second of blinding for the "cheaper" 25-energy EB spin blind costs 4.17 energy. Likewise, each meter of blinding radius for regular blind costs 2 energy, whereas each meter of blind with the spin blind costs 5 energy. And that's not even counting the drain from EB, which makes spin blind even more expensive.

Using spin blind is a waste of energy. Normal Radial Blind will keep enemies blinded longer for an overall lower energy cost.

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On ‎23‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 3:06 PM, TheGoodDarius said:

Alternately, it is a bonus for slide attacks. Not only you close the gap between the enemies, you also blind those around you. It cost energy, sure, but it isn't an enormous cost. It has yet to give me trouble, and with Rage equipped and a close combat strategy, I can hardly find myself completely without energy because of that. Besides, you really want to get close to the enemies? Use Slash Dash. The only reason you want to specifically use a slide attack while EB is activated is to deal with multiple enemies and EB slide attack still does that


no. here's what I think. EB slide attack cost 20 energy peer attack. I think that if they reduced it to ten energy and increased his max energy to 200 instead of 150, this might fix the issue while still maintaining relatively decent balance. and btw. the slide attack is better than slash dash because the slide attack uses lesss energy

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On ‎23‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 5:32 PM, Dextral said:

excalibur was broken OP, he deserved his nerf and i as someone who usually main excal or rhino will happily say it was a good and fair nerf... don't like how it plays now? then play a different frame as currently excal is pretty fairly balanced, more so than most frames in this game .... 

he wasn't broken OP. he was OP but not broken, I fought the old kela on a sortie 3 mission. she was lvl 100 and i spammed the slide attacks on her with max energy blinded her with EB and everything. I only just managed to kill her after reviving 4 times. He's not broken. I understand the "reduced damage witth each enemy/object it goes through" bit. but i think that 20 energy per slide attack is a bit much. that's why i posted a suggestion at the bottom of the page.

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