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Hotfix: Lunaro 5


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14 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

A Public Lunaro match will now only start when 6 people have joined the lobby. This alleviates joining a game in progress that may be very one sided and not enjoying Lunaro to its fullest!

So what about those people who enjoyed the 2v2 matches because it gives a much more skillful incentive to play? I hope this is just a bandaid fix until you managed to stop the overflow to 4 players per team and bring the real fix to the problems because who says that only if you START with a 3v3, that you're also going to END with the same people? Leavers happen all the time.

1) Fix your team balance algorithm. If it is 2v1 then the new player should not ALWAYS go to sun team first (which happened every single time I played) but instead move to the team that is actually in the disadvantage, person wise. Goal score does NOT matter at this point because it's about player balance, not individual skill or anything. You can't punish a team that just lost a player due to a disconnect or whatever which was legitimately ahead of the game by putting yet another player on the opposing team.

2) If it's 2v2 then the next joining player should NOT be put in sun team automatically, but should be put in the team first which is behind in scoring.

3) In case of a 2v2 when the score is tied, the new player should be put into the opposite team of which has scored the last goal.

Furthermore, please consider to still allow slot 7 and 8 to be eligible to join, but as SPECTATORS. Think of the nice footage we could have with two freeroam spectators on a 3v3.

Edit: oh please and for the love of Lotus, either allow random mixing of players BY CHOICE or let players in the lobby allow to swap through teams mutually.

Edited by Khunvyel
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15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Volt’s Electric Shield will now ragdoll enemies when being carried while sprinting, like so: https://gfycat.com/FairFarflungAndeancockoftherock

Can we potentially expand on this by adding a special effect on the impact location on the shield model (and potentially the target itself) when you knock someone down with that?

Also - perhaps add (more of) your momentum to the ragdoll, so running at full speed into them will send them flying backwards a good distance, depending on their mass VS your speed.

But it looks like a fun new mechanic so far.

Edited by ScorpDK
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5 hours ago, Rated_M said:

   P.S.S  Sorry For the Rant De But Please Do someting or just put the old lunaro back or it really is going to die Like PVP

You would think they learned their lesson from Team Annihilation, but no.

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2 hours ago, LunarEdge7 said:

That's us, the players' problem. At least we'll have a fair match instead of being bullied 1v3. Do you know how that feels? HUH?! ;w;

I do. I know that very well. I know what it's like to score 0 - 24.

Being on the losing side is still better than not being able to play at all. At least in all the mess I might still be able to complete my challenges. And I'd know that the auro-balance is coming if I just stick with the match until the next game. Then one of those pros will be on my team.

 In the mean time; even being part of the losing team I'm racking up more conclave points than sitting in a waiting room hoping I'll get to play within the next hour.

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8 hours ago, Rythiman said:

I see what you're saying, and I don't agree with your love for balanced gameplay. -snip-

Volt's selling point (aside from theme/aesthetics) is that he is a classic jack of all trades, master of none. He is a frame you don't really need to min/max, like you are describing, to be good. That is what I mean by balanced. Besides, even if they made the changes I am asking for to riot shield, he would still be far from OP at anything.

Volt can be highly mobile. He can be very deadly in melee. He can stop and defend a point, or in a pinch provide decent cover to an objective. He can offer up limited CC. He can do all of these things at once, without min/maxing much, but there will always be frames that FAR outclass him in any of these.

Speed is somewhat trivialized by parkour 2.0 and the faster moving frames in the game, and the buff to melee is mostly outclassed by Warcry. Rhino skin is still far better than riot shield will ever be for survivability. Snow globe will always work better than ES for defending objectives, it did even when you could cast infinite shields (something I'd like back too, but have given up on). Rhino Stomp still completely out classes anything Volt can do for CC, to say nothing of the real CC frames like Nyx, Nova, Vauban etc.

Before the rework there was a small, but vocal, group of Volt fans saying he is fine the way he is, maybe just buff his 4. This is what they were defending, his balanced play style. There are any number of other frames you can min/max around one or two skills, Volt should never be one of them.

While I love Zenurik, saying that something trivializes Trinity is kind of silly. No frame or skill should require a Trinity ladling energy into you to be good. That is just broken. 

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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Volt Changes


  • Volt's Speed has been reverted to instantly affect allies in the cast radius, rather than create a pick-up. 
  • Allies can now backflip(aim + directional roll backwards)  to remove Volt’s Speed if they wish to opt-out.

I like the Speed machanic reroll, the pickup thing was no fun at all. But why do we have to backflip to opt-out? There is already an existing mechanic to opt-out of Limbo's rift. Do we have to memorize more and more mechanics to opt-out of all kinds of things in future updates? Or can we please stick with ONE mechanic to opt-out of just everything other frames could possibly "throw at us" now and in future?

Furthermore I'm still waiting for an official statement towards Ivara's Infiltrate mod not working on certain lasers / laser barriers.

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"Allies can now backflip(aim + directional roll backwards)  to remove Volt’s Speed if they wish to opt-out. " Why? Am I the only one who actually uses roll (front, back) on a regular basis for maneuvering?

Same as with Limbo's rift, using the roll to get out is very bad, I want to be in rift and still be able to roll.

It was fine before Parkour2.0 but now rolling is a must in getting around in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, Khalinda said:

"Allies can now backflip(aim + directional roll backwards)  to remove Volt’s Speed if they wish to opt-out. " Why? Am I the only one who actually uses roll (front, back) on a regular basis for maneuvering?

If I had to guess, the logic is that if you're utilizing Volt's speed boost you're not moving backwards?

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On the Volt speed: Why not add a setting in options to ignore volt speed. Then I would care less how you can opt out. Or perhaps with a key binding to turn it on or off so if you really want you can still make use of it when needed.

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21 hours ago, XtheMATTx said:

Before you post a "Still no fix for ___ ", stop. Think about the amount of stress the devs are under right now with this major update right around the corner. Chances are they know about the bug you're going to post about and they are working on it. They don't need you being inconsiderate about their hard work.

#truth my friend. Appreciate all that the devs at DE are doing. Keep up with the awesome work guys 

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11 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

Thanks loves for the Nyx fix, now the Mag Prime texture is all that needs be fixed.

Still no fix for:





There is a place for posting bugs and patch notes are not that place.

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it was going into the right direction with Lunaro update 4, but update 5 is horrible...

as stated before, no matches are starting anymore, aside from that, once it starts and 2 players leave on one side BANG 3v1 again...

is it so hard to implement a substitute option or waiting option in the game, where when its 1v1 and 1 player joins, he has to wait untill another player joins to make it 2v2 or being substituted after each goal for the other player on his team... really these are better options than what has been implemented now...

words cannot describe the feeling of facepalm DE has induced in me again...

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On 23/6/2016 at 6:15 PM, RahuHordika said:

Also whatever changes you make please also add them to Limbo's Banish, it's way to easy to accidentally get out of it when you do need it.

Agree. SO MUCH Agree.

About Volt, I think the standard shield needs something along that. Enemies still pass through it without problems. Not a ragdoll, but maybe getting shocked from the charge. Or at least a knockdown, something that is not just damage.

About the 3v3 in Lunaro: Now i find impossible to even join a match. Nobody seems to be patient enough to wait until all the teams are full. So, if none of my friends or clanmates are online, no game for me. Can we at least settle with a minimum of 2v2? this rule was a little overkill

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On 6/23/2016 at 5:15 PM, TwelfthAngel said:

Keep up with buffing Volt. We all know he isn't at his max potential but these changes are a good start.


I agree, however, I feel that some abilites might have to be sacrifced or changed in a way that some may not like...I would like for speed to increase damage output, longer duration and lots of other stuff, unfortunately we live in a world were "Balance" Is a thing...Look what happened to ES/MES...So many drawbacks to MES that little to no one uses it! Uncompromised buffs is a real rework! but some are afraid and some are big critics. You just gotta keep pressing on for this more potential! Come on guys! lets hear it for VOLT

Edited by Wolfnrun
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Sorry but Waiting for a full squad is a bad choice, no ones gonna be patient enough to wait. i used to be able to join new games from just 5 - 30 seconds of waiting, now its takeing around 10 minutes to find 1 game.

At least make this a Customizable option to choose if you WANT to wait for full squads or just jump in and play like everyone wants

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Volt can now knock down enemies by running into them while carrying his shield?

Wow, that plus speed and he can really toss around a lot of enemies in a very short amount of time. On top of that, he's building up extra damage from his passive while doing this, and he can electrify the shield with Shock. This is some amazing synergy!

Unless the shield still drain energy based on how far you you move in addition to how long you hold it for. 

aw well, thanks for the update. 

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