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What is annoying in Warframe?


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1. Recruit chat filled with Draco

2. Going into a void survival game to find out that no one is packing Energy Siphon or Trinity (Steel charge kinda peters out after a certain amount of time)

3. The Meta

4. Burn out

5. Whenever I plan on doing a long run only for something to interrupt it, forcing me to cut my fun short.

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Here's a short list of the 3 things I find the most annoying in Warframe:

1: Mutalist Osprey's toxic cloud (racks up toxin damage quickly if you accidentally stand or roll into the cloud) and Toxic Ancient's toxic breath (which is an insta-kill 99.9% of the time). Those two attacks are the ones that kill me the most often and its really annoying.

2: Host Migrations. I think it's safe to say pretty much anyone hates this.

3: Knock-down animation without Handspring or other get-up mods (which includes the knockdown animation from bursas that is insanely long even with get up mods). I despise this long animation and it tends to be the death of me in almost any situation. 

Edited by YellowVolt
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1 hour ago, KnightCole said:

The trigger wasnt working lol.  I tried fire button, zoom button, E, shift, nothing fired it.  I looked in controls, nothing about Lunaro.......

It's normally left mouse to throw, which is default key for primary fire and melee channeling.  Have you rebound melee channeling to something else?  It may also have been a bug (if you only tried once).  I've been in two matchs where trying to throw would have the ball instantly return to my hand unless I was about 5m from goal.

25 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

you know there is solo mode for everything in this game? your problem can be totally solved by playing that mode instead.

Except Trials.  You can't solo them, can't even try, which is why I've never done either Trial as I only have about two friends that are still active in Warframe.


Things that annoy me in Warframe... uh...

People who think Grineer are stupid.  There must be brains somewhere in that faction to make all the space-faring vehicles, weaponry, cloning facilities and to engineer the drahk and hyekka from the wild kubrow and kavats.  Calling them stupid is gravely underestimating the enemy.

Sapping Ospreys, Mutalist Ospreys and any other AOE that at high levels just kills you.  Jumping over a crevasse in a Corpus Outpost tile to suddenly die mid air then land next to a sapping mine that doesn't telegraph it's height (is it infinite? I don't know!)... Not fun.

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Having to resort to non-stop cheesing everything to get trough sorties. And the following knee-jerk reaction nerfs that remove the said (technically valid) tactics by nerfing the abilities beyond useless without adjusting the difficulty to not require exploiting the sh17 out of game mechanics just to not have the whole squad get insta-gibbed by a couple of stray enemy bullets. Seen it happen to one frame after another, and still someone always comes up with another way to cheese the missions.

...And lack of mission variety in general. I want the old "Raid" type mission we had back in U7 times. Hopefully the new update will have something to entertain me. Current gameplay is just so stale like day-old oatmeal.

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There isn't much that personally bothers me.

The only thing I suppose I could think of is still having the outdated base 15 armor rating that [mostly] caster Warframes have like we're still in closed beta or something lol.

Particularly Banshee and Zephyr.

I always quote this when appropriate, but still it absolutely rings true lol;

On 4/16/2016 at 1:50 PM, HalfDarkShadow said:

"I love how DE purposed her as a direct-combat frame, but giving her the stats of a gimped caster-type frame."

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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2 hours ago, KnightCole said:

Lol, im not talking about the Mag warframe, I mean mag, as in magazines from my weapon hahahah.  I dont even own or play mag.

Like i said, they seemed easier. 

Both lol, 8/10 and 14 accuracy, it makes them annoying to play with.  I dont expect sniper accuracy, I burst fire it anyway.  The spool up time just makes it feel that much more odd.  BOth of those guns just handle strangely. 

Yeah, VeyHek is just a derp, always shouting and screaming everything......

The trigger wasnt working lol.  I tried fire button, zoom button, E, shift, nothing fired it.  I looked in controls, nothing about Lunaro.......


My bad on the first one lol. Punch through and better DPS can help that substantially though.

A higher rate of fire actually makes spool up weapons do so faster, should try that.


1 hour ago, Maxitotito said:

When you think you completed a rotation (Defense/Interception) but you start to hear Vor/Incoming syndicate attacks and you have to wait 5 extra minutes to see what you got for your first reward.

I hate it :c

That is... really... first world lol

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Self-entitled people, who think their way of playing is the only proper way of playing and who think they have any right to tell others what they should and should not play and how to play it. Who believe that the game should be tailored to them and to them only.

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59 minutes ago, Katinka said:

It's normally left mouse to throw, which is default key for primary fire and melee channeling.  Have you rebound melee channeling to something else?  It may also have been a bug (if you only tried once).  I've been in two matchs where trying to throw would have the ball instantly return to my hand unless I was about 5m from goal.

Except Trials.  You can't solo them, can't even try, which is why I've never done either Trial as I only have about two friends that are still active in Warframe.


Things that annoy me in Warframe... uh...

People who think Grineer are stupid.  There must be brains somewhere in that faction to make all the space-faring vehicles, weaponry, cloning facilities and to engineer the drahk and hyekka from the wild kubrow and kavats.  Calling them stupid is gravely underestimating the enemy.

Sapping Ospreys, Mutalist Ospreys and any other AOE that at high levels just kills you.  Jumping over a crevasse in a Corpus Outpost tile to suddenly die mid air then land next to a sapping mine that doesn't telegraph it's height (is it infinite? I don't know!)... Not fun.

if you have read who i was replying to then you would realise he find people annoying as well...

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  • Splash damage ignoring obstacles/walls;
  • Getting Radial Blasted when the Heavy Grineer is already knocked down;
  • Losing Stealth XP multiplier due to killing random unalerted mob in one-hit;
  • Heavy mobs (like a Bombard or Bursa unit) do no damage to themselves/allies with their AoE attacks;
  • Heavy landing (with Lunaro released i reached the boiling point; yes, i know how to avoid it -- doesn't help in Lunaro most of the time);
  • You can't extract w/o your team in Excavation and Survival missions;
  • Squad mates' disconnect from the Raids (=> the lack of dedicated servers for Trials and Conclave);
  • Skate «Scrumba-Gumba» Team is more powerful & stronger than Bursa units are;
  • Excavators have a «flesh» type and their Shields & HP don't scale with mission/enemy level;
  • Sapping Osprey's mines deal damage in mid-air, also don't receive Nekros' energy colour when summoned;
  • Energy Leech enemies and their energy drain which rate isn't affected by the distance/LoS, also they don't drop energy orbs when killed;
  • Shield Ospreys and other enemies that provide 100% Toxin/RAD resistance to allies in Sortie missions;
  • Sniper Rifles' scope wobbling (which is absurdly stupid, esp. when you see how lil' Mag dances wielding a jet-powered hammer);
  • The lack of augments-only slots;
  • Recent content gets dusted 'cause of the new one coming out *stares at Corrupted Focus, Dojo, Simaris, Sentinels, Kubrows, Nightmare Missions, Archwing, Raids/Trials*;
  • High crafting requirements cost and awful stats of the crafted weapon;
  • Weapons that require Forma to craft don't have polarities at all;
  • Existence of Nyx' Psy-Bolts;
  • Pre- & overhype of the major Updates with shifting ETA;
  • Awful state of continuous and the Machete weapons;
  • Sortie's Excavation and its successful excavation not giving any reward.
  • Bugs. Shiny bugs.
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