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Mag Prime Vault Feedback


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14 hours ago, K0bra said:

I dont get it why they dont make finally a accessory pack....

It's a matter of money and you're asking DE a question they answered a long time ago.  If DE were to lower the value on prime accessories by separating them and lowering the price to say $30.  Would they rather have X-number of prime accessory sales at $60 or X-number of prime vault accessory sales at $30.  If you owned and operated a business which number looks better to you, 60 or 30?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

If you owned and operated a business which number looks better to you, 60 or 30?

And if you looked at numerous topics and strawpolls, you'd see that it's not 60 vs 30, but  "few people" x $60 vs "many, many more people" x <whatever just he armor would cost>. 

Operating a business means first and foremost, learning how much your audience is willing to pay and how big is the part of the audience willing to pay. Polls and topics show that majority of people are not happy with dated (and unvaulted stuff *IS* dated) cosmetics costing more than a AAA title on Steam. DE does nothing because either 

a) Most of Warframe income comes from "whales" who spend lots of cash easily (which is bad, disappoint the whales ones and you're done for)

b) They are too stubborn to admit that selling more stuff to more people for less per unit would bring more total income  than selling less to a few willing to throw cash away - which isn't a good thing either. 



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4 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

And if you looked at numerous topics and strawpolls, you'd see that it's not 60 vs 30, but  "few people" x $60 vs "many, many more people" x <whatever just he armor would cost>. 

Operating a business means first and foremost, learning how much your audience is willing to pay and how big is the part of the audience willing to pay. Polls and topics show that majority of people are not happy with dated (and unvaulted stuff *IS* dated) cosmetics costing more than a AAA title on Steam. DE does nothing because either 

a) Most of Warframe income comes from "whales" who spend lots of cash easily (which is bad, disappoint the whales ones and you're done for)

b) They are too stubborn to admit that selling more stuff to more people for less per unit would bring more total income  than selling less to a few willing to throw cash away - which isn't a good thing either. 

Lowering the price across the board would be nice for us the players, it's true.

But I'm sure our Chinese overlords have glazed over the business metrics and have decided that they're happy with keeping the price at $60.

If the business metrics told the money men a different story I believe you'd see a change in pricing.

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hmm... just generally said to the topic.... i bought it.


Simply because i wanted a few more plat and do not have the time at the moment to get the last boar prime piece.

Nice extra was the accressory, and in my opinion worth the price.... was like 55€ for a ~50€ worth plat amount + 1 boar prime + accressory... i would say worth it.


PS: i know that there are plat reduction coupons, but they dont count in my eyes. They actually make more problems then helping against them.


And, thats just my opinion. not trying to force it onto anyone.

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I just came here to say no.
They could just run a bunch of platinum discounts, or have a bunch of discounts on existing in game bundles like armor sets or whatever.
But no, lets take literally the worst prime, bundle it up with two pictures that a lot of people got for plat back in the day, and some really old armor pieces and slap a 60eur price on it. (And lets do this during the Steam Summer Sale, because YOLO)

Edited by CR0SSB0NE
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1 hour ago, Letter13 said:

However, it would not surprise me one bit if the actual majority of players (that is to say, 51%+ of all players of the game) are newer to the game--so much so that they missed out on being able to farm for Mag Prime in the void. This would mean that the majority of players would actually be benefiting from a single pack with everything included; it's easier for DE to release a single pack, and the pack more benefits the actual majority.

Putting aside how this is mostly conjecture to a pretty strong sample of a response, the above point doesn't really make sense: sure, any player who wasn't around for Mag Prime before her vaulting would benefit from a complete pack -- but a second, cosmetic-only pack doesn't hurt them at all, either. This isn't a conflict between older players and newer players, this is a conflict between older players and DE, based on a recurring issue that gets complained about every time a frame gets unvaulted, because unlike those newer players, older players do suffer from this "single pack" model due to having to pay money for duplicates when all they want is the cosmetics.

Just this once, or perhaps for the next unvaulting, DE should experiment with releasing a cosmetic-only pack alongside the main Prime pack, whether it be a smaller, cheaper pack, or one with the same price but a bunch of boosts instead of the primed frame and weapons, as someone suggested in another thread, and see how that changes the income generated by the event. Let's face it, this isn't about the players at all, this is about DE optimizing revenue, and that's absolutely fine. What a lot of players have been suggesting, however, is that cosmetic-only packs could potentially benefit players and DE by generating enough income to overcome the potential relative loss in full pack sales, while also giving veteran players better access to the content they truly want to buy.

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6 hours ago, Letter13 said:

86% of players who voted on that boycott thread is hardly the majority of players. Only a tiny, miniscule fraction of the playerbase uses the forums. A significant number of people who use the forums are players who have been playing Warframe for a very long time. 

However, it would not surprise me one bit if the actual majority of players (that is to say, 51%+ of all players of the game) are newer to the game--so much so that they missed out on being able to farm for Mag Prime in the void. This would mean that the majority of players would actually be benefiting from a single pack with everything included; it's easier for DE to release a single pack, and the pack more benefits the actual majority.


The fact of the matter is that the number of players who use and participate the forums is actually a significant minority compared to the entire playerbase; the number of registered forum users is already about 1/10th (or less) than registered players in the game, and far, far less than the registered amount (about 1/1000th, if even that) actually participate on the forums. Even if only 1/1000th of all registered players play, that would still mean that the number of players on the forums is 1/10th of the playerbase or less.

This is why whenever players on the forums say "85% of the playerbase wants it!" or "My poll shows the majority of all players want it!" I get a good chuckle out of it. The forums are not a good metric for measuring what the actual majority wants/would benefit from.

Nah...you're just tarnishing the community's demand regarding the Mag pack fiasco.

Someone obviously never heard of Quick Count, i also believe the straw poll result it's not 1 to 1 to a Quick Count method either, BUT it gave a glimpse what the community wants. I only can imagine IF...IF DE support the poll and went to a full blown survey and made it expose to most of the the players (i.e sent out survey by mail or just like what Steve did on twitter) I bet i'll came out the same.


This time they've listened but they just don't care.

Edited by xection9
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The Mag pack is a ripoff. However the the other pack which is on discount for $35 for 1170p is the wave. I should be good for a while but all these fools selling Ember bp (200p) and Frost chassis(65-85p) make it hard to not buy. Considering Ember is bringing me 785p and Frost 850p. :cool:

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It is all cool you guys play since ever and sit on few thousands plat. But you are not the only ones who play this game. There are people out there who joined later (like myself) who don't own any of those primes nor enough plat to buy every shiny thing. If you are that true veteran supporting this game you should already own Nyx PA(A) and have Targis Prime Armour. If not, you can have it for roughly the same price as PAA back then with exactly the same outcome.

If anyone can be angry here it should be people who own the armour already because they bought PA(A) with EXCLUSIVE items that are available AGAIN.

Is it overpriced? Not at all. You don't NEED it and you CAN get the primes regardless. Fashion Frame is expensive so either skip it or just buy it and be happy. Especially be happy that every "useful" item can be traded so you don't have to be in top-world raiding clan to have access to end-game items like in almost every MMO.

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3 hours ago, HAYABU5A said:

its just a cosmetic that has no bearing on gameplay, so who cares 

they have to produce income somehow and if whales want to make bad value purchases in order fund new content so be it 

I'm pretty sure they produce plenty of income without the need to sell reused code lines for 60 a pop. Just a thought.



That aside, the reason it's $130 in singapore is due to trade agreements in real life between countries. Granted import export shouldn't apply to data, but apparently that's what's happened. Now, if we want to be honest, assuming you are using the US dollar, there are ways to get around paying that price but I question it's legality so I'm not going to post it. That said, what does the price of 1200 plat normally run you in singapore? Because whenever I decide to buy items using real money, I justify it to myself by saying two things, 1) I COULD just be getting plat and less plat at that. Now I'm at least getting some other stuff with it and, and this is a big one, 2) I am an adult, I work hard for my money, and if I choose to blow it on something ridiculous every once in a while, that's my choice. (My ex use to refer to any in game currency as goblin gold and would constantly get on me about spending real money on goblin gold. XD)

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I agree, PA, PA Accessories and Prime Vault packs are way overpriced, they cost more than full games or even expansions for full games.


Batman: Return to Arkham, 2 full games plus all the DLC - £35

No Man's Sky (Hello Games only has 15 Employees) - £48

Dishonoured 2 - £45 PC, £48 PS4/XBONE

Watch Dogs 2 - £48

TES V:Skyrim Special Edition (Remastered will ALL the DLC, plus added mod support) - £50


WoW: Legion expansion - £30

Fallout 4: Far Harbour - £20

ESO: Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild and Imperial City DLC 's- ~£20 - £22 each

ESO: Orsinium DLC - £25


WF PA - £58

WF PA Accessories - £45

WF Frost Prime Vault - £45

Warframe ADDONS should not cost more than a game expansion, there is no justification for it.

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4 hours ago, Cenat said:

You know if you live in Singapore, and use Steam it costs $130. JUST SO YOU CAN GET TARGIS PRIME ARMOR


This is unacceptable. Firstly, people only want Targis Prime armor YET even after numerous complains from Frost Prime unvaulting DE still doesn't care. This needs to change. Protest now with your wallets. Don't buy this scam. Show the DE's they can't just get away with charging so much and disrespecting veterans. 

Its expensive in your country because of the conversion from Dollar to your Coin's value.

If you are going to blame anyone, blame your country's economy.

The Dollar in my country is $3,15 for each $1,00. And I have to pay more or less $103 for the set.

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I would've bought it for $50 if it came with all the stuff regular prime accessories come with.  I already have Mag, Boar, and Dakra though and don't appreciate how they vault primes just to artificially increase the price of these accessory packs.

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5 hours ago, Naftal said:

If DE sold accessory packages at less than 50 euros (the whole pack costs 60 euros) then I as a veteran would be mad because they're selling my exclusives for cheaper than before.

This is rerelease content. It's been two YEARS since they made this, and touching up the textures on them all a bit does not justify the same price tag. A 2014 Toyota Camry holds a fair bit less value than a 2016 model. If I were you, I honestly wouldn't be fazed if I had this armor set and it was offered cheaper two YEARS later. It's old hat by then, and besides, you and I both know that the only truly "exclusive" gear in the game is of the Founders' variety. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing more folks running around with Excalibur Prime. Obviously that won't be happening, but at least we all have Umbra to look forward to... I think. If they ever bother putting him in the game, that is.

4 hours ago, FLSH_BNG said:

You don't get JUST the Targis Prime armor, it comes with a prime warframe and two prime weapons, and a sizeable amount of platinum. So no, it's not too expensive.

Considering that the total cost of the bundle is 25% less than the standard cost of the platinum alone, it's a good deal no matter where you are.

Don't lie: do you really buy Platinum at face value? And no: if I were to buy this pack, I wouldn't be getting a Prime Warframe and two Prime weapons. I'd be getting some slots after deleting the untradable copies of crap I ALREADY HAVE. So, for most of us, the pack offers a handful of Platinum and one armor set. 1200p = about $15 USD, so really someone like me would be paying $45 for Targis Prime alone (not counting the profile pics, because honestly who cares?)

44 minutes ago, (XB1)Deflinek said:
47 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

Warframe ADDONS should not cost more than a game expansion, there is no justification for it.

Except that you don't have to pay single dollar in Warframe to access all new content!

Okay, go farm Targis Prime then. The vault's open now, so you can- oh, wait.
I appreciate your optimism, and to be fair, under most circumstances you wouldn't be wrong. Hey, they're grateful enough to let us farm all of the standard Vaulted items for a month anyway, which really just undermines FLSH_BNG's point even further. I'm sorry, not really his point alone. A lot of people are arguing the "points" made in the first two quotes here with not a lot of basis.

The sad thing is, if DE would just get with it and stop relying on an alien lifeform with no concept of human currency to price all their paid content, this entire fiasco would never have been. If this pack was, like, $30, they'd be rolling in money by now from all the sales. Or, you know, they could have had a separate pack for the cosmetics. But instead of thousands of sales, they're getting thousands of pissed-off forum posts and disappointed customers. And as usual, there's been total radio silence and disregard from the staff. They'll gladly prune posts from and even lock threads like this inb4lock, but they won't even bother to, I don't know, explain themselves on this matter?

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I think the numbers on the poll speaks for itself as to why DE kept things the way it is.  As of my writing the poll is at:

Buy -> 34

Buy later -> 23

Can't afford -> 27

Not interested -> 110


If they keep the bundle the way it is their revenue will be (buy + buy later) * price, (34+23)*60 = 3420

If they lower the price to the bundle to, say $30, their revenue will be (buy + buy later + can't afford)* price, (34+23+27)*30 = 2520

If they keep the bundle as is and offer a $20 package for the armor, and assuming half of the original buyers only wanted the armor and are now given the option, their revenue will be ((buy/2 + buy later/2) * 60) + ((buy/2 + buy later/2 + can't afford) * 20) = 2820 (note that not all people in the can't afford group will pick up the armor-only package, so this projection is already generous)



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60 USD for Mag Prime, Dakra Prime, Boar Prime, 1200 plat, portrait and Targis armor is a decent price. 60 USD for 1200 plat, portrait and Targis armor is way overpriced.

There is 2 3 solutions:

  1. split accessories
  2. reduce price if you already have prime items
  3. do nothing

1 and 2 are the best solutions because more people would buy stuff. Why do we got option 3? Because DE is DE, they will do stuff that suit them best and not for customer player  convenience.

P.S. i'm still waiting for a sorties tokens.

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Lets face it , boar, dakra and mag are mr fodder at best. 90% of vets have them already ( and probly sold em for slots because they (now) suck a lot ) i think DE would make much more if they opted for a cosmetics pack , i mean they ain't losing money! All the code was created years ago. they really have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this. it seem like a very pants-on-head &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; not to and the whole "you get plat " argument wont hold any weight until they stop handing out 75% discounts like sweets 

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13 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Ironically, Letter locked a topic that encouraged people to not purchase it in an effort to get a message through to DE about what we're willing to do with our wallets.

Something about it being a bad idea to encourage people to boycott, or something? IDK. It's still on the front page of this board, as of this post.

Kind of silly to tell customers they can't encourage people to speak with their wallet. "It's not constructive feedback." I can't think of anything more constructive to a functioning business than its consumers telling them that they won't buy what they're pumping out because of x or y reason.

In the end, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. If enough people think the same way you do, then there will be changes in pricing if it's not meeting profitability goals.

However coming into DE's house and calling for boycotts is bad form. If you did this in someone's brick and mortar place of business, I can guarantee that you would introduced to the door very quickly. Same concept here.

So buy or don't buy. That's your call. What others might do is not. DE will respond as they see fit.

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5 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

Lets face it , boar, dakra and mag are mr fodder at best. 


6 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

90% of vets have them already ( and probly sold em for slots because they (now) suck a lot )


Only true if you are a player that chases the meta.

Otherwise, hyperbole is hyperbole... None of the items are "the best" but all of them are quality and can be taken into any content.

7 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

DE would make much more if they opted for a cosmetics pack , i mean they ain't losing money! All the code was created years ago. they really have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this.

They might... But if the cosmetics got priced lower than they were originally purchased for DE would risk losing the customers that shell out money every three months for Prime Access. So short term maybe and long term.


11 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

it seem like a very pants-on-head &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; not to and the whole "you get plat " argument wont hold any weight until they stop handing out 75% discounts like sweets 


I've played this game 3 years and don't recall ever getting a 75% discount more than maybe once. My guess is that they are reserved for folks who don't actually make purchases at all since that seems to be the constant theme that I have seen with folks who get them a lot.

So 75% discounts like sweets? ...Nope.

While I didn't need the plat, I view it as a relevant value add to getting the cosmetic I wanted...Ymmv. 

The "you get plat" argument is plenty valid as I wouldn't have purchased it otherwise even though I do like the cosmetic.



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25 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

In the end, if you don't like the price, don't buy it. If enough people think the same way you do, then there will be changes in pricing if it's not meeting profitability goals.

However coming into DE's house and calling for boycotts is bad form. If you did this in someone's brick and mortar place of business, I can guarantee that you would introduced to the door very quickly. Same concept here.

So buy or don't buy. That's your call. What others might do is not. DE will respond as they see fit.

This isn't a brick and mortar business, first of all. This is a company that said, "hey, we'll listen to what you guys have to say and try to work with you for the next installment (that being Mag Prime)." Upon people voicing their opinions and being told, again, "we can't do that," they opted to tell people to simply not buy it until DE starts actually listening.

It wasn't a call for a boycott out of nowhere. It was a call for a boycott because DE filled our heads with useless platitudes and didn't even bother to listen to what people wanted. There were numerous solutions posted that they could have gone with to make almost as much, if not just as much, money off of splitting the pack. Nope. Can't do any of that. Gotta make sure we get the full 60 bucks out of something that people don't actually want all of.

For every person willing to drop 60 bucks, there is a person who isn't willing. Trying to encourage people to understand that they speak with their wallet is feedback DE needs. Keeping people from spreading that feedback, after almost a week of discussion about possible solutions to the problem, is censorship.

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22 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

As the topic says, how many of you purchased the mag prime unvault pack, I purchased it the moment I could, only for that sweet prime armor though, so as some people mentioned before about being against the pricing and content I wanted to make up a quick strawpoll to see how many purchased the pack, who didn't and who is going to.  http://www.strawpoll.me/10612908

congratz, 60 bucks down the drain for a freaking armor set that DE could have separated to generate more revenue but refused to listen to. (yes im salty) but enjoy your armor i guess, i wouldnt mind to pay 30 bucks for targis p armor but i refuse to drop 60 bucks for a frame and weapons i already have in order to get a armor....

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