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Market Overhaul Feedback [Megathread]


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Hey Tenno! Ready to give us your two cents?

This megathread will be used to house any feedback about the new Market. Please be constructive, and keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Your post must be on topic.
  • Use details, examples, and personal experiences in your feedback, as well as your counter arguments if you disagree with something in the game or with another's opinion. 
  • Leave all name calling, insults and antagonism (dev bashing) out of your post, no exceptions. It is not required or welcomed and does not fall under constructive feedback. 

If you have a bug report, please post it in the dedicated megathread:

Thanks guys! :community:


Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 1

  • Fixed a potential loss of functionality that could be encountered by quickly closing the Market before it fully loaded.
  • Fixed the resolution of Prime Access images in the Market.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2

  • Fixed an issue with Prime Access Market banners not appearing correctly.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 4


Market Changes:

- Added a 'Blueprints' filter to the Market beside the 'Hide Owned' filter so you can better see available Blueprints.
- Removed prices from the store grid to remove the impression our game only has Platinum items.
- Added a 'Purchase with Credits' button to the 'About' section of each item, where applicable.

- Fixed issue with 'Owned' labels not properly applying to certain items in the Market.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 5


- Fixed Limbo, Mesa, and Mirage Warframe blueprints being unobtainable from the Market. 
- Fixed issues with squished Prime Access store icons.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 6


- Fixed Genetic Code Template Blueprint not being visible in the Market.

Edited by [DE]Taylor
added hotfix info
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1. I'm unhappy with blueprints and plat purchases being merged into a single thing with blueprints now located in a small tab somewhere inside of it AND lack of filter to get a list of available blueprints there.

Plus, that credits icon looks way too off next to stylized About / Related ones.

2. Personally I'd like to see more positions at once, I'd suggest adding "scale" option, like, I dunno, Windows has for its folders? Yeah, something like that. Only four positions in a row and 8-12 total seems to be extremely inefficient use of screen space to me.

Edited by daExile
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Experienced a market UI bug: all the items were hoverable and the mouse scroll wheel could be used to scroll the main pane, but none of the buttons were "clickable" and the escape button wouldn't work to exit. Had to ctrl-alt-delete warframe to get out.


Took me forever to figure out how blueprints work in the market now. Very very very unintuitive. I get that for bottom line purposes you want people to buy warframes and weapons, but hiding the blueprints behind an obscure icon is not really the way to do it. Don't let the bean-counters dictate your UI to you. :-( It's also not intuitive to see that the lack of a [credits] icon on some warframes/weapons info tab means that the blueprint is not available for purchase. Bad form, DE. Suggested improvement: change the tab headers to clearly show the options all the time: Buy | Build | Related  (with the Build tab populated with a "this blueprint is not available on the market, but you can find it within the game!" type message, when appropriate)

Market UI sorting appears problematic. When viewing the Warframes, Atlas/Inaros/Ivara/Nezha/Wukong appear before the rest of the frames, which are in sorted name order. Same issues with weapons, it appears that the first 5 or 6 slots are unsorted somehow.

All in all, must say new market UI is not really an improvement over the old one in any way. It's certainly not any less confusing, anyway.




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I feel like the new market is just... very poorly designed. I mean, it -looks- nice, but the functionality and presentation of it just really fall short and get under my skin in just the UI elements. 

Lets start with the landing page. 


Red Areas: Feels just like completely wasted space. I kind of get that you want to showcase something from the top row, but couldn't you just make that a traditional banner?

In general all those moving background pieces are more distracting than anything else. I feel like the market should just be about showing items for sale, letting my browse through and buy them, and then leaving. Seems like it loses functionality in exchange for flashiness. I don't open up the market and immediately go "oh this looks cool." I just instead feel so much visual noise filling my eyes that I'm just like "please make it stop". 

Blue Area: Drop down menu is nice, but I feel like it should be always open. Always open and brought towards the left side of the screen while pushing the item lists towards the right side of the screen, using up some of that wasted screen real estate. It will also help with the fact that it overlaps and cuts into the left column for item windows. Can keep how it works functionally with the side bars the pop up with you mouse over things, but having to click it every time to drop down and then go to stuff seems like an unnecessary amount of "clicks" which is a common theme for this new market. 


Moving onto a more different screen. We'll just use the Warframe screen here, but the issues I have with it transfer to all the other menus as well.


Just general points here, no highlighted areas. Again, top part feels wasted, so i just scrolled down to bring the main focus of this page to fill my eyes. This is what I feel like should be the default position for menus. Items for sale just filling the screen and letting me get to what I came here for. Moving background just distracts from that and if I want to see what something looks like I can just click on it and it will take me to that full blown picture. 

Also, where are the blueprints? I am aware that they are combined with built items, but how am I supposed to know that? Just looking at this screen, it seems inherently dishonest. I'm going to provide a quote from your update notes: 


A large majority of Market-related complaints we receive relate to the confusion between built items (aka Platinum-purchased) and Blueprints. The current Market set-up can misguide players into thinking that Warframes, Weapons, and Sentinels aren’t craftable in-game, so we condensed the Built items and Blueprints into the same page. Information about build costs, stats, blueprint location, and more, will be separated into 3 tabs on this page to help players learn all they need to know about the item in order to make an informed purchase!

I feel like you tried to fix something that didn't really need fixing, and by doing it, made it worse. Just looking back onto the warframe market screen, how can I tell that any of these have blueprints? I can't. It just displays the Platinum cost which makes it seem like to me (and many others it would appear) that blueprints are just gone. Only -after- clicking on them and being brought to a separate screen do we even know that a blue print exists for this frame. It's not just for frames either, but -all- weapons as well. I would like to see an icon on the tile, or put a credit cost next to the plat cost, something! By putting the system in this fashion, it seems almost intentionally misleading to get people to spend plat on something that is otherwise free to acquire in the game. I can imagine a scenario where someone buys a frame or weapon and doesn't even know of the blueprint's existence. Sure, they'd have to miss the really small credit icon at the top right of the buy screen, but lets be honest, people will. 

All in all, it just feels like the current market could use with some better use of space and a lot clearer presentation of information. Right now the UI increases the amount of clicks and menus I have to go through just to get what I want, which you definitely don't want and feels like just poor design. 

So to summarize or tl;dr: Market LOOKS good, but functionally, it is very lacking. 

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This new market feels vary clunky.  I need considerably more clicks and scrolling to locate anything, and there appears to be even less organization then previously.  The new visual dersign is okay, i suppose, but i would have preferred the previous one got a quality of life update to this ungodly mess. 

Can we please have an option to use the previous marked UI? 

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Have to say that I'm not a huge fan of how the plat and credit purchases for weapons etc. have been merged under a single page. The way it is now, in my opinion the purchase blueprint with credits option isn't exactly obvious and I wouldn't be surprised if a new player would miss the entire option, thus getting a bad impression that only way to obtain new weapons is to buy them with plat.

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Quite a few major issues with this one:

  • The menu on the side should be smaller, it should also be a permanent sidebar, not a hover menu
  • We need to be able to access blueprints more easily than clicking on an item, a new player would probably struggle with this one
  • The filter of "hide owned" should be permanent and not having to re-click every time
  • The items listed are simply too big, playing at a high resolution and only having a few items per row is a bit ridiculous
  • When viewing cosmetics maybe add a button to "preview with current colours" to see how it would look if it used my current color scheme
  • There could be smaller buttons used alongside items, stuff like add to wishlist or gifting could be made without having to click on every single item
  • At the top of the list or in sidebar we need clear filters such as by price, by date added, by quantity, by name.
  • Maybe add a small tag of "Friends who also have this" or something on the lines per item

You are creating a marketplace right now, so I suggest taking a note or two from steam's community market.

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Issue: One major problem with the old market was new players assumed the game was pay2win because of all the platinum sale items and lack of credit sale items. They did not know you could buy blueprints for credits for most everything to craft stuff. This misconception is made even WORSE with the new Market system hiding the Credits purchase Blueprint option as a tiny icon within every Platinum purchase item. You can't even search for a weapon blueprint using the search filter.

Solution: Also add the Blueprints as separate items at the bottom of the pre-built Weapons and Warframe lists, with icons within their entries for buying the fully built item for Platinum. This also makes those blueprints come up in search. Players will then be able to see both Platinum available items and Credit available blueprints for those items on the same page, and that pay2win misconception goes away.

New Market Kudos: 

  1. For adding the ability to purchase slots from the Market, and thus, to be able to Gift slots to friends and clan mates. I've been asking for this for years. <3
  2. For adding the Wishlist system. Pleasantly surprised by this feature being added. Well done.
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I wonder what unpaid intern designed the new market.

Buttons are 4x the size they should be which makes it painfully cumbersome to browse through, the shop is always only half visible upon opening a submenu to make space for a terribly looking "presentation" of all items in order which makes exactly 0 sense because most menus are so convoluted that the preview will not reach the end of the list in any imaginable realistic scenario.

Also I have a hard time believing there is any reason behind hiding the blueprint purchase option like this other than malicious intent.

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The market needs to be divided into plat and credits items. Right now it is confusing and not very convinient. In the previous iteration there was a nice distinction, one should be here as well. And it might make people think the stuff there is for platinum only.

1 hour ago, Foefaller said:

In trying to make blueprints easier to find, you somehow managed to go the opposite way.

I have to agree with this.

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Pressing esc throws you all the way out of the market, not a step back like it works in the rest of the UI. This really bugs me.

That's just one of the things I'd like changed, the rest has been named multiple times above.

Edited by ArcticMantis
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18 minutes ago, Genitive said:

The market needs to be divided into plat and credits items. Right now it is confusing and not very convinient. In the previous iteration there was a nice distinction, one should be here as well. And it might make people think the stuff there is for platinum only.

I have to agree with this.

DE , Make BP more obvious or you will lose a lot of new players. This new shop looks a Pay to win shop...

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7 hours ago, Calwon5 said:

Love the new look for the market. Its pleasing to my eyes and its easier to navigate through.

r u srs? r u a bot?

on-topic : if DE's goal was to rain hell upon their support staff becuz someone hates them and just wants to flood them with user complaints, then mission accomplished... =/

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Besides all the complaints, here's an addition that would be welcome: Mastery indication

A typical Warframe player will work towards the highest mastery rank, and remove mastered weapons from their arsenal to free up slots for new weapons. That's why being able to see mastered weapons/frames/etc in the codex is necessary.




I think it would be helpful to have that codex mastered weapons indication integrated into the market. That way when looking for new weapons to master in the market, you can see which weapons are next on the list without having to switch to the codex or arsenal to make sure you're not leveling the same weapon twice.



Edited by ArcticMantis
fixed spoiler mess
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The  first thing Newcomers will see is that everything cost plat to buy. From a usability standpoint the new market design fails to even tell the user that there are several tabs that can be used to go to the crafting tab and buy the same weapon with credits and resources instead of platinum. 

Why was the UI streamlined so much that we actually lost information density in the market?


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