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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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My feedback..

I still do not enjoy playing it. For me it's too slow, not enough action and too chaotic. Most importantly though I don't enjoy being not rewarded at all. It begins that you have to fly over the loot to collect it. That's annoying as hell, as you don't even find everthing when loot can be all around you.
-> let us improve the archwing or give us an archwing companion (or some sort of vacuumer) that sucks in ALL the loot, no matter the range) With this improvement you might
leave a Archwing mission without the mission results screen being completely empty.

Void 2.0:
Obviously the system is horrible. Farming prime parts currently is the most boring content in the game (void 1.0 was godlike compared to it).
-> reactants drops are to rare in solo play (HUGE issue)
-> closing the fissure is insanely dumb and boring
-> finding the fissure is annoying
-> doing short rushed missions and then doing the fissure is not good gameplay
-> farming prime parts should be intresting and challenging gameplay!
-> 'old' void needs better rewards... maybe add the possibility to farm prime parts there as well... or add a 'D' rotation with interesting and rewarding loot

Did you meant to *uck the melee mobility (especially during combos)? If so... revert it. 

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Forgive me if this point has come up before, but this is a really big thread.

Cephalon Fragments: Once you find the hidden spot on the image and hear the embedded lore piece, could we have a button to press to simply hear it again later? I'm not finished finding it all yet, but I may want to go back and hear some of them again and not go pixel hunting multiple times for the same dialogue.

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2 hours ago, Gronthollo said:



I tell you, if Joe, who is a new player aswell, gonna see the amount of bugs, and just stupid decisions... He gonna do a rant video, no doubt about it.

Wanna bet on it? I may be wrong, but as far as I know he's kind of sponsored by DE. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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I don't know if this has been brought up in this thread yet, but it seems important to me:

Since the Void has become irrelevant in terms of farming in general, I think it'd be fair to have argon crystals be permanent. It's not like we're gonna spend as much time there as before.

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1. Nullifiers: 

I understand why people hate them - they force you to actively adjust tactics when the game has taught players to just press the 4 button repeatedly.  I welcome any enemy that requires you to actually be strategic.  The constant hate is a byproduct of how simplistic but utterly effective spamming an ability is in every other situation.

2. Starmap 3.0:  

Why are there MORE nodes than before when the original intent was to reduce choice ("too much choice is no choice at all")? The only thing this seems to have "solved" is it killed Draco which was actually fun when it wasn't being super-cheesed (but that is a separate design flaw altogether).  Navigation I dare say is even clunkier.

3. Void 2.0:  

Wow.  Just wow.  T4 Survival and Defense at least presented a challenge when you aimed for 40ish (min/rd). Now, closing rifts presents a chaotic but extremely manageable 3 min "challenge" that has been nerfed already due to the whining about the only 2 enemies which made it interesting - Nullies and Bombards.  It's boring and repetitive and in too many cases unrewarding (even if you can choose from teammates rewards).  100 Void Traces just to buff ONE key means closing 8-11 rifts which feels like work, not fun, especially when that rare item still doesn't drop and there has been NO memorable gaming experience proceeding it in the least.

I like that you attempt to iterate and evolve the game.  But I feel [DE] fell well short of their cited goals over the past several DevStreams with this update.  I, like many veterans, play Warframe for the core game - not Archwing, not Conclave, and not Lunaro.  This update, so far, feels like a huge step backwards in giving veterans something to do that seems worthwhile and rewarding.  I may continue to do Sorties (which I was already being inconsistent with) but find little else of interest since I avoid Raids which are [DE] sanctioned Press 4 to Win fests anyway.


Edited by Wargasm_v2.X
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1 hour ago, JohnViande said:

I don't know if this has been brought up in this thread yet, but it seems important to me:

Since the Void has become irrelevant in terms of farming in general, I think it'd be fair to have argon crystals be permanent. It's not like we're gonna spend as much time there as before.

Lol, they have no reason to want to decrease the need to farm these.

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Good day dear Tennos,

I'm playing this game since 2012 and I love it. I want to talk about the new patch and give some reasons that why does it sucks so bad and what should have been.

Lets start.

1-Why..Why...WHY have you destroyed the void?! Void is the only challange that we can contest in my opinion with 40waves of def. and 1h of survivals.

3 types of enemies are rushing at you so you cant build your weapons with 'smite ...' mods and it gets really hard after one point

You might ask why do you waste time on +1hour survivals?   Its rewarding and its challenging. At this point Why the hell would i play void? its giving me Vitality as a reward. So why should i waste my time with void map where i can just rush a Fissure Mission? There is no sense for this. And there is no storyline either... I was waiting for Ash rework and boom void gone. why?.

So what should have been...

*rework the void rewarding system-> i dont want to get a forma blueprint on 65min reward of a T4 survival.Old system was fine but needed improvement. you should make subrotations for A B and C.( like A1 A2 A3-B1 B2...) and they would give rarer rewards as they progress and time elapses. That would make long missions more rewarding

*The idea of fissures are nice.Keep the fissures but make them like invasions. make them like invasions or maybe like excavation and we would just keep closing fissures in map without them being a side mission  like in exterminate or spy(which makes no sense)
. I think that would be more lore-friendly and just add more fun varieties.
make an alert that it says ''a void fissure is corrupting ... area Go there and seal it tenno'' Its better than deleting the void and it makes more sense really...

*The relic system is awfull lets make some math------> 1key each+4runs=4reward for 1key      4relics each+4 runs= 1 reward for 1 relic. Its worse and You also took away the solo missions.Its worse now.  I just can't play missions solo anymore because its disadvantageous. I don't have the opportunity to choose from other players reward pool. Also if this relic system is going to be a solid part of the game now there should be a lobby where we could see which relics the other players are choosing.

So bring the void back

Turn fissures to invasions

Delete the relic system and act like it never happened(and you can also make a game mod that works for KeyShare system)

Rework the rewarding system so people can earn their work with endless missions

2-StarChart is good for me but may not be good for all right?

I know my way around this game. But if I were a beginner...

Its so damn complicated and hard to control! And you cant even see the Resource drops before you build titan and you have to look it up for each planet 1 by 1 with zooming in and out.

I know that it looks nice and its better for some of you. But I dont see a reason to rework the map? There wasnt even problem with it

So make it simple

Make it look nice

And at least make a typing command to find the section that you re looking for so you wont have to zoom in and out every single planet to find a relay

3-Credits and Affinity

Lets see... Some people are happy that draco is removed and some people not. I say how can you be happy? Its a free for all farming space that if you dont have a good mastery level you still can get that weapon to a good leven in 2 runs and you can even max the item. Whats the downside for that? Its a farming game in every secion You farm prime parts You farm plat , exp , credit almost everything. So why do you drop down the one and only farming space? Now thanks to no draco people can use lv 2-3 weapons and die all the time in hard missions. They could just basically farm it at draco and then make a good hard run afterwards. But hey there is no draco now.

You killed the trading system with low credit drops. And you re turning this game to a 'Pay to Win' game. We ll laugh to 'Ninjas Play Free' phrase sooner than you think.

And also the credit system.I played all day long (I have a credit booster but it doesnt work since the update started so my money gone for nothing and i will send a ticket for that after) and all i got was 100k credit....

Now you re telling me that i need to farm credits for 13 days to Get my primed lv9 mod to lv10? 13 DAYS?! And im telling that you re only living that 13 day for 1 mod. I dont count the Foundry Items-Trading-Buying almost everything and it might take 1 month to buy a primed mod and max it. Not a good deal at all

So make places for people to farm their stuff thus other people wouldnt have to deal with a teammate with a level 3 Nova in mission

Dont just cap the focus earning for 1 day and also make a limit for each map so people cant farm focus in the same map with same runs

Bring back the old credit spots so people can actually trade and get some progress in this game

If you dont turn this credit system to old one that means you re trying to turn this game to Pay to Win

those are the ones that i can think of for now. I will keep posting this thread to every where  because i dont want to leave this game And lets be honest you guys pretty much destroyed the game with this patch. I am a founder but i dont think that being founder only gives me an excalibur prime that i dont even like playing. I cant talk to any developers or someone that can listen to my ideas.

Hope some people in high places can see this and get some idea about what is wrong with this patch






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1. Archwing

if you wanted to do 3rd person flight sim you should have done it like star conflict.

2. Star Map 3.0 

i absolutely love it. its like the second change to star map but with a new skin on it. as someone stated in an earlier post junctions should show up in that notifications bar with the alerts and syndicate notifications.

3. Void 2.0

i actually like that it has moved away from the countless hours grind. the drop chances i think now are ridiculously absurd. each relics table needs to have a total drop chance and have each item fill equate to its total. having 3 items with a filled drop chance bar gives almost no way for it to drop any of the other items without relic refinement which i think should be more rare and at the same time more rewarding. 25 50 and 100? no there should only be one option and that is "Refine" and then have it take 1 set number of resource/s.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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I had gotten used to  (maybe even good at) the old archwing system, enjoyed it enough to multi forma gear. I dislike the new archwing system. It makes me feel sick. That said, out of the whole update Archwing is probably what I have spent the most time in and enjoyed the most. I think that says something about the rest of the update. The change in flight system should be optional, especially since the old is still available in submersable missions

The starchart does not seem like a step forward, just a step sideways (or even backwards). The reason for the starchart change was to make things more apparent for new players. I don't think the starchart itself addresses this issue to any extent, and that the improvments simply come from the extra node (junctions) that make quest acquisition very obvious. Most new players (under the previous system) I have spoken with were unaware that more quests exist after the intial Vor's Prize/Once Awake. Some are in the codex, some are in the market, some came from reaching a certain mastery rank. The use of junctions solves this, but junctions could have very easily been implimented in the previous starchart.

The new starchart also introduces some limitations. There is very limited space to put misison nodes and quite often the mission titles are overlapping. The previous starchart did not suffer this issue and was very expandable with the capability of adding more rings and nodes. A combination of the old rings and the new blips on the planet I think would provide the best visual display. The on-planet blips becoming lit when the node on the ring is selected indicating where on the planet the mission takes place, but all information about the missions would be off-planet on the rings. The planet could rotate within the ring seperatly to posistion the blips in view.

Void rework/Fissures
This is what breaks the game for me. I play a LOT of warframe, averaging half my waking hours over the last 11months and I hadn't suffered 'void burn'. Maybe I'm the odd one out, but 40-60min survivals/defense was my jam. If I needed XP I didn't Draco, I took the weapon into a endless tower mission and used it (especially now with MR = mod capacity change). Occasionally mixing things up and choosing a random endless mission on another planet (usually chosen based on resources). It was near impossible to get randoms to play for that long on non-tower missions, so the lure of primes was all that allowed me to recruit a squad to play endless at all. That is now dead. Replaced by 6x quickest/easiest fissure missions burning the crapest relics you have to farm traces and then a 10minute survival or defense to use the refined key on. What a joke, a sick sad joke.


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2 hours ago, RG870 said:

Wanna bet on it? I may be wrong, but as far as I know he's kind of sponsored by DE. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Well, he devastated Star Trek, which was their game. Ive also seen him pretty often doing reviews that were negative, despite the fact that were sponsored. Anyhow, i trust him more than IGN for example.

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Overall, I think this is a good looking update - but pretty much just that. 

Kavats are great, and sort of manageable to farm since the hotfix, especially in a team. Bonus points for all the colours added! ( I no longer have to spend ages/a fortune to get something that is not gray)

Starchart 3.0 looks amazing. Well done on the design and art side, it turned out beautiful. Not so well done for utility... The nodes are tiny and hard to see, and somehow the whole navigation seems clunky. Why does it not follow my cursor when I zoom? And why does it not have a reset button so that I can see all the planets more easily? Or at least a tutorial on how it works to help me find the abundance of info that was easily available before? 

Market 2.0 has similar problems in my opinion. Looks nice, but text is small, (DE do you have a grudge against people with glasses?)and blueprints seem hidden. If it has a "step back" button I honestly can't find it.... 

Archwing seems great. Personally I avoid the gamemode, because I'm not a very good 'gamer' to start with, so it is very hard to get the movement right, but I like 6DOF. There is something cool about zooming around in outer space with oversized weaponry and dodging asteroids left right and centre. Seeing how many people dislike it though maybe it could be an option only? No strings attached? That way people who want to play flight-sim can do so, and others can avoid it completely? But overall it is good.

Void 2.0 again, is a good idea, but it seems to need a bit more work. I expected we would be required to enter a void tileset and complete a mission therein... closing the fissure is just flat. Boring. Throw us through into a random void mission instead! We can take it! It would also be incentive to keep on your toes, and have a kit that is versatile in any situation. I like the relic system, and how it encourages teamplay, don't forget to make solo runs viable though...forced into a team, I think people tend to become more salty, and one of the greatest things about Warframe is its amazing community. Endless missions also could be kept in the 'old' void maybe? With relics and ducats for rare rewards and resources for commons...


All in all it seems a good direction, just not enough ground prepared. Together these changes may be too much for many people to swallow, an I feel a more gradual introduction and tweaking would probably been better. Well done anyway!


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Please give the drop locations for relics a tune up, as they are rather unbalanced as it stands. 

Meso and Neo relics all drop from the same places making the chance of getting the relic you want rather slim, there are more than enough planets and nodes that they can be safely split up.

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I don't know how many people have the same issue as me - killing Vay Hek Terra Frame on Oro isn't recorded by Sedna Junction.
Also, after hotfix 4 I can't distinguish between finished and unfinished junctions. Before, there were blue lines coming from them, now they look like finished nodes even when no tasks were completed.

Edited by Gynju
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4 hours ago, Wargasm_v2.X said:

I understand why people hate them - they force you to actively adjust tactics when the game has taught players to just press the 4 button repeatedly.  I welcome any enemy that requires you to actually be strategic. 

That's not the issue. The issue is lack of counterplay. Abilities are out the window (which is fine), but how are we supposed to kill Nullifiers? Shoot them? Unless you have an automatic weapon, that's impossible because there's a cap on how much damage to the bubble you can do per shot. If you don't have an automatic weapon, the only way to kill them is to go inside their bubble to kill them. Our options are: avoid and kill from a distance to keep our abilities (only if you have an automatic weapon) or go inside the bubble. And what happens when there's Nullifier spam with void tears? They spawn on you. You can't use abilities at all since you can't avoid them, and there's only one way to counter them.


4 hours ago, Wargasm_v2.X said:

The constant hate is a byproduct of how simplistic but utterly effective spamming an ability is in every other situation.

The solution is making spamming abilities not effective -- not removing abilities from the game entirely while Nullifier spam is on the field.


4 hours ago, Wargasm_v2.X said:

This update, so far, feels like a huge step backwards in giving veterans something to do that seems worthwhile and rewarding.

Agreed. I left Warframe a week before SOTR was released because I finished the core game, and grinding for items was not my idea of fun (I made a promise to myself that I would never play Warframe unless it didn't involve grinding). I was so excited when I saw that STOR had been released, but that quickly turned to disappointment when I started playing it. It's easier to get prime parts (no more spending a bloody 20 minutes in Survival to get a bloody Forma instead of a prime part), but grinding is still the lifeline of prime parts. Off I go until the next quest update.

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2 minutes ago, bbeeaann said:

If you're failing at killing Nullifiers you're approaching them in a fashion that isn't conducive to being successful at this game.

I'm not failing at killing Nullifiers. I'm failing at finding a way killing Nullifiers in more than one way. Please explain how we're supposed to keep abilities up and running with Nullifier spam while closing void tears. "You're not supposed to use abilities" is the wrong answer. Warframe is centered around abilities.

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God forbid the developers design missions around not using your abilities.

It's not like we have 20+ frames with different abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Obviously we need to be able to use every weapon, every frame, and every ability in all situations all the time.


I can see fissures being an issue for new players who have limited access to weapons and frames. If you're above MR8 and still complaining about nullifiers, you need to learn to use different frames and weapons for the specific mission. Warframe may be an over the shoulder action shooter, but it's also got a huge chunk of strategy built in. I have favorite frames and weapons, some of which aren't good for fissures. That just means I don't use them for fissures and use them for everything else. It's not a big deal, especially since now I don't have to bring those loadouts for 60+ minute survivals.


Now if you wanted to complain about everything in the fissure being yellow and the constant knockdown from bombards / gunners that spawned behind you, that's a valid complaint.

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1 hour ago, bbeeaann said:

    Obviously the developers don't want you to use your abilities during these fights, so you're not going to be able to do this with them. Warframe is not centered around your WF abilities only. If it was weapons wouldn't be a part of the game. Use your weapons, mod them appropriately, and stop pigeonholing your game play. Learn to adapt. It's truly that easy.

Dont use powers against Nullifiers.

Dont shoot the boss unless we tell you its okay to do so right now.

Dont grind for Primes on a variety of missions. Run the ones we want you to run, when we say so.

Dont scan for Kavats. The only reliable way to get them is our way.

Does no one else see the problem here? Its like they are trying to make their game less fun...

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The deeper issue has always been the lack of dynamic gameplay mechanics, the lack of a true variety of gameplay options, and the lack of substantive gameplay content. Of course, the loudest voices demand quick, fast gameplay that requires little time and thought. But then you also have so-called veteran players who seem to demand both engaging/rewarding content AND quick, fast gameplay, and yet get mad when DE just buffs/nerfs enemies. What did you expect?

Maybe it's because I subscribe to the philosophy that more immersion = more rewarding gameplay, but I think that the vast majority of this community doesn't actually know what it wants when it demands certain things. "Balance" wouldn't be much of an issue if Warframe had even slightly more complex gameplay mechanics. But as it stands, Warframe lacks the fundamental gameplay elements to support all of these new features.

Now for what it's worth, I think Specters of the Rail represents an attempt to move in that deeper direction, but obviously it needs a lot more work. Despite DE's claims, Warframe is really still an Alpha release, with a Gold master polish. So we really should be treating it as such. Now that does suggest that DE needs to re-evaluate how they are developing this game, but it also means that we shouldn't expect gold master or even beta-level content.

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This game just isn't fun to play anymore. Nobody should be failing missions because of RNG, and having to hunt down the fissure (is it even a 100% chance to spawn?) isn't entertaining, nor does it break up the repetition. There needs to be some kind of middle ground for hunting down the prime stuff.

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