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Getting Kavats Genetic Code



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On 9.7.2016 at 2:57 PM, SaamSaam said:

After 80 scans, still nothing...

I want to buy it in plats, but should I wait the next update and hope they increase the drop rate or fix the drop rate ?


On 9.7.2016 at 9:48 AM, CorrinAvatan said:

I have 48 Kavat scans, but no DNA.

the drop rate is too low.


I can get a Kubrow egg in 10 minutes on earth tilesets.  Kavat DNA, I have yet to see.


On 10.7.2016 at 0:02 PM, g4yb4ll said:

scanned 53 kavats and only got 1 signature

i gave up


... Are you guys sure you are Scanning Kavats and NOT Hyekka's? 50-80 scans without a single drop seems really low, considering that I seem to get roughly 1 per mission, and I do 4-8 scans per mission, depending on luck. What mission are you running? Are you using Helios? (I think Helios scans don't drop the genetic codes, but they stop you from doing the scan). Are you using regular or synthesis scanners? (I'm using the synthesis scanners, no upgrades).


On 12.7.2016 at 4:18 PM, TonyWong said:

Tried scanning after hotfix 4... you have a pretty good chance of getting 1-2 dna per mission, if you scan all the kavats.

This has been my experience as well.

I run with Loki - staying invisible pretty much constantly, keeping the scanner constantly equipped and killing enemies only with quick-melee (so that I can "focus" with the scanner constantly - the Kavats are usually invisible but the scanner reveals them in green, making it easy to spot them from far away and even through walls). I run with Zenurik. If the Kavats haven't noticed me and are peaceful, I scan them directly, or if they are fighting I try to scan - but if I can't get a scan after a few seconds, I use radial disarm (with irradiating disarm augment, not sure if it matters) - the blast momentarily disorients enemies, stunning the kavats for a second or two, usually long enough to get a scan, or use Zenurik to lift them up the ground for easy scan if it's ready. The missions I usually do are either exterminates (take a bit longer but has less problems with energy reserves since enemies drop more of it) or capture (quicker, but since I ignore most enemies, I usually run low on energy. The mission feels shorter too, and feels like there's less kavats).

I usually get 0-2 scans with this set up, on avarage 1.

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4 hours ago, Tomppak said:

... Are you guys sure you are Scanning Kavats and NOT Hyekka's? 50-80 scans without a single drop seems really low, considering that I seem to get roughly 1 per mission, and I do 4-8 scans per mission, depending on luck.

Some people have really bad luck with RNG in this game. I've barely managed to get enough DNA from ODEs to build the incubator upgrade, meanwhile fully scanning all Cephalon fragments in the derelicts. And even that only thanks to the double-scan widget occasionally giving me 2 DNA. Combined with Scorches being completely broken at the moment, that was exhausting enough that I'll just pass on actually breeding a Kavat for now.

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38 minutes ago, Bibliothekar said:

Some people have really bad luck with RNG in this game. I've barely managed to get enough DNA from ODEs to build the incubator upgrade, meanwhile fully scanning all Cephalon fragments in the derelicts. And even that only thanks to the double-scan widget occasionally giving me 2 DNA. Combined with Scorches being completely broken at the moment, that was exhausting enough that I'll just pass on actually breeding a Kavat for now.

You're right - at first I thought that at 10% drop chance, 80 failed scans in a row is nearly impossibly low odds, but running the numbers says that it's actually just 0,0218%, Or rather: For every 10,000 players, there's an average of 2 players who don't get a single drop in 80 scans. Given the amount of players Warframe (or other similar games have), there's always going to be a few who never, ever get that drop they want >.> Which is pretty cruel.

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As I said, best way would be to make them guaranteed. You have to stop, kill everyone except the Kavats and equip the scanner anyway, so you can't just rush those missions. Or, if they want to keep it RNG, why not make it as they said in the devstreams and put one(!) strand of DNA in a Kubrow egg? I have seven of those in the freezer since I started to stock up when they first announced Kavats, and no use for them now.

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8 hours ago, KeNp-1945 said:

Full party, ODE. 

3-10 code / run. Yes, I got 10+ code during 1 run already.

Oh, yeah. That too. I learned today that the number of Kavats in a pack is dependant on your party size, so large party= more kavats. I used to run alone, meaning just 2 kavats per pack, 2-3 packs per run (sometimes 4, but that's very rare). I have 20 codes for 134 scans. At 4-6 kavats per run, that's about 27 runs, so a bit less than 1 scan per run. Let's say, if full party finds an avarage of 10 kavats per run, then (with my numbers, 20 codes for 134 scans) you should get 20 codes in about 14 runs. That means just 7 runs for 10 codes to incubate a kavat (assuming that you have the upgrade segment already) or ~4 runs (with a full party) if you have the simaris double scan augment thingie for the synthesis scanner. That's... Not bad at all, that's not an unreasonable amount of grinding for a kavat.

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Go in there with a Rhino, efficiency, duration, maybe range and energy syphon. Spam 4 and scan with syntasis scanner. But after 5 ODC, 3 ODA, 4 ODSur ,5 ODE and 2 ODSab I gave up. I scanned more than 50 of those things to finaly get 4 scans. Also helios didn't help either. At this point I'm starting to question his usefullnes since it cost me more than I benefit, from getting his bp and making him to his upkeep for him even being usefull. 

Edited by ChaellExE
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A lot of this has already been said, but I'll say it all again.

Derelict Exterminate is by far the best for scanfarming.

A larger group means more kitties, which means more geneticodes--if the entire group cooperates.

Use the synthesis scanner with the double-scan widget. If you don't have it, get it ASAP.

If you're not the host, it's possible to scan a single kavat more than once with high latency.

At least one group member needs to have good, reliable CC, such as Bastille, Rhino Stomp, etc. Don't use radial damage unless it's something like Rhino Stomp that deals relatively little damage and primarily acts as CC. Kavats are tough enough to take a Stomp or two.

Loot frames do NOT help because scanning is what gives geneticodes, not killing.

Helios and Ore Gaze do NOT work to obtain geneticodes, only manual scans.

Weapon damage buffs such as Shooting Gallery and Roar seem to make scanning faster by increasing the "damage" A.K.A. scan progress per tick. Don't bring an Extinguished Dragon Key, because it will nerf your scanner's "damage" as well. Any fire rate increases or decreases would probably also affect scanning by increasing or decreasing the rate of scan ticks.

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I think I've giving up even trying, tried again today, went in with oberon (so it makes friends with the kavats and I can't kill them...), scan EVERY SINGLE ONE and get NO DNA from it...  I've had more blueprints drop from stalkers since the update than DNA scans, actually I've had more kavat incubators drop than dna scans.... that's just not right.  At this moment I'd be happy to see just one scan in an event to show it's actually working...

I kind of hope there is a random bug in there somewhere because my RNG can't be that bad when I've got both hydroid AND Valkyr in just 3 runs each in the same time period...


Edited by LSG501
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Synthesis Scanners got kinda tricky with me, tried to scan Kavats with them and got only 2 DNAs from a single successful scan during 6 ODE missions soloed, so it was about 40 Kavats and only one scan that gave me DNA. After that i started using Codex Scanners and everything went fine again(1 to 3 DNA per mission). Maybe it was a bug, or maybe i just got really unlucky.

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On 9.9.2016 at 3:42 PM, (XB1)DakVoidcloaker said:

The low drop rate is a shameless money grab on the part of DE.

its not that bad - though harder then to get a kubrow egg these days. try using the synthsis scanner with the gadget that give you a double scan chance (2 dna's instead of one). even with some missions getting me nothing in terms of dna, the average is 2 dna for one extermination run and 6-8 kavats scanned. i use inaros for that runs, for his 1st ability can easy pacify the kittens and everone else how fight them (which makes it a pain to scan them) - it also does not ruin the chance to get their dna like some other abilities. vaubans bastile is also a method to calm down a room with furious kitten for enough time to scan them. 2 more advices: scan every room before you enter it and join any fight going on to avoid killing the cats that might be passivly stalking the room invisible (those, you can easy scan then). and the other advice: put out the weapon of any sentinel you take with you, for they love shooting the cats down before you get your scan - obviously, don't take your pet for a walk there too.

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i ran trinity prime in derelict exterminates. starting with 2 codes today, in about 10 runs i got the other 8. a few things i noticed:

if you obtain too many kavat codes in a brief window, such as 2 in a row, or 3 in 5 scans; the system gets angry, the drop rate seems to go down. this could be an auto-correction program gone haywire. after i had found 3 in my 1st run, and 2 more in the next couple, they stopped dropping altogether.

kavats can and will attack and die to not just grineer mobs, but the infested as well. as such, protecting them can be brutal. i recommend trinity or limbo. trinity's first ability will temporarily restore their hp and buff their armor while it radiates healing. limbo can simply banish them. take care of the mobs threatening your darling little gene samples, then go "collect" them.

finally, you may, and likely will, run into spikes and falls in drop rates. while by no means a fix, a good strategy is to carry both synthesis AND codex scanners. after 5 code drops with codex scanners in 3 missions as stated above, i went for at least 4 without a single drop. hearing that synthesis scanners were good, i switched, and got 2 my next run. then the drop chance seemed to plummet again, and i barely managed to get the last code i needed the run after that. i highly recommend carrying both codex AND synthesis scanners to get around this flaw.

it shouldn't be crazily easy. 1 in 3 sounds about right on average with proper drop rates. but it's obviously freaking out when multiple drops are obtained in a short time. for some reason switching the scanner type seems to have a sort of "soft reset" effect. i can't speak for rotating back, as i didn't need to go that far. if some1 tries this and gets some data for rotating between scanner types, rather than just a simple switch, would be great if you would post some experiences for clarification. this is truly broken af right now

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This may be nekroing...but this is complete BS.

x10 codes to make the incubator...fine, i get that...but 10 for EACH kavat is stupid...the alerts are super rare and do not last long at all (they should last MUCH longer than an hour..at most 6 hours due to how rare they spawn...Ive seen vauben parts spawn more often and in less time than the kavat alerts..and i missed both of the 2 i actually saw come up...after the fact

When making the Kavats, it should only require AT MOST 5 Kodes....and imo, a kubrow egg...just so we can use the bloody things collecting dust

Tweak Helios so that it can scan Kavats (and Plants from earth and mars..but that is another topic) after their codex completion...and if using sythesis scanners make the upgrades work with Helios...boom, problem "mostly" solved, imo.....I dont mind manually scanning...but this RNG is garbage....especially since I cant do, say, an endless mission (or a capture after getting the target) and farming these kavats out....


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