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Archwing Motion Sickness and Control Scheme


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So, at this point (2 "hotfixes" EDIT: 8 "Hotfixes"....8!!! into SoTR) I have to wonder if the fine folks at DE have even played their new archwing debacle? I'm one of those lucky folks who NEVER get motion sickness, not from planes, nor trains, nor automobiles, yet 1, count 'em, ONE, mission of the new and "improved" archwing just made me so motion sick I had to step outside prior to writing this! I know for a fact I'm not the only one experiencing this either, look at any archwing posts anywhere on the forums for exhibits 1-999,999.

Here's the biggest problems I can see and some hopeful ideas to fix them:

      -1. New view:  WAAAY too close to your archwing. Way, way WAY too close. Can't stress it enough. The view is now so close you literally have almost NO "peripheral" vision, i.e. being able to see what's near your character from a third person perspective. This makes basically any and all turns, movement changes, and melee dashes utterly sickening and confusing as all getout! You can't see where you're going...you can't see where you were... and you have no idea where anything/anyone else is.    -THE FIX-   Move the ever-loving camera back please. Really...just that. Move the camera back. Other FOV adjustments/options would be awesome, but really, just move the camera back away from your character and TONS of this badness will go away.


     -2. Lack of control: Yes, we have a so called "six degrees of freedom" in our archwing movement now, which is dandy... I guess... but without the ability to manually roll the archwing, each and every movement has the potential, nay, high probability, of initiating a mind-bending rolling/whirling action that only seems to slow down once you've come to a dead stop (if then).      -THE FIX-      We need to be able to control our left-right roll factor. That simple. Either through a key modifier (such as SHIFT+A or D), or designated roll buttons (such as Q and E). SOMETHING, anything... please.


So there it is. Sorry if any of this seems a touch ranty. It's all just a very large let down after being told that archwing movement was getting an "overhaul" and that it would be good. What's more, I'm having a hard time seeing why this hasn't been addressed already, D.E. is normally so zealous about patching/hotfixing their content.

Edited by MadMav737
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I actually got nauseous playing and I too am a person that never does. It seriously needs to be fixed. I was doing a run where I was constantly rotating. I had no idea it was a control thing. Having the level turn about me and trying to figure out which way was up and down was horrid game play. That with the FOV thing with my warframe taking up half the screen... I played looking away from the monitor and spamming 1 for shields and 3 for heat seeking missiles. 

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5 minutes ago, Yonekura said:

I don't understand how people get motion sickness from a screen.



There is a lot of stories out there about how people get motion sick from games. A quick google search can help you understand but it's unknown the exact reason.


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I got motion sickness after 1 extereminate and 2 mobile defense missions, mostly the closed space tunnel crawling is made terrible where i cant go fast.
The view is okay in sprint (shift) mode, but on cruising speed it is very bad, i had literal nausea.
I don't really feel the improvements of this "6 degrees of freedom" system, i think it just unnecessarily complicates things. Those corpus tunnels are horrible anyway, very difficult to navigate properly without getting stuck.

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1 hour ago, DoppelShifter said:

There are at least two other threads about this. Might as well become a megathread soon.


And yeah, totally agreed, new AW needs a revision. It's a step in the right direction, but it's only like, half a step, basically becoming a tumbling downstairs.

A megathread would probably be good, the motionsickness aspect especially needs to be dealt with properly.


Since this update hit i've played only ONE space archwing mission to try it out and just that single mission made me feel so ill I had to go lay down before doing ANYTHING else.

I cannot try the new archwing missions like this and should the upcoming frame use same controls instead of underwater/old archwing setup i'll be unable to play as her too...

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9 minutes ago, Kemokkoryuu said:

A megathread would probably be good, the motionsickness aspect especially needs to be dealt with properly.


Since this update hit i've played only ONE space archwing mission to try it out and just that single mission made me feel so ill I had to go lay down before doing ANYTHING else.

I cannot try the new archwing missions like this and should the upcoming frame use same controls instead of underwater/old archwing setup i'll be unable to play as her too...

Prior to your posts creation a megathread already existed, although I disagree of megathreads usefulness as they usually just pile tons of different subjects into one thread. All just because they share the same surrounding theme.

In any case, I believe the motionsickness mostly comes from these two factors:

  1. Inertia while steering leaves you floating into the direction for quite some time, making controls wobbly and unresponsive. This can cause rash counteractions that make the symptons worse.
  2. The auto-readjustment makes you slowly turn at every chance you're giving it. Meaning whenever you have a moment where you're not moving, you get 'adjusted'. I felt sick whenever this happened so far.

On a side note, the effects seem worse in interior tilesets.

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I used to be able to blast through canyon runs. Now I spin out of control and I can't thread small openings anymore. If I try to tilt slightly to make a doorway I go way off and hit the wall then I end up rotated.

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On 7/9/2016 at 10:04 AM, Sy5tem said:

i found out by accident that crouch + left and right rotate your archwing hehe

does it act a roll function, man wish they'd have said this in the patch notes lol, will go try it.


The reduced FoV is a problem, as someone mentioned when doing Jordas Verdict, the spore blocks the entire screen and your only way of guiding is is spacial awareness. It makes the task kind of difficult though as you can miss by a slight angle which will result in a failed spore and rinse repeat. The FoV needs to be returned to what it used to be. I'm sorry so many people are getting motion sickness as I personally don't have that issue :( and don't understand why they do.

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The new control does makes me dizzy, most of the time in JV raid where you need to fly up/down and left/right makes you spin in many directions and is really annoying!

There should be a manual roll key or option since this is unplayable. I cannot do archwing missions due to this even tho i have most of the AW stuff besides the new weapons.

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Part of my issue, after playing a bunch of the new archwing while fighting off the motion sickness is .. the constant motion. In old archwing coming to a stop was one way to combat it, but with the new momentum system coming to a stop takes a while, and then if you're stopped the stupid thing decides spinning you back to right side up is a good idea, so instead of letting you get used to it... you have to put up with the slow spin back to normal again. Stop the damn spinning, If I'm upside down keep me upside down, If I'm sideways, keep me sideways. Stop auto correcting s-h-y-t-e that doesn't need correcting. A roll button would be helpful but it'd be nice not to have to fight the system to even just get to a stop to catch my breath

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I don't get it how is this new archwing movement more simple to use like DE said and more accessible to new archwing players when experienced players have trouble with it and don't like it.

And why does archwing turn upside-down now with no reason at all?What's up with that?

Also new mods don't work.They all give impact dmg.And Itzals augment mod works a bit bugged.Enemy's who are frozen still move and fire at you.

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I have an idea for a solution to this issue... disable the automatic orientation, and let me use what would normally be the jump key to orient. Say, by holding down the jump button while not boosting let me roll and pitch manually with the direction buttons as I see fit.

Edited by Reynard_Fox
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On 7/12/2016 at 9:28 PM, JohnnyQuantum said:

Are there a whole new set of controls? Are they listed anywhere?

Near as I can tell; No. I've been looking through every in-game menu and every forum I can get my hands on, but no new controls. Just a whole new movement scheme and next to no way to affect it.

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