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Nova Deluxe skin


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I actually really like the skin and cant wait to pick it up. I've bought them all except for Loki, just thought his was plain. Yeah this one is a little weird, but I'm excited to try the color combinations, and see if I can pull off some neat looks. 

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6 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

I feel kinda bad that this skin is getting bashed on when this is one of the first character skins the guy who made it has made (from what I understood from the panel)

If my first impression when seeing this wasn't clown and candyland ( and massive disappointment) I might have agreed with you. Most of the fault is probably DE's, I don't know how this got approved, it looks like nothing else in the entire game, all the other frames and skins have a nice sleek look to them.. this doesn't.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)Azure_King03 said:

Not really, no skin means we would have a potentially awesome skin down the line, this skin means we are stuck with it for who knows how long, probably until umbra nova, which could be years.

Ah there's that too...
I don't know, I'm pretty happy already with the TennoGen skins - and btw you guys on consoles are getting them too in the summer, and through plat purchase (just saying, trying to sweeten the pill)

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Nova - warframe based around antimatter and destruction

Nova deluxe skin - warframe skin based on Hindu goddess of destruction (50% fit for Nova). People cry it's not fit for Nova. 

Very well, let's see another famous skin.

Nova Visage skin - warframe skin based around a flight attendant/air hostress (0% fit for Nova, unless aeroplanes move using Wormhole). Yet people say this skin is fit.



Edited by LogaMC1995
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2 hours ago, LogaMC1995 said:

Nova - warframe based around antimatter and destruction

Nova deluxe skin - warframe skin based on Hindu goddess of destruction (50% fit for Nova). People cry it's not fit for Nova. 

Very well, let's see another famous skin.

Nova Visage skin - warframe skin based around a flight attendant/air hostress (0% fit for Nova, unless aeroplanes move using Wormhole). Yet people say this skin is fit.




the other 50% dosnt fit 

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7 hours ago, LogaMC1995 said:

Nova - warframe based around antimatter and destruction

Nova deluxe skin - warframe skin based on Hindu goddess of destruction (50% fit for Nova). People cry it's not fit for Nova. 

Very well, let's see another famous skin.

Nova Visage skin - warframe skin based around a flight attendant/air hostress (0% fit for Nova, unless aeroplanes move using Wormhole). Yet people say this skin is fit.



The straps and tight suit fit Nova well. But i personally don't like this skin, conceptually.

It looks sexy, that's why people approve it. As always

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8 hours ago, LogaMC1995 said:


Nova - warframe based around antimatter and destruction


Nope : 

Nova theme : space ninja loli that gotta go fast,

See ? matter of perspective !

About the skin : don't like it but will buy anyway because i can't refrain to satisfy my completionist issue

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At first i totally disliked that skin. Now the more i look at it and the more i like it.

The only problem i see is that fits very poorly the warframe universe, but im quite certain that tweaking with colours can do great things on such skin.
Probably they shouldnt have showed it with such bright colours

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