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Nova Deluxe skin


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The visual theme seems a bit too "on-the-nose" for my taste.  Same reason I don't particularly like Nekros', Inaros', or Limbo's appearance.  The theme just comes through too strong and overwhelms the actual "Warframe" part of the Warframe.

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2 minutes ago, texrei said:


As texrei said, no amount of color change is going to fix it, maybe a different helmet would help, but why they choose the worst looking helmet to begin with is really strange.  They should have just stuck with one of the original designs instead of mashing them together and adding random colors for laughs.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Azure_King03 said:

As texrei said, no amount of color change is going to fix it, maybe a different helmet would help, but why they choose the worst looking helmet to begin with is really strange.  They should have just stuck with one of the original designs instead of mashing them together and adding random colors for laughs.

This is perfectly what i meant!

Besides any of designs looked better then this crossbreed

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Well i should say thank you first reading this topic was a funny ride for me XD and as for my opinion on the matter yes this skin is about preference but like someone said already this will most likely see very little sales. 

Oh and NO amount of color change will fix this. I use nova prime a lot but i will not be using this. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

....I dont know about that ...

i used similar in my colored and it didnt sway anyone...


using colors ....


also somewhat impressed our .. neg feedback thread is going as long as it has 

Putting the same colors on a different pattern is not the same. The contrast between adjacent colors and the shapes that those colors make are important in producing the "ew" effect.


As for the people who keep praising the Visage skin, I'm personally not much of a fan of it. To each our own. (I like the Gnova skin better.)


I might try mussing with the deluxe skin's colors to match my own color scheme sometime and see how that looks. Honestly, the monochrome with red highlights didn't look too shabby (if only a bit drab).

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16 minutes ago, Inarticulate said:

Putting the same colors on a different pattern is not the same. The contrast between adjacent colors and the shapes that those colors make are important in producing the "ew" effect.


As for the people who keep praising the Visage skin, I'm personally not much of a fan of it. To each our own. (I like the Gnova skin better.)


I might try mussing with the deluxe skin's colors to match my own color scheme sometime and see how that looks. Honestly, the monochrome with red highlights didn't look too shabby (if only a bit drab).

i think you missed the part were i drew that in may ....

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I'll have to see some more rendering and animation before I make a final decision.  Right now I'm neither 'yay' nor 'nay' but more of an 'mmmkay.' I like the idea of adding new crazy stuff and we are by no means bound to using the crazy color palette provided. However is it not going to look like the bastard handicapped CG monster child of shiva and a preying mantis? 

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Interesting, but, why cover Nova's beautiful natural shape like that? she'll lose her appeal IMO. I appreciate art. This nova deluxe skin has very nice features, it is a stunning piece of work actually. I just think Nova deluxe skin ought to be made by an artist who absolutely adores the female body (and not the Bo Volu skin that much).

I'm sorry, I just don't see the relation between Nova's antimatter abilities and the Hindu aspects of that new look.

Edited by Malvavisc0
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After cooling off i have looked at skin again. Why its unpleasant too look? Because its overdesigned. All kinds of shapes and forms were thrown in. There is no one place where eyes settle.

Torso and legs are one tubular shape, it got 2 clashing cloths in the same place -  thats a massive error on designing everything. Arms are tubes too, but they are segmented and ends in massive round shackle things, that disturbs flow. Triangle hat on ball shaped head just looks weird and out of place. Balls thrown all around model - head, chest, legs. Last but not least, model do not have feet, it ends in log like limbs.

There are 6 color channels on the model. 3 of these colors are web like trimmings.

Compared to Nova (Prime) its over exaggerated, over designed and flat out mistake on DE part.


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