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Why did you release Spectres right before Tennocon?


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The title says it all... I mean seriously DE, you release a huge update then leave to tennocon all weekend and let the players just sit and deal with all the bugs. I would have been far less ticked if you would have just waited till monday to release SotR. And before a moderator decides to move this thread plz don't. This is general feedback, and my feedback is this was VERY poor planning on your part DE.

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Poor planning and DE are almost synonymous by now. 

I agree that releasing such a large update just before their first convention was a poor choice though.  At the very least, the needed the full stuff for damage control, as well as feedback process and review.

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"We want StoR now" "I don't care if its bugged just release it already" "Why did you delay it again, release already" "DE is so incompetent, StoR is still not released" "Why does Stor take so long" and so on.

Alot of People are getting very demanding when it comes to Updates and expect Updates as soon as possible. And DE always tries to release updates as soon as possible,

And don't think that the whole Development Team is at Tennocon. Most of the Guys are still in the office and working (Hotfix 2 was just 20 Hours ago)

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4 minutes ago, Plasmaface said:

It's not like everyone at DE is at tennocon. Take it easy.

Then why hasn't there been a hotfix since yesterday? Take one look at the 'PC bugs' section and tell me that there isn't a million bugs to fix, some of which I'm sure are easy to fix.

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Just now, SaucyTuckermax said:

Then why hasn't there been a hotfix since yesterday? Take one look at the 'PC bugs' section and tell me that there isn't a million bugs to fix, some of which I'm sure are easy to fix.

Maybe because the Bugs are not easy to fix? Just because you think its easy doesn't mean it has to be.

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Just now, SaucyTuckermax said:

Then why hasn't there been a hotfix since yesterday? Take one look at the 'PC bugs' section and tell me that there isn't a million bugs to fix, some of which I'm sure are easy to fix.

Quite possibly because they are still working on the next one. I don't know about you, But I'm just happy to have something to play this weekend. Bugs won't stop me from having fun, and I know they'll get fixed in due time. 

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I can't imagine the mood at Tennocon: I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing devolves into some perverse, nerdy form of trench warfare, with SotR sympathisers charging Anti-SotR positions while under a hail of poorly-made souvenirs and tacky, overpriced t-shirts.

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Just now, Plasmaface said:

Quite possibly because they are still working on the next one. I don't know about you, But I'm just happy to have something to play this weekend. Bugs won't stop me from having fun, and I know they'll get fixed in due time. 

That's awesome you feel that way, but from my expierience so far and a lot of other peoples (a lot of people are trapped in the front part of there lisets right now) some people are not able to make a kavat, updates failed when trying to download the update. (happened to me first 2 times i downloaded) I mean not saying some people arn't happy that they have something to do this weekend but all in all I feel like if your gonna drop an update this big, all staff should be on hand so they can fix some of the thousands of bugs they just released in a relatively fast fashion.

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The developers do have lives outside of warframe, you do know right?

They should be able to enjoy their weekend, just like everyone else.

The weekend is usually their time, the normal working week is Monday to Friday. They don't work over the weekends.

At least give them this weekend, they've just done a major update and tennocon with likely many sleepless nights. 

There will be more hotfixes coming to fix issues, don't worry.

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8 minutes ago, Littlerift said:


I can't imagine the mood at Tennocon:


Content creators already are loosing money by being at Tennocon. Tactical Potato is gone for a week.

Dropping a content bomb that large without having your content creators support the community with new tutorials is bad bad timing. I guess the mood is grim because noone likes to loose money. 

Edited by k0Sh_wf
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24 minutes ago, SaucyTuckermax said:

you release a huge update then leave

They don't release updates until THEY are ready, the bugs we find are going to be there regardless of when they release it.  They can only do so much, releasing over the weekend is no different than on wednesday.  There will still be a few days as they compile feedback and bug reports before any hotfixes come in regardless of when its released.

We've been waiting for this update for quite literally months, I think they waited long enough, i'm happy to have new content to go through, bugs or not.  Things will get fixed in due time.  If you have bug reports, then report them in the proper sub forums and wait just like everyone else.

I can't imagine the mood at Tennocon:

Uh, search #tennocon on twitter, they're mood is pretty darn good by the looks of it.  They looked pretty dang happy to be there to me.

Edited by Xekrin
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Bugs are part of any update.  Like NovusNova said, the weekend is their time.  A normal work week is mon-fri (with the exception of holidays).  I wouldn't fret over it too much, they'll get to them and what says they already AREN'T working on something? :D ;)

I don't mind waiting for hot fixes, especially after the LONG WAIT for this update.

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Simple answer: Because if they didn't, then the question would instead be "Why do we have to wait until after TennoCon when the update was teased this week?"

To be honest, it's probably better that they got it out sooner than later. Major updates are always full of bugs, and this gives them some time to collect bug reports and player feedback to act on after the weekend.

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Nothing good or constructive will come of this thread.

Why sit here and speculate on their "Mood"?  

It looked to me like they were over-joyed to have so many fans at Tennocon.  If anyone mistook their moods for being "bad" or "down", you are probably seeing what 180 hours of work in ONE week does to people.  (They are probably "Tired")

They are people too, and they deserve a weekend like anyone else. Locking.

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