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Fun taking a Back Seat to the Business Model?


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7 minutes ago, CadenFall said:

I have spent about 2 months trying to farm Saryn Prime Helmet.

New void mission system comes out and the first mission I do gets me the Saryn Prime Helmet.

Best, change, ever!

Honestly I'm super surprised that some one is complaining about the new system. It's a million times better.

this waste of grinding will be needed if DE keeps the syndicate point-reward down as they do since the update

i dont welcome that, syndicate point-rewards are now half of before, doesnt matter that i can get now medaillons etc. also in def missions, for that easyness i cant find them on the regular missions with the new dark maps =)

anyway ... im shure they balance it and they balanced allready the grinding for the prime parts, if you choose a good team you can aim on whatever you need

but hey, i have given enough good feedback now and credits, its also time to see results again =)))

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1 minute ago, Omnimorph said:

Yeah, laugh all you like, but if you ever see a "lockbox" or lockbox-like game mechanic in Warframe, you'll know it's #*($%%@ ...

I don't get why people think the new system is some sorta 'lockbox' when the previous Key system was exactly the same.


1. Farm Key

2. Do key with a chance of getting Item.

3. Repeat until item is obtained.


1.Farm Relic

2. Do Fissure with a chance of getting item (which chances can now be skewed to your liking)

3. Repeat until item is obtained.


In total, not much has changed. 

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A lot of stuff in this update, from the market rework to the kavat requirements to the void tears to the archwing update, FEELS like it was done dominantly for money's sake. I realize that's not an unthinkable concept for a business, but this is the first update that's really felt so awfully strongly that way. The Archwing update and the hype around it feels like an excuse to justify adding plat only slots. The kavat's stupid low drop rate and inflated market prices compared to Kubrows speak for themselves (though the fact that Rebecca and Megan couldn't even get a single DNA strand in Prime Time and had to buy one to show off the Kavats really should have warned me). . The new market seems like it is designed to dupe new players out of plat moreso than anything else, though this is probably more rushing to get something out the door than it is predatory design. I don't usually mind nullifiers, but Nullifier armys on void tears should not have gotten past Quality Assurance, Period. Your primary game goal should not involve players not having half of their arsenal for its duration.

And to top it all off, Most of the update's gameplay doesn't even work. It was in no way ready to ship. They should have held onto it longer and just told us it wasn't ready. Sortees arn't rewarding things properly and arn't showing the reward list. Those new super hyped star chart rails arn't all tracking progress properly. The liset is bugged. The game is bugged to only launch in windowed mode for some people. Kavats, as a main feature of this update, are probably bugged. Unless someone seriously decided they should strip 100% of armor in one hit. And of course, some of the Archwing gear increased in price which has to be a bug.

While this isn't an all inclusive issue, the whole lowered void drop chances to solo players to accommodate for groups of four being able to pick between four rolls really frustrates me because DE's been beating up on my playstyle lately.

The only thing in this update I've played and said "Yes, this is working properly" or "Yes, this was good." are those cephalon fragments you find in missions.

Sorry. Got a little off topic. But... ugh. This update. This update was not ready. This update was not tested. This update was put out way before it should have been so that they could get more hype and profit from tennocon. Almost every choice in this update seems to have been done soley with the monetary side in mind, rather than the game of give and take that we've come to expect or praise.


I still love this game at its core, but... I don't know. The more inclined they are to try and grab my money, the less inclined I feel to actually give it to them.


~A frustrated and ranty fan

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you gotta Understand, if you get what you want in 1-3 void runs then this game becomes BORING.

already got that already did that, everyones wearing the same end game frame, why because everyone can get it in an instant. no more showing off your hard earned farmed item because everyone has it. Good God did you think of the outcome first before you ask?

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Nothing will help, really. Not if when you suggest that expos are less important than quality of the game and then get called an A****** by EVERY White Knight in existence and get a double warning of Dev Bashing/Abusive Behavior just because that comment was on first page.

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2 hours ago, Agentawesome said:

Ten or more runs just to increase the CHANCE of getting a rarer item.

The old system was 10 or more runs to not increase your chances at all!

my only issue to this is that survival/intercept/defense/sabotage multiple prime part rewards are gone now.

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Is it really surprising that DE are doubling down on increasing profit margins at the expense of intelligent design or effort? They've built up a huge amount of good will from their audience and now they're cashing it in, knowing that many members of the community will defend their sleazy tactics and crappy development practises.

BF4 was released in a broken state and everybody was railing on EA and Dice for focusing on marketing over quality; DE release SotR in a broken state in order to capitalise on marketing and we end up with more threads saying "Won't somebody please think of the poor, innocent indie-devs" than threads lambasting said indie devs for their incompetence.

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All the update does is entice players to spend more money to buy plat in the cashshop, cred rewards not enough since the nerf? Buy a booster!, Not making enough plat on the trademarket sales with prime parts? Feel free to buy some plat from the store, Ive seen this before on other F2P model games, the dreaded mircotransaction creep.

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4 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

i wonder will these hate, game is broken, devs messed up, dev bashing threads ever end

no offense OP but u complain over something nobody forces u to do

There are a lot of things you could live without, still they nice to get and anyones free to ask for them

watch yourself, no one asked you to read this post neither to reply, but still you did and no one complaining about, just saying

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I have to agree with the op. This is kinda proved by Steve's post about the pressure from management. I also do agree that the new prime acquisition is pretty much the same concept as before with better rng. (I suspect also that rng for nekros prime and all other new items will be alot grindier).

It seems that the fact that ducat prices are the same, they intend to recover plat sales in that way some how. Maybe also related to the fact that forma is also easier to acquire so maybe they intend to recover those sales there too (along with the 3x bundle) .

Also by having reduced prime prices it seems they hope increase plat sales by having a larger volume of trading. I suspect as a result of the greater buying power of platinum we may have an increase in the cost to buy platinum as soon as they collect enough data to analyze. This maybe a bold move to recover from loses in PA sales as well.

Edited by -Sandman
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5 hours ago, Praisethasun said:

You are one of those guys who has like 1000+ hrs of game time, and goes on to give a not recommended tag on steam, arent you?


I have 1000 hours on Steam and I currently wouldn't recommend the game to anyone, and given the changes I don't think that's hypocritical. If you have a lot of hours in a game and then the dev completely guts the end game content I think you're entirely justified in saying that you wouldn't recommend the game to people.

And that's not even to mention the fact that if I tell any of my friends to try Warframe now they'll login, take one look at the Market and then rail on me for introducing them to some pay-2-win scam of a game.

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7 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

You gotta make a buck. Everyone knows businesses have to make money. 

But you can make money, without outright wasting your customers time.

Except... Warframe doesn't seem to understand that.


But not Warframe. It's not even so much a game any longer, as it is a business model with a bit of game play tacked on as a (more and more obvious) afterthought.

Your point is well taken, OP.  However there are 10,000 other games out there, most of which are not as grindy as WF. 

WF has always been grindy, but in the last 6 months, the grind has dramatically increased.  

Fortunately, i got most of my stuff when the grind was reasonable, and the weapons and frames they've put out lately have been so luke warm that I don't care if I ever get them. 

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You know,  OP is right. There is not a single permanent mission in the whole game that guarantees a somewhat desirable reward. And RNG... You know master thief? 40% chance to open red locker. Yesterday I've seen it miss 26 times in a row. And yes, it was slotted. It worked after 26th locker. And yes I've went back and started counting lockers because I thought master thief broke. That's 40% chance. What's rare item chance of max upgraded new void key equivalent?  Like 25% or worse? So, miss 26 times in a row? Or more?

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5 hours ago, -Sandman said:

I have to agree with the op. This is kinda proved by Steve's post about the pressure from management. I also do agree that the new prime acquisition is pretty much the same concept as before with better rng. (I suspect also that rng for nekros prime and all other new items will be alot grindier).

It seems that the fact that ducat prices are the same, they intend to recover plat sales in that way some how. Maybe also related to the fact that forma is also easier to acquire so maybe they intend to recover those sales there too (along with the 3x bundle) .

Also by having reduced prime prices it seems they hope increase plat sales by having a larger volume of trading. I suspect as a result of the greater buying power of platinum we may have an increase in the cost to buy platinum as soon as they collect enough data to analyze. This maybe a bold move to recover from loses in PA sales as well.

It has really become too easy to farm prime (unless your playtime is 1hour per day) to the point you asked yourself if there is a need to purchase any xD

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11 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

i wonder will these hate, game is broken, devs messed up, dev bashing threads ever end

no offense OP but u complain over something nobody forces u to do

No one forces you to try and get primes either but you need them to progress in the game.

You are more or less forced to grind and they ARE making the grind worse, make no mistake.

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