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I guess this situation will always happen.

It is like a cycle, some frames and weapons get their chance to shine and them get nerfed. And so other frames and weapons are buffed and get their chance and then are nerfed. If you look into 2014 discussions, Nova was a Nuker. 


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17 hours ago, achromos said:

What you call cheese...

Some people might call not having to spend a full day shoving 6 forma into a gun that you are just fooling around with to SEE if you could get it working.

Blasphemy! You need some time and work to get something good?

I demand best toys, for free and right now!

/sarcasm off

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Just now, ShortCat said:

Blasphemy! You need some time and work to get something good?

I demand best toys, for free and right now!

/sarcasm off

There is a difference between trying for fun to shove 6 forma into a Mk1-Braton and having the 'best' toys, and even with what we have?  They are by FAR not even CLOSE to free.  Time is valuable, You cannot get time back.

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17 minutes ago, achromos said:

There is a difference between trying for fun to shove 6 forma into a Mk1-Braton and having the 'best' toys, and even with what we have?  They are by FAR not even CLOSE to free.  Time is valuable, You cannot get time back.

Do you even sarcasm bro 

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7 minutes ago, -MortisThorne- said:

Do you even sarcasm bro 

It's the Internet. sarcasm and intended inflection are hard to communicate at a glance especially when you rush read things because you are busy 

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4 minutes ago, achromos said:

It's the Internet sarcasm and intended inflection are hard to communicate at a glance especially when you rush read things because you are busy 

Well then don't rush read it if you're gonna reply without knowing exactly what they said xD they even put "/sarcasm off" at the end of their message silly :P

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Have you ever stopped to think that these "efficiency" strategies ruin the game for everyone who wants to play the game how it is intended to be played? DE has to make sure there is a certain time gate for players on stuff so they can make money.

So, when these strategies develop DE has to compensate somehow. It is kind of hypocritical to say "You play how you want and I play how I want" when the "efficency" route is miles better as far as in game progression goes. "It isn't fair" I say, I want to play how I want to play, which just so happens to be the way the Devs want us to play, and not feel gimped because I am not using some overly-meta strategy.

Now, I am not saying that you are necessarily bad for using these strategies, DE gave us the tools so there will clearly be people who use them, but defending that it is something that should stay in the game is "not fair".


(And no, affinity gain is not that bad, how else did we forma things before Viver existed? (Draco's mommy) If anything it is higher now than before because of powercreep and us being able to consistently kill more higher level enemies.)

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1 hour ago, DrBorris said:

Have you ever stopped to think that these "efficiency" strategies ruin the game for everyone who wants to play the game how it is intended to be played? DE has to make sure there is a certain time gate for players on stuff so they can make money.

So, when these strategies develop DE has to compensate somehow. It is kind of hypocritical to say "You play how you want and I play how I want" when the "efficency" route is miles better as far as in game progression goes. "It isn't fair" I say, I want to play how I want to play, which just so happens to be the way the Devs want us to play, and not feel gimped because I am not using some overly-meta strategy.

Now, I am not saying that you are necessarily bad for using these strategies, DE gave us the tools so there will clearly be people who use them, but defending that it is something that should stay in the game is "not fair".


(And no, affinity gain is not that bad, how else did we forma things before Viver existed? (Draco's mommy) If anything it is higher now than before because of powercreep and us being able to consistently kill more higher level enemies.)

We wouldn't need any of these "efficient ways" of doing things if the grind felt more rewarding.  DE has to make money sure but the players have lives, school, work, ect.  I don't want to be forced to play for twelve hours a day when I don't want to do the repetitive formaing over and over just to complete decent competitive builds out of some meta equipment and even weak limp weapons that can't even kill fodder without five forma. My time is far more valuable.  I love the game dearly but hek no.


Look you can complain but there will always be meta stratagies and efficient routes to do specific tasks and de won't change that entirely.

  It's not fair that you think that your way of playing is proper and believe you are right in saying other people should play in the slow lanes.  I'm sorry but no.  You play the non efficient way you get the non efficient results and feeling bad about it will not give you the right of way nor will it change that this is how the game has been for three years.



Before draco there was egate,. Kappa, viver and several others.

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6 hours ago, achromos said:

We wouldn't need any of these "efficient ways" of doing things if the grind felt more rewarding.  DE has to make money sure but the players have lives, school, work, ect.  I don't want to be forced to play for twelve hours a day when I don't want to do the repetitive formaing over and over just to complete decent competitive builds out of some meta equipment and even weak limp weapons that can't even kill fodder without five forma. My time is far more valuable.  I love the game dearly but hek no.


Look you can complain but there will always be meta stratagies and efficient routes to do specific tasks and de won't change that entirely.

  It's not fair that you think that your way of playing is proper and believe you are right in saying other people should play in the slow lanes.  I'm sorry but no.  You play the non efficient way you get the non efficient results and feeling bad about it will not give you the right of way nor will it change that this is how the game has been for three years.



Before draco there was egate,. Kappa, viver and several others.

Why is there this perpetuated myth that ranking up weapons outside a meta farm is painfully slow? I have been ranking up weapons in 2-3 rounds of Cassini/Mimas (Old Saturn Survivals, I have not found a new favorite on the new Star Chart yet) for as long as I can remember (I have not really had to do much ranking since SotR). You can't expect to get a weapon to an "end-game" status in an hour or two of farming, it is called end-game for a reason. And before you say "Well, I have a lot of weapons to Forma", THAT IS YOUR DECISION. You don't need to have a ton of weapons maxed out with Forma, if there was something that separated a person who spend a good chunk of their day every day playing Warframe and a more casual player, the amount of "maxed" weapons SHOULD be a good metric. You can't have this idea in your head that you are entitled to having every weapon in a maxed state, that should be an extremely time consuming thing.


As long as the meta strategy is actively aiming at enemies and using the variety of Warframe's mechanics, that is great. But when the meta is sitting in a spot spamming a button, completely disregarding what makes Warframe great, there is a problem.

Excuse me? First of all, I never said "slow" (just because it is slower it does not make it slow). The fact that playing efficiently means ignoring Warframe's mechanics is a clear sign that there is an issue, why else do you think DE has been trying to remove press-4-2-win skills and added a afk penalty? What I am saying is that the most efficient way to play Warframe should be the way Warframe is intended by developers to be played.

Let me repeat that for more punch, the most efficient way to play Warframe should be the way Warframe is intended by developers to be played.

The fact that I am punished for using my weapon to rank it up because I would be ranking it faster by leaching is insanely stupid, please try to defend this. If I use my weapon and kill enemies, it should rank up faster than someone who is sitting in a spot and just leaching off of someone else's kills, right?


HAHAHAHAHA, no, another perpetuated myth. Yes, Kappa, E-Gate and a few others preceded Draco, but before Viver there was.... nothing. Well, nothing in the sense of meta spam farming. The closest thing we had was Xini, but when you played Xini it was not a meta combination of frames, it was a defense node where people went to ACTIVELY kill mass mobs of enemies. And that leaves out a massive gap between when Xini was made no longer Infested and when Interceptions were put in the game. In this gap of time people played T1 Defenses, MD, Survivals, etcetera to rank stuff up. The difference between these and the Viver-ites is that it required you to actively play the game and did not trivialize the ranking process. For some reason once Viver happened the community got this idea in their head that ranking should be as fast as Viver. Maybe we always had the tools and it we never really had the want to meta farm. Either way though, once upon a time there wasn't a "Viver."


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5 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Why is there this perpetuated myth that ranking up weapons outside a meta farm is painfully slow? I have been ranking up weapons in 2-3 rounds of Cassini/Mimas (Old Saturn Survivals, I have not found a new favorite on the new Star Chart yet) for as long as I can remember (I have not really had to do much ranking since SotR). You can't expect to get a weapon to an "end-game" status in an hour or two of farming, it is called end-game for a reason. And before you say "Well, I have a lot of weapons to Forma", THAT IS YOUR DECISION. You don't need to have a ton of weapons maxed out with Forma, if there was something that separated a person who spend a good chunk of their day every day playing Warframe and a more casual player, the amount of "maxed" weapons SHOULD be a good metric. You can't have this idea in your head that you are entitled to having every weapon in a maxed state, that should be an extremely time consuming thing.


The funny reason why the 'myth' is perpetuated (which isn't a myth btw, get your head out of the sand)?  Is because some people have less patience for repetitive tasks while theorycrafting then others.  Some people only have 4-ish hours in a day because of jobs and other obligations.  Funnily enough, I don't get what you are crying about 'the cheese' methods when it takes 2 runs on a full group of Assur or Brehe depending upon the DPS.   You already are using what I consider a fast method if it only takes you 2-3 runs which I highly doubt are the actual results you are getting in saturn unless you are using dark sectors and boosters.  Yes it is my decision to grind and theorycraft, but there's no reason why it should be made more painful just because one person (you and people like you) think that it's cheap that I can forma a weapon 6 times in a hour.

You want to play on Cassini/Mimas, SATURN survivals, low level planets?  That's your choice, like I said, YOU chose to go through the slow lane, not me.  Don't start using buzzwords on me like "Oh you are so entitled" no, why are you entitled to have YOUR playstyle dictate mine?  Why are YOU entitled to your opinion to slow things down, hmm?


As long as the meta strategy is actively aiming at enemies and using the variety of Warframe's mechanics, that is great. But when the meta is sitting in a spot spamming a button, completely disregarding what makes Warframe great, there is a problem.

Excuse me? First of all, I never said "slow" (just because it is slower it does not make it slow). The fact that playing efficiently means ignoring Warframe's mechanics is a clear sign that there is an issue, why else do you think DE has been trying to remove press-4-2-win skills and added a afk penalty? What I am saying is that the most efficient way to play Warframe should be the way Warframe is intended by developers to be played.

Let me repeat that for more punch, the most efficient way to play Warframe should be the way Warframe is intended by developers to be played.

The fact that I am punished for using my weapon to rank it up because I would be ranking it faster by leaching is insanely stupid, please try to defend this. If I use my weapon and kill enemies, it should rank up faster than someone who is sitting in a spot and just leaching off of someone else's kills, right?

Your definition of "Meta" and mine are totally different.  I'd fall asleep if I had to sit in one spot for too long and press one button.  Don't you DARE assume how I play the game just because I say "I do things efficiently"  I didn't say boring.  I chafed against people that wanted to hide in sewers in the void survival, I remember when THAT train wreck became popular and suddenly I had to solo my T4's or get laughed at and told that I was taking 'too much risk' actually playing the game.

DE only wanted to kill the stratagies of people who DO that sewer farming bull, and with Relic's and Fissures, they effectively have as you have to go from room to room to get your  material to get the primed parts.  DE doesn't care if you are meta or casual, but there's meta and there is lazy.  People who sit in one spot aren't even playing the game.  I'm not one of them and don't you dare go on a rant thinking that I am one of those people.  I have better things to entertain myself with then pressing one button over and over and over again while looking at a screen.

I'm not going to defend leechers, but I am going to defend my own standpoint that Draco and places like Draco should exist and DE shouldn't actively fight them.  DE should create more things that REQUIRE you to move from place to place, and reward you for doing so in order to prevent people from just resting their heads on their desk and pressing 4, 4, 4, 4, until they get arthritis.  Secondly, don't try that 'moral high-ground' stuff because it doesn't exist.  What YOU think is how Warframe is intended to be played is Different from how DE thinks and what DE thinks and DOES is what counts no matter how YOU or even I... feel.



HAHAHAHAHA, no, another perpetuated myth. Yes, Kappa, E-Gate and a few others preceded Draco, but before Viver there was.... nothing. Well, nothing in the sense of meta spam farming. The closest thing we had was Xini, but when you played Xini it was not a meta combination of frames, it was a defense node where people went to ACTIVELY kill mass mobs of enemies. And that leaves out a massive gap between when Xini was made no longer Infested and when Interceptions were put in the game. In this gap of time people played T1 Defenses, MD, Survivals, etcetera to rank stuff up. The difference between these and the Viver-ites is that it required you to actively play the game and did not trivialize the ranking process. For some reason once Viver happened the community got this idea in their head that ranking should be as fast as Viver. Maybe we always had the tools and it we never really had the want to meta farm. Either way though, once upon a time there wasn't a "Viver."


No.  I've been around Since 2013, and there has ALWAYS been a farming location.  Kappa was in fact before Viver if I recall, either way there HAS always been one and you cannot tell me otherwise or you were just ignoring them.  When I speak of "Efficient" ways of leveling, as I said before, I DON'T speak of "Oh let's bring a Excal and Trinity and Rhino and stand in a corner and press one button all day and only move to avoid AFK detection/collect loot"  I'm saying that I don't want to play the same mission 100 times to level something up, like what YOU assume the price should be, it seems YOU are assuming that I should take out a part time job playing this game just to forma one weapon several times in ONE day. 

DrBorris.  There is a different between having a Min/Maxed frame, and playing the game and utilizing your time in the most efficient matter.  Key word, PLAYING.  And being a lazy meta player who only wants to press 4.

Don't assume I'm the one that wants to Press 4.

I want to play the game, but the game isn't entitled to my soul.

It earns my time, for as long as I see it is a awesome game (which it is) and that doesn't include going to LOW LEVEL PLANETS and looking at everyone else who is going to Bere and Assur and calling them cheaters even though they are playing the game "The way it is intended" (I.E. Not sitting in one spot and pressing 4 all the time)

See what happens when you assume?  Yea.  Don't go off on a 3-page epic rant and not know who you are talking to nor make assumptions because I am defending more efficient nodes for farming EXP.


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On 8/6/2016 at 9:42 AM, Momaw said:

And this is why we need a new system where mastery isn't based on XP.

Soon enough Radial XP will only apply if you're actually using the weapon in question, Steve said as much when the base drain-linked-to-mastery change came in. DE have done it before and they reverted it because of difficulty using unranked and thus unmodded equipment, which has now been solved.

And alllllllll of the "One person nukes and everyone leaches affinity onto their gear" stuff will all poof in one glorious cloud of rainbow sparkles.


...and it will be beautiful

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9 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

Soon enough Radial XP will only apply if you're actually using the weapon in question, Steve said as much when the base drain-linked-to-mastery change came in. DE have done it before and they reverted it because of difficulty using unranked and thus unmodded equipment, which has now been solved.

And alllllllll of the "One person nukes and everyone leaches affinity onto their gear" stuff will all poof in one glorious cloud of rainbow sparkles.


...and it will be beautiful

Well, people will still be able to sit there and not kill stuff to rank things as long as they are holding the weapon, but I guess that is a step forward at least.

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16 hours ago, DrBorris said:

Well, people will still be able to sit there and not kill stuff to rank things as long as they are holding the weapon, but I guess that is a step forward at least.

I doubt it. I predict that radial XP will go into a pool and you get a multiple of any affinity you earn copied from that pool as a bonus.

E.G. if you gain 2000 affinity via killing things with your weapon (Weapon kill is a 50/50 split between the weapon and the frame) then you get to claim 1000 * X in Affinity from the pool for the weapon and 1000 * X Affinity from the pool for your warframe.

Where X could be anywhere between 0 and 2 (I think 2 would be a good number)

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  • 1 month later...
On 2016-08-06 at 11:15 AM, Aurea_Hiigara said:

All u(you) need:

How about actually running around shooting at things so you learn more than how to press one button?

Hey, I've seen many people saying this exact thing to those who prefer to farm exp the easy way, but there is something that i still dont understand... Let's take me as an example, I have put around 2000 hours on this game and have explored most of it and i have my favorite warframes and weapons. What exactly would i gain from "running around and shooting at things and learn more than how to press one button"? what exactly is it i will learn from that? I understand that farming exp isnt fun, and no it is not fun, but why complain about something that people gain from just because you dont like it? I personally like to farm exp to gain higher mastery rank and have high mod capacity on new weapon or formad ones. I actually liked draco alot and I will miss it alot.

For those who are new and dont know about the game, sure play the game and learn how to play. But it doesnt mean you cant do exp farm to lvl up ur frames and save many hours.

With all respect ofc.


Your fellow Tenno!

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On 07/08/2016 at 9:00 AM, Harloq said:

Today I played a Sortie with a mastery rank 22, he had 251 hours of game play. He used two life supports wen we where at 90% and 80%, and finished the mission with 8 kills.

I would link him this post but he probably has a better build.

Mastery 22 with 251 hours only?????? I'm only mr 9 after 300

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On August 6, 2016 at 9:51 PM, achromos said:

How about they make Exp gaining and trying to forma things 6 times... NOT a pain?


What a concept!


Best way to counter this strat is to INCREASE affinity range for specific tilesets like Interception to help encourage everyone defending their own points.


But hey... I'm just crazy aren't I?

To be honest I can solo level a gun pretty quickly with any frame.  

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From my testing it goes like this:

1. Saryn. (900-1000 first round kills)

2. Nezha ( very close behind or even equal to saryn ) (900++ Rarely 1000 but it did happen)

3. Volt, Mag, Equinox *insert whatever else I forgot* (800~)

4. Banshee. (700~, thats with 235-250% range, maybe would be more without overextended)

But when you join as dmg with 3. or even 2. people scream at you, so theres that.

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3 hours ago, shawazz said:

Mastery 22 with 251 hours only?????? I'm only mr 9 after 300

Draco baby who bought everything obviously, they'll be the ones coming to the forums complaining about nothing to do and threatening to leave the game (Like anyone cares if they do)

(I'm MR21 with around 1,100 hours)

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On September 17, 2016 at 10:54 AM, kkinnison said:

did OP even concider trying the other frames?  Obviously you had a buff.

Sayrn is still better, and gets an extra 200 kills compared to the other frames

banshee is easier, cause it is basically press 4 and go to the bathroom

Obviously you didn't read seeing as he said he had a buff

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