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More Negative Press


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Sorry I never thought of RPS as of a source for "valid criticisms". They are really "jack of all trades master of none", their reviews are shallow, nothing good in-depth. I'm not saying this because they are badmouthing the game I like. I really stopped reading RPS long time ago, because their articles were useless for me

Lol, every time I hear how "hollow" this game is I want to ask - what did you expect? Long complex story? Big open world? That it will be an MMORPG? It's an endless grind with a lot of updates, a lot of weapons, a lot of frames which make it all more different and fun. That's what this game is about and it's doing it good. It's like a work you come here everyday to do same things. Don't like it? Find another "job"

Edited by Hesyol
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i have a MR22 account from before around 3 years and i sit here and feel since a year exactly what the feedback from rockpapershotgun is about and i have a MR20 because i didnt know where to waste my plat from primepacks left into

(i felt it immediately as i started warframe before around 3 years and run away for 3 month, then i didnt find "my game" in the gamingindustry and checked back, made my decision because of not being able to play against the cashwall and moved cash into ... i made a decision so i cant say anything bad about my decision, just as a sidenote)

and there was updates inbetween so i enjoyed to create a second account and this one is MR 20 now, lots of weapomns was carried with login rewards and so on ...

i needed for my second account- by knowing the game - not even 30 % of the plat which i used at my first and MR 22 account, and i needed 1/4 time only to level up, because i have know the trick and moved also mods from my main account

as well as nobody jumps in and get aware about this matter of fact when somebody is "psychologically hamstered" ^^)

i love this review and i agree fully with it

it should be a motivation to create content for DE, not only that what nobody which is hooked to warframe dont wanna see anymore ^^)

GL with the changes which will never come ...

ps: the biggest cashwall is if you LOVE A LOT OF WEAPONS AND ALL FRAMES and wanna see them fully levelled, then you need a ton of formas, means plat, means real cash

ok, that changed as well as you could say it changed late, very late for me ^^) means, the changes doesnt count for me anymore ...

anyway, the guy uses facts with a healthy mind in a healthy distance and he is not identified with ... thats a great feedback, if most of the players wouldnt be that addicted in whatever game they are in ... and that blindness creates a bad teamwork in the coop-centered warframe, a real and mainly very bad teamwork ... its rarely different, nobody cares really about the other out of 10 runs you find one run with good teamwork, everything else is watching addictedness in this or that way ... and those people call it fast skilled playing, i can only laugh about ... (^^


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So let me get this straight, this guy spent plat on cosmetics and early access to warframes and he stop somewhere on Earth thinking "I played enough to make an article"? He only scratched the surface of Warframe. Progression in this game is not linear, players have go back to previous mission nodes and farm for resources and xp; if they're spending money because they feel it's the only way to progress, it's actually just them being impatient.

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I do not care about negative press. I do not ask others to rate a game I would like to buy or play. I watch the gameplay (favorably with no commentary, funny to say that is hard to come by these days), I assess the quality with what the trailer and the game seems to be created.

I give the game a chance and review for myself. Warframe has some hard periods when nothing gets added to the game for a long time, I agree. But that's just when people are seriously trying to create something beautiful. And that takes time, I know that. I especially like that the game doesn't grasp my complete attention. There is always some down time in between to refocus until the next big patch arrives. Taking breaks is important to know what you have missed, I say to myself.

So this article leaves me actually unfazed, because I already know what I like and dislike about the game.

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There is no way a sane person could write an accurate review of Warframe. You either play not nearly enough and put out a negative, near-sighted review or sink more than a thousand of hours into it and become addicted and utterly biased towards a positive one. Then, if you survive long enough, you get tired of all this and come (mostly) clean, again, going for a somewhat negative review, this time full of sarcasm and in-jokes. The last one would probably be the closest to the truth, yet not quite.

Edited by LABAL
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I took a little time to read the article more closely, and... oh Alec.

I expected so much better from you, Alec. I didn't see any mention of the market, blueprints and crafting, and then there's this gem:

" Warframe’s tasks have tended to be ‘go in, keep doing thing until it ends..."

Alec. You have just described everything that could be called a task, both in "life" and in "games." It's a dangerously misleading snippet to file under the heading of "journalistic critique." You could have said that the gameplay itself didn't sufficiently engage you to prevent Warframe's tasks from feeling that way, but you didn't. Amateur stuff, Alec. I'm disappointed.

Edited by notlamprey
edited to accurately reflect current content of the article.
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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

White Knights to the Rescue, huh.

RPS has played Warframe numerous times. More than enough to know what it is. Moreover, the opinions formed quickly matter MORE to the game's bottom line. If people see your game as greedy or pay to win and quit in two hours...that matters, and no amount of unfair mud slinging will restore that lost revenue.

Desriny fanboy? It's a dedicated PC gaming site, so...I doubt it.

But go on White Knighting a game that's seen its average concurrent players drop by nearly 50℅ in a year...

Me, I want Warframe to succeed. I think DE needs to take media criticisms to heart and learn from them.

And that's the true cancer my friend. People who will keep telling You that everything is peachy even minutes before things fall apart.
Constructive criticism will always give You a chance to change and get better and learn from made mistakes. Being flooded with mindless-praises and surrounded by white-knights will destroy the company in no time. 

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i don't take Review Websites seriously.
i completely ignore everything they have to say about games and play them myself.

or some very select few Reviewers that actually know how to write journalism and criticize products. there's an extremely few of them, and almost none of them have any wide recognition.

because i like getting the full story.

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49 minutes ago, cghawk said:

the trading for plat argument isn't always valid, some people do not like spending a long &#! time in trade chat  or just don't know how to do it.

I've been playing since clsoed beta and am now mr17 I think, in my entire warframe play time I only traded around 10-15 times because trading isn't fun and it's not my thing, I don't know anything about pricing and neither will new players, I know plenty of people who don't trade because they either don't have the time for it or trading overwhelms them. so therefore to those people there are paywalls

well you can either swallow it and trade or cough up the money, if you refuse to take part in the game mechanic that allows you to progress it's hardly fair to complain to de, it's like going to them and say " The game is p2w becouse I want a tonkor but i don't want to farm the resources so you should give it to me for free" it makes no sense, you don't want to work for it and you don't want to pay for it, you can't expect everything to be handed out to you, like it or not trading is a core part of warframe, the game it's hardly perfect but de needs to make money somehow and it's not their fault if some people refuse to use chats or interact with other players, it's ridiculous to expect to be able to play full solo in an online game and also be able to get all the benefits.

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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14 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

I took a little time to read the article more closely, and... oh Alec.

I expected so much better from you, Alec. He is either woefully misinformed or abjectly wrong on some points. " There are two Warframes "...

Also, I didn't see any mention of the market, blueprints and crafting, and then there's this gem: " Warframe’s tasks have tended to be ‘go in, keep doing thing until it ends..."

Alec. You have just described everything that could be called a task, both in "life" and in "games." It's a dangerously misleading snippet to file under the heading of "journalistic critique." You could have said that the gameplay itself didn't sufficiently engage you to prevent Warframe's tasks from feeling that way, but you didn't. Amateur stuff, Alec. I'm disappointed.

"two warframes"

that refers to styles of activity in the game


and actual mission gameplay and affecting elements.


how can you people not grasp that?

he belabored the love of cosmetics, and the many places it can be applicable, and the collectible side of things as one side to warframe, and the actual in mission play as the other.

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Just now, steelblueskies said:

"two warframes"

that refers to styles of activity in the game


and actual mission gameplay and affecting elements.

His wording was unnecessarily ambiguous, and has now been changed if you revisit the article. It was sufficiently problematic to warrant editing.

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1 hour ago, aleco247 said:

Ima just copy my response from the reddit post of the same article

We are miles ahead of Destiny

Already I can tell they haven't played enough for a good review.



So this person has clearly only played like 30 minutes of the game and they sound like a huge Destiny fanboy.

This is what journalism has turned into - half-assed ranting based on subjective opinion.

Okay, I can get how this is somewhat important read as it regards the first impresions of a single individual etc. but it is not, what matters to do justice to a game in the yes of public opinion. Nowhere do they mention quests, lore depth, lunaro or pvp at all or even the settings, key bindings or any other technical stuff. All in all, I'm not surprised.

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

White Knights to the Rescue, huh.

Oh of course. White Knights. The universal word for, "anyone who disagrees with me."

This is no different a situation than when Genna Bain went on and on about how Warframe was a bad game, in her opinion, because she couldn't get Mirage within the first week of playing almost purely solo. Quite frankly that, and this article you're mentioning, are the only negative press I've ever actually seen about this game, outside of forums whining about updates.

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This is an entirely fair review. It's got a lot of visual polish, but it's incomplete and lacking in substance. He's not wrong about what you do in the game, nor is he being a Destiny fanboy.

When he says, "The combat itself has meat to it: there’s a constant and pleasurable choice between ranged and melee available, both suitably crunchy-feeling, and with MMO-style super-abilities in the mix too, but I’ve found the structure of the levels and the missions tiresome. Sprawling mazes in frequently indistinguishable locations, chains of doors and static scenery, enemy hordes who do little more than rush-attack, tedious objectives such as kill every one of 93 foes or defend five pylons twice each. Sure, there’s a variety of mission types, plus randos like Just Let Me Die enhance any experience, but there isn’t much flow to it", he is completely correct in his assessment. There is no clear flow or progression in the game. When he says, "In terms of selling a clear theme it’s all over the place", he is also correct. The game as a whole is all over the place, and that's a product of the lack of structure of DE's development process. And that's due to DE not having a clear vision about what Warframe is supposed to be, what features it's supposed to offer, what story it's supposed to tell. And DE will never develop a clear, set vision for Warframe if they continue on with their make-it-up-as-we-go-along development process.


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Just now, Zyrgi said:

This is what journalism has turned into - half-assed ranting based on subjective opinion.

Okay, I can get how this is somewhat important read as it regards the first impresions of a single individual etc. but it is not, what matters to do justice to a game in the yes of public opinion. Nowhere do they mention quests, lore depth, lunaro or pvp at all or even the settings, key bindings or any other technical stuff. All in all, I'm not surprised.

becouse he didn't even get to mastery level 3 if he hasn't played second dream.

anyways never forget that review sites reason d'etre is to make money from adds and devenloper bribes, they're mostly trash by definition since they work on a quantity over quality basis.

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They really did call it a "Review," too. That's the shocking thing.

So many omissions! So many systems went entirely without mention! You can't spend so little time with a game, omit so much in your writing and honestly believe that your article qualifies for the label of "Review."

"Early Access Review," perhaps, but RPS was trying to pass this off as a full "AAA" Review, and that it most certainly is not. I really do expect better from them, and that's what I'm scratching my head most about.

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1 hour ago, steelblueskies said:

to the last two posters, i am around 300 hours. shortly will be mr 15.

i agree on the last two points.

i considered them fair and minor investment walls, especially compared to many other titles, mostly convolving around slot space. lets be fair here. 5$ with a 75% off of that price worth of buy in or 500, when design mechanics shovel you into it to not sit out the day, it IS a wall. be it this weapon type only sortie, or anything else that leads to it.

seriously, sit down make an alternate account and play without spending even that 50 starter plat. call me when you get through a seasons sortie rewards. and don't you dare decry but muh trade fer plat. someone still spent for that. if your mama bought plat and let you have it for cleaning yer room it'd be no different.

that was however pre SotR. it got WORSE with the added junction gates. 

They did make sure to mention all the bugs though

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2 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Oh of course. White Knights. The universal word for, "anyone who disagrees with me."

This is no different a situation than when Genna Bain went on and on about how Warframe was a bad game, in her opinion, because she couldn't get Mirage within the first week of playing almost purely solo. Quite frankly that, and this article you're mentioning, are the only negative press I've ever actually seen about this game, outside of forums whining about updates.

No. "White Knights" is the universal word for "anyone who blindly praises something or someone and rejects any criticism of that something or someone.


13 minutes ago, bl4ckhunter said:

well you can either swallow it and trade or cough up the money, if you refuse to take part in the game mechanic that allows you to progress it's hardly fair to complain to de, it's like going to them and say " The game is p2w becouse I want a tonkor but i don't want to farm the resources so you should give it to me for free" it makes no sense, you don't want to work for it and you don't want to pay for it, you can't expect everything to be handed out to you, like it or not trading is a core part of warframe, the game it's hardly perfect but de needs to make money somehow and it's not their fault if some people refuse to use chats or interact with other players, it's ridiculous to expect to be able to play full solo in an online game and also be able to get all the benefits.

The problem with your response, however, is that Warframe is designed to discourage farming and to aggressively push players to spend money on plat. Warframe is extremely unrewarding in that regard. Sure, the few people who get lucky when farming for rare items immediately want to say that they "worked" for what they got (when they merely just got lucky or suffered through the ridiculous RNG system), but the reality is that farming in Warframe is basically playing the lottery. While the chances aren't quite as extreme as that, the principle is the same. You're not working to get an item. You're playing the lottery again and again and again until you win. That's not work; that's gambling, only in Warframe, you're gambling with your time, not your money. It's not pay to win, but it's pay to enjoy the game, because the game is designed so that farming is not enjoyable.

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8 minutes ago, AntoineFlemming said:

No. "White Knights" is the universal word for "anyone who blindly praises something or someone and rejects any criticism of that something or someone.


... I know what it actually means. It isn't used that way here.

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9 minutes ago, AntoineFlemming said:

It's not pay to win, but it's pay to enjoy the game, because the game is designed so that farming is not enjoyable.

Forgot to add this to my last post but:

The farming IS the game. If you don't enjoy the farming then you don't enjoy the game. Those Corpus you're shooting? What's the ultimate end goal? To get stuff. You turn that stuff into other stuff that you use to farm more stuff which you turn into other stuff that you use to farm more stuff.

It's the same, exact, principle as Monster Hunter.

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2 hours ago, aleco247 said:

So this person has clearly only played like 30 minutes of the game and they sound like a huge Destiny fanboy.

Have you started a new character recently? The only way for a new player to build anything decent is to buy resources from the marketplace.

Farming neural sensors is locked behind 4 planets or about 50 hours of gameplay. Plastids are the same.

Howl of the Kubrow is the second quest a newbie gets but to build a power core you need resources locked behind over 50 hours of gameplay.

If you don't have a guild or people willing to help the wait times are about 30 minutes before someone else comes along to start a mission.

It seems like DE have realised new players don't stick around so they have made the decision to milk them as much as possible while they do.



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Just now, Brendael said:

Have you started a new character recently? The only way for a new player to build anything decent is to buy resources from the marketplace.

Farming neural sensors is locked behind 4 planets or about 50 hours of gameplay. Plastids are the same.

Howl of the Kubrow is the second quest a newbie gets but to build a power core you need resources locked behind over 50 hours of gameplay.

If you don't have a guild or people willing to help the wait times are about 30 minutes before someone else comes along to start a mission.

It seems like DE have realised new players don't stick around so they have made the decision to milk them as much as possible while they do.



I think it would be nice if neural sensors were added to an earlier planet, but the 3 starter frames can easily make it up to that point. 

Howl of the Kubrow, although it's weird they give it to new players so early, is not necessary to advance in the game

My friend started playing this game and wait times for him is not 30 minutes. Might be region based. Although it's not my character, I have been watching my friend play and the only wall he hit was waiting 24 hours after failing his MR3 test. Besides that it wasn't that bad. Also 50 hours to get to Jupiter is pretty insane. He cleared the first 3 planets in under a hour or two. Mars and Phobos gave him some trouble, but after that Ceres was a cakewalk.


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10 minutes ago, aleco247 said:

He cleared the first 3 planets in under a hour or two. Mars and Phobos gave him some trouble, but after that Ceres was a cakewalk.


I'm going to call you out on this one. In order to get to Mars you need a quest you get on Mercury. To get there you need to complete more than 20 quests. At an optimistic 6 minutes a quest including wait times you might be able to do it if you are a vet with maxed out equipment. A newbie with low ranked Mk1 equipment - Not happening. Solo defence missions as a newbie? Please.


Then the RNG of killing x number of eximus on Earth means you are farming a few missions.


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Barely into the review and I read, "...a game of huge ambition and some frankly eerie similarities to the mega-budget Destiny despite pre-dating it by over a year." and knew that this review was garbage.

How, in the heck, is it Warframe's fault that Destiny bears similarities to Warframe?

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