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On 8/19/2016 at 1:48 AM, Ceryk said:

Secondly, Derelict missions have the highest chance at dropping Relics of any location in the game, giving it a legitimate reason to exist and encourage to people to play more than just Survival and Defense.


Need a source for that.

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3 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

So in reality this is no different than the old void.

No, it is different. In the old Void you could always choose what type of mission you wanted to run. In this new system you are limited to what is available at the moment and hope that when it goes away another you like pops up. Just another way the new system sucks.

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4 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

No, it is different. In the old Void you could always choose what type of mission you wanted to run. In this new system you are limited to what is available at the moment and hope that when it goes away another you like pops up. Just another way the new system sucks.

But do the rewards you want drop from that key? Right now I can choose not to play survival and wait for a few minutes to get the mission type I want. Then that's open for about an hour and I can CHOOSE which relic to bring meaning I can choose my reward for that mission type. Unlike before where you have to run X mission to get Y prime part.

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Here is the problem. You never need to do anything challenging in relic missions. T3 and T4 endless missions had a good, rewarding challenge. That's what i think most skilled players want. Now our only rewarding challenges are the sorties, and maybe arena mode (if it still drop those stances).

Core drop rates in excavation missions seem to, at least, halved, so I'm not liking that. Sadly, it may even be more efficient to extract after 2 or 3 digs. Endless moon missions seem to have no good rewards, surprisingly. Sorties are pretty good, but have a chance to be trivial or tedious. Trials are not only team-reliant, but quite easy with even slightly experienced players. I think there are several good ways to change this without increasing the game's skill requirement.

The first is to give the void its purpose back. I'm not suggesting to change or remove the relic system, but to make the void an alternative location to farm prime parts. Hours of defense for an Ash Prime BP were undesirable to many, but people who need that challenge should get some worthwhile reward out of it. The second is to have scaling rewards. As the kind of guy who would play through 60 waves of defense for neural sensors, it saddens me to know that 3 shots in a nearby boss battle is a way faster method. What if similarly to the way eximus spawn rates increase, rare resource drop rates increased? Futhermore, I'd like other endless rewards to scale that way. If I've gone through 5 reward rotations in excavation, I'd be quite happy with seeing about 10 cores rewarded to me at a time. That's better than more relics, and speaking of relics, what if we had  chance at refined relics as we progress in the mission? I'd like that. My last idea is to simply introduce new, difficult content. It would be nice to have a whole set of planets that reward us as well as our current ones while remaining challenging. What if there was a boss who'd give us a bit more neural sensors than Alad V, while being about as difficult as Kela de Thaym, an excavation mission more rewarding than that one on Pluto, or an endless mission that offers veterans a challenge in even getting a rotation-B reward?

A challenge that's not pointless, and a reward that's earned. That's what I think we all could use.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)auwsomestgamer said:

What I meant when I said the void is essentially destroyed is that there is no real reason to go there anymore. Like, actually good reason. Sure, there are relic drops and stuff but thats not a real driving force for me. I know that they are working on making the void better, but I unless the rewards are OP, I honestly just can't see myself going there anymore.

lets see rift open there a lot argon crystals and relics show up oh and bullet dance is in the void sab now ya thats a lot of incentive especially the argon crystals seeing as the voids the only area that has them oh and nekyros primes comming out with new relic so the void  is going to see more activity 


10 hours ago, (PS4)Kobayashy82 said:

I kind of agree with the OP. Since the new void system came on the consoles I'v been login in less and less, and so are my friends. Before the update my friends and I would play every night 2-3 rounds of T4D, 1-2 rounds of T3,T4 surv. and a couple of quick exterminate or capture runs. That was our routine and we liked it, farming for parts, even junk parts for ducats, doesn't matter, it was fun for us chit-chatting in party, even if we didn't got what we wore looking for.

Now, after the update, we done maybe 10 or 15 max runs and we already got bored collecting those glowy things, that by the way break the momentum of fast pace gameplay and are very annoying to look for all the time before ending the mission. Instead of running and gunning as fast as we like now we have to stop and search every corner for glowy balls of light, yeah... not really fun for us sry. And the drops are to easy to get now, with the option to chose from 4 rewards at the end the incentive to play gets less and less every day. No multiple rewards, Key sharing is gone another thing that I don't like, cant help my friends to get prime parts as easily as before if they don't have the required relic. Nope sry, the old system was better, and kept us playing every night for a couple of hours, now we maybe do the daily, an alert or something and then log out.

I really hope the system will improve and bring back the void maps in rotation for getting prime parts. Some how it doesn't seem right getting prime parts from normal regular maps, it isn't special anymore. And please for the love of everything that is WARFRAME, stop making us collect stuff from the ground (or scan things) and let us play as fast as we what, that's what WARFRAME is for me and my friends also, fast pace space ninja action killing machines, with a sprinkle of fashion frame on the side :) 

its the oposite for me im getting on more and more because now i dont have to ruin my health to get stuff 

and now i dont have to do the same map over and over and over and over and over every single day to get one part 

Edited by hazerddex
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This relic system is far better than the void. I really don't see how anyone can argue otherwise except in terms of teamplay and such. I've gotten more useful things in less time and less frustration than I ever had with the void system.

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The new relic system is so much more useful and friendly than the old Void system.

Please don't bring it back. I've managed to farm so many parts because I'm not stuck doing sucky missions I don't enjoy on maps I don't like constantly. I enjoy going around the solar system now.

Stop hating good things. Give it a try. it's not a bad thing, the relic system.

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6 hours ago, secret9005 said:

But do the rewards you want drop from that key? Right now I can choose not to play survival and wait for a few minutes to get the mission type I want. Then that's open for about an hour and I can CHOOSE which relic to bring meaning I can choose my reward for that mission type. Unlike before where you have to run X mission to get Y prime part.

We'll just have to disagree. We shouldn't have to wait for any specific mission type to open. The old void you could choose any mission type at anytime. No matter how you try to spin it that was better.


I'd rather have a endless supply of blind rewards as we had in the old system than have the ability to choose a reward in the current. In no way to me is choosing your single reward worthwhile or beneficial especially when the price for that bit of laziness was the old Void system.

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13 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:



We'll just have to disagree. We shouldn't have to wait for any specific mission type to open. The old void you could choose any mission type at anytime. No matter how you try to spin it that was better.


I'd rather have a endless supply of blind rewards as we had in the old system than have the ability to choose a reward in the current. In no way to me is choosing your single reward worthwhile or beneficial especially when the price for that bit of laziness was the old Void system.

I'm sorry, I don't get you here. If you want those void mission types you can still do them. Back then I was FORCED to do T3 Survival or T4 Survival/Defense to get the prime parts I wanted. If I wanted, say Ash Prime Systems, I HAVE to do, say T2 Exterminate (just an example I know it didn't drop from there). Now I can just wait for the Exterminate mission to pass and bring my Relic to say a Capture fissure. I will be rewarded what I WANT for the mission I WANTED. Clearly more options IMO.

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7 hours ago, Kippenoma2000 said:

So you want to farm with one t4 defense key for 100 waves to have a 2,5% chance to get a part and you only get that small chance every 25 waves or whatever?


jesus christ m8, this system is so much better, can't u see?


People who want the Void back; want game play. For those of us who own everything it's a large part of fun and entertainment in this game.

Without post Sorties level enemies to push your limits and actually make use of your millions of damage there's really not much to do.

I mean... why do you event want a prime weapon or frame? Outside a 30min daily the extra stats don't matter anymore.

New Galantine looks great but why bother when I already one shot everything including Sorties M3.


3 hours ago, Insizer said:

This relic system is far better than the void. I really don't see how anyone can argue otherwise except in terms of teamplay and such. I've gotten more useful things in less time and less frustration than I ever had with the void system.

The Relic system is fine. The Void is not. They could very easily be independent of each other. They could also have the Relic system with scaling enemies.

The new Void doesn't require thought, it doesn't require knowledge of mechanics, team synergy or even team cooperation, it's boring beyond comparison.

The only argument I've heard for the new system is loot related.


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14 hours ago, Xzorn said:


People who want the Void back; want game play. For those of us who own everything it's a large part of fun and entertainment in this game.

Without post Sorties level enemies to push your limits and actually make use of your millions of damage there's really not much to do.

I mean... why do you event want a prime weapon or frame? Outside a 30min daily the extra stats don't matter anymore.

New Galantine looks great but why bother when I already one shot everything including Sorties M3.


The Relic system is fine. The Void is not. They could very easily be independent of each other. They could also have the Relic system with scaling enemies.

The new Void doesn't require thought, it doesn't require knowledge of mechanics, team synergy or even team cooperation, it's boring beyond comparison.

The only argument I've heard for the new system is loot related.


Of course, this relic system is currently more boring and seems more procedural and such. But the skeleton of the relics system is solid and works well. The Warframe team can always make adjustments and such to address lack of gameplay; afterall, forever beta. 

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4 hours ago, Insizer said:

Of course, this relic system is currently more boring and seems more procedural and such. But the skeleton of the relics system is solid and works well. The Warframe team can always make adjustments and such to address lack of gameplay; afterall, forever beta. 

I agree. Relics are interactive and promote team goals which is never a bad thing.

It's too bad it could take a year for them to polish or expand it.

Recently, they go from one half finished system to the next. Focus is still unfinished, they added Void 2.0 which had terrible side effects and now they're doing Endo.

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2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

I agree. Relics are interactive and promote team goals which is never a bad thing.

It's too bad it could take a year for them to polish or expand it.

Recently, they go from one half finished system to the next. Focus is still unfinished, they added Void 2.0 which had terrible side effects and now they're doing Endo.

They could be multitasking, just be letting those ferment, compiling input over the long term and such, who knows. On the other hand, the dev team is nothing if not passionate and dream of long-term visions.

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The only advantage i see to the old one is using sabotage/capture keys to get quick ducats and a higher trade cost if you needed plat. New one is better for actually getting things (and you get to fight more than one faction!)


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1 minute ago, White_Matter said:

I wholeheartedly agree.

They should go back to the old void system until they polish the new system to the point where it works. Right now it clearly doesn't. 

Good thing there's no chance of that happening because I prefer relics. Seems to work fine for me, got 6 new prime parts in a few hours last evening...stopped because I encountered a relic upgrade bug and ran of traces. I look forward to incremental improvements to the relic system, if the old void was to return, that would probably spell the end for me.

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I now have a Nekros P BP, Nekros P Neuroptics, Tigris P BP, Tigris P Receiver, Galatine P Blade, and Galatine P Handle. That's 6 out of the 11 new parts all in 2 days work. 1st day was farming relics and today was farming the parts. If it weren't for stuff I have to do in real life, I probably have all the parts already.

Sure bring back the old Void and let us suffer for days weeks because of RNG. I never got Vauban Prime parts from the old void. With the relics I easily got his parts. I farmed another set in 1 hour BTW. I really don't get why you guys want the old Void back.

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On 8/19/2016 at 0:48 PM, Ceryk said:

 the Devs never intended for people to abandon the Star Chart like they did.

Thank you for making my point as i always said: sometimes the Dev are short sighted since they don't play the game as we do

And i guess they will be proven short sighted again with the new system

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On 19.08.2016 at 5:10 PM, kuchn said:

you might want to rethink all your points besides 3 and 6...can't speak about 5.

just imagine you would not have all the relics that came from your keys... you'd have to first grind the relic, then hope to get the right item. if you don't, its back to grinding the right relic and hope again. the grind was actually more than doubled due to:

- no keysharing

- double the rng (relics AND drop)

once the fallout reaches the community the prices will explode.

we did only talk about the prime-grind...

add to this: ducats and cores... to those of you who really think the grind was reduced...THINK AGAIN

on topic:

mot is by far the hardest content in the game at the moment...far harder than t4 survival was. i'd be glad if this would be rewarding.

i am sure covert lethality cheesefans won't agree....try with a gun =)


Just a post-factum reply regard the new primes farm speed.

I managed to get all I wanted (both guns) within six hours after release. The previous system offered not such luxury.

1 hour ago, secret9005 said:

I now have a Nekros P BP, Nekros P Neuroptics, Tigris P BP, Tigris P Receiver, Galatine P Blade, and Galatine P Handle. That's 6 out of the 11 new parts all in 2 days work. 1st day was farming relics and today was farming the parts. If it weren't for stuff I have to do in real life, I probably have all the parts already.

Sure bring back the old Void and let us suffer for days weeks because of RNG. I never got Vauban Prime parts from the old void. With the relics I easily got his parts. I farmed another set in 1 hour BTW. I really don't get why you guys want the old Void back.

13 hours ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

Good thing there's no chance of that happening because I prefer relics. Seems to work fine for me, got 6 new prime parts in a few hours last evening...stopped because I encountered a relic upgrade bug and ran of traces. I look forward to incremental improvements to the relic system, if the old void was to return, that would probably spell the end for me.


Yup, can't possibly agree more on that


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On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Ceryk said:

First off, the whole point of de ntroying the Void was so that people wouldn't spend all their time there. You may not like it, but the Devs never intended for people to abandon the Star Chart like they did. Getting people out of the Void and out hunting Relics and making Void runs shorter goes a long way to them getting the game to where they wanted it to be in the first place.

Secondly, Derelict missions have the highest chance at dropping Relics of any location in the game, giving it a legitimate reason to exist and encourage to people to play more than just Survival and Defense.

The system offers better chances at getting pieces you want than the previous system did. And while capture missions may indeed be longer, the LONG missions are SIGNIFICANTLY shorter. You can be in an out of Survival or Defense missions in a fraction of the time when looking for Rare pieces. No more staying for 20-40 minutes in Survival or 20 waves in Defense just to be disappointed. And I'd rather run 10 5 minute survival runs than 10 40 minute Survival runs when I'm after parts and stick to longer survival or defense missions for fun or leveling.

I think the reason alot of players liked going 40 mins or longer was to challenge themselves.Going 5 mins In a survival Isn't a challenge, when something Isn't a challenge It can quickly become boring.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Englands Own said:

I think the reason alot of players liked going 40 mins or longer was to challenge themselves.Going 5 mins In a survival Isn't a challenge, when something Isn't a challenge It can quickly become boring.

My experience is that "a lot" of players didn't like going 40 minutes or longer; almost every public squad I joined would bail after the first or second rotation C (usually 1st) when farming prime stuff (which was fine with me). That's also a 20-40 minute snooze-fest before the so called challenge (aka cheap enemy scaling) would kick in to noticeable levels; so yes, I absolutely agree with you, the first 20 minutes of a void mission wasn't a challenge and thus was super boring. It would be interesting to see what percentage of players actually did long void runs on a regular basis.

The only thing stopping you from challenging yourself now, is you,,,the void actually didn't blow up, it's still there! Yes, it would be nice if there was more incentive to run long endless missions for those that enjoy that sort of thing, but the AABC reward rotation doesn't incentivize staying past 20 and never did. This is probably/hopefully something DE can look at, finding a new purpose for the old void tile set provides a nice opportunity to be creative.

I find the fissure missions quite fun, I can choose to run the ones I like (yay, no exterminate), they spawn lots of enemies, it's over quickly, and I'm not held hostage in some long endless mission by basement dwellers wearing Depends and sipping cup of noodles out of a hose-pipe.

I'm also tired of reading "all mah ole key iz worthless" and I "I can't help my newbie friend anymore".

Beyond the obvious ducat/platinum source, keys are your ticket to ride...it lets you pick someone else's reward! You can help that friend farm relics, and yes, your friend does need his own relic, but he doesn't need a "good" relic. Did I get a Galatine BP while collecting traces in a pug with a "worthless" relic equipped? Why yes, yes I did.

My real concern with relics is that it's going to need to be nerfed and then there might actually be something to complain about.


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