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The Silver Grove: Hotfix 1


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Good day DE and Admin. I want to report about the bug in the archwing quest in getting its all parts where the excavation symbols doesnt appear even you roam all the places. My friend(new player of wf) doing it and also tried to relog and get some new player taking that quest too but still no difference. I guess all new players have this type of problem of archwing quest. I hope you fix this soon. Sorry for bad grammar and advance thank you for the response.

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21 hours ago, Vasala said:

We also noticed the issue in Orokin Derelict Defense. Results we saw tonight: Rotation A gave 3 x 15 Endo instead of the equivalent of 3 x gold fusion cores, Rotation B gave 15 endo one time and another gave 10 endo. These definitely seem still broken.

I have the same issue with Excavation on Pluto except I'll get 5 x 15 Endo, when on the dev stream they said it should be 80 Endo. So RIP endless mission rewards for Endo.

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there's multiples bugs when you try to complete the adventure the archwing, so in my case i can't complete this because i can't do the extraction of the harness mission this must be fix it i don't know if there's more people with the same problem i guess a bunch of us have this problem. 
So please fix this problem.



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6 hours ago, PoulsenJ said:

^^^ Same.

Wraith Twin Vipers was recently the reward for Proxy Retribution Bonus Weekend. Like in May 29, 2016. 

Can we get back to Latron again? Please? At least at season 10?

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Now the Vectis Prime with Depleted Reload reloads based on fire rate, rather than reload speed. It's practically unusable.

Let me clarify: There's an awkward delay after the last round in the clip has been fired, that could've been eliminated with manual reload.
Well, now the manual reload makes no difference. No matter your reload speed, it always waits for the fire rate to cool down.

I hope I'm making sense now.

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On 8/20/2016 at 10:07 AM, [DE]Megan said:


  • Fixed Excavation rewarding incorrect amounts of Endo. We’ll be continually monitoring this to ensure the correct amount is being awarded and difficulties are tuned.

Well they now reward bundles of 5 rather than singles, but it's bundles of 15 Endo rather than the 80 for a rare core.

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19 hours ago, ShadowFox14 said:

Am I the only one getting no additional rewards in Orokin Sabotage missions? If I find all 3 caches, it gives 1 reward plus the base. If I find 2 caches or 1, it doesn't give anything.

You are getting additional rewards. But the game doesn't mark Endo as " Identified " right now. And sometimes the credit bundles have a '2' under them, instead of being separate. To clarify, you are getting rewards, but the UI isn't showing it.

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Any chance you could fix the bug with the minimap. by the time i get to the end of a mission i can't see half the people as it all the way accross the screen. Love the game but this spoiling it slightly for me. Making it hard to kill those who are shooting me.

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Mostly on defense missions when I play Titania and try to use forth skill Warframe crashes without even the dialog window poping out so that I may right the issue. There is an additional issues with the counting down timer freezes at 1 before starting a mission after that only chat is available all other functionality is unreachable/disabled.  SIMARIS DAILY TASK>...... The issue still persist 3 days no action still on your side. Daily task cannot be claimed.

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  • Added indicators in the Arsenal of how many Forma are installed in gear, and whether or not gear has been fully Mastered! 

It would be even greater to add also indicators of Catalyst, Reactor and Exilus being applied in the weapon/frame.

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Has anyone else noticed that Manic's don't spawn anymore after 15 minutes of an alarm being active in Grineer missions? Was trying to help a buddy new the game get Ash blueprints. The Manic would spawn normally before the update. Now after the update he doesn't. Tried 10+ times on multiple missions. Nothing.

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I really figured you guys would have had this issue fixed by the time you released more operator cosmetics - some of the time the color scheme of their suits are nothing like what you set them to. They seem to pull colors from your warframe, even recoloring their skin (yellow, purple, red, you name it). This appears to happen more often when you have any piece of the Zariman suit worn. Needless to say, it's no bueno. 

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