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Don't touch Nullifiers


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44 minutes ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

Listen kid your opinion of me matters to me like yesterdays wetter.

I...don't know if that's a metaphor or something :/


45 minutes ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

I made this thread to tell de not to change the enemy that is to players like you more annoying then getting same prime drop from relic 6 time in row.Cause you or every single player like you cant run around corpus maps with WOT on with max range/strength screaming IM GOOOD.NO!Nullise put players like you back at your place in the dirt where you belong.TUFF?get good or change faction you are fighting scrub 

I understand that Nullifiers are made so that no frame can just win by spamming their abilities, but there should be more counterplays against Nullifiers, since everyone plays differently. As of now, their spawn rates on Void and Corpus missions equate to everyone using a high ROF weapons, and DE wouldn't want that, right? (I mean, why do they release snipers and bows then?)

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Gee, thanks Scott for giving all the nullie fetishists an excuse to keep this scourge in the game.

Really appreciate it...

And, of course, he used the "difficulty" excuse too, and Rebecca just went along with it, acting like sliding into nullie bubbles is a serious option for any buff based frame, or that nullies are actual difficulty (seriously Scott, have you read even a single Nullifier discussion thread)

If DE wants to let the game die like this, fine. But I don't want anyone *@##$ing to me when they make that corpus raid they have been hinting at, and it makes people delete the game from Nullifier induced frustration. It's your own damned fault.


Edited by Zoracraft
It's an excuse, not an argument
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Meanwhile, I'm still wondering what exactly comba's and scrambus' are even for when nullifiers do their job and then some while spawning more often. Besides a comba or scrambus feels like it should be scary considering their speed and that noise. The nullifier bubble just breaks immersion. Not even bombards break immersion with their (practically) heatseeker mini-nuke launchers.

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2 hours ago, DeceitfulShade said:

What, they ruin players stomping through the game like it's nothing? Tenno need something to stop them, something to make them go "oh, I'm not unstoppable anymore."

There are ways to do this that are actually fun. They haven't chosen one of those ways.

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2 hours ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

unload on bubble

when "unload on bubble" takes 2 seconds with full auto guns, and leaves every other weapon class behind, the problem is rather obvious.

Please fix the bubble's damage gate on a per-weapon category basis   

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Just allow snipers and fully charged bow to pierce the bubble and snipe them.  Problem solved.  Also make them disrupt powers rather than cancel them.

I agree with you: Nullifiers should disrupt void energy, not block fireballs and melt ice globes.

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

But people always use this sniper argument with nullifiers as if its the only weapon they want to use.... Yet no one truly uses snipers.

Nullies don't become a big issue unless you go far into an endless anyway. If you want to go for a long time in an endless mission, then bring the appropriate equipment... Which could just be a high rof secondary (even though it's still not necessary, i do fine with a marelok)

I Main Snipers(Rubico and Vectis) and Bows(P. Prime And Dread) The thing is most every full auto secondary has terrible ammo efficiency I hate wasting ammo(and being out of ammo too) though it wouldn't be so bad if nullyies were more rare but their not, i often see a nully before a MOA However due to how the game works if you want to level your weapons kill more enemies the simplest way to kill is survival yet Nullyies are to common to do anything about buffs being removed every 5 seconds for getting one shot by the -insert least favorite mob here-

I can already see your reaction.


Image result for i don't care meme If it doesn't apply to you move on.


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1 hour ago, Banansa47 said:

if anything they should just change them to be mobile shield generators that block powers from hurting/affecting their teammates not stop them from being activated (THATS THE COMBA'S, FOG'S, And SCRAMBUS'S JOB's!!!!).

like this:


corpus guys gather around the nullfier.

nullfier activates his power, a glowing field surrounds him. (no more bullet sponge bubbles yay!!!)

guys get shielded from warframe powers (cc effects, staggers, stuns, status effects of said powers) And they get 55% damage reduction (it functions like mesa's shatter shield)

HOWEVER TO COUNTER THIS YOU NEED TO SHOOT OFF HIS BACKPACK!!! (that means the team snipers have a use now, and also melee attacks will still do to regular damage to them)

Oh yea......

GIVE THE GUY AN AMPREX OR AN OPTICORE INSTEAD OF A GENERIC WEAPON (*cough* boring gorgon on three grineer units *cough*)

Instead of arguing on how bad they are and that they need a constant nerfing or buffing, come up with better ideas on how they should work instead of complaining.

What am I looking at here?

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3 hours ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

So i just watched devstream 79 and i must say thank you Scott and Rebecca for explaining what nullies are and how to fight them effectively.And Steve if you find those notes burn them or if you remember them forget them.Nullies are perfect the way they are right now.When you see that blue(or gold) bubble all casters got to stop to ether unload on bubble or slide in and unload on its face.Hell i would suggest buffing them and sniper crewman something similar with what you did to Ballistas to make players more on there toes :D.


i completely agree, seeing nullifiers adds spice into the game... please buff them or add more enemies like this.

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3 hours ago, Trichouette said:

They ruin the gameplay of people who use slow fire rate weapons... Like snipers...

i think yo forgot that we can carry secondary weapons with us?

also the entire game revolves around massive amounts of enemies.. its not like you see many snipers anyway.. most people use synoid simulor , tonkor , tigris etc...

also i have been doing defense waves on corpus maps and long time survivals...it might be hard but i personally find INFESTED toxic and leeches to be way more annoying ...not speaking of SCORCHES who can kill you through walls/tilesets.

Edited by Vyra
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1 hour ago, Sigmas71 said:

when "unload on bubble" takes 2 seconds with full auto guns, and leaves every other weapon class behind, the problem is rather obvious.

Please fix the bubble's damage gate on a per-weapon category basis   

have you ever read any scifi novel?

Force sheilds/shield/internal dampeners etc need to be "Blasted" by either VERY strong DMG ( like nuclear explosions ) or continuous small damage such as high fire rate weaponry or shield leeches...meaning you stress the enemy shield to make it collapse

no sane person would waste massive amounts of energy for huge atomic strikes in space/stations and risk even getting damaged themselves ...
even in star trek they infiltrate/bypass weak spots of the shields to enter the ships...

Also Torpedos such as photon have huge dmg on armor but are less effective against shields.. which is why you usually use your laers/phasers first to strip down the shield and THEN blast them with torpedos

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Except they're not. They completely block slow RoF weapons, which you will have to try and handle with this game's seriously slow weapon switching speed to your secondary.

And they spawn waaay too often for a high priority target, usually with 1-2 heavies inside the bubble.

They should block abilities and abilities only. The old NM LoR was the perfect nullifier. They're annoying enough to be a threat but not a complete cockblock to your weapons.

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1 hour ago, Vyra said:

i think yo forgot that we can carry secondary weapons with us?

What is so complicated to understand in "I don't want the game to force me into a gameplay I don't like" ?

I DON'T want to play with high RoF weapons, most of the ones I have (even secondaries) aren't forma-ed simply because I don't like playing with them.

And even though, the weapon switching time is awfully long.

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2 hours ago, Zoracraft said:

Gee, thanks Scott for giving all the nullie fetishists an excuse to keep this scourge in the game.

Really appreciate it...

And, of course, he used the "difficulty" excuse too, and Rebecca just went along with it, acting like sliding into nullie bubbles is a serious option for any buff based frame, or that nullies are actual difficulty (seriously Scott, have you read even a single Nullifier discussion thread)

If DE wants to let the game die like this, fine. But I don't want anyone *@##$ing to me when they make that corpus raid they have been hinting at, and it makes people delete the game from Nullifier induced frustration. It's your own damned fault.


Their reaction proved they haven't read any feedback regarding nullifiers. Nullifiers are a serieus problem and people asking for their nerfs have legitimate reasons not because we want to roflstomp any map.

Which makes me wonder if they read any feedback at all. They seem to be just doing what they think is right. At this point I just genuinly feel bad for everyone taking the effort to write feedback. Most likely a waste of time.

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20 minutes ago, kubbi said:

Their reaction proved they haven't read any feedback regarding nullifiers. Nullifiers are a serieus problem and people asking for their nerfs have legitimate reasons not because we want to roflstomp any map.

Which makes me wonder if they read any feedback at all. They seem to be just doing what they think is right. At this point I just genuinly feel bad for everyone taking the effort to write feedback. Most likely a waste of time.

This is a big part of why I stopped giving feedback.  I feel like the community managers spend more time looking at pretty pictures to make a slideshow of than getting a good feel for the real, underlying problems to the consistently re-emerging complaints players voice.

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34 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

What is so complicated to understand in "I don't want the game to force me into a gameplay I don't like" ?

I DON'T want to play with high RoF weapons, most of the ones I have (even secondaries) aren't forma-ed simply because I don't like playing with them.

And even though, the weapon switching time is awfully long.

its complatacted because nothing stoping you from switching back to your primary you act like you cant press f at all how is that de's fault you dont use a feture EVERYONE HAS AND CAN USE AT ANY TIME


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I'm just gonna leave what I think here, but I honestly think that the way that the devs just excused the problem with nullifiers in the most recent devstream just left a really bad taste in my mouth, passing it off that they're working as intended and that when you get used to them, they aren't a problem.

Yes, if you know how to combat nullifiers, perhaps they aren't the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. However, the way I see it, just because you can get used to nullifiers, doesn't excuse the fact that they are a poorly designed enemy type.

Just because you can get used to nullifiers, doesn't excuse the fact that they spawn in WAY too frequently, and it surely doesn't excuse the fact that the only weapons that can effectively combat them from a distance are high firerate weapons (such as the Soma and Boltor, which are highly used anyway), making other weapons like sniper rifles even more obsolete than they already are.

I understand that DE doesn't want to make this game "press 4 to win," and I am all for that. I hate frames like Ash and Ember because they  steal all my kills which hurts my very fragile ego trivialize the game to the point where I feel like I'm watching a movie more than I'm playing a video game.

But goddamn, the way nullifiers are designed right now, they feel more like a cop out rather than a genuinely well thought out way of preventing players from just nuking the entire map with their powers, and that's why I feel that nullifiers need to be changed.

But that's just how I feel, you're very welcome to disagree with me.

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3 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

its complatacted because nothing stoping you from switching back to your primary you act like you cant press f at all how is that de's fault you dont use a feture EVERYONE HAS AND CAN USE AT ANY TIME


First, I don't understand anything...

Second, I don't give a damn about sentients, my tigris deal enough to OS them most of the time, and when it doesn't, the next 2 shot will do the trick.

And third, my secondary DOESN'T have a high RoF as I said because I DESPISE these weapons. So yes I have two weapons (even 3) but I don't pick weapons I don't want to use/like, and I don't want some stupid unit to force me to use them.

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