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Relic system, Prime access and why console players suffer from it


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3 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

LoL is/was one of the most successful games on record when it was almost fully acquired by a Chinese company, 1 company buying part of another company does not indicate that that company was in trouble in anyway, these acquisitions happen all the time in both successful and in trouble companies, thinking that it happens purely because a company is in trouble, is just ignorance, I think that kind of shows by you calling them a 'Chinese chicken producer' when it's a multi-subsidiary company, but well done on focusing on a single linked part of the larger company.

There are some major differences between this and LoL.

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2 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

LoL is/was one of the most successful games on record when it was almost fully acquired by a Chinese company, 1 company buying part of another company does not indicate that that company was in trouble in anyway, these acquisitions happen all the time in both successful and in trouble companies, thinking that it happens purely because a company is in trouble, is just ignorance, I think that kind of shows by you calling them a 'Chinese chicken producer' when it's a multi-subsidiary company, but well done on focusing on a single linked part of the larger company.

Well I for one am not saying DE is doing poor financially.

However, I will say Warframe isn't the only MMO I play regularly. I also sunk a huge amount of time in Dungeon Fighter Online Global and spent a lot of money in that game. Typically their cosmetic packages that comes with stat boosting gear, pets, and stat boosting title runs aroun $30. DFOG is a sprite base side scroller so one could argue the development cost is cheaper.

Still, I think a more reasonable price for a character and 2 weapons would be around $40 or $50 dollars in a 3rd person action/shooter Free to Play.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

There are some major differences between this and LoL.

Sure, but your implication was that DE was sold BECAUSE it was in trouble as indicated by "if they were doing as well as you think etc etc" when that is just not true in both cases of games companies be sold for that reason, and to if DE was in trouble at all. Hence the example of LoL to dispute your assumptive statement on the reason was DE had sold shares.

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43 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Yeah, but that's the path they have to chose for a free game, and it's why they are doing as well as they are, as ppl will buy it for that much, I know it feels... Not right... Seeing $150 for a frame, 2 weapons and some cosmetics, but in a F2P game respect you're also buying time back, that 20+ hours of farming... I dunno, I guess it's the price we pay to have options.

your literally making no sense, the dude is right, i have played alot of f2p games and this game will cost you an arm and a leg to get into, regular plat buying is 50$ first you gotta buy weapon slots, warframe slots, potatoes, archwing slots, it really adds up by the time you use all of that platinum it really gets you nowhere, YAY a bunch of slots and warframe slots and a couple potatoes, this games platinum pricing is ridiculously over priced


46 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I am not sure if English is not your first language, but that phrase is not meant to be taken literally. It means what did what you just say have to do with the topic at hand. In this case, it means why do you think the fact that a bad game existing excuses another bad game/pricing.

Plus, you aren't even being truthful. I mean hell, CoD will release a map pack for like $20 and people will get more playtime out of that than most of use will get out of the gear DE is charging at least 5 times more for.  And no, you don't get to ignore the effect of CoD's multiplayer on it's playtime while trying to count replaying the same content we have been playing in WF as new just because we have a new prime.

If adding new frames and weapons in WF counts as new content then adding new weapons/maps in CoD does too, but at least CoD doesn't try to charge more than the full price game just for a few new weapons/maps.


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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Bortis Badtouch said:

your literally making no sense, the dude is right, i have played alot of f2p games and this game will cost you an arm and a leg to get into, regular plat buying is 50$ first you gotta buy weapon slots, warframe slots, potatoes, archwing slots, it really adds up by the time you use all of that platinum it really gets you nowhere, YAY a bunch of slots and warframe slots and a couple potatoes, this games platinum pricing is ridiculously over priced



Really? I'm not making sense? You just said a F2P game will cost an arm and a leg to get into... I have many ppl in my clan who play for free, that statement is outright fantasy, I suspect based on the presumption that you mistake 'need' for 'want' you don't need to spend anything, you want stuff...

No it costs an arm and a leg to mitigate the time you would spend getting the items you desire into just having them outright... There is NO reason for you to spend a cent, UNLESS you want to save time or get exclusive cosmetic.

You cry about having to spend money, but it's clearly keeping you entertained enough to want all that stuff... Interesting how clear you want to keep playing as a considerable rate, but don't wish to actually help the game by spending anything, it's the typical "I want for free" mentality that is so prevalent these days, at least try and see the middle ground of money = game...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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19 minutes ago, (XB1)Bortis Badtouch said:

10% for a radiant relic to drop is a joke dude XD

it always was that, or lower for keys tho, and while i think the system does need work i think its much better than the key system, and once again, it doesnt really... skrew anyone


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27 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:

Yes but was it rewarding ? Yes.

F*** no it wasn't. Burning 15 MD keys to get useless crap like formas is anything but rewarding and fun.

Relics made it EASIER to get desired items. There are no "if" or "but" - it's easier and more directed.

I disagree with you, it's way harder to farm the new relics, less chance  of getting the new relics which I'm pissed off about. You have to farm for hours and hours to get all the prime stuff, that's not fun and then you have to farm traces and then radiant it and do it over and over. The old system was easier and way more enjoyable, you would just farm the key and bam done. And this is rewarding at all.

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Just now, Carnage2K4 said:

Really? I'm not making sense? You just said a F2P game will cost an arm and a leg to get into... I have many ppl in my clan who play for free, that statement is outright fantasy, I suspect based on the presumption that you mistake 'need' for 'want' you don't need to spend anything, you want stuff...

No it costs an arm and a leg to mitigate the time you would spend getting the items you desire into just having them outright... There is NO reason for you to spend a cent, UNLESS you want to save time or get exclusive cosmetic.

if you like waiting for months to build up somewhat of a plat collection and spending 50$ for platinum is 1000 plat, i barely scratched the surface for slots, potatoes, i am saying that even if you wait for weeks or months, you will probably stop caring at some point, i think 50$ is quite a bit of money, just shy of 10$ for a AAA title, i should not have to spend hundreds of dollars to get quite a lot of slots and potatoes, i started without buying anything, quit for the longest time because of how ridiculous the pricing was for things.

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9 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Really? I'm not making sense? You just said a F2P game will cost an arm and a leg to get into... I have many ppl in my clan who play for free, that statement is outright fantasy, I suspect based on the presumption that you mistake 'need' for 'want' you don't need to spend anything, you want stuff...

No it costs an arm and a leg to mitigate the time you would spend getting the items you desire into just having them outright... There is NO reason for you to spend a cent, UNLESS you want to save time or get exclusive cosmetic.

You cry about having to spend money, but it's clearly keeping you entertained enough to want all that stuff... Interesting how clear you want to keep playing as a considerable rate, but don't wish to actually help the game by spending anything, it's the typical "I want for free" mentality that is so prevalent these days, at least try and see the middle ground of money = game...

This isn't even taking about the thread topic.

Edited by xXDeadsinxX
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Accept like I said, the situations are different and LoL is not a valid example as a result. Keep trying though.

The result is not the discussion, it was the reason as to the acquisition that you implied, not a result. you alluded to DE being in trouble, and therefore selling... That's not a result, you sound like you're getting tangled in your own ideas...

But if the result of selling if your reasoning to justify an apparent premonition, then so be I don't really care.

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You think console players are the only ones struggling to get the new relics? They werent released in advance for PC, we have to farm them too.

Aside from that i agree that we now have double the grind, than we had before SotR. Before relics i would have by this point already spent quite a few keys trying to get the new stuff, but keys were not only much easier to farm, you also had the possibility to stack multiple rewards thanks to infinite missions. I hate it back then, but i kinda miss those 1 hour survival missions, just me and ivara.

Edited by John89brensen
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3 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

The result is not the discussion, it was the reason as to the acquisition that you implied, not a result. you alluded to DE being in trouble, and therefore selling... That's not a result, you sound like you're getting tangled in your own ideas...

But if the result of selling if your reasoning to justify an apparent premonition, then so be I don't really care.

You seem to care quite a lot.  Hell, if you didn't care, you would not have replied.

1 minute ago, John89brensen said:

you also had the possibility to stack multiple rewards thanks to infinite missions. I hate it back then, but i kinda miss those 1 hour survival missions

I agree with you on both. Relics are just boring as hell too.  The one reward per relic is annoying as well.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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3 minutes ago, John89brensen said:

You think console players are the only ones struggling to get the new relics? They werent released in advance for PC, we have to farm them too.

Aside from that i agree that we now have double the grind, than we had before SotR. Before relics i would have by this point already spent quite a few keys trying to get the new stuff, but keys were not only much easier to farm, you also had the possibility to stack multiple rewards thanks to infinite missions. I hate it back then, but i kinda miss those 1 hour survival missions, just me and ivara.

Yep, totally agree.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

You seem to care quite a lot.  Hell, if you didn't care, you would not have replied.

Nice assumption, I said I didn't care about your personal rationalisations of your own opinions, not the general topic, thanks for keeping on track though, you're clearly a master of linguistic analysis.

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If you are kind of new to the game and play with others players you know, I believe the new relic system is better,  before me and the people I play with had a hard time, I guess if you are a warframe veteran and play alone,the old way was easier plus I find the new relic system more fun as I can talk to my friends as to which relics they have so we can combine and get a higher chance at getting  what we want so I believe it's much better now, that's my opinion.

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Yeah they screwed console players pretty badly with this one. Hopefully the wiki will have the drop locations for all of the new relics. But honestly, we were ALL screwed with this update. DE seriously went out of their way to double the grind and make our existing relics useless. It's a huge slap in the face.

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I'm starting to think it might be better if the refined relics rolled multiple times from the reward pool and gave players an option from the rolled rewards.

Intact relics would roll only once. Exceptional would roll twice, Flawless three times, and Radiant four times. Whatever the player opted for would then show up for squadmates to also select.

Either that or allow for mission difficulty to further skew the chance of getting a rarer reward. Have three or four missions per Relic running at a time where one skews the rewards towards Commons by taking away from the higher pools but is easier, one has no change to the table and is at the default difficulty for the era, one that is more difficult and reduces the chance of rolling Commons in favour of rolling Uncommons with no change to Rares and one that is substantially more difficult- perhaps being a Nightmare mission- which reduces the chance of getting a Common and boosts the odds of Uncommons and Rares. 

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4 hours ago, Serafim_94 said:

Yes but was it rewarding ? Yes.

F*** no it wasn't. Burning 15 MD keys to get useless crap like formas is anything but rewarding and fun.

Relics made it EASIER to get desired items. There are no "if" or "but" - it's easier and more directed.

Actually it isn't, to get a relic to pristine you need to do about 5 missions to get the traces (you get an average of 18 traces per mission without boosters), so 6 missions in total.  Thus at the ~5.64% that was the lowest drop rates in the old system doing those 6 missions would have given you a ~29.4% chance to have gotten at least one of the rare part (for everyone of any group size).  

To get close to that now you need at a minimum 3 players all with identical pristine relics (thus 300 traces and 3 relics for 27.1% chance, if you only use the relics at the end), to get roughly the same chance of at-least gaining it once, despite having the choice of what you get.  All in all players get one reward, as opposed to all players getting at minimum 6 rewards, unless you use more relics when trace farming.  

At the end of the day only 4 identical relics fully pristine is better (~34.4% chance), but costs 400 traces and 4 relics (presuming trace farming without relics).  While 7 or 8 keys would have gotten similar chances (~33.39% and ~37.15% respectively) presuming just one loot per key and irrelevant of the group size (while giving rewards along the way).

Edited by Loswaith
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