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I don't see how DE does it.


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So I've always dreamed of becoming a video game designer, as I kid I remember drawing characters for a video game I wanted to make. So now as an adult I looked into going to an art school,which would cost me anywhere between $80,000-$100,000. 


My first thought was when I saw that price was "I can't imagine, spending that much money, just to make a video game that people who pick apart as if it was some kind of weird animal."I thoughtback to this community, and even though it is full of people who are so kind to each other, they are so hateful towards DE half the time. I thought about all the negativity I heard from other games,and I threw my dream out the window. Nope. Won't do it, so I give my respect to DE, half of them probably went to art school back when it was cheaper, but still, I couldn't imagine taking mydream and turning it into something people will just walk all over, spit on, and toss away.


And so i've decided to become a housewife instead. That way only one person can tell me how bad I am at my job.

Edited by Pepperdy
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The unfortunate thing about game development (actually, all art forms, really) is that people will always be around to criticize the things you create. No matter what you do right, more people will point out what they think is wrong than what they enjoy, because the vocal bunch is the one who is displeased for one reason or another. This line of work takes thick skin.

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9 minutes ago, Pepperdy said:

So I've always dreamed of becoming a video game designer, as I kid I remember drawing characters for a video game I wanted to make. So now as an adult I looked into going to an art school,which would cost me anywhere between $80,000-$100,000. 


My first thought was when I saw that price was "I can't imagine, spending that much money, just to make a video game that people who pick apart as if it was some kind of weird animal."I thoughtback to this community, and even though it is full of people who are so kind to each other, they are so hateful towards DE half the time. I thought about all the negativity I heard from other games,and I threw my dream out the window. Nope. Won't do it, so I give my respect to DE, half of them probably went to art school back when it was cheaper, but still, I couldn't imagine taking mydream and turning it into something people will just walk all over, spit on, and toss away.


And so i've decided to become a housewife instead. That way only one person can tell me how bad I am at my job.

I totally thought that this thread was something different. As a Digital Media major I feel ya that it can be overwhelming, and feel like a thankless profession. But you always have to take criticism with stride and remember that most of the people on the internet literally talk crap just to talk crap and get butthurt. further into it you will learn to recognize legitimate feedback and to just ignore the little crybabies. 

I would say to try to stick with your dreams take it slow, befriend people who can be strong moral pillars to lean on when you get discouraged. It really does help. I would hate to hear that you just gave up on your dreams, it breaks my heart when people say that.

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44 minutes ago, Pepperdy said:

And so i've decided to become a housewife instead. That way only one person can tell me how bad I am at my job.

Do yourself a favor and never join any kind of social media/facebook group for housewives/etc, because there will be a million people trying to tell you you are bad at your job somehow.

I kid, mostly, but seriously people on the internet can be mean. 

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30 minutes ago, Pepperdy said:

And so i've decided to become a housewife instead. That way only one person can tell me how bad I am at my job.

Trust me it's not fun watching the world revolve while you stay the same. I did it for three years (except for the wife part, still within family) I don't even remember most of it.

Self teaching, at least that's what I do. Job - job feeds hobbies - hobbies feed knowledge - knowledge is fun and dangerous. I usually start with the free stuff (programs, online text books, libraries, tutorials, stalking people) whatever I can get my hands on (Hell I picked a few cooking techniques from a raunchy anime; for some reason it has legit cooking science). By the time I generally know what I'm doing I've saved enough to buy a more advanced program to further my knowledge.

Get invested with the communities. There are many online communities and even some events where you put your skills to the test, learn from each other, and have fun with other people. Especially look for modding communities you can get feedback and pocket change (- money) for your work.

Motivation.....I mean this is a dream of yours, hope to it. Allow others to help support your dreams.



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That is one way of looking at it. The other way is to look at all the passionate feedback (Both positive and negative.) and realize that what you have made *matters* to people. And it matters enough that they have put time and effort into discussing what you have created.

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They do it the same way Kanye West does it.


On a serious note. Gamers tend to be negative and impatient otherwise we'd have other hobbies. Gamers are also very passionate about their hobbies much like anyone and either fear change, don't like it or in my case have a pessimistic attitude towards it due to past experience.

This is a business, not a charity. If it wasn't making money it wouldn't exist.  Sometimes you have to push your passion aside as an artist and collect a paycheck. Sometimes when you're really lucky you get to have both at the same time but you don't just quit cuz someone said something mean.

Even though a lot of posts could be seen to have a negative tone to them. Most are still constructive in a way. They complain about something then offer what they think is a solution. That's a helluva lot better than many other communities I've seen. In the grand scale I'd say Warframe has one of the best communities since the 2000's. Nothing can beat those 90's communities but that was a different internet.

I wanted to make video games since I was 5. Instead I'm a part time DM and Chef. How the hell that happened I have no idea but at least I still get to create stuff for other people to enjoy.

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I say "Do what you want."

If you live your life letting other people dictate what you do/don't do, I think you will find your happiness diminished.

Who cares if someone else doesn't like it? There's likely just as many if not more that do like it ... and, ultimately, whether or not you like it is what truly matters.

Edited by Sebrent
Fixed "dictiate" to "dictate"
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Wait lets not get carried away. The majority of us share just as much passion for warframe as they do. Now as far critism you can expect that EVERYWHERE. My mom still criticizes me to finally settle down & get married.

I've yet to see someone say "I hate De, F De, De Sucks." But I have seen a majority of people share why a system isn't working & provide a solution. On multiple occasions I've actually seen DE change something because the community spoke up. 

This community is small but I swear it's the best.. Oh yeah & you should still follow your dreams no matter what!

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People give the game devs crap, but continue playing said game nonetheless, people just like to *@##$ and moan about everything whenever they are not talking face to face (I work in customer service, trust me on this). The internet and indirect communication has changed people (or perhaps we were always like this?). Our only name is a witty username, our face an avatar out of a predetermined set. We rest comfortably cloaked behind our safety blanket of anonymity that allows us to live in a world with few, if any, consequences for our actions. At the same time, the impersonal format of the internet renders our most human methods of communication null, leaving us unable to accurately express ourselves and understand others. Videogame communities are not all bad though. Once you filter out those who unapologetically lambaste the devs, most people are sincere and passionate. You see that here a lot.

Also, the designers are not the ones facing the public. Community moderators and the like deal with the community. Furthermore, as a designer/artist/'videogame engineer' all decisions are made higher up by the core development team or even higher. Until you get higher up you'll be given various degrees of marching orders. The biggest issue you'll most likely face will be terrible management and unenthusiastic managers. You are more or less protected until you get to the point where you have the final ok on things.

I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but I will say that it shouldn't be as bad as you think.

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The world needs housewife to but do it because you want to, not because your afraid to try.  


I'm extremely blessed because my wife made the choice to stay home and take care of the kids / house.  We split responsibility and I love her more because of it.  


There is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom but make sure your doing it for the right reasons or everyone, including the kids will pick up on it.  


One more thing, housewives have to deal with jerks to.  Jerks at the schools, jerks in traffic, heck, there are jerks everywhere.  It's a prerequisite for living. 



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18 hours ago, Brendael said:

That is one way of looking at it. The other way is to look at all the passionate feedback (Both positive and negative.) and realize that what you have made *matters* to people. And it matters enough that they have put time and effort into discussing what you have created.

That's what people seem to forget. There are many games I hate, that's why I'm don't play them let alone make a forum account.

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