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What have you named your Kubrows and Kavats?


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Huras: Ghost, as he looks like the Dire Wolf in GoT of John Snow

Chesa: Sejuani, the LoL Character. Going to sell her when i ever get a decent looking one of this breed again. New one will be Hati or Skalli.

Sahasa: Ragnarok, because why not. He is a beast.

Sunika: About to breed, will be named Skalli or Hati (North Mythology)

Smeeta: Trick, because he tricks the enemys.

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11 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

I named some after irl pets BUT those I got from friends' imprints I name in a cutesy twisted version of their name

I am glad I didn't name my Kavats after my cat in real life.


She passed away just yesterday and I get hit in the feels all too easily. :3

Edited by NativeKiller
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i have been trying to adhere to mythology type names or cool things in Latin. like my Sunika is Hephaestus, and i have a Raksa named Aegis. then there is my Chessa named Ferre Canis (latin for Fetch Dog) haha

and then the abominations i made are Bloorp and Blip

Edited by (PS4)Elctrcstel
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The only Kubrow I kept is named LotusBud. She was such a cute little lotus baby, then she grew tall as Frost Prime. Jesus.

My two Kavats are named Tethys and Rhea. I'm probably only keeping Tethys, but I do want an Adarza Kavat.


As for why; LotusBud because she was a little lotus bud, tiny and cute. Tethys because I really like that name, Rhea for similar reasons. My Adarza will likely be named either Rhea or Phoebe, or even Theia. I like my Grecian names.


Might stray from this and do some more conventional ones, like shadow, spot, operaglove, etc. Who knows OuO

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