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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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- Ash's Bladestorm: it's gonna get a rework. Why even mention it? They. Know. They're on it. Moving on, and so should you.

- Soundquake Banshee. The energy consumption is quite high, and she's made of paper. I don't see anything wrong with the ability since the warframe has major downsides. Hell, how many Banshees do you see running around outside sorties/Draco-ey stuff? (was it Bere? IDK anymore). If you want to make interceptions/defense challenging, go solo. I'm having fun doing it at times. Making SQ LoS would not make much sense as it's a sound based ability.


- WoF Ember: I know it has been said once or twice, but really? Are you really being serious about it? Do you remember how ember was before her 4th became a channeling ability? You don't. Cause you weren't here. I can assure you, she's in a right spot now. Not OP, not useless. Just ok for low-mid tier missions. The only problem I have with it and which has been mentionned before is that some unbrained ember players can't seem to slow down in a fissure extermination with a limited numbr of ennemies. Easily fixed: make fissures keep spawning once the last ennemy is killed.


- Synoid Simulor: No comment. I just hope they don't nerf HoM again.

Edited by Schtredeye
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Bladestorm as said is on list of reworks.

Sound Quake? Banshee is rarely seen and its her defacto worse ability... why nerf it? Shes vulnerable during it and is squishy.

World on Fire... also rubbish given it low viability for damage late game. Most use it with augment for CC instead. Issue is it makes early missions a formality but alas you cant nerf damage... maybe energy cost.

Synoid Simulor... ugh. Mirage with this is the most braindead combo in the game. At least the other three mentioned are ults unlike Mirage proccing it with her clones all day every day killing everything and pulling loot into inconvient places willy nilly. Its the most over abused combo in the game - up there with draco peacemaker days.

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On 9/3/2016 at 1:02 PM, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I play this game for a while, and this stuff is the worse in the game.


- Bladestorm: will be reworked, i hope very soon. All the baby spam ninjas will move on. I don't hate Ash at all (nice frame), just who spam for play. 

- Sound Quake: after this ability is active, the player can go in bath. Have no sense to exist, like an auto pilot. When i see a Banshee in interception, i already know how it end. Yawn ! 

- World on Fire: really too powerful. The worse in on exterminations; it become run from A to B. Another boring situation.

- Synoid Simulor: really? :O I can't believe it still around all this time. Please DE, limit the bubbles active at the same moment; shot another and delete the first. 10 bubble max. Let people use it like the Torid... with some brain effort. Plus it counter nullifier much better then other weapons. All the bubbles make a visual mess, especially in dark mission; sometimes i have to play looking only the mini map.


The best is to encounter an Ash Prime with the Synoid Simulor, in sortie with Radiation Hazard  ಠ_ಠ


P.S: i don't like "please fix" threads, but after 200 login days, my patience start to fall.

Just stop playing, we dont need whining "B" like you.

Real Tenno never complain !

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8 hours ago, Mardana said:

Uhh, please don't forget that Simulor can't kill everything that is too far away, you still have to search and destroy any stuck or hidden enemies in Defense and Intercept missions. Simpy magnetic damage can't kill all enemy types, you need to mod it with other element mods to make it killing enemies effective, that is, the way you call as problems are people who spent time and efforts to get and fuse.

You can't tell those people who reach MR 12 and grind tons of synidcate standings go f themselves because they fianlly got weapons they want and make the game completion easier and faster. 

and that is why this is a conflict simulor itself is kinda fine but paired with mirage is broken  , so the most sensible solution would be to make her clone simulors not stack 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Skode said:

Bladestorm as said is on list of reworks.

Sound Quake? Banshee is rarely seen and its her defacto worse ability... why nerf it? Shes vulnerable during it and is squishy.

World on Fire... also rubbish given it low viability for damage late game. Most use it with augment for CC instead. Issue is it makes early missions a formality but alas you cant nerf damage... maybe energy cost.

Synoid Simulor... ugh. Mirage with this is the most braindead combo in the game. At least the other three mentioned are ults unlike Mirage proccing it with her clones all day every day killing everything and pulling loot into inconvient places willy nilly. Its the most over abused combo in the game - up there with draco peacemaker days.

this pretty much 


and i ll add that banshee's  ability is a bit like ember's   at high levels  it is more of a CC tool than actual damage 

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45 minutes ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

Then, in one location there are 3 balls of death... seems like a buff imo

nah basically make only mirage's simulor create vortexes and make clone simulors shoot  just pellets   with increased projectile speed or something that simply  do not stack into vortexes 


the problem with mirage is that simulor synergizes too well because

normally mirage clones   deal greatly lower damage  but due to how simulor works sure the normal pellets themself do not do much damage but  the vortex counts as part as mirage's base simulor so  each stack explosion deals full damage each time 

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oh no, another one of these threads, was wondering when it would pop up.

- Ash is already getting reworked, DE are on it. best thing you can so is wait like the rest of us. I have a feeling that the rework will go mostly well, but there will be some sort of hidden downside we'll discover later that annoys us. but then we'll get over it and move on as we always do.

- Resonating Quake was a much needed augment for a frame who is excellent at buffing squadmates, but not so good at larger scale CC. sound Quake was just as underused as Sonic boom, and even now Banshee is usually only ever seen using her 2 or 3. plus she's still rooted to the spot making her an easy target for snipers if they get close before the quake gets going, and we all know how squishy Banshee is.

- World on Fire decimates lower level mobs, but heat damage doesn't scale that well against tougher enemies, unless you use accelerant as well, which is really going to eat up your energy and you'll eventually reach a point where WoF with Accelerant still won't do much. the Augment helps make it a CC skill, but the only mobs truly vulnerable to fire are infested, and they have Ancients to help counter it.

- Mirage with a Synoid Simulor is the only one I can get behind. easiest solution is to remove the extra projectiles, or have them detonate immediately so that only the "real" Mirage's projectile can stay, while still allowing for effective close range firepower. plus it's the only thing most Metaheads will use her for since the Prism Blind nerf.

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The main problem is that I often see all these in low level missions (might wanna add the Tonkor to the list btw), where they take any semblance of challenge, and as such, fun, out of them for everybody (be it rookies learning the ropes or veterans mucking about with alternate builds or weapons). I mean I go there to Forma stuff or help rookies, not stand around yawning while someone overcompensates for his real life...shortcomings...

I mean, (I ran into an Ash Prime with a Tonkor in that Excavation on Earth once, predictably he quit as soon as things started getting somewhat interesting. And it's not like he wasn't using them (which I could understand, I often bring a "heavy hitting" other weapon in case I end up in a group that actually keeps going in endless missions, alas, I don't often get to use it.

Arguably the problem is the players but yeah, since the players can't likely be "fixed" you can hardly blame those affected for looking to other solutions...

The fact that I've learned to deal with it doesn't mean I wouldn't love for this long-standing balance issue (I mean it's not exactly a new problem, just the gear that's complained about tends to change) to be solved in a good way.

Edited by marelooke
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i cant speak much for world on fire or sound quake as its been a very long time since i played either ember or banshee, but i can tell you why you see a lot of bladestorming ashes.

Bladestorm deals FINISHER damage meaning it bypasses shields and armour.
yes, there are other abilites that deal finisher damage, but they either deal very little damage (undertow and energy vampire), they are negatively affected by loss of duration and therefore are very limited in use (tentacle swarm), or they are limited to dealing finisher damage to a single target (hysteria's finishing attack)

so given the fact that bladestorm isn't affected by duration, allowing you to reduce its energy cost to 25, its a no-brainer that for the team-member responsible for raw damage against grineer and corpus, ash is a no-brainer.

being bladestormed by an ash in a radiation sortie is flipping hilarious though

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5 hours ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

Then, in one location there are 3 balls of death... seems like a buff imo

If you make Mirage's balls separate from the clones', damage would be less. Clones are suppposed to deal less damage, like less than half of Mirage's damage. Only problem I see is more clutter, but a VFX tweak can fix that. Please don't forget that HoM was already changed from 4 clones shooting to 2.

Edited by secret9005
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15 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Can you read the title of this thread? If you have an opinion about, just say it. Buit i don't like play your games.

Yep, I did, and your issues are easily solved via playing alone.

Edited by Mardana
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5 hours ago, secret9005 said:

If you make Mirage's balls separate from the clones', damage would be less. Clones are suppposed to deal less damage, like less than half of Mirage's damage. Only problem I see is more clutter, but a VFX tweak can fix that. Please don't forget that HoM was already changed from 4 clones shooting to 2.

Welcome back, was tough we lost you: 


4 hours ago, Mardana said:

Yep, I did, and your issues are easily solved via playing alone.

 Or, not play at all. Keep post your suggestions. We reach 10 pages.

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1.  Lots of frames spam their abilities and I don't get where's the problem , if people have fun doing so why do you want to ruin the game for them just cause YOU are not having fun ? Trinity spams EV , Ash bladestorm , Loki invisibility or disarm , Excal exalted blade or blind , Mirage hall of mirrors , frost snow globe , nova molecular prime...and I could go on...
It simply is the way they are developed, they all have more tricks up to their sleeves but all of them have a skill that makes them be the best at playing their role.

2. You need an augment to make soundquake work like that, it also is  some skill that consumes a ton of energy  and that isn't much powerful itself unless you mod it heavily and sacrifice even more duration and/or efficiency.

3. World on fire....op ? Did you really ever play ember in a level 40/50+ mission ? Unless you use it with its specific knock down mod and spam accelerant it will turn into the most useless skill ever, trust me...and guess why ? Its damage doesn't scale well or doesn't even scale at all .

4. Synoid simulor ? Really ? Really .  
This weapon has been nerfed already in the past and it's only that powerful when used by a mirage...as any weapon would be with hall of mirrors honestly...

I keep not getting why people ask to nerf the other players favourite frames and weapons instead of asking for a buff or rework for theirs....I don't even get why if you really have to ask for a nerf you don't simply ask for a rework of those frames other abilities so that they can be a valid alternative to "spam x button"  . 
Also....even in case that happened...all frames would basically turn into saryn or mag 2.0 where you have to use this skill only to activate this one and then this other one in order to play properly....and many people just do not like playing that way.
You can't force everyone playing by following your rules if they won't have fun.
I always try to be polite...but I swear I'm sick of these "nerf pls" threads myself.

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The Problem with Simulor is that people don't know or care about how it works. I even see Nekros - Simulor loadouts repeatedly.


I have at least three suggestions to make it less annoying and more "idiot-proof":

  • Dim down the luminescence of the vortices so that it is more bearable even with bright energy colors.
  • Don't let the bodies of sucked-in enemies disappear for Nekro's desecrate ability.
  • Don't let the vortex suck in Reactants, energy cells and similar stuff where it stays rotating as a nuisance for the whole team except for the noob not detonating it manually.


Just these three fixes with no nerf included should vastly improve the quality of the gameplay with this weapon and provide a lot less troll potential for the team.



Edited by radastir
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1 minute ago, radastir said:

The Problem with Simulor is that people don't know or care about how it works. I even see Nekros - Simulor loadouts repeatedly.


I have at least three suggestions to make it less annoying and more "idiot-proof":

  • Dim down the luminescence of the vortices so that it is more bearable even with bright energy colors.
  • Don't let the bodies of sucked-in enemies disappear for Nekro's desecrate ability.
  • Don't let the vortex suck in Reactants, energy cells and similar stuff where it stays rotating as a nuisance for the whole team except for the noob not detonating it manually.


Just these three fixes with no nerf included should vastly improve the quality of the gameplay with this weapon and provide a lot less troll potential for the team.



These are great, and always suggested by people but gets completely ignored. All of would indeed make it better, but maybe allowing it to suck up Reactants. Not Power Cells/ Datamass, just Reactants. Just makes it easier to pick them up IMO.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

Welcome back, was tough we lost you: 


 Or, not play at all. Keep post your suggestions. We reach 10 pages.

And what are you doing now? Taunting? So in the end you don't even read at all? Ugh, sick of you this kind of people in the world.


For crying out loud, this is not a game soley for you as well, it's for everyone. No matter what you do, buff or nerf, you will always complain, because someone will take away your job and get it done faster than you in the game. 

Edited by Mardana
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18 hours ago, secret9005 said:

If you make Mirage's balls separate from the clones', damage would be less. Clones are suppposed to deal less damage, like less than half of Mirage's damage. Only problem I see is more clutter, but a VFX tweak can fix that. Please don't forget that HoM was already changed from 4 clones shooting to 2.

Im not forgetting that hall of mirrors was changed im just saying that when there are 3 balls, 1 full damage and 2 less than half damage, thats still more damage and a buff

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2 hours ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

Im not forgetting that hall of mirrors was changed im just saying that when there are 3 balls, 1 full damage and 2 less than half damage, thats still more damage and a buff

Well, it's 3x 100% damage vs 1 + 2*(powerstr * .4)% damage.  At max efficiency it would be slightly less damage but at max power str it would be a ~40% damage increase.  

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