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What damage output do Kavats & Kubrows have compared to the Carrier Prime ?


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I'm not an expert on four legged companions, but I feel like kavats are the best damage dealer. Kubrows can oneshot even high level enemies... in theory. In practice their AI gets them stuck, running in circles and sometimes even stop entirely. I'm reminded of Diablo 2 and its mercenaries (or, as affectionately called by playerbase, morons) and I put my hand on my heart saying that kubrow AI is just as bad as mercenaries' in that sixteen years old game.

Kavats get around their dipS#&$ AI with enhanced agility and mod for attack range. They will outdamage kubrows by simple virtue of actually getting to their target in timely manner.

Sentinels are most reliable attackers (enemy in range = attack), but lack actual damage. With lowest attack range, Carrier will deal the least ammount of damage even with Sweeper Prime. Like other posters, I suggest focusing on elemental procs.

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3 hours ago, TheGoodDarius said:

I think the order is Kubrow, with almost 2000 damage with good chance to crit, Kavat, with lower damage of 400 circa, but a high critical chance and multiplier and then Sweeper Prime, no critical but high status makes it good for CC

Pretty much this. Kubrows hit ridiculously hard once you get bite and maul on there. Kavats are useful (though we console players still have pre nerf smeetas) and deal a moderate amount of damage. I personally don't like sentinels or any of their weapons since the diriga was nerfed and only user carrier and helios when I'm feeling lazy. Which is still pretty often.

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I would consider sentinal damage as more useful damage. Sure Kubrows pack more punch but it's random where they strike and single target only.

Whens the last time an enemy snuck up on you while using worm or carrier? Probably never right?

i use sentinals to watch my back and spread status. The only thing comparable is the kavat crit boost imo but that's buffing my damage and not sure if it counts? I've been using my smeeta about 90% of the time since hatching him but it's certainly not for his direct damage contribution.

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Kavats are more likely to actually attack an enemy than kubrows as they are WAY more aggressive and agile. The kubrow end up derping out alot and so their damage while per hit will dwarf a kavat when moded tanks because theyre stupid. Carrier will be a bit more consistent but wont have the dmg.

Edited by Echoa
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I know this is about attack power, but you can't really have a discussion about sentinels vs pets without bringing up their respective durabilities.  Regardless of health, armor, and shielding, just the fact you can revive pets and also get Pack Leader to keep them healed up makes them far, FAR hardier than sentinels that will inevitably get blown up and then you're just stuck without a companion.  This means that for longer missions, or even simply high-level missions, a pet is going to serve you better by virtue of actually managing to stick around to deal damage in the first place.


That said, I still use Carrier Prime with Sweeper Prime to help CC around the cryopod and quickly pick up drops between rounds in defense missions, when I play Frost (Prime), since in that case you have a snowglobe to halt incoming fire.  And really, that's a situation where I think a sentinel is going to prove more useful than a pet.  Of course, if you're trying to be stealthy then Shade is also going to be your best option over a pet, which might get a bit, ah, enthusiastic, since Shade always shoots in retaliation and never initiates combat.

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depends on a number of factors. assuming you use the Carrier prime with it's intended weapon, the Sweeper Prime, it's damage is pretty good, almost like having someone with a Strun alongside you, but between the animals, I much prefer Kavats now. they seem more aggressive, they can dodge attacks, and best of all, they can completely eliminate armour, which makes fighting Grineer a lot easier. and that's without mentioning Cat's Eye; basically a free Argon Scope for every weapon. I don't have the numbers, but I would definitely feel more comfortable with a Kavat just because it makes my damage greater, and I tend to focus more on utility with my companions anyway.

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