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Lotus, "the Space Mom" not real? MAJOR SPOILERS


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in conclusion: don`t take me too seriously.

Also to actually get to anything worthwhile just skip the first paragraph


 After coming back from a long and relaxing vacation, I was finally reunited my dear potato-grade laptop. To celebrate this I decided to finally play MY FAVORITE GAME again. Then i got salty and stopped playing overwatch. So I opened up warframe instead. After watching a few episodes of bad unboxing the installation of the new update was finally done. I had so many things to explore. Ironically enough no new gameplay other than a quest about scanning flowers for my favourite Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei. But there was a whole new map to explore! The locations where still mostly the same, but the map system was new. And they slightly fixed the void key system. BUT WHATEVER. This isn`t what I`m here to tell you.

You see, they added these cephalon fragments that cointained secret tidbits of lore. NOW, these ordis bits (as I like to call them) didn`t contain any info about the lotus. But they sparked the kindle of the lore engine inside of me. So without hesitation I read all the different codex entries, the stories cephalon neverheardofpersonalspace told us and revisited some older quest (instead of studying for a upcoming test). And this may already be common knowledge among this community unknown to me because I haven`t wasted a lot of time on lore before recently but...

Space mom isn`t a mom at all

She`s a sentient. An everadapting collosal piece of matter with a conscience that among other things used the Tenno to kill the orokin, betray her own kind before or during the old war to protect the tenno and last but not least somehow alters her apperance to be the kind loving "person" that we know so well and even carried us to our little matrix chair. 

NOW, to back up my claim, let`s go over the things we know about out lovely, violet clad, mother of tenno.

First, we know her old/real name is natah. She is the daughter of Hunhow, a sentient, whom she betrayed in order to protect the tenno. In both the natah and second dream quest it`s hinted among other things that she`s damaged by the void so she can`t have "children" of her own. Of course, we don`t know how having children works with sentients. So we basically will end up with more questions asked than we can answer. But lets keep going. I only assume that a sentient only makes other sentiens, so we can rule out the possibility of lotus being "human". We could suspect that she was made out of organic material by hunhow but that wouldn`t make sense why she would be that damaged by the void that she would be unable to have children herself. Also, if hunhow rather made her from organic material she could surely make more, smaller versions of herself and call them her children. 

It`s still unclear what exactly a sentient is, but from the symaris info we get introduced to when the sentients was first presented before the orokin. They reject it saying that it violates their laws, probably the law about not making Artificial intelligence that the ordisbits tells about. The object presented before them adapt, which in turn would make it evolve into something that would be capable of thought, the counter to this which would be that it wouldn`t survive the void. So basically the sentients. When hunhow talks about his pieces he probably means the differents parts of him, Including his fighter sentient drones. The interesting thing here being that a sentient isn`t a single creature, rather than a singular mind controlling a vast number of pieces/drones. It also isnt ever stated that the drones have to be shaped in any specific way. 

So what we see carry us to our fancy gaming chair isn`t THE lotus, but a part of her. Probably a drone, looking the way the lotus wishes us to see her. Not as a hivemind computer called natah, but as a loving motherly figure named the lotus that tucks her little teenage mutant ninja egdelords in if they`ve had a boo-boo.

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Just now, Beggining said:

Yep, using one hand and a head XD


Saw the head as a circle instead. Silly me.

But seriously guys, OP is not saying the Lotus is a sentient. His claiming that like how Hunhow has fragments, what we think is the body of the Lotus might a fragment instead.

Edited by Kaokasalis
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Yes we know she's a sentient because of the Natah quest. No, she's not split into parts like Hunhow is because:

1. No one disassembled her as a major threat as big as Hunhow was.

2. She has no need to break fragments to watch over everything because our warframes likely has neural transmitters that alert her to our every location at all times (which she likely shuts on and off to prevent herself from going insane).

3. We have Ordis watching us at all times as well which takes the remaining portion of surveillance for her which further degrades the need or option to fragment herself.

4. She's a pacifist in her own right by allowing us to perform the dirty jobs as her hand, unlike Hunhow doing everything himself. Which even further reduces the need for her to fragment for anything other than just wanting to because she can.

or, how about 5. As a hidden side effect from void travel (besides her sterilization), she lost the ability to fragment, thus having alternative ways to get things done.

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1 minute ago, jhanX said:

Well sorry for not being interested in the lore before now.


It's all right, we'll all learn from our mistakes :)

Plus the community is mostly helpful, with a little bit of teasing and snarks here and there XD

Edited by Beggining
I ain't afraid of no ghosts
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9 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

I'm still convinced that "The Lotus" is the hat, the woman that is the body/face is just a host of sorts.



True, Natah could be animating Margulis's corpse like a puppet.

Given the Sentient's adaptive abilities though I wouldn't be surprised if Natah could make herself or a part of herself appear human, though.

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44 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

I'm still convinced that "The Lotus" is the headpiece, and that the woman that is the body/face/boobs is just a host of sorts.




32 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

True, Natah could be animating Margulis's corpse like a puppet.

Oh, see, now we're getting into some grotesquely creative ideas. I like this, it's horrifying.

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Just now, (PS4)xxSHEPERDxx said:

Not too far into the game, but where the heck is all this lore even coming from? Is this going to be introduced in regular gameplay, multiplayer only mission content, or just the encyclopedia thing? 

Quests. do Natah, then second dream. that will give u where this conversation is heading thus far. natah is unlocked by clearing a certain planets junction (uranus maybe?)

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