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What's the worst quest theory you've heard?


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6 hours ago, Artek94 said:

I alwayd disliked when people antogonised Lotus.

It was clear from day 1 that she's there for us and us only. I honestly don't know if she even cares about anything else.

cuz you are not my real mommy lotus >_<!! my real family died on the zariman

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I think there was someone on here a while back who had this whole convoluted rationalization for The Second Dream not being canon. 20 or so pages later and he was still trying as hard as he could to ram the square peg of existing Warframe lore into the round hole of his own personal headcanon, but all the people who were trying to explain how personal feelings of butthurt don't actually affect objective reality left about 10 pages in, so the last 10 pages are just people being antagonistic.

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1 hour ago, Dreddeth said:

I think there was someone on here a while back who had this whole convoluted rationalization for The Second Dream not being canon. 20 or so pages later and he was still trying as hard as he could to ram the square peg of existing Warframe lore into the round hole of his own personal headcanon, but all the people who were trying to explain how personal feelings of butthurt don't actually affect objective reality left about 10 pages in, so the last 10 pages are just people being antagonistic.

I remember that thread. He doesn't like the idea of a teen operator controlling killing biomachines, so he tries to convince the community that Second Dream is not canon.

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15 hours ago, Rounpositron said:

She drove a species to extinction.

What species exactly? Humans are still in existence.

15 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

Last I checked the Tenno, Corpus, Grineer, Cephalons, and colonies are what is left of the Orokin empire.

All she did was use us to topple said self serving leaders which caused the collapse, but the humans are still alive and thriving.


14 hours ago, Rounpositron said:

But the Corpus dumped Orokin tech and culture to be safe from Sentients. We took a while before the finally gave the big boot to the Sentients.

By now, they probably evolved. Maybe a little bit, but "a little bit" is a lot, like humans and chimpanzees are so alike but so different.

And the Sentients are back.

They didn't dump Orokin tech, they simply can't use it because they are unable to. They need to actually be related to The Orokin by blood/DNA to use the tech.

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I don't particularly agree with the "lotus is evil" idea cuz really, we gotta give DE more credit than that for creativity.

That being said, I never felt super comfortable about her. Yes yes i know she's saved my life on multiple occasions and she's always looking out for me and she means the best for all of us and space mom this and space mom that, but she just doesn't sit right with me.

Someone can be a genuinely good person with the best intentions who loves you very much and would break down an entire solar system just to keep you safe, but that doesn't mean i have to trust them.

I'm not super comfortable with her methods mostly. I mean, when i first started playing my first impressions were how i felt really bad for the grineer considering how i was butchering them by the score. Even when they got strong enough to take a shotgun to the face i was still butchering them in a completely one sided fight. It took a few hundred hours of slaughter to completely desensitize me, but i still get some pangs when i kill Kela De Thaym.

TLDR: Lotus is not evil, I don't like working for her, grineer are adorable clone babies, emphasis on the pronoun "I" means it's a fairly biased opinion with very little relevance to established lore

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13 minutes ago, Beggining said:

I think they meant the Orokin, but I see what you mean - the Orokin is an empire, and those in the upper echleons are humans, albeit modified.

Yep, pretty much spot on. Everyone is modified to an extent but still human. The Orokin Empire is what i imagine humanity would be like if it weren't held back by morality and ETC.

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What rustles my jim jams is when people claim after playing the second dream that warframes are nothing more but remote controlled cyborgs.

(Second Dream spoiler)



But like you just played the quest,

And we all know what happened in the climax.

The part where everything seems lost and the stalker has your guy by the throat and is killing them inside the sanctum of your ship....


and then, the climax.

The part where your warframe pulls a sword out of their chest without being connected at all to the Tenno (because they're being strangled to death at the moment).


And Hunhow is going WTF when he realises his previous statement of warframes being lifeless being wrong...



yeah, it's the most important part of the quest (the only reason you are still alive) and you somehow have the audacity to claim that the warframes are just metal puppets dangling on strings.

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Here's my crackpot theory. The war within's "surprise" is us activating the Solar relay to Tau. That's why warframe is going to never be the same and would explain all the delays. They're adding a whole new star system of content. Which explains why Steve casually mentioned leaving the solar system. Also the new textures are actually for the new planets in Tau. Oh and Umbra frames are the "sentient" version of frames just like primes are "orokin" versions. 

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6 hours ago, Dreddeth said:

I think there was someone on here a while back who had this whole convoluted rationalization for The Second Dream not being canon. 20 or so pages later and he was still trying as hard as he could to ram the square peg of existing Warframe lore into the round hole of his own personal headcanon, but all the people who were trying to explain how personal feelings of butthurt don't actually affect objective reality left about 10 pages in, so the last 10 pages are just people being antagonistic.

I think I know about who you're talking about. The sheer stupidity and ignorance in that thread made me want to commit sudoku.

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2 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

I think I know about who you're talking about. The sheer stupidity and ignorance in that thread made me want to commit sudoku.

I said it before and I'll say it again, if someone feels that strongly about something so firmly established as lore, well, that's what fanfiction is for.

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I've a great theorie to what happened to the war within development:

1) Dev's do a addon, based around whatever and Name it "War within" (probaply just a new pvp mode)

2) Players go like "yea man war within teshin is stalker you bet your mom!"

3) Dev sees this. Thinks "ok if this is what the players want. Scrap the addon, we are doing it from the scratch, teshin is stalker!

4) Players go like "uuuuh teshin stalker not original saw it in star warz lulz. Lotus is truez evil!"

5) Dev sees this. Thinks "ok if this is what the players want. Scrap the addon, we are doing it from the scratch, lotus is stalker!

[Continue this for: Lotus is the head, Lotus is margulis, we are the stalker and so on]

... and now Dev is looking at this thread, wheeping tears, because basicly any idea they had for TWW is thrown aside as a "bad theorie". And so the war within truely is a war within warframe: Dev's VS Players.

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13 hours ago, Dreddeth said:

I think there was someone on here a while back who had this whole convoluted rationalization for The Second Dream not being canon. 20 or so pages later and he was still trying as hard as he could to ram the square peg of existing Warframe lore into the round hole of his own personal headcanon, but all the people who were trying to explain how personal feelings of butthurt don't actually affect objective reality left about 10 pages in, so the last 10 pages are just people being antagonistic.

There was also someone that didn't like that and suggested a quest where we travel back in time to change the past and make us control the frames from inside the frame and not via transference. 

He/She argued for 17 pages how that would not be a retcon and ignored all the paradoxes and plotholes this would cause. 


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.... Is it really so absurd to think that the personality of the Lotus - as we know her - is implemented in the Helmet/hat? Or inside whatever the hat is connected to?


45 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

There was also someone that didn't like that and suggested a quest where we travel back in time to change the past and make us control the frames from inside the frame and not via transference. 

He/She argued for 17 pages how that would not be a retcon and ignored all the paradoxes and plotholes this would cause. 



That's from the people who hate the Tenno kids with a passion. And I can somehow understand them.

Sure the outcome of tSD blew my mind.... but .... It's kinda too weird for my taste. Don't wanna know how many people ragequit WF back then because their headcanon was ruined.



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13 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Anything to do with the Lotus being secretly weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil.



Seriously, can you not come up with something more original than "Your video game mentor character is secretly evil"? Also, the mental gymnastics which always accompany it are just weird.

Yeees you're kinda right...

But her need for "balance" does indeed seem a bit...morbid.

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oh , i completle forgot to write the theory in my last post :

the worst theory i read was about a third dream shortly after second dream droped. 

first dream beeing about warframe

second about beeing the tenno

third about beeing the syndana that controlls the tenno wich controls the warframe....



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