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The Vacuum Within 


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1 minute ago, Manticore84 said:

Lol about how im seeing players that usually never comment on threads but with 1-6 posts total but take their vaccuum ability away and everyone will ask for more sanity about the update XD

usually there is no real point in posting anyway. devs do whatever they want, call it a WIP and feature is 'finished' - along comes the next thing we didn't really ask for...

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21 minutes ago, War-Zone said:

I just can't understand DE's logic with the vacuum nerf. The range is so short there's almost no point in having it. 80% of players used the carrier for a reason and DE's answer is to cut the range in half for everyone?

The clear answer the community was looking for was to just add the carriers vacuum ability to all pets as is not at half range. This is adding yet another penalty for penalties sake. Seriously, what is DE's problem with players picking up loot with the vacuum? Did it somehow become taboo or something?

Was it such a horrible request by the community? or was it's popularity just screaming for a nerf to DE's ears? This just feels like they said "okay we'll add the vacuum to all sentinels for you, but you're going to pay for it". All this just so we can use the other useless sentinels like the Djinn?

I know they said they will be watching our feedback and will adjust accordingly or whatever but we have quite a few systems in the game that just sit there untouched, waiting for an update. This will probably be another one.

...DITTO...my thoughts as well :thumbsup: 

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No more "Pick Carrier, Yes or Yes".


Even though I no longer need resources, For me Vacuum was so necessary because: I use Ammo Mutation mods on a lot of my weapons, needed energy orbs, Life Support hunting without it is a nightmare, Gotta get that Endo, etc.


It's Sad the range is only 6m instead of the ~10-12m it was though, Come ooooon! Oh, come ooooon!


In the other hand, We do need this on Kubrow and Kavat also, I personally haven't used my Kavat after the Endo orbs drop, it was hard to decide but Carrier ended up being the winner xD.


My Kubrow? Well, I don't remember the last time I used those, they are kinda Mehhh, I tried giving them a chance multiple times (6 Formas Sunika), in the end Kavats have way more useful passives and stuff.


I really hope to see Sentinels and their weapons get reworked, pretty much all of them are useless besides Diriga which has quite a bit of damage and range.


Oh! And can we have Sentinels be able to use mods without having us to unequip our weapons because of the mods being used?

*Looking at Helios' Deconstructor... Even though he hasn't used it even once... Because of dis... Yeah... Not even once... ...*

I don't feel like ranking up a 2nd mod for them xD.


Anyways! Thank you DE!


Edited by 0meg4x
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So the vacuum dose not work if it dose the radius is so small you can't notice it, Y not keep the vacuum mod on carrier so that it adds more range so all sentinels can vacuum but the carrier gets extra range from the mod. Of course that would be far to complicated to consider right ?


This update is just a minor distraction to stop ppl, at least for a while, to stop asking them where is the war within and why it is not finished after numerous delays. As we see in politics and many other places, it is but a simple distraction.

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To anyone curious about Ammo Case it gives at maxed rank:

- 25% max ammo.
- Level 3 ammo mutation with a ~3 second delay.
- It gets overridden by other mutation mods.
- Currently doesn't give you ammo over your normal 100% ammo, I assume this is a bug.

So as it is now, it only benefits slower weapons because weapons that really need mutation usually need the primed version of it.

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Other things DE needs to fix:

Always prioritize WORST HOST, fix to prioritize best host!

Titania's inconsistent 1 and 3, (enemies do not consistently get CC'd, literally miss sometime even though im specifically targeting an enemy)
Titania's Ultimate (literally crash into everything cause collision box/Hurtbox is SO huge during Dex Pixia)

Resources/Ayan Stars getting stuck in the wall.

Vacuums range back to 12m cause 6m is literally walking distance for that matter, just to think that DE was gonna have it at 5m is a slap in the face to the Beloved Vacuum mod. 

Void Enemy damage Scaling (level 30-40) missions are extreme, enemy oneshot tenno everywhere, im reviving and getting downed more than 


QOL things:

Ivara's Quiver/Cloak arrow timer should be seen by fellow Tenno who were cloaked by Ivara.

Solo extraction during missions! especially Excavation!


theres more but im so tired at the moment ~_~

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After testing some more, gonna have to say it, but the reduction in vacuum range is really bad, feels like 1/4 of it's previous reach, this update was one step forward two steps back. The range didn't need such a huge downgrade, this isn't a competitive game and vacuum wasn't a feature affecting gameplay balance anyway, but a streamlining feature to smooth out the rough bits, make it less annoying, a QoL feature.

Please just put the radius back to 12m.

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The changes to Carrier don't really bug me all that much - the range nerf is annoying, sure, but I can deal with that in light of the ammo changes. After crunching the numbers, it might be high time to dust the old Khom off for a bit.

Giving us a new weapon for a type that is barely used, that synergizes with a Sentinel that's used even less than machetes? I doubt that's going to help, fellas.

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Jesus Christ, the new vacuum range is so ATROCIOUS that it barely feels we have vacuum.

DE please, the vacuum range is a SPHERE, where the sentinel FLOATS ABOUT THE GROUND, so the actual range for picking up items at your feet is basically the same as walking over them.

And that machete feels out of place, like you guys made it have synergy with Djinn only so people actually use it and you guys can go 'look, the Djinn usage went from less than 1% to around 5%! The new vacuum is just fine, we are not talking about this again for several years like most of the stuff in the game'

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Here's the math for anyone curious:

The vacuum effect is a sphere centered on the sentinel.

Previously, the radius was 12m maximum. This means it had an approximate volume of 7,238 units, not counting where this sphere intersected with the floor (it hovers 2m above the floor, jsyk). That range matters, since you can still bullet-jump over pickups and have Carrier suck them in.

Now, the radius is 5m. That means the approximate volume is now 524 units, not accounting (again) for the amount clipping into the floor.

"But Noka, why does it work this way?"

The volume of a sphere involves an exponential increase in area covered, by a power of 3. That's because you aren't just adding a concrete, 1 dimensional addition - you're adding what is basically a cut in 3 directions, and then multiplying that times pi to achieve the sphere.

So, ultimately, the reason this sucks is that it isn't, as your brain tells you, a 50% decrease. When you compare the numbers by dividing 524 by 7,238, you get the number .0732. In other words, the effective percentage is that 524 is 7.32% of 7,238.

It isn't a 50% decrease in area covered, but a 92.68% decrease. That's why this really hurts when compared to Carrier Original Flavor: if you wanted to get rid of the buff, then skim it off and take the hit, devs. But this is a seriously "I want it to look better than it ACTUALLY IS" solution.


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there was a reason 80% of people used Carrier, that's because this game is called WARFRAME, not PICK-STUFF-UP-FRAME.
the player's preference for Carrier shows that this simple mod called Vacuum took away the annoying need to find items and pick them up.

Taking this away from people doesn't make any sense.

Having a smaller range for the other Sentinels was a great idea, taking away Carrier's original range was not.

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So I have done some syndicate missions with the new vaccum and I have to say it is in a really bad place.  I keep having to turn around and jump upward awkwardly trying repeatedly to suck up loot.  Missions feel really slow now.  It wouldn't be an issue if we didn't need to habitually hoard every resource in case the next new thing needs several hundred thousand of something though.

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Theyre  going to complain DE, Alot, because they have to walk a few extra steps to pick up loot. They're going to ignore the versitility it brings, the choices it allows. Please don't listen to them DE...Please.

Vacuum is working great. I personally see almost no difference at all in picking up loot around me. My first test was with helios, I had scans, loot craates marked on radar, and pickups around me. I would perhaps concede 8m instead of 6m, How ever that's more a comprimise not a requirement. It's wonderful, and I hope you won't change anything at all.

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OK, so solutions:

1: Give all Warframes the 6M passive, this would then give non-sentinel-equipped Warframes the same small vacuum range, then having a sentinel would be +6M, for a decent vacuum.

2: Give use 2 companion slots, 1 Sentinel, 1 Kubrow / Kavaat.

This gives them more reason to be and use

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Nice I for one like not just using Carrier all the time, it woul be nice to use the wide range of sentinals ive got now instead of carrier 24/7. hopefully this goes to Kubrows/Kavats soon as well would make people use them more often.

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