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The Vacuum Within: Universal Vacuum Feedback


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5 minutes ago, Cyandana said:

I fully expected to be flamed. 

+1 WF Community

So literally, a troll post meant to incite a flame war? I think thats against the forum rules actually....


Also who has flamed you already? Ive seen nothing but agreements, besides mine.

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1 minute ago, KrypTic. said:

What? you still are required to equip a sentinel to receive the passive.. it's not a player passive.

Which unless it's changed from when I used it on PC, is almost nonexistent. And, therefore, I'll just NOT use a sentinel and waste xp that I need while I'm formaing all my stuff. It's already useless enough that it still doesn't work on reactant anyhow.

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Just now, DAWGUNITALPHA said:

That's exactly the problem. You don't run all over the map playing the game like normal.

We are playing two different play styles then. I'm constantly back and forth through the map playing normal.  As I said, I've compared a lot of runs where I'm running my kavat, and it's always comparable to what the carriers received, without staring at the floor. 

4 minutes ago, DAWGUNITALPHA said:

Check that screenshot again in my post. I basically have to walk on top of it to get it now.

So we are complaining about having to take a few more steps toward the loot? You said the Ice crack is where it starts to suck it up. Before it was maybe a step or two back from where you are standing..  As I said, My vote is on increasing the range back to normal, but it seems like a lot of people are getting really bent out of shape over something that really isn't that much of a difference. 

As for people not way pointing stuff, That surprises me. For the newest example, stars are getting called out a ton on the runs I've been on.

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Oh I'm definitely pleased with it. Now we can have an ammo mutation mod as well as ammo capacity by using carrier. Which is really nice for certain weapons. Plus the vaccuum on everything else is niceeeee. I see people complaing about the range (being too small). Personally i think its just right. Honestly, so far i think its working better than my carrier was. Carrier may have gotten it further, but with looter, gaurdian, medi ray, (and others) being in the precepts before vaccuum (atleast in my case anyways), there would at many times be loot right in front of me that it wouldnt pick up. Now that its a passive, it doesnt seem to prioritize the precepts, thus vaccuuming up everything while doing what sentinels were ment to do.

Has my Two Tenno Thumbs Up!

Also, for you haters, the same ones of you probably asking for more of a challenge. Well, now that you have to pick up ammo, health, and such, this was a HUGEEEE step in the right direction. (now if a better AI could be implemented, however im not picking on DE with that, as i have never seen a game where AI is capable of copying the actions of a well thought player. Hell, the technology we have in genereal for the most part isnt even capable of it) Name another game out there thats a shooter where you dont have to physically touch/pick up ammo/health/etc!

And people complaing the range isnt far enough... hell, the only time where more range would help you is when its pulling objects through the terrain. Yeah, thats realistic (detect the sarcasm there)

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1 minute ago, HellStorm40k said:

The amount of cry babies in this game is astounding.  

I welcome the universal vacuum, even with it's half radius although I wish the pets would have gotten it too.  Not to mention carrier gives a huge buff now.  The Ammo Stock mod eliminates the need for an ammo mutation on ammo inefficient weapons freeing up a slot for more damage or even a faster reload.  I'm still going to be using Carrier Prime because of this.

Over time you won't even notice the drop in vacuum range, you'll adjust and get used to it.  For the love of god QfQ


there's a difference of crying and being a b*itch about the manor in which content has been delivered, and reasonably asking the dev community to intergrade a new system for it only to have taken one step forward and two steps back.

Please analyse a sensible pov before attacking users for delivering there opinions.. 

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2 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

Yeah, yeah, you right dude, you speak for the majority

Speak with them, at least. A lot of people were unhappy with the initial change proposal, a lot of people are still unhappy. People said what they wanted and DE ignored it.

4 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

YIt's been out for ONE hour and this minuscule nerf is a mountain of TRAGEDY. 

Why is it that you're the one getting so angry and defensive over it, though?

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23 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Most people are just whining instead of taking this time to see why those of us who didn't regularly use Carrier actually chose not to.

You were a minority. And now your "choice" was forced upon everyone else. Same with endless missions. Don't say "whining" - it's rude and ridiculous. And action game shouldn't be about picking loot - that's degeneracy. 

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4 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

So literally, a troll post meant to incite a flame war? I think thats against the forum rules actually....


Also who has flamed you already? Ive seen nothing but agreements, besides mine.

To clarify, I meant that I was surprised I WASNT being flamed. Haha

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1 minute ago, DAWGUNITALPHA said:

Speak with them, at least. A lot of people were unhappy with the initial change proposal, a lot of people are still unhappy. People said what they wanted and DE ignored it.

Why is it that you're the one getting so angry and defensive over it, though?

Angry ? Mh no I am just astonished, i didnt know we could write an entire topic for that. But what the hell.

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Just now, Chipputer said:

Doesn't happen.

I'd be more sympathetic with you people if you actually gave a realistic depiction of what looting is like without Vacuum, but none of you ever do.

"I don't see it so it doesn't happen."

You know. Like loot dropping out of bounds.

Or the fact that there are enough color blind gamers that we have to have new door and locker designs, but nevermind those tiny bits of ammo largely differentiated by the hue of the line through them at range, or the new resource models which aren't much better if anything interferes with their little aura.

In fact, let's go direct. How about the ever popular "drop a waypoint in a rough location and watch people hunt for it" game you saw a lot when Argon was more of a crafting concern. Carrier users never had to play that one, even before precise waypointing.

I'd be more understanding with you people if you showed any indication of having a clue what you were talking about, but none of you ever do.

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1 minute ago, Mutt2679 said:

We are playing two different play styles then.

We must be. I go for the objective and kill anything that gets in my way. I only explore unnecessary rooms when I'm specifically looking for things like syndicate medals.

2 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

So we are complaining about having to take a few more steps toward the loot?

You can boil it down to that, sure. With the previous range I wouldn't have had to get that close to it at all. I wouldn't have had to stop, turn and deliberately walk towards that item to pick it up because my vacuum would have gotten it when I ran past.

4 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

but it seems like a lot of people are getting really bent out of shape over something that really isn't that much of a difference. 

It's very noticeable if you're familiar with the old range.

5 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

As for people not way pointing stuff, That surprises me. For the newest example, stars are getting called out a ton on the runs I've been on.

The stars also have a unique icon that pops up automatically now. They didn't before and sometimes you would get people who wouldn't mark them. I've run into people who didn't mark statues either.

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8 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

Playing literally any other, I repeat, ANY OTHER, FPS or TPS will show that vacuum is an accessory that isn't necessary

Only because in other multiplayer F/TPS games loot does not drop constantly during combat / map traversal, and in a great many it does not drop at all.

Battlefield 4
Ammo is supplied by the support class, supply drops from your commander, or at locations you control (although most players die before ever running out of ammo).
Upgrades are awarded for gaining levels / completing achievements.

Ammo is infinite, you just have to reload.
Upgrades are awarded for gaining levels/bought with daily login rewards.

Loot drops can work, if you're given a set time to go and pick them up, and they aren't spread across the entire map, with a countdown ticking away before you extract, because 2 of the players have everything they want.  Borderlands is a great example of how to do it right.  Kill Enemies > Open loot chests.  Also its maps are pretty much on rails, so you don't have 4 players at opposite ends of the map, spreading the loot out.

Warframe has big levels, long range kills, and fast movement.  We cover a lot of space in the course of a game, and it sucks major balls having to backtrack all over the place just to pick up loot that you didn't pass close enough to on the first pass.


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Onyxflamegod said:

Which unless it's changed from when I used it on PC, is almost nonexistent. And, therefore, I'll just NOT use a sentinel and waste xp that I need while I'm formaing all my stuff. It's already useless enough that it still doesn't work on reactant anyhow.

Okay, that makes more sense from your original statement, though what you're saying is that it's not worth using a sentinel in some cases which doesn't really make sense.. companions gain there own native XP that isn't connected to your equipment or frame.

From the wiki.
Companions gain their own Affinity, similar to Tenno.

Affinity gained by the Companion does not detract from that gained by its owner.

  • 50% Affinity is split between the Companion and its weapon.
  • 100% Affinity to the Companion in the absence of a weapon.


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8 minutes ago, Mutt2679 said:

So we are complaining about having to take a few more steps toward the loot? You said the Ice crack is where it starts to suck it up. Before it was maybe a step or two back from where you are standing..  As I said, My vote is on increasing the range back to normal, but it seems like a lot of people are getting really bent out of shape over something that really isn't that much of a difference. 

Guys stop attacking people on the forums for disliking the tediousness of picking up items. 89% of player DIDN'T LIKE picking up loot manually. End of discussion. Stop complaining that people are lazy. No they're not lazy. Having to manually pick up items in an action game is BAD GAME DESIGN.

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2 minutes ago, polarity said:

Only because in other multiplayer F/TPS games loot does not drop constantly during combat / map traversal, and in a great many it does not drop at all.

In Destiny any valuable loot gets sent to your mail box when you finish a mission automatically. It is a very nice game decision because it really sucks when you're trying to fight a boss and you see a rare item down by his feet and you can't get it because he'd kill you if you did.

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54 minutes ago, Cyandana said:

I do.

The vacuum radius pre-nerf was ridiculously huge, and all but eliminated the core PvE experience of "picking up your loot".

It was too convenient, why use any other companion in a game where farming is most of what we do on a daily basis?

I sure as hell am not interested in wasting time running around to pick things up + paying less attention to killing things when I have auto-loot as an option. ESPECIALLY on a time limit.

The mod with the Simaris Conversion mods turned Carrier from extremely convenient to power creepy as hell, Nekros Prime + Health Conversion + Equilibrium? Lmao.

tl:dr Carrier was making everyone lazy. This nerf is DE's spoonful of medicine, to its playerbase.




There is no core PVP experience of "picking up your loot" name one game that makes you pick up ALL your loot without having no baddies... in this game you loot under fire. That's odd, and not at all representative of most games. The loot system here is also a bad design. WF mods would not drop from our enemies. Neither would Endo (What use do they have for endo that is only used in upping WF mods for WFs they don't have?).

Why do they carry these mods? Why do they drop them? Wouldn't we have to actually take some tools to them to extract any intact mods? Why do some have resources that others don't. If a Grineer on saturn has a orokin cell because he needs it for something, why doesn't a grineer on mercury have orokin cells? do the grineer not have a mail service?

Why can I pick up 1000 mods in the same mission, but i can't pick up any for my team and split them after. If there are REALLY 4 of a mod on the ground why does everyone have to come to the same spot to pick it up if we are say all doing seperate spy vaults?

Why does loot drop into space, or behind unreachable walls?

The game would be more realistic if the lotus gave us rewards at the end of the mission. Or we got just credits and took them to the Mod Broker on the relay and bought WF mods and other supplies. The loot system is the actual problem, having to run over the things in a pitched battle.

Ammo and energy I actually see not wanting vacuum but resources, mods, endo, and bps no. Those "after mission" rewards wouldn't be picked up under fire.

So vacuum is a QOL band aid to a loot system that doesn't mesh well with space ninjas battling hordes of enemies non stop. It is a fix for broken game mechanics where things disappear behind walls and over cliffs. It is a fix for not being able to pick up share loot with friends if they break a crate behind you because they can't grab it for you, nor can they "give you theirs" if they got 2 and you got none in the case of resources, credits, etc. There is no reason to nerf vacuum's range. None. If they don't want us getting stuff that easily reduce the amount of stuff dropped. That is more honest than this. All this does is add tedium. I'm going to get X if really want it, but now I just have to take more time to pick it all up.


Edited by Shockwave-
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2 minutes ago, KrypTic. said:

Okay, that makes more sense from your original statement, though what you're saying is that it's not worth using a sentinel in some cases which doesn't really make sense.. companions gain there own native XP that isn't connected to your equipment or frame.

From the wiki.
Companions gain their own Affinity, similar to Tenno.

Affinity gained by the Companion does not detract from that gained by its owner.

  • 50% Affinity is split between the Companion and its weapon.
  • 100% Affinity to the Companion in the absence of a weapon.


I've always taken that to apply to its own xp from its own kills. I thought shared xp from other players still calculated it in as a loss. Regardless, I'd rather not see some floating rock chasing me around if it's not gonna do anything but get progressively more useless and situational via updates. Anything I want to scan I can scan with my hammer anyhow unless they make helios scan synthesis targets, and do so reliably..

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