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Yet another Oberon rework..


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Oberon rework idea, I always thought him as a druid/shaman type of character, with nature as his "theme", so here is my ideal Oberon.

I prefer keeping the passive,but my idea is giving him completely new powers, something like this:

1. Sharp plants, 25 energy - Grows a circle of sharp energy plants around the caster.

Level 1: Diameter of circle is 5 meters, plants do 40 slash damage to any enemy walking over them.
Level 2: Diameter of circle is 10 meters, plants do 45 slash damage to any enemy walking over them.
Level 3: Diameter of circle is 15 meters, plants do 50 slash damage to any enemy walking over them.

-Only one circle can be on ground at once. The plants slowly get back under ground, and are completely down after 10 seconds.

-Two-handed cast, cast time 1 second.

-Damage is affected by power strenght mods.
-Cost is affected by power efficiency mods.
-Size of circle is affected by power range mods.

2. Wild Growth, 50 energy - Energy roots grow from ground, holding enemies still.

Level 1: Roots hold 3 enemies and last for 4 seconds
Level 2: Roots hold 5 enemies and last for 6 seconds
Level 3: Roots hold 7 enemies and last for 8 seconds

-Roots will hold bosses, but the hold time is halved.
-Roots cannot target airborne targets.

-One-handed cast.

-Hold time is affected by power duration mods.
-Power cost is affected by power efficiency mods.

3. Steal Life, 75 energy - Allies in range can steal enemies' lifepower.

Level 1: Allies in 20 meters range steal 25 health from killed enemy.
Level 2: Allies in 25 meters range steal 25 health from killed enemy.
Level 3: Allies in 30 meters range steal 25 health from killed enemy.

-Power will also affect companions and Sentinels. 

-One-handed cast.

-Power range is affected by power range mods.
-Power cost is affected by power efficiency mods.

4. Call of the Wild, 75 energy - Summons 3 Kubrows, protecting their master and attacking anyone threatening him.  Any wild kubrows will also help fight against threats.

Level 1: Summoned Kubrows are level 5, and they attack any enemy 20 meters away from their Master.
Level 2: Summoned Kubrows are level 10, and they attack any enemy 25 meters away from their Master.
Level 3: Summoned Kubrows are level 15, and they attack any enemy 30 meters away from their Master.

-Kubrows will stay beside their master until they die.
-Each wild kubrow joining the "pack" will incerease the summoned kubrows' damage and armor by 10%.

-"two-handed cast", although Oberon only makes a howl similiar to kubrow's. Cast time 2 seconds.

-Power range is affected by power range mods.
-Power cost is affected by power efficiency mods.

So, what do you think? Could this be seen in-game at some point, or is this complete bullS#&$? Do you personally think this idea is good? Leave your thoughts.

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I think Oberon's first and fourth abilities are fine, they have a guaranteed knockdown and radiation proc.  His third ability needs its animation shortened, but is an otherwise good skill.  His second skill is garbage (imo).  Enemies don't live long enough for a DoT skill with such a small AoE to be effective in combat, and squad members don't care about the meager armor buff.

DE would do well to turn his second skill into an AoE squad armor buff, plus affected squad members receive a duration based 5m radiation AoE DoT on their frame.

Radiation.  Radiation for all the things.  It would be glorious.

Probably won't happen though. :sad:

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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Warframe powers are rather mysterious, but I think summoning living creatures is still not within their characteristics. Go and visit the Fan concept Forum, there are many other warframe concepts including plant and druid like, you will see that your ideas probably have already been proposed.

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I kinda found out a way to make him actually kinda tough. 

Use rage to restore power, then use my 3 to keep my health up.

I do wish he got his skills buffed up some so they were deadlier for longer periods of time, along with more armor so he could be the sort of "paladin" type tank hes supposed to be.  As for that passive druid idea...meh, it could change.....he seems to be a sort of hybrid tank type, so maybe a passive group buff to casting speed or something...

150 to 250 armor, maybe....

Also, his heal, make it where it doesnt stop when health reaches 100%, so that it acts as a sort of reactive heal, restoring health for the duration.  Also, speed up the casting time of the skill, along with increase the speed of the balls when healing the group.  Currently, its like trying to get something USPS when casting the heal.....

Press 3.....raise up, slam the hammer down, off goes the heal, then sit back and wait about 5 more seconds until the ball travels like 20 feet to your ally, who by the time it hits is dead....

The carpet, make that thing just plain deadlier, also make it last longer.  It works on Titan, Saturn until about 15 minutes, but even then, its slow killing, but rapid damage.  Make it where its rapid, high damage and stays for awhile.  30 seconds even with 73% efficiency.

The #1, straight up make that thing a bolt of death, double its damage lol.  Then let it splinter off sending those other shots off, dealing 75% the damage of the full one.

#4, let it slam guys down, then explode into small #1 bolts, wrecking everything, bouncing around and being a true ultimate.

Oberon is fun, but he could be much more so.  He feels a little soft at times, even with my little rage+#3 trick...

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That doesn't sound too good to be honest.

His 1 would be even more useless than his current 2 is at the moment. 50 damage is nothing, even if modded with 300% power strenght  that would only be 300 damage.

His 2 is too limited. only 7 enemies, for such a low duration but for such a high cost. 

His 3 would be just a poor man's lifestrike, and too limiting. What if one person hogs all the kills and lets all others without a way to heal themselves? Not only that , but it will barely be used since there are better ways of repleneshing life. 

His 4 would just be a weaker Shadows of the Dead. That wild kubrow synergy is practically useless since so few places actually have wild kubrows. 


What Oberon needs in his rework is something that gives him an identity, not be a jack of all trades master of none. 

Edited by aligatorno
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The halloweed ground the only ability on oberon what could be better and mobile ability like an aura instead of a static ability. The first is almost okay with the cc and damage dealing the fourth ability is just like mag crush ability and have chance to give orbs so not that bad.

The healing ability is not bad overall most of the times the argument is the healing rate, distance and this ability is not instant heal like trinity/equinox heal.

I think that it is fine on this way it is maybe the travell time could be reduced or just removed and then it is a nice ability then they can rework the trinity instant healing to something normal then adding to her some ability instead of her first.


On stat I would just suggest some more shield and hp as base his armor is okay maybe up to 200 but all other frame needs this treatement mostly the 15-50-65 armored frames.

100 should be the minimum otherwise no real reason to use steel fiber and some frame need to be more tankier.

Also adding resistances to each frame all of kind of resistances.

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37 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

That's an entirely new frame.


Oberon may need a slight tweak but that's an overhaul into something entirely different. 



I agree. That isnt Oberon anymore. Oberon is the king of universal abilities. I think the only real thing he needs is a buff to his health, shields, and armor, along with a change to his second ability. His first is in a good place, his third could use a small buff to the travel time, and his fourth could use a damage recalculation so that its straight radiation, or impact. Preferably radiation. His second needs to be looked at and evaluated heavily, due to the game no longer being as slow as it was when Oberon initially came out. 



....I also think his Renewal animation needs to be better, but thats just being nitpicky :p


*EDIT* corrected some typos. Darn phone!

Edited by SyberWolfe
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6 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

I prefer equilibrium over rage.

Turn those health orbs into energy, tenno.

Oberons damage is already bad enough.  As it is, I reforma'd him to put in 55% more Power strength at the cost of 120% health and shields. 




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I personally like Brozime's idea for a rework. Is Oberon supposed to be a Paladin or a Druid? Maybe make him one and make a new warframe based around the other half? Even OPs idea seems more like a Druid than a Paladin, I don't really see why he's both.


Edited by Kimimoto
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I found Oberons problem....his spells do the animation but dont do anything half the time.

I been noticing my heal, it goes off, but my health doesnt move, or it is stopped almost instantly the second I take a lick of damage.  Then my #4, yeah, it throws them up then on their face, but despite dealing 2300 damage doesnt deal a single point of damage to a Corrupted or Grineer(which radiation is +75% effective against.....

Yeah, whats with Oberon's skill reg?  It seems pretty shoddy.  So, im stuck casting my heal over and over just to get 100 health, cuz the spell keeps canceling out as soon as I get hit...

If his skills worked for the full duration, Oberon would actually be kinda tough....

Edited by KnightCole
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I think I speak for almost all fans of Oberon when I say this. (Maybe not.) I love Oberon, for the same reasons why many hate him. He doesn't have a single, defined role. He can do practically anything well if you use him well. I can accept people requesting a buff of some sort, although he does not need it, but a full-on overhaul or rework is not something I can accept or agree with. (Also I noticed that Hydroid plays similarly to Oberon. I, at least, end up using the same kind of strategies with both of them, which often involves Ignis, Staticor and Ripkas. I think most people want defined roles, which is fine, but many of us don't.)

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