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Bad culture?


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I noticed in public missions... a lot of players tend to rush to get the most kills and reach the extraction point first... as if there is a reward for that behaviour.

Not sure when it started but I find this 'warframe culture' quite hilarious .

I was in a mission just now and someone keep shooting me with his weapon at the extraction point because I reached there before him. lol

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Warframe missions are a race for most kills and quickest extraction. It's the most efficient way people go about farming stuff, so they're not gonna take their time and loot every nook and cranny when that stuff is minescule compared to the one thing they're working for.

It's just natural.

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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9 minutes ago, kyori said:

I noticed in public missions... a lot of players tend to rush to get the most kills and reach the extraction point first... as if there is a reward for that behaviour.

There is a reward. Faster missions = more missions in the time available, which means more rewards. Also nobody plays alerts and invasions for fun, you play those for the rewards and then play other missions for fun. Alerts and invasions are usually too easy to be fun.


11 minutes ago, kyori said:

I was in a mission just now and someone keep shooting me with his weapon at the extraction point because I reached there before him. lol

Huh? So someone was bored and starting shooting at you. So what? I doubt it meant he was mad, he was probably just amusing himself. I do it too. Lots of people do. sometimes they spam abilities over and over for no reason. It's extraction, who cares?

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5 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Also nobody plays alerts and invasions for fun, you play those for the rewards and then play other missions for fun

Hi, i'm Nobody. I play Alerts and Invasions for fun. I dont need 1000 Plat as reward and Lotus telling me that i was a good boy and that i'm very special to have fun in a Mission. It's not about the Rewards, it's about the way to the reward. Even though im guilty of rushing Missions myself sometimes i still find this behaviour sad, though it doesnt effect me since i play Solo or with Clan people so either way.. yeah :)

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Ahh... forgot to mention... those are also the same type of people who don't wait for others to take the elevator even when the others are just behind him. lol

Yes it is sad... we all know it is about.... ego. Not just saving time to do other things. lol

Also... if want to save time, can do it in solo, why go public and show off and stuffs? Really funny lol


Edited by kyori
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16 minutes ago, Extroah said:

Hi, i'm Nobody. I play Alerts and Invasions for fun. I dont need 1000 Plat as reward and Lotus telling me that i was a good boy and that i'm very special to have fun in a Mission. It's not about the Rewards, it's about the way to the reward. Even though im guilty of rushing Missions myself sometimes i still find this behaviour sad, though it doesnt effect me since i play Solo or with Clan people so either way.. yeah :)

Okay, I meant "most people don't" when I said "nobody." It was an exaggeration. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that literally nobody does. I was just saying that most people find them boring because they are easy. When I want to do a fun mission, I go for more difficult stuff at higher levels, and many many people feel the same way.

If you want to take your time and enjoy alerts, that's totally okay. But you're going to find that most people in public missions won't feel the same way, and the higher the MR the more likely it is they will be moving at mach 10 the entire time.

I like long missions, but I also like moving fast, so survivals are great because I can move fast and kill fast and still stay for a while.

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Just now, Azrael said:

Okay, I meant "most people don't" when I said "nobody." It was an exaggeration. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that literally nobody does. I was just saying that most people find them boring because they are easy. When I want to do a fun mission, I go for more difficult stuff at higher levels, and many many people feel the same way.

If you want to take your time and enjoy alerts, that's totally okay. But you're going to find that most people in public missions won't feel the same way, and the higher the MR the more likely it is they will be moving at mach 10 the entire time.

I like long missions, but I also like moving fast, so survivals are great because I can move fast and kill fast and still stay for a while.

Yeah i agree with that, but that's what i find sad about it, even though i do it myself from time to time. I think that way more people would appreciate the Game more if they would take their time with Missions instead of rushing through them with just the Reward in mind. But yeah, survivals are awesome and i hope that they get expanded in the future. :D

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I don't know why people promote the idea that rushing is good. "it doesn't do any good to take your time and loot"? really now, in the 5 minutes someone rushes a map and makes the bare minimum, I will go to the same map, take my time and loot everything, make 10x more kills, get 10x more resources, credits and experience. I spend an hour on sabotage and come out with dozens of mods, thousands of resources, credits, affinity.

this whole "the game has evolved into a rush game" isn't exactly accurate, its been forced into a rush game, pushed into a rush game, many players insist its all there is, they don't have time, they don't have patience, they don't have---insert what ever here---The problem is, they insist on trying to make everyone else play that way, demand changes to the game that promote and allow them to do that, and in doing so take elements of enjoyable game play from the rest of us. Its why fissures got begged into the passive thing it is now, its why mobs got reduced on maps, its why maps got streamlined and shortened, because DE wants to please people, and unfortunately the people they are pleasing, aren't helping them promote a good game, simply a fast one, that you finish quickly and move on to a new one. These are the people who after they've convinced the developers to make those changes will then come under new names and ids and complain about how terrible the game is, who will find every reason to dissect and tear down any element of enjoyable game play DE writes.

Personally I hope that with the war within update we see Digital Extremes take more control of their game, tell these splinter groups to play the game they write and they themselves don't succumb to the demands of the crowds who want it all to be a rush game we can all hurry up to the end of. Which is all those people want, to hurry it up to the end.

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17 minutes ago, Babellon said:

in the 5 minutes someone rushes a map and makes the bare minimum, I will go to the same map, take my time and loot everything, make 10x more kills, get 10x more resources, credits and experience. I spend an hour on sabotage and come out with dozens of mods, thousands of resources, credits, affinity.

I'm sorry, but there's simply no way that you can get as many credits, resources, and mods by doing a sab mission for an hour, as other players do by playing one of the actual endless missions. I can do an alert in 5 minutes, then spend 55 minutes at hiercon, and get way more endo and credits, and mods and such than that hour long sab.

At the end of the day if rewards are what you want then efficiency is what matters, and alerts simply don't give enough to justify staying longer than needed. If you want to spend a long time for fun, that's fine. But if you want rewards you're going about it inefficiently.

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37 minutes ago, Babellon said:

I don't know why people promote the idea that rushing is good. "it doesn't do any good to take your time and loot"? really now, in the 5 minutes someone rushes a map and makes the bare minimum, I will go to the same map, take my time and loot everything, make 10x more kills, get 10x more resources, credits and experience. I spend an hour on sabotage and come out with dozens of mods, thousands of resources, credits, affinity.

this whole "the game has evolved into a rush game" isn't exactly accurate, its been forced into a rush game, pushed into a rush game, many players insist its all there is, they don't have time, they don't have patience, they don't have---insert what ever here---The problem is, they insist on trying to make everyone else play that way, demand changes to the game that promote and allow them to do that, and in doing so take elements of enjoyable game play from the rest of us. Its why fissures got begged into the passive thing it is now, its why mobs got reduced on maps, its why maps got streamlined and shortened, because DE wants to please people, and unfortunately the people they are pleasing, aren't helping them promote a good game, simply a fast one, that you finish quickly and move on to a new one. These are the people who after they've convinced the developers to make those changes will then come under new names and ids and complain about how terrible the game is, who will find every reason to dissect and tear down any element of enjoyable game play DE writes.

Personally I hope that with the war within update we see Digital Extremes take more control of their game, tell these splinter groups to play the game they write and they themselves don't succumb to the demands of the crowds who want it all to be a rush game we can all hurry up to the end of. Which is all those people want, to hurry it up to the end.

Preach on Brother Tenno!

I think the end of mission results page fuels this type of behavior because everyone wants to be the best..if it was removed or only showed your own statistics missions would slow down a bit.

Edited by (PS4)I420t
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1 minute ago, Azrael said:

I'm sorry, but there's simply no way that you can get as many credits, resources, and mods by doing a sab mission for an hour, as other players do by playing one of the actual endless missions. I can do an alert in 5 minutes, then spend 55 minutes at hiercon, and get way more endo and credits, and mods and such than that hour long sab.

At the end of the day if rewards are what you want then efficiency is what matters, and alerts simply don't give enough to justify staying longer than needed. If you want to spend a long time for fun, that's fine. But if you want rewards you're going about it inefficiently.

how can 5 minutes on any mission type net more than an hour on any mission type?..

the point of my post was this- someone speed runs these missions and insists they get adequate rewards, and I agree you do get adequate rewards for that 5 minutes of time how ever if  you spend more than that 5 minutes doing that mission you will get more. Now I realize that someone will sit down and do math and figure out some average of time versus reward ratio and that'll be their primary basis of judgement. if you and I both do a survival for a set amount of time, I , any person, will have more of those things than you, any person, doing it for less time.

That sabotage can be done very quickly, and yes, you can get some rewards for it. How ever when I come out with 100k credits, 10k nano spores and duplicates of dozens of mods plus 1k kills, 200 headshots, I consider that a much more rewarding experience than 5 minutes 1000 credits, 100 nano spores and a couple of mods. speed is not the be all of the game nor is it the more rewarding, it is simply the faster way to get the minimum.

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3 minutes ago, Babellon said:

how can 5 minutes on any mission type net more than an hour on any mission type?..

It's not a choice between a 5 minute mission and an hour one. it's a choice between an hour of play in multiple missions, and an hour of play in one. That's why I said:


11 minutes ago, Azrael said:

I can do an alert in 5 minutes, then spend 55 minutes at hiercon, and get way more endo and credits, and mods and such than that hour long sab.


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The rewards per time played for fast completion + completion rewards are greater than for taking your time to get every kill, crate and locker.

Also jumping like a ninja > running around.

Although that said, while I may speed-run everything, I won't take the elevator before everyone is in it (except the guy trying to AFK, who hasn't moved since we started).  In fact I'll sit there spamming the button to bring the guy who did right back up.  Ninjas don't need no fricken elevators, when they should be able to just climb up the elevator shaft.

Edited by polarity
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3 minutes ago, Babellon said:

Lets test the theory, I'll do a sabotage for 1 hour, post my results, you do any mission for 5 minutes and let's look at the results. sound good? I love experimentation.

Make it one of those sabotage missions where the ship explodes after you sabotage the reactor ;)  Can't believe the number of people who pay no attention to the mission objectives that are shown on screen.

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3 minutes ago, Babellon said:

Lets test the theory, I'll do a sabotage for 1 hour, post my results, you do any mission for 5 minutes and let's look at the results. sound good? I love experimentation.

First make sure to read what I actually wrote, which I have posted twice and clarified once. Here, I will post it for a third time, just to be super helpful.


6 minutes ago, Azrael said:
  11 minutes ago, Azrael said:

I can do an alert in 5 minutes, then spend 55 minutes at hiercon, and get way more endo and credits, and mods and such than that hour long sab.


6 minutes ago, Azrael said:

It's not a choice between a 5 minute mission and an hour one. it's a choice between an hour of play in multiple missions, and an hour of play in one.


See? Please actually read these comments this time.

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Just now, Azrael said:

First make sure to read what I actually wrote, which I have posted twice and clarified once. Here, I will post it for a third time, just to be super helpful.




See? Please actually read these comments this time.

I hear ya, you do an hour worth of 5 minute missions, and I will do one mission for an hour, that is after all the question. I'm simply curious to see the theory in action.

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10 minutes ago, Babellon said:

That sabotage can be done very quickly, and yes, you can get some rewards for it. How ever when I come out with 100k credits, 10k nano spores and duplicates of dozens of mods plus 1k kills, 200 headshots, I consider that a much more rewarding experience than 5 minutes 1000 credits, 100 nano spores and a couple of mods. speed is not the be all of the game nor is it the more rewarding, it is simply the faster way to get the minimum.

Doing lots of missions quickly lets you farm quickly for what you actually need, instead of farming everything slowly. For instance, if I want 100k credits, it's much faster to do four 5-minute Dark Sector defense runs.

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