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Shield Charger: Why Even Bother With 60+ Shield?


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8 hours ago, Darthmufin said:

what are you even talking about? Oh right, you didn't even read my first post like most people on the forums now. 60 as in THE MOD GIVES FRAMES WITH 100 BASE ENERGY 60 SHIELD WHICH IS ALSO 60% of 100. 

Now i realize that that silly comment NinthAria meant. 


Funny, in your first post you speak of 120 shield bonus on a frame with 300 shield, i.e. you can't read to see what's written on the mod in the first place and most certainly can't manage something as simple as percentage calculations... I wonder, how much are 60% out of 300? 120? If you miserably failed in school - maybe...

Go troll somewhere else, it's obvious you have nothing to say here...

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On 10/21/2016 at 10:42 PM, Azrael said:

You wrote the op as if the mod only ever gives 60 shields. Not all frames have only 100 base shields.

No i didn't, i said specifically "A WARFRAME WITH 300 SHIELDS AT MAX" sorry i didn't list every single frame and told you how much shield they gave you. smh. 

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On 10/22/2016 at 7:00 AM, Naskoni said:


Funny, in your first post you speak of 120 shield bonus on a frame with 300 shield, i.e. you can't read to see what's written on the mod in the first place and most certainly can't manage something as simple as percentage calculations... I wonder, how much are 60% out of 300? 120? If you miserably failed in school - maybe...

Go troll somewhere else, it's obvious you have nothing to say here...

it was nerfed, duh. It gave vauban prime (100 shields unranked, 300 shields max rank) 120 shields when it first came out which was wrong, DE fixed it so it gave him 60 shield as it was supposed to because what is 60% of 100? correct, 60 shield. 

Also doesn't this constitute a ban or warning by a mod? Sounds pretty mean to me. 

Edited by Darthmufin
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On 10/22/2016 at 2:46 PM, low1991 said:


Is the 60% based on base shield (rank 0) or current rank' shield (after shield mods)?

I do know, (unless wrong), current redirection mod are additional % based on rank 0' shield.

it goes off of your unranked shield stats. if the warframe has 300 shields at rank 30, it has 100 at base, so 60 shield added. 

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Yep, its pretty much a far worse version of a Shield Osprey.

At least the Osprey give 200 flat shields while you are around it, so even Inaros and Valk can benefit from it, while this mod only gives 60% absolute base shields (before ranks and mods) for lame 10 seconds. Even worse that it has a 30 second cooldown and makes the Sentinel unable to use other precepts while charging your shields (other than Vacuum, I think)

You are far better with just buying Ospreys from Suda tha wasting a mod slot with this. I was actually amazed when they 'fixed' it, because it was giving 120% shields instead of 60%. If you do want to spend a slot on shield boosting, just use Guardian.

There is also the fact that modding for shields is pretty much useless for now, since there is no shield gating and shields dont benefit from armor rating.

Remove the time limit, let the player keep the shield as overshields and either increase the boost to 60% of total shields or 200 + 200% of base shields, and you have a good mod. I have to remember that this is a 'rare' mod, and I do mean RARE, since you have to get the robotic Index team (33%), then have them drop a mod (2%) and that mod has to be the rare one (8%).

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The fact it is based on base shields makes this mod hot garbage. 


DE, this is incredibly disappointing and you need to buff the hell out of this mod. The dev team should know full well by know how much health is valued over shields in this game and why. And the devs say they want to make steps to make shields more useful... and then they give us mods like this that are overbalanced so bad they are pretty much a waste of a slot. 

You want us to use shields/focus on them some/more/etc? Then give us mods that actually are useful. Give us mods that change shield recharge delay like in Borderlands. Even if shields in general were more useful, the fact we can't even change the recharge delay means no one is going to equip a recharge speed mod, for example. The way shields in this game are done are a mess, and this mod just makes things worse. 

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Well, I don't know where else to post this, but where actually comes the overshield buff from that mod?

Don't get me wrong, I know that most of you will say "The Warframe, of cause" but I don't get the 60% of it.

My Nekros has around 1000 shield with mods. without, he has 450 (Prime, btw)

My Sentinel has 100.

How much overshield do I get with that mod? 60.

This is freaking confusing for me. Anyone else that expirienced that?

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1 hour ago, Lucex said:

Well, I don't know where else to post this, but where actually comes the overshield buff from that mod?

Don't get me wrong, I know that most of you will say "The Warframe, of cause" but I don't get the 60% of it.

My Nekros has around 1000 shield with mods. without, he has 450 (Prime, btw)

My Sentinel has 100.

How much overshield do I get with that mod? 60.

This is freaking confusing for me. Anyone else that expirienced that?

the shield charger , 60% is on ur base unrank, 0 shield of 100.

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3 hours ago, low1991 said:

the shield charger , 60% is on ur base unrank, 0 shield of 100.

Dude, sry but I don't understand what you just said. Or wanted me to tell.

Shield Charger, yes. 60% on my base unrank, okay? 0 shield of 100, what?


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