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Sorties / High Level missions and constantly reviving players


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i dont understand the meaning of this thread, i play save, means, i dont die mostly because i use my frames as balanced as possible, i dont spam and i dont play with spammers, rushers etc., i rarely meet them

i use all my weapons and all possibillities which are given in a game, everything else is "useless" and i dont care about whatever rushers, op-dreamers focused on one skill etc

those people need help on their hormons as well as its never too late to grow up in all directions, even at internetgaming

thats all ...

drugs are crap, people take away clearness by themselves and go stuck in ideas and useless dreams

and, i like good teamplay, and even that is possible in spontaneous jumps in whatever mission with whatever "strangers" ... there exist a style to play which motivates others to play the game in all directions with everything which is given ...

diversity over useless OP-banality ^^)))))))))

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15 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

What's with the "ranked" thing?

Personally, if it's becoming a real problem I'll stop rezzing, otherwise I always rez. Unless you let me die. Then, you're on your own. But I rarely die in sorties (ocne or twice is fine for casting frames, imo. Especially if they make up for it by using their abilities while alive.)

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1 hour ago, Chipputer said:

I love running into player like this. Whenever they yell at me for running Oberon I usually just stand near them and spam Reckoning just to annoy them. I remember once a guy got mad at me for running Mag, after her rework, and I stood next to him just spamming Pull until he left the room.

Nothing that annoys me more than people getting mad at your frame choice when it isn't affecting them in any discernible manner.

It seems to me that people who get annoyed about frame choice tend to be newer players. Vets usually know that you can succeed with any frame if you know what you're doing, it's the people who say things like "I'm MR 12! I know what I'm talking about!" that think that way.

That being said, there are certain abilities that are a problem, if you use them in a problem way. If someone takes a speed nova to an elemental enhancement sortie 3 defense, I'm gonna be annoyed. I also can't stand low power strength Hydroids, because they always spam their tentacles, and then you have to try to shoot something while it flops around randomly because it's not gonna die otherwise. Actively making the mission harder isn't cool.  :)  ("I can hold enemies in my puddle for 3 minutes while you all wait for the round to end! I'm helping!")

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1 minute ago, Azrael said:

That being said, there are certain abilities that are a problem

See, that's different.

If you're purposefully being disruptive then you deserve to be called out, but when you're legitimately playing and not affecting them and they still feel the need to yell at you, that's when it's a bit much.

EX: Using a Limbo but placing your Cataclysm off to the side, rifting yourself, then shooting anything that walks into the bubble versus repeatedly placing a Cataclysm over the excavator when it isn't at full power or repeatedly placing party members in the rift that don't want you to.

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6 hours ago, Ironelle said:

Another thing I noticed was that spawn rates on Corpus sorties are crazy as well.  Seems to have been cranked up, and higher than the other factions.  Been seeing most of the team get downed on almost every minute on some of those.  Has anyone else noticed  as well?

It's the Techies with their supras. Can shred you in seconds and they spawn often enough to be a dire threat far above any other unit.

As for the topic, I don't like seeing people without health mods because as it was pointed out earlier it's a buffer for certain damage mitigation. Sortie level toxin will drain all your health without a vitality for example. A health pad or simply getting out of the AoE would be enough normally but someone with 300 health is going down no matter what.

But there's other factors to consider as well. Shields simply suck on their own. It's why shield gating is something being pushed for, because you get wrecked if you try to build around it. And even though quick thinking is a decent alternative it can turn things sour very quickly, especially if it triggers a stagger which usually happens 80% of the time and you'll be bleeding out with all your energy depleted to boot. Or enough energy leeches are around, it's not going to save you. So I can see why they would just forgo the health mods and go straight for ability ones. There's also diminishing gains with frames with low armor equipping armor mods. And health is tied to armor so if you have no armor, might as well have no health either.

I've gone down several times for no reason even when I built for it so I typically don't try to ignore people that do too. S#&$ happens. What I don't like is seeing people purposely not revive because 'muh ethics'. Seen a Frost and a Loki one game make no effort to revive me when I had gone and saved their &#! a few times. They were fully capable but decided not to. That's where I draw the line. I teabagged the Loki on his 3rd down and let the Frost get him. The Frost didn't get him.

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

I've gone down several times for no reason even when I built for it so I typically don't try to ignore people that do too. S#&$ happens. What I don't like is seeing people purposely not revive because 'muh ethics'.

Totally agree with you, oh Ninja of no Tact.


37 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

If you're purposefully being disruptive then you deserve to be called out, but when you're legitimately playing and not affecting them and they still feel the need to yell at you, that's when it's a bit much.

Yeah, that's definitely true. But sometimes it's not on purpose. Someone may genuinely think that they are being useful, especially if they are new and haven't been yelled at yet. So I try to be a little understanding of lower MR players. Still, I often say something, just so they understand it's not being helpful.

I do get mad sometimes, though. (I was gonna post a story, but nah. You get the idea.  :) )

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Hey guys!  Just hopping in to add my 2 pennies!  

Also, please try to keep this respectful / on topic!   ;-)

Rule of thumb / Logic that I use:  

If you are playing in a public mission - this sort of thing really shouldn't surprise you to be honest.  

When I see this happening, I always try to revive people if I can, if I don't it's because they died in the middle of 10 disruptors, a sapping drone, and 3 very angry Bombards, and reviving them would just get me killed also, etc, etc...  

To be clear, i'm not saying you have to revive anyone simply because that is what I choose to do. Though I would encourage at least informing / trying to inform people rather than leave them lay there with no survivability mods & clueless or just becoming frustrated and abandoning the mission.  If you have informed them and they say "I'm good" despite dying 8 more times etc..  then that is really all you can do.

Honestly, if you want the A-Team you need to get friends or use recruiting chat.  Only in Extremely rare cases has using recruiting chat resulted in getting players that are either too low / not geared enough for said mission or just flat out unwilling to cooperate.


With that said, I'm changing the title from "Ok, I'll say it. I'm hating this new trend in sorties/high level missions & if you do it, I'm never reviving you"  to "Sorties / High Level missions and constantly reviving players" 

Also Moving this to Feedback ---> General

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10 minutes ago, Azrael said:

Someone may genuinely think that they are being useful, especially if they are new and haven't been yelled at yet.

Well yeah, that's also different. I can't count the number of times I've explained to a Frost that they can blow up their own globes.

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32 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Well yeah, that's also different. I can't count the number of times I've explained to a Frost that they can blow up their own globes.

Ha ha, yeah, they should really make certain mechanics way more obvious. Popping frost globes and simulor vortices, in particular.

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3 hours ago, Lunamaniac said:

My strict revival policy is to revive people when they go down.

My Policy is revive them, or provide support to reviving them, IF they are PTFO (playing to the freaking objective). If you are running around spamming melee, or halfway across the map on an extractor mission, then I am not going to revive you, even if I run right by you as part of the mission.

However, if I can see that you are trying, then I will go out of my way to help you, so long as it does not jeopardize the objective.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

my policy is simple; always try to revive the player unless:

- they are too far away (several rooms)

- they are surrounded by heavies and I can't get rid of them quickly.

- they are leeching/trolling/being toxic. (thankfully a rare occurrence.)

I actually forgot to add this bit to my original comment, but this is what I pretty much abide by lol.

And for me at least, it's not that I personally don't revive said player out of spite or anything like that (regarding the first two points more so), but in situations like that sometimes it's just wiser to let them use their revive than to risk myself and might end up with both of us needing to use up a revive.

Hell, even for the third point (though I can really only think of one to three occasions) where a player is being unreasonably rude to me or any of the other teammates, if they're within my reach, I'll still go out of my way lol.
I mean sure part of me just doesn't want to go to that level of just plain out ignoring them since in most cases we all just want to get the job done, but if they happen to sprint a room or two ahead, I suppose you could say I and the other two squad-mates just "didn't notice" in time to go save him or her in question lol.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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I met a player who was bragging about his MR 22 and his epic arcane set... he had to be revived 12 times in the mission while no one in the squad dropped even once.


Yeah, get some survivability on yourself if you can't survive, fellow Tenno.


Yeah, I was the lowly MR 21 who got dumped on for saying "Arcanes would be really nice, but I don't really seem to need one yet"


I ended up reviving his arse 10 times out of the 12 times he got revived.


I know that I didn't have to revive the guy, but blame me and my instinctive reviving habit. :P

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Hehe, i can tell you why they go in without any HP mods. Maybe they don't even look forward into getting carried? You got infinite revives since U18 anyway. Without taking maxed arcanes into consideration, you can freely revive 4 times every mission. When i'm soloing nightmare or sortie missions, i don't even bother putting in much effort. Because even if i die, it will rarely have a noticable impact for my mission. So why sweat when i can sleepwalk through the mission?

What i'm saying is, the revive change made things worse.

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4 hours ago, hazerddex said:

waiting for shield gates will fix this problem hopefuly

It won't fix it, but at least it's another warning that you've pressed too hard and your get-out-of-jail-free card is now on cooldown, so behave accordingly.

However, the clueless will continue to remain so and they'll still need multiple revives. How you deal with that is up to you.

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Personally allways take one of those two when doing sorties since i find the act of constant downing frustrating and not fun.

There are times and cases were you can get by with it like a hieracon / keyla frost build i use but anything else allways go for a more "standard". 

 At the end of the day its their down and not ours but if in "heavier" end game though 1 shots do happen :(

They just just happen to embrace it sooner lol





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6 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Well yeah, that's also different. I can't count the number of times I've explained to a Frost that they can blow up their own globes.

I actually thought that blowing them up was the proper way to use them. I'd cover points in interception then blow them when an enemy was on the console. Then I read about stacking bubbles and now they're boring again.

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12 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

No you don't.  But if you're surviving then I'm not talking about you, am I?

I don't believe that for a second.  More health and more shields mean more survivability.  More room for error.  More time to kill or run.

I haven't said a word about "random players" or "not good enough."

Then I can't see the point of your post.

Parkour allows you to survive. QT + Flow allow you to survive. Redirection is one of the worst mods around, with a Vazarin polarity and a cost of 14 it is really bad to put on any build, and doesn't give you any useful boost to survivability. Vitality is great for some tactics (vitality + rage + flow + qt + life strike on melee, that's the most common build on many tanky frames. vitality + rage + life strike is the other one), but isn't really useful if you don't know what you're doing.

12 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

I don't care how random people are geared.  I made that clear.

All of that is true.  Again, I'm not complaining about random players.

You kept talking about the players you meet when playing public matches, I was referring to them as "random players". 
If you aren't complaining about those players I don't see what's the point of the entire discussion.
You don't care about how they are geared, and you aren't complaining about random players. What are you complaining about?

You are confusing me.

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On 07/11/2016 at 8:06 AM, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

I've been using Inaros more and more on sorties because of this, so I can face tank while reviving.

OK some frames are squishy and survivability mods are not going to be a great help but c'mon, dropping every time a toxic eximus just spawns or a single slash proc occurs is ridiculous.

I do my best to revive in sorties though, my no revive policy is reserved for levelling spots. If you turn up at Akkad and can't be bothered to to put a vitality on your unranked frame, tough, you can bleed out in that gas cloud.

This. Old bandage-bonce will always be my mainstay for high-level mission spec's. It's like having an ancient Egyptian Terminator on your side - allows you to concentrate on the flow of the mission so much better.

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On 11/8/2016 at 4:33 AM, Prepotenza said:

Then I can't see the point of your post.

On 11/8/2016 at 4:33 AM, Prepotenza said:

You kept talking about the players you meet when playing public matches, I was referring to them as "random players". 
If you aren't complaining about those players I don't see what's the point of the entire discussion.
You don't care about how they are geared, and you aren't complaining about random players. What are you complaining about?

You are confusing me.

My post wasn't the grand sweeping, bold strokes post that I knew the knee-jerking readers would make it out to be.

When people replying to me say "random players" they don't mean a random player.  They mean "pub games."  I didn't mean random players in pub games because not every random player in a pub game does it.  I almost exclusively play pub game.

When the knee-jerkers say "not good enough" they're implying I'm taking a condescending view on others.  I most certainly am not.

Let's say there is a player with 300 health & 300 shields but doesn't die.  I'm not talking about him.

Let's say there is a player with 800 health & 800 shields but drops often.  I'm not talking about him.  He's dropping often, but at least he's gearing up to survive as best as he can.

Let's say there is a player with 300 health & 300 shields drops all the time and expects the team to carry him throughout the mission.  That's who I'm talking about.


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Too many players using meme Youtube/Reddit builds without the fundamentals and game-understanding to properly use them.  

That, and everyone is so accustomed to cheating with powerspam that when it stops working, they have nothing else to fall back on.  Compared to 3 years ago, the average player skill level is abysmal; it's because of too many shorcuts alongside little incentive to actually be good at the game anymore.  

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