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Hotfix 19.0.4


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Glad to see that the controller issue might have been fixed I havent tested it out yet, BUT my concern is this. when selecting powers  on PC (with a Xbox 360) controller you have only 4 dots on your aim recticle and technically there is 5 for the power now with the tranference thing is it going to be a 6th type, power selection if so can we get dot indicators by recticle or ? Also is there a possibility of a controller layout for said items?

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16 hours ago, swaggypiggie69 said:

does it unequip itself from your gun? cuz thats what it does to me and i just cant have them equipped to actually complete...


As of 4am EST today I attempted a mission equipped it and i thought i completed it since it was the intercept lvl 30 solo with a hobled key. Return after completion and it never unveiled. Talking to a few folks they said you cant use it till MR13 if that is the case that kinda sucks BUT also is that is what is stopping it from sticking to the rifle? Just wondering. And if so please add a warning stating it cant be unlocked till said MR. or dont allow folks to be able to even unlock them till MR13

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28 minutes ago, GrungyGrundelson said:

As of 4am EST today I attempted a mission equipped it and i thought i completed it since it was the intercept lvl 30 solo with a hobled key. Return after completion and it never unveiled. Talking to a few folks they said you cant use it till MR13 if that is the case that kinda sucks BUT also is that is what is stopping it from sticking to the rifle? Just wondering. And if so please add a warning stating it cant be unlocked till said MR. or dont allow folks to be able to even unlock them till MR13

No, i have the same problem and i am MR13.

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On 11/15/2016 at 6:27 PM, NearoC said:

No fix for focus often not working? Both hold and tap becoming just to change into operator in many missions.

I'm glad to see things like total reroll count though, that'll make trade chat more reliable at least.

*edit* Actually, I think I realized what the issue is: the fact I use invert tap/hold abilities, I'm not sure if it is fully fixed, but now focus is being tap while Operator is being hold, which is the opposite of what it's been before today, presumably the issue was bugs in that and both being assigned to each or something.

Not sure how I feel about it changing that as well, I preferred focus being held since it's less often, but I hate Vauban being hold to throw something since I change traps less. I guess asking for individual settings for Ivara/Vauban/Operator is too much?

Also I'm not positive if that was (is?) the problem, just one theory.

Pretty sure the invert is the problem, since I had that issue when I had the setting on. I had it that way for ivara. Made more sense to me for a hold to be firing the bow since you have to draw it back, and a tap to be a switch. But I went back, because I don't play ivara much and it was screwing with my focus. That fixed it for me. But I'm pretty sure having invert tap/hold abilities activated is the problem. 

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3 hours ago, voltocitygel said:

Pretty sure the invert is the problem, since I had that issue when I had the setting on. I had it that way for ivara. Made more sense to me for a hold to be firing the bow since you have to draw it back, and a tap to be a switch. But I went back, because I don't play ivara much and it was screwing with my focus. That fixed it for me. But I'm pretty sure having invert tap/hold abilities activated is the problem. 

B-but, hold to fire is the default, invert is to swap that. I swapped cause I hated tapping being switching on things like Vauban, but yeah, Ivara makes me actually want the default, since yeah holding makes sense on her. Too bad inverting it doesn't make holding cycle through them, instead it's holding every individual switch which is even clunkier. The fact Ivara was the one to pioneer that system kinda doomed it from the start with how the holding works. But yeah, it was probably a result of that. 

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2 hours ago, Evil_genius_prime said:

my friend's riven mod that he received after completing the war within quest wont stay equipped after he applies it to his rifle so he can't complete the challenge on it is there going to be a fix for this at sum point ? im sure there is others also being affected by this thank you D.E

That is because the Riven mod is a higher MR than what your friend is. Even though it has not been Identified the mod is set when it is received. If you want to help your friend then have him trade it to someone he can trust who is at least MR16 and have them do it, since MR16 is the highest requirement.

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Thx for fixing the void dash with a controller.

There are still some issues:

  • The power menu button gets stuck while swapping between operator and warframe.
  • While power menu is stuck, you cannot shoot/melee
  • While power menu is stuck you cannot use xyab buttons to jump, swap weapon, reload neither crouch
  • While power menu is stuck xyab buttons spam warframe abilities
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People should always be able to unlock their Riven Mods. Of course if it has a higher MR than yours you can't use the unlocked Mod until you have that MR but you should be allowed to unlocked it before so you know what you have there. Everything else is just a crappy system.

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my riven mod is not remain equiped after i equiped the riven mod for the chalage and i cant make the chalange, i equip the mod on rifle and after i escape or i hit the buton back it dezequiping the riven mod..why its a bug or what?


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