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How incredibly boring and tedious are the quest lines in Warframe


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I am a returning player, who recently started to play on PS4 after a couple of years of WF PC, enjoying almost all available contents at the time, then clearly I had to start a new gameplay from  scrathes with the console.
While I am still enjoying the general game very much and regularly give my contribution ( $ $ ) to the cause, I have found a very annoying "new" gameplay (new for me of course).
Now to go from a planet to another you have to unlock the solar array, accomplishing ojectives to do so, fair enough, sounds fun. 

Except is not.
Problem is to progress this way we have mandatory quest lines to be finished to do so. But you all know that very well.
So, I am more than sure to call on me the wrath of all fun boys out there saying this, but : 

These - MANDATORY- quest lines are, hands down in my opinion, the most boring, tedious, idiotic quests I ever HAD to play.
Playing all sort of games since more than 20 years, and believe me, rarely I found myself more bored.

In these quests we do the same things we do in all the rest of the game, plus we have NPC transmissions spamming senseless, forced stories all the time telling us to go from point A to B, and back (sure, mute trasmission is a must , but still), without any real meaning.
The smart guys at this point would pop up a "quit then, why are you still playing"; because I love the rest of the game, but unfortunately these quests are now mandatory to progress, which really sux, it does.
Some take just few minutes to finish, others take for ever, and falling asleep is the real issue.

Just giving this blunt feedback because I do believe this new system of progression is not adding anything to the gamer experience in Warframe.

Edited by [DE]Taylor
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OP, I could not agree more. I too was a returning player who came back to find all these stupid quest lines and gateways, and yet I had all or most of the Star chart open and completed. It seems DE try to do everything they possibly can to dissuade returning players from coming back to the game - because I found the experience absolutely terrible. Furthermore, TWW was a terrible update for me because it made the situation even worse: I lost the ability to do Sorties until I finished TWW quest line!! I hadn't even started Natah, and the last thing I wanted was to do the story quests and all the gateways that you also need to do. And seriously they are now making us run about as stupid little kids when all we wanted to do was shoot stuff as bad-&#! space ninjas. Come on!

Anyways, I can report that I have finally been persuaded to do this story quest line, and have gotten to the start of TWW at last, with all but one gateway completed (Eris still to do). However doing this was, without doubt, the most tedious and annoying 5 or 6 days I've spent in this game, or perhaps any game, and I am positive that less determined players than me would have just thrown in the towel and moved to a new game instead. Are you listening DE?

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34 minutes ago, Ye4hR1ghT said:

These - MANDATORY- quest lines are, hands down in my opinion, the most boring, tedious, idiotic quests I ever HAD to play.

What you consider boring, others have found to be quite interesting and entertaining.  I've done all the quests in the game and while a few are definitely within the realm of "why is this a quest?", they weren't really boring.  As you said they are doing precisely what you do anyway with some flavor attached.

People, not everyone, but quite a few, enjoy lore.  Have you perhaps noticed the utter outrage threads people have created merely because Valkyr Prime "somehow" breaks their precious lore?

Perhaps, along with your blunt feedback, you could instill upon us some knowledge and thoughts on what would make for an entertaining quest "for you" because otherwise, the developers are left with this question  "This player doesn't like how we do things, perhaps we could try something different?  What if he doesn't like that either?  Gosh, wonder what he likes?"  

Edited by Xekrin
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I don't quite "get" your complain. You say that you enjoy the day-to-day gameplay of warframe, yet when doing the exact same mission type, in the exact same tileset, but with some periodic lore thrown in, it becomes extremely "bad" for some reason. That's the part I don't get. Shoudn't additional context and lore improve, not detract from the experience ?

I agree that most "story quests" are essentially regular missions with a couple of unique radio transmissions at the start and the beginning of the mission to make thems seem like unique quests, which is understandable, since building a new mission type from scratch for a single, mostly non-replayable mission would not make much sense.

Personally, I kinda like some of the quests... Some are arguably tedious, mostly those quests that are constantly stopped from progressing until you grind stuff like pherliac pods, limbo parts, scan enemies or gather plants... In the end, it's rarely the quests that are tedious, but the wait times and the grind. Thankfully, De seem to have learned from their past quest mistake and there's much less of these lately.

Junctions though , I agree they mostly suck... They would be fine if the game scanned what a player actually did in the past and credited you with most of this stuff from the get go, but forcing you to redo stuff you already did 500 times because a new tracking system was implemented sucks, and is indeed a terrible way to get old timers back into the game. The game should at the very least check your codex and give you a free pass on some objectives (like, why do I have to kill Vor when I have built chronus, seer, have fully scanned codex entries for vor and corrupted vor, etc)... Why do I have to kill lephantis when I have his sigil in my inventory... Basically, if a player owns said item or stuff, it should be immediately credited as a completed objective for junctions.


Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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2 minutes ago, GhostlightX said:

I think the problem is you are forced to do them all in one go (at least if you want to run Sorties). Doing these parts months apart as they were released was probably a more acceptable experience.

Perhaps, but isn't that most games?  I can't say I've played every game in existance or anything but the ones I have played, especially lore heavy, quest heavy ones, they require a certain progression to attain various statuses and goals before granting access to various new features, systems, and mechanics.

Warframe isn't exactly quest heavy either.  Perhaps the chaining of quests could be broken up a bit.  Not too clear on exactly which quests are "mandatory" other than Natah, Second dream and TWW.  Is the kubrow quest required for example?  Which can be skipped?

At the very least perhaps there should be some indicators as to which quests are optional.

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I have enjoyed ALL of the the quests released. You might not, but I certainly have. I also think it's interesting and fun as well.
The quests are more a story or lore adding to the game, so it actually does add to gamer experience. At least for me it did.

A game without a story will get dull -cough-Destiny-cough-. DE is adding more story and slowly filling in the blanks in the lore/past events in the game.

There are a couple quests where you aren't required to do like the latest ones: The Second Dream, The War Within.

Those add/unlock more features for the gamer, but hey, it's up to you. You don't have to complete them to still enjoy the game. Just don't be upset with getting spoilers in the forums or in-game chats. Whether you can get the new resource (Kuva) or not is a another story.... maybe you can leech (protect fellow teammates while they get the Kuvas) off of a PUB party when it spawns? Oh well, to each their own.

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On ‎25‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:58 PM, Xekrin said:

Warframe isn't exactly quest heavy either.  Perhaps the chaining of quests could be broken up a bit.  Not too clear on exactly which quests are "mandatory" other than Natah, Second dream and TWW.  Is the kubrow quest required for example?  Which can be skipped?

For a returning player like I was, with Sorties suddenly locked out by TWW and hadn't even started the Natah quest, I had to do Natah, Second Dream and TWW, AND every single Gateway other than Pluto/Eris. To be honest the Gateways were the main problem. Incredibly tedious.

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Funny like, as predicted, the fan boys raged...even grammar-nazi way ( I am not a native english speaker, nor living in a english speaking country, and if your english sensitivity can't tolerate my way of communicate in english simply deal with it, or do not reply and ignore the topic, simple isn't it ?)
Sorry to have criticized what is clearly your only reason of life, and again , sure, that was my opinion and my personal experience, no need to point out the obvious that for some others out there "questing" in warframe is fun.

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5 minutes ago, Ye4hR1ghT said:

Funny like, as predicted, the fan boys raged...even grammar-nazi way ( I am not a native english speaker, nor living in a english speaking country, and if your english sensitivity can't tolerate my way of communicate in english simply deal with it, or do not reply and ignore the topic, simple isn't it ?)
Sorry to have criticized what is clearly your only reason of life, and again , sure, that was my opinion and my personal experience, no need to point out the obvious that for some others out there "questing" in warframe is fun.

While I can understand the frustration of returning after so long, and having a lot of things change. All you can really do is try to adapt to it. 
Just because other people still find it fun, does not necessarily mean that they are "fanboys". Maybe some of them are, but not all. There is no need to be hostile. In fact it is a greatly discouraged behavior.

Just because others do it, you should also try not to stoop to their level.
Then again you did open up this topic very aggressively... honestly not surprised that they attacked you in return.

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11 minutes ago, Insizer said:

While I love some of the story behind the quests... the fact that they used regular mission types to fill in for the actual gameplay aspects of the quests was a bit... bland.

At least TWW had some "special" missions.

By special missions do you mean

  • The incredibly tedious archwing sequence where you have to hug the side of a ship to avoid security lasers that is a bit of an Elite rip-off but poorly implemented.
  • The incredibly tedious Operator sequence where you have to run from rock to rock avoiding a worm that is a bit of a Tomb Raider rip-off but poorly implemented.
  • The incredibly tedious Operator sequence where you have to punch and void dash through fatty guardians that is a bit of a Dishonoured rip-off but poorly implemented.
  • The incredibly tedious Operator sequence where you have to fight the Queens that is a bit of a Dark Souls rip-off but poorly implemented.

All those bits I could have done without, they all sucked.

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9 minutes ago, GhostlightX said:

By special missions do you mean

  • The incredibly tedious archwing sequence where you have to hug the side of a ship to avoid security lasers that is a bit of an Elite rip-off but poorly implemented.
  • The incredibly tedious Operator sequence where you have to run from rock to rock avoiding a worm that is a bit of a Tomb Raider rip-off but poorly implemented.
  • The incredibly tedious Operator sequence where you have to punch and void dash through fatty guardians that is a bit of a Dishonoured rip-off but poorly implemented.
  • The incredibly tedious Operator sequence where you have to fight the Queens that is a bit of a Dark Souls rip-off but poorly implemented.

All those bits I could have done without, they all sucked.

I haven't played any of those games, and I never said that those sequences were necessarily good, rather it was nice to have something other than "Tenno, we need information. go to this random Grineer telecomm location and play Interception. You are doing a very critical role for us, something only you can do for us."

Frankly, that rock jumping sequence was very annoying and boring. Plus I am a little peaved that I only learned you can run after I successfully limped across the first gap, after I had died 10+ times trying to do so. 

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On 11/25/2016 at 2:17 PM, Ye4hR1ghT said:

Now to go from a planet to another you have to unlock the solar array, accomplishing ojectives to do so, fair enough, sounds fun.(...)

Except is not.
Problem is to progress this way we have mandatory quest lines to be finished to do so. But you all know that very well.(...)

Just giving this blunt feedback because I do believe this new system of progression is not adding anything to the gamer experience in Warframe.

So, you're talking about how Junctions work and not regular lore-related quests?

If that's what you meant to say, I partially agree. Some of the junctions were unnecessarily grindy and tedious, but then again their purpose is to guide and introduce new players while rewarding them resources/blueprints, tying together the basic lore.

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43 minutes ago, Ye4hR1ghT said:

Funny like, as predicted, the fan boys raged...even grammar-nazi way ( I am not a native english speaker, nor living in a english speaking country, and if your english sensitivity can't tolerate my way of communicate in english simply deal with it, or do not reply and ignore the topic, simple isn't it ?)
Sorry to have criticized what is clearly your only reason of life, and again , sure, that was my opinion and my personal experience, no need to point out the obvious that for some others out there "questing" in warframe is fun.

Being personaly not a native english speaker i rly dont like people doing that.

Making a typo or just not being used to correct grammar does not change the fact or the meaning of what you are saying and should never have any weight in any circumstance.

I'm very sad that you got this kind of answer.

Now for the quest part.

If you are talking about The Second Dream and The War Within here is my point of view.

Some gaming mechanic in the quest may need a little more work. Are they boring or annoying in my opinion no but some bugs in them yes ( i got stuck in TWW orbiter bug ).

Some tenno would say that the war within is more of an new feature tutorial with cinematic rather than an actual quest.

If you are talking about the junction system i see them more like a way to force tenno into games modes and quest.

So basicly yeah multiple parts of warframe are Quest Related. Personaly i rly enjoyed the quest in game.

Of course some i understand that some part may be little frustrating by time like floor is lava worm thingy and the you must do archwing part.

I understand that you are annoyed by those things but cannot see what part more precisely in them.

Is it all the quest ?

Some specific quest ?

The junction part ?

The fact that some features are actualy locked behind the quest ?

How would you fix those precise part ?


Thanks for reading this tenno.

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The last time I played Warframe, I decided to do the Loka quest. Saw that the first requirement was to farm pinecones, logged out. Haven't felt like playing since.

On the flip side, I really liked the Inaros quest for the most part. IMO, when quests don't require dumb grinding, don't have time locks (craft x part and wait 12 hours to do the next segment of the quest), and have unique missions, they're fine. If the missions aren't unique, they're pointless. When they require boring grinds to pad their length (even if they're easy), or are time-locked, that's when they sink to being frustrating.

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1 hour ago, Ye4hR1ghT said:

Funny like, as predicted, the fan boys raged...even grammar-nazi way ( I am not a native english speaker, nor living in a english speaking country, and if your english sensitivity can't tolerate my way of communicate in english simply deal with it, or do not reply and ignore the topic, simple isn't it ?)
Sorry to have criticized what is clearly your only reason of life, and again , sure, that was my opinion and my personal experience, no need to point out the obvious that for some others out there "questing" in warframe is fun.

I somewhat agreed with your OP, and eas going to ask for further clarification

But goddamit, this was so disappointing, acting in such a defensive way.

I mean, they did what you did: They criticized. Why not counter-argue, instead of just insulting?

Anyway, some actual feedback:

To what quests are you referring to? Because, while I do agree many quests are just normal missions with other npcs talking over, most quests that introduced new mechanics or systems, exactly because it's new, were quite good.

The Second Dream was, to me, a very good experience. The presentation of the Moon was on point, and the cinematic well made. The War Within, in particular, was even better: Offering a slower gameplay, much better presented, than anything before.

With that in mind, are you referring to all quests as a whole, or just to some in particular? And, if the latter, which ones?

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