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How would you feel about a Nova rework?


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On 12/1/2016 at 7:42 PM, Faulcun said:

I still disagree. Before it would instantly prime a room. Now it takes time for it to take effect.

It also depends on where you are at in progress through the game, and what types of missions you are doing. Younger players dont have the mods, or at least they shouldnt, to be doing max builds on everything. Veteran players are comfortable with much higher content, and their gear reflects that.

I actually wouldnt be opposed to adjustments of the passives on that ability. However, its not the ability that brought nullifiers around. Its the playerbase that cant stop themselves from abusing the system. We have a community of children dead set on doing things the absolute easiest way in the name of instant gratification. The meta builds, the dracos, the mirage simulors, etc etc.

Nothing changed about nova will change any of that.

Applause :clap::clap: Well, said!

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Nova is broken op..but its a koop game and not an fps vs others players..dat slow, wormhole and her second ability.. Insane op warframe.

rather fix/buff other frames before nerf because u need op warframes vs the infinity scaling enemies.

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On 02/12/2016 at 6:53 PM, ranks21 said:

go outside and make some friends, socialize, grow up a bit or stay in your little corner/box crying how no one likes you.


On 02/12/2016 at 10:53 PM, ranks21 said:

ill throw as much stones as I like in my own glass house, break the glass and buy some more if I know it pisses off self righteous ppl who don't have a clue of things in general but wants to make rules and speak for everyone as if they were an appointed spokesman.

ps: make your own path..



Edited by -CM-AbsoluteZero
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Nova is my main frame and she was already changed she doesnt need to be changed again ill for real quit warframe if they f up my nova anymore then it already was with the first change! old school nova was the best nova i miss them days!

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11 minutes ago, kyse said:

Nova is my main frame and she was already changed she doesnt need to be changed again ill for real quit warframe if they f up my nova anymore then it already was with the first change! old school nova was the best nova i miss them days!

I miss those only impressive chain reactions. It was as satisfying as knocking over dominoes. 

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Overall I think Nova is fine. The only thing I would change is to nerf the duration of Molecular Prime's primed effect. It is arguably the single strongest debuff in the game and it lasts 30s base. With every nova ever building for duration since it increases the actual range of the ability most nova's are looking at 50s+ for the duration of the primed debuff. That is rather crazy given how strong the debuff itself is imo.

Reduced duration on the effect would allow stragglers in the corners of a tile to at least have a chance of having the debuff wear off and wouldn't even be that big of a detriment to the players since primed targets rarely live more than 10s anyways.  

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On 30.11.2016 at 2:44 AM, Shichibukai88 said:

Range does absolutely nothing to Antimatter Drop, and absorb has a fixed range aswell so youre just gimping your AMD with max range.


Im with everyone saying that deluxe skin needs a rework xD and Null Star for sure...

Absorb does not have a fixed range O.o

Where did you get that from?

Ah, I see, it wasn't in the past^^

"Radius is affected by Power Range as of Hotfix 17.4.2." -wiki

Try it and see for yourself, if you're skilled enough, you can defend anything.


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On 30.11.2016 at 4:11 PM, Faulcun said:

I have ~500 hrs logged with nova alone. I absolutely love her the way she is.

I even like null star. Its OP at low levels, and useful for cheap extra damage at mid level up to maybe around lvl 40 enemies.

Two things I would change. I would like to see Null Star's damage changed to blast damage with a high proc chance. This would give the ability some utility at high level.

And worm hole should slingshot enemies that pass though it at high rates of speed causing massive damage when they hit something

Explosive Null Star with good proc potential would be the perfect improvement!

The wormhole idea, while cool, would need to have a lot of work put into it...

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I do not recommend for the Developers to rework Nova, but I do think only one ability should be enhanced.

Nova, Antimatter Drop  

This ability should be faster and not a guided projectile. (maybe it should also have a spread effect as "Saryn, Spores" that causes,  "All enemies in range are coated in antimatter that destabilizes their molecular structure" -[quoted from Nova, Molecular Prime description] )


Other than what I said above, there is no need for a rework.

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On 11/27/2016 at 11:52 AM, PapaFragolino said:

All of these "press 4 to win" frames after being reworked are picked way more often for their other abilities rather than just their ult, so this leads me to ask: what about Nova?

There's a distinct difference between a Warframe being "press 4 to win" and having a powerful ultimate. It is their ultimate ability after all, it should be fairly powerful. I wouldn't call Nova p42w, because her ult doesn't really do any damage by itself and you still need to do other things to follow up on it. (It also tends to fall off in damage pretty quick.) That said, in a squad she can basically just sit back and spam MPrime while her team does the work, but this can be said of many frames.

I'm not a big Nova player, but I think she's fine.

On 11/27/2016 at 11:52 AM, PapaFragolino said:

As of now Nova is being picked exclusively for her ulti

True, mostly. It's a high-power, low-skill ability, so no surprise it's popular. But if you find a Nova who's good with her Antimatter Drop, ooh baby, you'll see she's pretty cool and really can make a difference on the squad beyond soft CC and minor explosions.

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Depends on what's changed. If DE is in charge of a full revamp I'd probably be horrified as Nova is one of the few frames with almost an entire kit that has some sort of use.


That said, I'd like to change Null Star to a defensive or CC ability. While it is cool and has its uses in low level missions, changing it to something more in line with added survival would benefit more people. Either give the orbs a radiation proc on contact, or make them block a percent of damage depending on how many orbs you have currently, popping an orb with each hit and lowering your effective shield. It would still be able to do damage via the augment.

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I agree that Nova's First needs a rework, maybe the third. Her second and fourth imo are just fine. 

First is overwhelmingly slow, for mediocre payoff. The third is nice for mobility, and I personally don't think it needs to go, but might need a fix/change that I just dont care about.

Second requires some 'interactive' use (Wasn't that one of the major reasons Ash's Bladestorm got redone?)

Fourth is a fantastic CC ability, and trashing that would be nearly equivalent to trashing Vauban's Bastille. Just not a good idea, especially considering MP got it's nerf quite a while back. (Went from instant to radial expansion) 

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