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Did the Riven mods spark your love for an old weapon?


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My 1st Riven was for the Ignis. I still have *I keep all my weapons and I'm a MR rank 23* it with 5 forma. I wasn't quite happy with its stats but I WILL be rolling it soon to see what I get. I'm glad we can now chose to accept the new roll or reject and go back to the previous set. Makes meore likely to have a few extra rolls to feel the RNG a bit more.

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42 minutes ago, Vance.Stubbs said:

My first Riven mod was great: +damage, +multishot and +fire rate for Boltor. Sadly, I don't care about boltor weapons and I don't even have potatoes installed in my Boltor Prime or Telos Boltor, so I sold it for 600 plat.


Other rivens I got were two for Vulklok, one for Burstron and one for Karak. The Karak one is great and I enjoy using this weapon now. If only we had a skin for Karak Wraith outside of conclaive, because PvP is dead now :(

I wish I get Opticor, Daikuy, Tetra, Dera, Rubico or Dread riven some day...

I got a Dread mod that I'll never use. I haven't rerolled it. Wanna buy it for, say, 40 plat?

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Not really.

I got an Opticor Riven mod that gives 130% more puncture damage, tried it out, then still didn't like the weapon.

I think my problem is that even if I got an ideal mod for an old weapon, that weapon would still be that same old weapon that I didn't like in the first place and still would be useless in my eyes. It just is dumb stat bonuses that aren't really creative at all, and still relies on BS RNG.

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Very much so, been using older and weaker weapons more as well as weapons I thought I never wanted to use like the Harpak. I got a riven for the Simulor one day and instantly traded it for something else as I don't care at all about that. I don't even like that weapon. I think this system was a great addition and even though it had serious flaws at the start, a lot of them have been fixed.

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Firerate and Damage helps but Multishot Ogris Riven is the main thing you should aim for. Why? Because Nightwatch Napalm. It'll shoot 3 napalm rockets. Now combine this with Firestorm and Heavy Caliber. Why Heavy Caliber? Because you'll be spreading the flames in a larger area.

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36 minutes ago, Mr.ToastForPresident said:

Not really.

I got an Opticor Riven mod that gives 130% more puncture damage, tried it out, then still didn't like the weapon.

I think my problem is that even if I got an ideal mod for an old weapon, that weapon would still be that same old weapon that I didn't like in the first place and still would be useless in my eyes. It just is dumb stat bonuses that aren't really creative at all, and still relies on BS RNG.

I feel you there. I got one for the Buzzlok. I never found a use for the things auto aim function except for insta head shots to a boss. Which with the Riven, I feel more like giving the old thing a new try but that's not high on my list of experimentations..

If you didn't like a gun much before I found understandable, playstyle is underappreciated. But when you get a Riven for something you found fit your trigger preference, *InsertEmperorsNewGroove_JustRight.jpeg* it helps lift that pressure to use top DPS weapons so you can be a decent member of a team.

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My quest reward riven was for Simulor, after 5 rerolls with bad stats i realized i woulnd't use it much anyways. so i went to trade chat and got me an Opticor riven. always liked the weapon's design but it lacked something. the first offer i got had +110%electricity and +112%crit damage. at first i thought about rerolling but then i decided to make a build with it, i call it the RNG-cannon: with Vital Sense and Point Strike you have a low 37.5% chance to do over 7x damage. sometimes you only do 2k damage to a lvl100 corrupted heavy gunner, sometimes you drain 95% of their health in 1 shot. don't fight the RNG, embrace it. since then i run a lot with the Opticor, it's great fun :)

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1 hour ago, Night4ce said:

Hasn't DE implemented a restriction on how many Endo rewards you can get in a row? I mean I like Endo and all. Sortie is my biggest Endo income, though I should try actually farming for Endo. I find myself needing Endo to max these Riven mods more than getting my hands on the things. I agree the RNG on a RNG on a RNG is a bit daunting but doesn't it make you feel more accomplished to get a mod for a weapon you liked? And with Kuva easier to farm, rolling the thing isn't so bad.. till a certain point.. maybe there should be a cap on rolling..

dunno about restriction on Endo in a row but i got 4 in a row i think

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5 minutes ago, QuiteCrazy said:

dunno about restriction on Endo in a row but i got 4 in a row i think

Im sure they mentioned it in the 1st TWW spoilers dev stream.. sucks if they haven't yet. I haven't had a issue with overly Endo rewards. I assumed it was in effect.

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If sorties would actually drop more Riven mods then maybe?!  Sorry, just a tad bitter considering after the recent hotfix I've gotten nothing about endo. :crylaugh:

I got one for Supra from TWW and one for Panthera from sorties.  I'm thinking of trying out Supra but I might reroll it first.  Panthera is just too junky to bother and I didn't like the look and feel of that primary.  The Panthera mod stat was horrible, and I don't even want to waste kuva to reroll it. 

Edited by xiaodenden
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Hind (55%reload,183%damage,60%firerate) fast reload,additional damage and good firerate,good.

prisma gorgon(215%crit chance,180%crit damage),now my P gorgos has a x8 damage multiplier,with 70% crit chance.... :p

my tip is,use your riven mod for weak/unused weapons you have,riven will regnite the flame for your discarded weapons,trust me

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5 minutes ago, TheKurtiStryke said:


Hind (55%reload,183%damage,60%firerate) fast reload,additional damage and good firerate,good.

I still wouldn't use the Hind with that mod.


prisma gorgon(215%crit chance,180%crit damage),now my P gorgos has a x8 damage multiplier,with 70% crit chance.... :p

my tip is,use your riven mod for weak/unused weapons you have,riven will regnite the flame for your discarded weapons,trust me

My prisma gorgon mod gives me +142% crit damage and +209% damage

I used the gun before and I still use it now. Same for my Karak Wraith, Opticor, Soma Prime, Secura Penta and Paracyst(got riven mods for all of these).

Edited by Icpmcp
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NAH,after i rolled Dera riven mod(strong)  11 times and the  best stat that 1 got it was "-17 damage " at rank 0 .I was so Pissed Off that i sold all the crap 6Formas weapons that i had and the non prime warframes.Thanks to DE now i have slots for the entire 2017

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TWW gave me one for the Zarr rerolled it to

+%status chance

+%electricity damage

+%toxin damage.

So no love for an old weapon for me, only using the Zarr now. 

Also got a Dera riven mod, but after rerolling it a couple of times it still is trash. 

Edited by Bonteaomd
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So far I've got a Grinlock and a Stinger riven, both with crap (more detrimental than useful) rolls. So not yet no. But I haven't been doing that many sorties or kuva farming missions, so my experience of the riven system is limited at the moment. I have only done about 7-8 sorties and 3-4 kuva siphon missions, so my experiences ins't much to go on.

The way I am looking at it is if I get a good mod or a good roll for a mod, that encourages me to use an old weapon, then great. If not I'll carry on using what I enjoy and what I know works well. It's no big deal and more a bonus than a necessity.So I am not that worried that I have't got a good one. I don't need one to enjoy the game.

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