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《 Sorties , RNG And The Need For A Token System 》


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Nothing but forma, 2k endo, lenses and a 3-day booster in weeks..
I seriously don't know why I'm bothering to waste my time anymore on sorties.

I think what DE are doing is making it hard to get Rivens (despite the common rarity in the rewards list which is most likely exaggerated) because their server database can't handle the shear amount of data being stored from each Riven unveiling/cycling. They really need to change the Riven data to be less random so it scales better with their database, then they can actually make Rivens easier to obtain. Of course DE are making money from the all the wallet warriors who are straight up buying Rivens for plat because obtaining the one you want is like winning the lotto.

Really don't like the direction it's going right now.

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Me and my bro doing Sorties every day for the past month or so, and get the same rewards. One day i couldn't do it the usual time, so he went off without me and got a Riven mod (first for a ~7 days), which he bragged me about. I did Sortie ~10 hours later (the same day Sortie), and got a Riven mod too. His AND mine were for Pistol. What a strange coincedence. 

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I just made a post about the sortie rewards, but it doesn't even compare to this... Your idea is flawless. Guarunteed rewards sounds great in a game where every single thing is RNG. I need a break from chance every once in a while. (I got endo/fusion cores at least 15 times in a row)

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3 hours ago, Voodikod said:

I just made a post about the sortie rewards, but it doesn't even compare to this... Your idea is flawless. Guarunteed rewards sounds great in a game where every single thing is RNG. I need a break from chance every once in a while. (I got endo/fusion cores at least 15 times in a row)

Thanks buddy, but it's not mine anymore it's everyones. Those that support and help to push this thread own it just as much as myself. ☺

We all just want a end to this issue once and for all.

Mind you the biggest problem trying to support this thread. Is that too many use the excuse " Just give up " " DE won't listen" etc etc. 

So got one side working to get this issue sorted once and for all and another side that just doesn't help because they think it's futile. Even considering that DE themselves have talked about the token system themselves as a solution. 😕

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1 hour ago, Wearnopanties said:

I like this idea alot...

But keep the arcanes out of it... Allow people to jump in Raids to get arcanes.

Other than that ... GZ


Why not ? Right now raid rewards are crap. That would be an alternative way to get arcanes.


Just a thought but, what would people here think about adding tokens to the ingame market ?

I think that would be a nice way for DE to get some money (or at least to decrease the ingame plats which means players may buy some)

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any of u can confirm me a think?

 i'm pretty sure than the booster reset the sortie reward... 

25 december : 2k endo

26 december : Affinity booster

27 december : 2k endo

28 december : Affinity booster

29 december : 2k endo

so tomorrow i will take another booster from sortie? 

i posted the affinity booster screenshot the other day, but forgot to make the one for the 28 december


so now if i'm right tomorrow i will take another booster from sortie (hope for a resource one and not again the affinity one xD )

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20 Consecutive days of sorties on PS4 as of today...

Got a single Riven Mod, 14 Endo, 4 Lenses and one Built Forma... All pretty much useless since that one riven I got was for a gun I didn't care about.

I've never been so close to quitting Warframe. The only game that ever made me feel that pissed was old Destiny, where you would run your weekly raid each week and never get the set pieces necessary to hit max level... And god Knows i've Quit Destiny since then. Games that don't respect a player's time investement, I quit !

But this riven sorties travesty ... This is unnacceptable. I know RNG is rng, and bad streaks exist, but at this point, why should I even bother doing sorties daily ? Why waste at least an hour of my life every day for the minuscule chance of getting a riven, which will probably turn into a bad weapon riven , anyway. The way I see it, I'll probably hit a 30 day without riven streak, then I'll get something terrible like a sentinel weapon riven... And it'll be back to a constant streak of bad luck, useless lenses and needless endo.

Why do I even log into this game. I'm a MR23 who has done pretty much everything this game has to offer, who has wasted 1700 hours of my life playing Warframe. The only thing remotely new that was added to the game this year is Riven mods, that's the new endgame, in a sense... An endgame I can't participate in because I never get RIven mods unless I cave in and buy them for huge amount of plat. Is that why I don't get rivens ? Because you know your vets will cave in and buy the mods with plat if you abuse them with terrible drops for weeks ?

Well, you know what, stop treating your customers like crap. We've been stuck with a terrible sortie system for a whole year now. We NEEED a TOKEN SYSTEM NOW. Seriously, I can't stress this enough. A whole year of getting fusion cores when we wanted season weapon parts, a whole year of never getting legendary cores, catalysts, reactors, exilus adaptors, only cores, cores , cores, lenses , lenses, lenses... Duplicate Nezhas parts, more cores... I'm just sick of this ... Abuse. Seriously, that's the only word that comes to mind on that regards.

Guess what DE, if you keep treating you loyal customers like crap , you know, the small amount of players that actually didn't quit your grindfest before the ten hour mark like 27 Million of the 28 Million registered losers, don't expect us to stick around forever, There's other games around, games that respect a player's time investement and that dangle obtainable objectives instead of putting every reward behind a RNG grind wall.

So fix this before you lose yourself another customer.



Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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As a player who's JUST GOTTEN ENDO FOR THE 13TH DAY IN A ROW (9x2000 4x4000) I feel like a system like this is really needed. I know DE doesn't want there to be too easy to get all the rare things but COME ON. This is ridiculous. At least let there not be TWO endo rewards. 

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On 30/12/2016 at 7:42 PM, jhanX said:

As a player who's JUST GOTTEN ENDO FOR THE 13TH DAY IN A ROW (9x2000 4x4000) I feel like a system like this is really needed. I know DE doesn't want there to be too easy to get all the rare things but COME ON. This is ridiculous. At least let there not be TWO endo rewards. 

Jesus it's funny especially with the additions of Ayatans it's insanely easy to get Endo.😆

I have a good 100 or so of the buggers hanging around my ship.😂

But even doing normal stuff or pulling apart stacks of mods gives oooodle amounts of Endo anyway.😧

People wonder why to my pricing idea for Endo....😂

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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On 29/12/2016 at 11:13 PM, LIKE_A_PR3DAT0R said:

any of u can confirm me a think?

 i'm pretty sure than the booster reset the sortie reward... 

25 december : 2k endo

26 december : Affinity booster

27 december : 2k endo

28 december : Affinity booster

29 december : 2k endo

so tomorrow i will take another booster from sortie? 

i posted the affinity booster screenshot the other day, but forgot to make the one for the 28 december


so now if i'm right tomorrow i will take another booster from sortie (hope for a resource one and not again the affinity one xD )

Well, let's continue my sortie reward screenshot 

30 december : 2k endo

31 december : 2k endo




i really don't know what say..

. i'm really tired of this sortie reward now..... @[DE]Sheldon maybe i'm unlucky but seems the fix u put on the last update no more work... how u can see from my screenshot i got 5 time endo in 7 day.... 

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Just wanted to throw my hat into the ring and say I agree with this idea.


DE, sorties are awful right now--especially for console players who still get worthless Nitain as a possible reward (3 times in one week). Sorties are supposed to be challenging content, and challenging content is supposed to be rewarding for the time/effort/skill/equipment it takes to complete it. Sorties are almost never meaningfully rewarding, and that's disappointing. I'd rather have 500k credits or 400 ducats as a reward over anything not listed in gold letters on the list, with exception to Riven mods. DO SOMETHING, PLEASE!

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2 minutes ago, stormsasuke180 said:

I have an idea. What if, the currency is endo. You buy the rewards with endo. You do the sorties for endo. You use endo to buy the rewards you want. Just an idea.

Too easily farmed, your usual Hieracon run gives you 2k of that. Needs to be a sortie-specific currency, hence the tokens.

Edited by Snib
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21 minutes ago, stormsasuke180 said:

I have an idea. What if, the currency is endo. You buy the rewards with endo. You do the sorties for endo. You use endo to buy the rewards you want. Just an idea.

What @Snib said because it's too easy to Endo. It's actually part of the reason why people get insane high amounts of salt in the veins if they get it.

Between normal maps / loot, Hieracon , pulling apart mods and ayatans. We can get oooodle amounts insanely fast.



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1 minute ago, Snib said:

People do that? I always figured new players need the credits it costs more than the endo it gives, and veterans really don't need endo.

I guess if desperate,  personally insanely fun to fashionship them. 😄

[Not my screenshot but boy it looks good]

Ayatan Protector 


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Happy new year to all u guys, well i start the new year with a great reward..............................................................................





@[DE]Danielleplease please please ,when all u come back to work after the Christmas holidays can u check the sortie reward system? i'm really tired now to do sortie every day for taking endo..... i feel like i have only this reward on my sortie...........

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