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Funny/Bad Stalker Experiences


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I was leveling a Saryn, it was lvl 6 when Shadow Stalker appeared, only equipped with my Zarr, I warned my team so they can help me to defeat him, but while he was getting up I accidentally shoot the floor and killed myself.


He beat me, without moving a finger.

Sorry if something is wrong, I'm not a native English speaker xd

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6 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

He was going to spawn after I finished the objective and was hurring to leave because a Bluetato Alert poped up in my Wardroid.

Just as I did a Bullet Jump to Extraction.

Stalker: You shall not leave this place!

Cue Mission Successfull Screen.

I just did.

Thank you for sharing this.  I really did LOL.  :D

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I went into an Invasion solo, not realizing it would be Interception. I figured I'm Nyx, so why not give it a whirl and see what happens. The lights flicker. I'm doing okay % wise and my gear is not terrible, so I'm in the "come at me bro" mindset. Then I lose a tower.

I'm not super concerned, but figure I'll go retake that tower while Stalker figures out where he wants to spawn. Turns out Stalker wanted to spawn waaaay on the other side of the map (although I couldn't see him at the time). Finished capping the tower and still had no idea where he was. Eventually found him in the corner duking it out with some Grineer heavies.

Watched the Grineer heavies play pinball with him for a while, then forgot all about that Tenno honor (and/or took pity on him) and shot him in the back multiple times with my Lex P.

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I was running a Corpus Mission with a friend of mine and 2 guys who were just getting back into the game. We were credit/resource farming so friend and I were both using the Ignis because why the hell not and both of us were playing as Hydroid and were runnign full powerstrength, range builds. It was not a hard mission so survivability mods were not maxed out. THe other 2 guys we were runnign with had under leveled gear  and were just trying to get a feel for the game again. Then the lights flicker and Stalker comes tooling out. We knew we were in for a fight and so we all started to band together when Stalker spawned and started teleporting us across the room. So the fight starts and its one person flying across the map dragged by stalker and everyone else scrammbling over to help when a second stalker spawned.. Yes 2x stalkers at the same time. Second stalker starts forcibly teleporting people into a hole in the map and so our 4v1 against the stalker became a 4 v 2. It was a very nasty, very long fight and many energy/ health restores were dropped. Eventualy both stalkers were dispatched and we got no drops because thats what happens some times in bugframe. 

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Long, long ago... In a game far from what we have today.

In a lost corpus ship, out in space the lights flicker. A sense of dread sprout from our hearts. One and only one thought run through everyone minds, ''Run!''. But running is futile in front of Hate itself. As smoke rises, the voice echoes, despair is here. A lightning fast dash, the tennos barely makes it out, but out of nowhere one of them fall, an arrow dead shot in his head. A brave, or foolish, tenno fight back the monster only to be pierced by hundreds of thrown blades, what a futile endeavor it was.

His target on the run, now far away yet the poor has no clue, everything is meaningless. The ship locksdown, a moment of respite the tenno thought. No further from the truth as he suddenly appeared where it all began in front of the man himself. He launch an armada of powers toward the incoming doom, all for naught as they're all dispelled in a flash. A final attack from the entinty's scythe, the deed is done. Justice has been accomplished.

As the mysterious warframe leaves just as he came, the lone tenno, left alone shuddering in fear.


So for those who don't make much sense out of this, this is about how stalker used to have perfect aim, could teleport you from anywhere in the map to him and dispelled nearly every power you would use. So if by some unlucky mistake you didn' have good enough weapons with you, he would one-shot you with an arrow to the head if you stayed far, would throw despairs at you if slash dash failed to one-shot you (or you weren't close enough to hit with hate). If you came close, 1 or 2 hit from hate and everything was done. Did I mention invisibility and teleportation at an insane pace making aiming really hard...? 

Basically he was GOD DAMN SCARY. Not like today where like to stay in one place and let you hit him. (at least for Shadow) And since this happen when dispel was relatively new it's around 3 years (maybe more) old of a story

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Went to do a hive once to farm the electrical mods and he spawned as a juggernaut warning came out. He was still getting up when the juggernaut body slammed him off the railing... I died to the juggernaut after because I couldn't catch my breath after laughing so hard.

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Stalker moment 1:

As a young player, I ran into Stalker after he had been upgraded with Tenno powers:

He went Loki Invisibility and repeated Oberon Smite on us...lol.


Stalker moment 2:

Jumped into an exterminate mission late and as I was running to catch up with teammates to extract I ran over the Despair BP I'd been looking for for 9 months.

"What Stalker?" Indeed, lol.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Know that big room in a Void with a terminal, lift, stairs and a couple of small water pools (said pools also lead to a not so hidden area with some lockers)? The one that have mobs jumping from above then you defend said terminal?

Guess who decided to spawn in one pool and was refusing to leave it?

Guess who was spamming his “teleport palyername back if playername moves too far away” ability?

Guess who was considering that “too far” equals “playername jumps out of a pool”?

Ever seen a horror movie with a swimmer trying to get out of water because of a huge shark/giant octopus/screaming kids/piranhas/acid/whatever? Then the poor man/woman manages to almost climb out and is almost safe but in the last moment he/she is being dragged back? I was laugthing so hard that I could not aim properly.

In retrospect, “need to unveil a mod, will grab duration Loki and the first unmodded rifle because I am too lazy to do otherwise and they can not hurt something they do not see” was a bad decision. Quick Thinking got me only to 45% of Stalkers health.

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He once trapped me in that tiny room at the top of one of the corpus spy vaults (The one where you can drop down from above through some lasers) elevators when I was leveling the normal vectis for MR, it was only an unranked vectis and my ash without any survivability since he was built for pure stealth (I wasn't meant to get in any fights at all). Not fun, not fun at all.

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Before SOTR, my friend was leveling Hydroid and the Stalker was targetting him. Both of us was a little above half of our leveling gear, so nothing really maxed out. He used his pool ability and Stalker simply start walking hoping to find him. I melee him until he quit. So we took a Dread BP (as usual).

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Back when the old Void was still here me and a Clan buddy ran a Void Mission and the light started flickering, so we stopped. It was on that Tileset with the 4 stairways (not those 2 big ones with the 8 pillars, that smaller one with the stairs on each side) and all the Doors got locked.. but somehow after the Stalker has been killed the Doors remained locked, so we basically sat there and had to bail.

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Was leveling up my weapons (all of them) and relying purely on Ash to get kills, while playing solo. Then I saw the screen flickers.

So I was locked in a room with Shadow Stalker, with s***ty, rank-0 MR fodder weapons, and only had my wits to save me. Luckily, I had completed TWW at that point and had the Seeking Shuriken augment equipped.

I used my shurikens to remove his armor, kept filling him with bullets, and whenever he started resisting them I used my spoilermode to remove his resistances. It was a war of attrition. It took about 5-10 minutes overall, but in the end he went down.

And what did I get for all that time and effort spent? A f***cking Heavy Impact.

Welp. RNG gonna RNG. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Edited by Jackviator
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47 minutes ago, holysnir said:

I was doing a mission alone. Suddenly senpai is coming.  

I was using all mk1 weapons and unranked rhino.  I still have a littlr bit of hate for senpai

You just reminded me of a recent encounter.

I was ayatan sculpture farming in a Syndicate mission and I actually found one. I screenshotted the sculpture and show my friends in the party, but when I came back.."Your Actions Have Consequences!" Stalker Senpai wanted my sculpture and I had to spin to beat him on the long staircase on Jupiter. It was very tense. I won, but I only got Blind Justice.

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